Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our Yard in Early Spring---Part II

If you missed Part I of pictures from our yard this week,  click HERE to see them.  Today, I will share a few more with you.  Above is a picture of our side flowerbed which contains many varieties of Daffodils right now.  If you look carefully in this bed,  you can also see a patch of pink Hyacinths,  one Rose-colored Tulip and one Orange Tulip,  and a group of whitish/yellowish Tulips near the top of the picture. (Most of our Tulips have not bloomed yet.)  I enjoy seeing all of this beauty from our kitchen window.  It makes washing dishes much more fun!!!!!! ha

Every year,  our small Daffodils  (which we call Dad Adams Daffodils) put on a show for us.  Dad gave them to us after we bought our home --and they have done so well.  You can also see more Pansies,  the empty lot at the top of the picture,  and some paving stones (which George has put there temporarily-- now that he is rebuilding our rose beds).

Here are some of our pink Hyacinths.  We also have some purple ones and some burgundy ones.  I love Hyacinths --but ours are never FULL like so many I see in other gardens... Oh Well--I still like them.

Many of you commented about our ground cover,  Periwinkle,  in the last yard post.  We love it --and it has become a beautiful ground cover for us.  Here is a close-up picture of the beautiful little BLUE flowers.. (They may look purple in the pictures --but they are truly BLUE.)

Here is a picture of the 'Road' Flowerbed (our newest one).  In this bed are Roses, Lilies,  Daylilies,  Irises and some Tulips.  The only thing blooming so far are the tulips at this end.  Aren't they pretty?

This is my Sweetie ---working hard,  as he rebuilds and works on the rose flowerbeds...I'm so proud of him --and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the gorgeous roses he brings into the house for me to enjoy!!!!  (Of course, I also sit on my bench outside and enjoy them there too!)

If you were reading my blog the past few years,  you will know that George and I both really love SEMPERVIVUM (Semps--sometimes called Hens and Chicks).  We have them all around our yard in various places.  They are all different --and they add so much to the yard I think.  Here is just one group of them.

Hope you enjoyed seeing our yard in MARCH... As I write this (Wednesday night), we have had a rough day weatherwise.  We had storms with hail during the afternoon, and then, during the evening, we were under a tornado warning for awhile.  A tornado did touch down not far from here --but we were lucky this time.

We did have a thunderstorm and LOTS of rain.  SO--I'm glad we took our pictures to share BEFORE the storms hit.... Such is life!!!!!  It is unnerving though when the huge siren in our community goes off --which means there is a tornado in the area.   Yipes!!!!

Hope you have a good Thursday.


eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your yard is just lovely with all the pretty flowers. George is doing a great job. next you can send him to my house and yard. LOL!

Elettra said...

The flowers are the main feature of the spring and you prove it perfectly

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are so nice. And the man in the hat looks like he can get up without much trouble. You are about two weeks ahead of us on heat or something as our daffodils are just opening now.

Anonymous said...

The flowers are all so nice. The new rose flower bed is going to be grand. Can't wait for the roses to begin blooming! We have had strong wind here but no rain thus far.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Just love all of your pretty flowers Betsy, and how lovely to be able to look out of your kitchen window, and enjoy looking at them all.
It's amazing how different the rose bed will look in a couple of months.
We had a tornado touch down in our county again last night, this makes two in as many weeks. I always feel lucky we have no damage, but then my hearts aches for those who did, though no-one was hurt, thank goodness.
We're back in the cooler temps for a few days !

Ruth Hiebert said...

I enjoyed the walk through your yard.I think I need to get some Semps this year.I like how they look like large green roses.That new rose bed should be beautiful once the roses are in bloom.

Arkansas Patti said...

You really have a wonderful yard man. Too bad you won't share. Keep him to your self why don't you :))
This year I plan to put in a lot of ground cover and Vinca Minor(as we call it)was my choice also. Much less area to mow and it is so pretty. I love plants that tend to them selves.
We are having a bit of a cool down and I suppose it will hit you soon as my weather usually does.

mamahasspoken said...

My hyacinths bloom that way too! I look at the beautiful ones in the store that are so full and mine look dinky. Just like you, I love them any way.

Melanie said...

Your flower beds are so beautiful, Betsy!
I'm sure it takes a lot of work to keep things up.
So glad you didn't get a tornado at your place!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I like the whole layout of your rose bed with those landscape rocks. Your hens and chick certainly look good. I have a couple places of those too. I call them my flock. Anytime a friend needs some, I have plenty to share.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so now you can tip toe through the tulips and periwinkles and soon through that rose garden. i love the periwinkles color. so glad spring has sprung in your area

Unknown said...

Beautiful flowers! I so enjoyed seeing the world wake up to color as we drove down to Florida. Now scoot all that nasty weather away for our drive home this weekend. NOT looking forward to that. It looks like after spending a week in the lovely, sunny, 80 degree weather, we are coming home to 40, not 40's, but 40! DANG!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh Betsy...your yard is looking fabulous!!!! SO springy that I was looking for the Easter Bunny in there. :)
I saw some hens and chicks this week and I thought of YOU!!!

Susie Swanson said...

What beautiful pictures. A lot of work goes into a yard but it's worth it . I love those periwinkles and I have some of the old Hen and Chickens. Your yard is beautiful... Susie

diane b said...

The flowers seem to have come up fast and bloomed quickly. It must be exciting to watch. Those sirens must be scary. Glad it missed you.

linda m said...

Thanks for the Spring pictures. I needed that; it is still winter here. Your yard looks beautiful!!!

penny said...

Hi Betsy, you have very luck neighbors.. they get to enjoy the beautiful view of your lovely flowers and you and George do all the work.
You two increase all the property values in the neighborhood :)

be well and happy

Lady Di Tn said...

I went back and read your other post and saw the flowers. I also loved your comment about looking out the window and doing the dishes. There is a gentle art to growing roses and to have a man around who grows roses and brings you flowers is a wonderful blessing in your life. Prince likes to cut flowers and bring them inside but he does not grow them. Thanks for sharing your beautiful yard with us. Peace

amelia said...

I bet the scent from all those daffodils is just beautiful. Your periwinkle is lovely, I will show you ours when it can eventually bloom. We are buried so deep in snow yet, that will be a while.
-28 again last night and it's not expected to warm in the near future in fact, we think the snow is waiting around till next winter!!

Darla said...

Well just look at Spring in your gardens!! Everything is just beautiful...love your garden worker, he's so cute. Thank the Lord you were safe in that weather.

Darla said...

and you are a Semp pusher! You are the reason I started buying them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have a siren?? That is so cool, I wish we did. So good for when you are in bed and don't have the T.V. or radio on. We had almost the same weather, the thunder literally really shook the house, I have never felt it as hard, like an earthquake. And a tornado tounched down nearby. Scary stuff. I love your pictures, all of them!! Love the one of George working, but I think he could use some knee pads! We went to the bird store yesterday and got the feeder!! And I am proud of myself for buying ONLY the feeder and nothing else. You wouldn't believe the stuff they have! And they have two T,V.'s running with videos of the birds eating out of the feeders they sell and the squirrels trying to get in them. The man knew a lot, it was real educational, you would have LOVED it!!

Becca's Dirt said...

Glad you are safe and had no damage. I love those neat beds you have Betsy. I love tulips but they don't do well here. YOurs are so pretty. Awesome rose beds too and George looks like he is working hard. Hope you are having a good day today after the rough weather.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, I can't wait till flowers around here are blooming more...and to be able to see redbuds and dogwoods. Love them in the spring, too.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Great spring flower photos. Love the scent of hyacinths and all the spring flowers. George has tough knees, I can't do that for long anymore. Maybe that's why George has gorgeous roses and I don't?

I'm glad you weren't in the tornado's path. They scare me silly and I saw where El Nina will bring the threat of severe weather outbreaks through early summer for our area. Yuck!

Betty Manousos said...

Your yard is just beautiful!
So lovely beds you have, Betsy!
i love all of them especially the daffodils!

Spring is in the air!

Have a great day!


Glenda said...

Glad you are safe, Betsy, and hope your beautiful flowers were not damaged by the hail. You have such wide variety of plants, making your yard look like a spread in a magazine!

Christmas-etc... said...

Oh my... how beautiful!! Spring time has come to your yard!! The hours of love in tending that garden really shows!
Lovely, just lovely!

Unknown said...

Oh Betsy, I want to come sit in your yard....all day!!!! It's truly beautiful, and I can almost smell it too. Great pictures.

nanny said...

Your yard is beautiful.....I know that is due to lots of TLC (and hard work)
The hens and chicks look so happy...multiplying like crazy....

Loren said...


Your yard and flowers are just GORGEOUS!!! Your view for washing dishes is heavenly :) I LOVE your periwinkle, well really, I LOVE it all!!

You all do an amazing job and it shows!

Bonnie said...

That rose bed is amazing. Lucky you!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Your flowers are so beautiful! I would love washing dished too with that view!! So glad you guys didn't get hit by the tornado.

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, your and George's yard is absolutely beautiful. I know it takes lots of work to keep it looking so nice - but what joy! I only doubted one of your statements - that one about seeing the flowers through the kitchen window making washing the dishes more fun. Naw! No way. Doing dishes is a chore. I just don't like it in any way, shape, form or fashion! Ha. ☻

Shug said...

Love the Hyacinths...the smell of this flower is so powerful and can really make the inside of your house smell wonderful...
All your flowers look so pretty and I know your yard is beautiful...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Amazing how far along you are, we had a little wisp of snow last night. It's like we went from Spring back to Winter.

Ann said...

Your flower beds are all so beautiful. I wish mine looked like that. Hyacinths are one of my favorites, I just love the scent. We always called those hens and chicks. My aunt used to have a ton of them and I was always fascinated by them.

Carletta said...

With that kind of beauty out my kitchen window I wouldn't mind washing dishes!
We had storms and tornado watches as well but it's calmed down but oh so much colder.

imac said...

Good to see you both enjoy Nature.
Keep safe from that weather warning.

SquirrelQueen said...

You are really starting to get some colorful blooms in your yard, I hope the storms didn't damage them too much. We are just starting to get a few blooms but we also have the March wind and rain to go with them.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Wow, Betsy. You and George have turned your yard into a beautiful garden. It must give you a great deal of pleasure. It's a lot of work, but it no doubt gives a lot of enjoyment, to others as well as to yourselves.

Diane said...

Very pretty Betsy. The only thing coming up in my yard is the snow crocus and they just have their little noses poked through the ground. You have a gorgeous yart. Diane

Wendy said...

Eeks! I'm glad the tornado missed you!
I love your round flowerbeds from the last post! They are beautiful! And I'm glad your pansies survived the winter. Ours here don't. Too cold.

You have a lovely garden, full of happyiness and love (not to mention flowers.) LOL!

Thanks for sharing - we still have snow, but I do see some shoots coming up on the South side of the house.

Unknown said...

Your garden is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing this.

Big Dude said...

We're looking for a part time gardener - what do you have to pay that guy?

Connie said...

Your yard is so beautiful, Betsy! Your flowers are all looking great. Still a little early for our flowers here, but it won't be too much longer. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Love that Periwinkle! I am considering putting some more in my own backyard - if it can withstand the ducks and critters! Who knows? Have a wonderful evening & stay warm.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

All of your flowers are so pretty and that new rose garden looks like it is going to be divine!!! Love it all...it's cold here now...forties and may freeze tonight...a classic March in Tennessee!!! Have a beautiful weekend...

Jen said...

Loving your Spring flowers!!! It's about time! :)
Had a bad storm here in KY yesterday too---power out for 4 hours. :(

Neal said...

Absolutely gorgeous. You guys have an act for making a yard beautiful.

Kay said...

Hi Betsy,
I have had a dear friend offer me to stay at her house for awhile. She lives about 15 miles from the hospital, but I told her I am just much more comfortable at my own home and in my own bed. I have enough trouble sleeping here and I don't think I'd get any sleep in a strange place. I relax once I get home and I have my stuff here and I just feel better being here at my own home. Ben always worries about the house whenever we are away, so I would not want to add that worry for him. I know he's already worried about not being able to work.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Pictures of Spring just make me smile!

Janie said...

Your spring flowers are looking gorgeous in the photos, Betsy. Sure hope the rain didn't cause any long term damage. So glad to hear the tornado missed you. Sounds like it was way too close for comfort!

LV said...

I can see why now you have such a lovely yard. That is a lot more work than I could handle. That is what it takes, hard work and nature cooperating to have pretty flowers. I am glad the storm missed you.

Andrea said...

Hi Betsy, the garden and the flowers are all beautiful. We also have many colors of periwinkle here, but i haven't seen the blue yet, so lovely. Yes the Semps are beautiful too. George seems to be having some tired muscles there and needs some massage from you, haha! BTW, i dedicate my waterfalls shots for you, come take a peep!

carolina nana said...

Glad you all are safe and hopefully all those pretty flowers didn't get damaged in your storms.
I love spring with all its color!
Have a blessed tomorrow

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So glad that tornado didn't hit your neighborhood, Betsy! The news showed one thta hit western Pennsylvania pretty hard. Spring always brings tornados to worry about!

I can see all the hard work you and George put into your gardens! They are beautiful in all seasons!

Sunny said...

If you could see my yard, you wouldn't think we were on the same planet! Wow, Spring has sprung in your area! Simply beautiful!
☼ Sunny

mudderbear said...

I wish I could be there. It's so odd to not have a yard to do things with now. I love the Spring flowers. I love the hyacinths best and the pale yellow tulips. Hope your weather holds and doesn't beat the flowers down. How odd it would be to hear a tornado siren go off. What do you do then?

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful. I'm going to have to show Bob the way George has the flower beds set up. I like the paving stones. Maybe we could incorporate something like that in the couple beds we have.

KathyA said...

I can't say too many times how lovely your gardens are and they're not yet in full bloom!!