Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Very Special SON

Above is a picture of my 'baby'.... Hmmmm--he doesn't look like a baby anymore,  does he????? ha..  My Jeff was born on May 14, 1971.   I have two other very special sons --but today,  I'm featuring JEFF and his two children.  Above is a picture of Jeff taken when he took his kids on a camping trip in the Fall.  Jeff is a single Dad ---and the BEST Dad in the entire world.

This is my favorite 'baby' picture of Jeff...He was a cutie then --but is still a cutie now to me...

Jeff loves photography --and has loved it for many years,  LONG before I got interested in it.  They say that kids learn from their parents.. WELL--when it comes to photography,  I think I have learned from him.  The picture above was taken  recently by Jeff from his home in Chattanooga, TN.  after one of their big snows.

This picture is very special to me,  not only because it is a picture of my granddaughter,  Avery, but also because of what she is doing.   Avery is 12 yrs. old ---and Jeff taught her how to make Grammy's (me) famous Orange Balls,  a traditional Christmas dessert in our family.  I 'had' to make my sons Orange Balls EVERY Christmas --and you can imagine how excited I was when Jeff got the recipe so that he could teach his daughter how to make them.  I'm sure that this tradition will continue on in the family.

Jeff is the Comptroller at a very large Animal Care and Adoption Center --and absolutely loves his job there.  There are some adorable animals (such as the ones above) that come into the facility each and every day.  Jeff says it is hard not to want to take ALL of them home with him!!!!

Granddaughter Avery visited her Daddy at his work recently --and loved playing with some of the dogs and cats there.

Jeff visited us on Sunday,  1/16/11,  and brought lots of Christmas presents.  He was one of two sons who were supposed to visit us during Christmas --but the SNOW kept them away.  SO---we had our 'Christmas'  a little late!!!

Since Jeff has seen some of my bird pictures,  he wanted to take some himself.  He got some great pictures of some Bluebirds,  Goldfinch and a Pine Siskin.  He sent me the pictures when he got home that night.  I had to laugh because even "I" had not gotten a picture or even seen a Pine Siskin this winter.  I knew that we had had them two years ago---but none last year.  SO---I was quite surprised to see the picture of the Pine Siskin (shown above) which he took.

While Jeff was here on that Sunday,  four deer decided to come for a visit also.  Above is a picture which Jeff took.

Finally,  here is a wonderful picture of Jeff's other child,  his son, Landon.  Landon is a Freshman in high school and a drummer in the band.  I featured a blog about him and the band in the Fall.  If you missed that post,  you can click HERE.    This is his 'official' band picture this year.  AND--if I can brag (like Grammy's do),  Landon was chosen to be the sole drummer in the school's Jazz Band.  That is an honor--especially for a Freshman. I'm so proud of him --and of his sister,  Avery.   AND--I'm definitely a proud Mom when talking about my son, Jeff.



Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Lovely to see photos of your son and his children. How proud you must be of all of them. Congrats to Jeff on loving his job; I would have a hard time too wanting to take all the adorable pets home! Those special cookies look wonderful and how sweet that Avery enjoys carrying on the tradition. Congrats to Landon on being sole drummer for the jazz band too.

Tabor said...

You are such a proud grandma and mama! Wonderful photos and you are certainly blessed in your life.

Catherine said...

Our children will always be our babies won't they? Mine is 20... it seems like only yesterday he was 2.

A very lovely family Betsy!
xo Catherine

Beth said...

A heart-warming post, Betsy. They're always our 'babies' aren't they? My daughter was my 'little mother', but my son was my baby.
Great pictures of them. That blue shirt is such a good color for him.

It's so cool when they want to pass on a recipe of ours or one that has been in the family 'forever'--those orange balls look and sound delicious.

Freshmen as solo drummer in jazz band is a big deal. Congrats for him!

As for the pictures your son took--awesome! I've not seen a pine sisk before so this was an educational post for me. :) The variations of the brown on the bird are lovely--the 'striped' running different directions create texture and then you have those tiny stripes of bright yellow. God's imagination is mind-boggling, isn't it?!

Great blog to wake up to Betsy---thanks.

Another two-hour delay--freezing rain. Yesterday it was dicey driving to work at 8:30--I can only imagine what it would have been like at 7! I will leave early today again, so I can take my time and be careful.

Snap said...

beautiful, talented family, Betsy!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Jeff is a handsome son,and his children are equally good looking.I can hear the pride in your voice as you share these pictures and rightly so.Looks like Jeff is a great photographer and he has taught his Mama well.Hmm,you and I have that in common,our sons are photographers,single Dads and great at it,oh and did I mention,we are both proud of ours sons.Have a wonderful day.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a wonderful family you have Betsy. You have every reason to be a proud Mom and Grandmom.
Learning what Jeff does for a living makes him a hero in my book.
Kudos young man.
I think his talent with photography ranks up with Abe Lincolon's work and that is a huge compliment. The detail is so sharp.
All your family fell close to the tree.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Betsy: What a beautiful family you have ! It's good to pass along family traditions, and talents, and you seem to pass yours back and forth, so they are even more carved in tradition for years to come.
Those orange balls look delicious, I've never eaten them.
Beautiful grandchildren, handsome son, a good life, what more could one ask for ?
I share Jeff's passion for the animals, since I also work in that same field, it's so hard not to take them home with you.
We have snow, it's on the way to you !

Unknown said...

Love all your pictures, Betsy. Your son is as handsome as they come. So love Avery making her Grandmother's cookies ... handsome family.

Have a beautiful day ... it is snowing beautifully here.


diane b said...

A great post and tribute to your son, who is an amazing single dad. Any wonder you are so proud of him and those talented grandchildren. He sure does take nice shots.

Melanie said...

Hi, Betsy~

You have a beautiful family!

What a wonderful post about your son. It looks like he's doing a very good job with his kids. :)

Those orange balls look delicious! My daughter, Katie, is 12 and reminds me a lot of Avery. She's also a big animal lover. :)

I would want to take all the animals home too! Most of the pets we've had through the years have come from an animal shelter.

Your son takes great pictures, so I guess he taught you very well!

You have every right to be a proud Mom! :)

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Looks to me like the "apple didn't fall very far from the tree"!!! A beautiful son and grandchildren...and it must be so much fun to share your photography!!!
Wish him Happy Birthday from the "other" side of TN for me please!!!

Beth said...

What a lovely family, Betsy! And so talented. Looks like Jeff inherited your keen photographic eye and Landon, your musical abilities. That pine siskin shot is amazing. And Avery is adorable. I can understand why seeing her carry on your Christmas tradition of the Orange Balls is so special to you---food really does play such an important part in our family memories.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a beautiful family, all of them and he has talent for photography. love that shot of the table in the snow. i wanted to be a drummer in school, but daddy would have none of it. me being in a band. i love drums. the orange balls look good to me. thanks for sharing your baby

Kirigalpoththa said...

Nice post.. I think your other sons will be bit jealous until you post about them :D

mamahasspoken said...

It's nice to put a face with the name of the son whom you proudly talk about!

Janice K said...

I really enjoyed your post. Your Jeff was born on my dad's birthday and in the same year as my youngest son...plus I also have a son, Jeff.

Loved getting to know your family!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Wonderful post about your son and grandchildren. You are blessed!

linda m said...

You have a beautiful family! You also have every right to be a proud Mom and Grandma - your son and grandchildren seem like very special people.

RoeH said...

What a nice post! I'd do that with my son but he'd hire a hitman on me. He is paranoid about his privacy. But what a good father and husband he is. So I'll keep him. He was born same year but in January.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say earlier how much i love the puppy pictures and what a wonderful job to have, i would have ot have 60 acres to keep the ones i took home

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, for some reason I get the feeling you are proud of your son and his family. I think it's very special that he wanted your "orange ball" recipe and that his daughter wants it to continue in your family! And that Pine Siskin picture is fabulous. It's amazing that you get all these close-up pictures of the birds. I try - but can never get close enough. I loved reading this Great Post!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Well you should be Proud, Betsy!! Wonderful post & beautiful pictures of a beautiful family!!!

What an awesome son & beautiful grandchildren you have!!! So happy for you all!!!

Hugh Hug,
Coreen xoxoxo
P.S. Awesome how he taught her how to make a family tradition too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Betsy, You sure made my morning a happy one! I loved reading this post! Your son and your grand-children would make any mother and grand-mother proud.
Love the photos and thank you so much for such a cheerful and positive post :)


Tracy said...

Oh Betsy, it was wonderful seeing your son and your beautiful grandchildren. Avery is beautiful and Landon, well he obviously is very musically inclined and handsome. You done good Betsy as family values are instilled from the top down. I hope Jeff will see your post and feel proud of himself as well; even as adults we need to feel and experience our mother's love and pride!
good for you!

Karin said...

Another great post that I loved reading just before I head out to work! You have a lovely family and every reason to be thrilled with them. Those photos are terrific! Thanks for sharing them! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your son and his two children with us. I look forward to future posts of your other sons and grandchildren!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Awwwww....Betsy, this is such a sweet post. I adore your family, you have done such a good job raising your boys to be such wonderful men; such wonderful parents.
I love that Jeff takes such pride in his job. (that is a very important job too!)
congrats to Landon...hope to see him in concert one day. :)

From the Kitchen said...

I'm so pleased to "meet" your baby, Jeff! It's how I think of my youngest son. Always our babies. I remember your post about your talented grandson. And nice to see Avery carrying on the family tradition. Thanks for sharing that special time. It warms my heart.


penny said...

You are so lucky to have such a beautiful and caring family, Betsy. How nice that your recipe will be handed down, that's important.
Jeff's photos are gorgeous, he is a great photographer.. just like his Mama.

be happy and well,

Out on the prairie said...

My hats off to any single parent. I did it with my girls in their middle high school years and that was rough. I sat for my two grandchildren this last weekend and was amazed what lacking of energy and creativity I had by the end of the day.

The pine siskins sometimes chum up with goldfinches I have read. They are close in winter appearance so that may be your problem seeing them. Lovely shot.

Small City Scenes said...

Awwww---what can I say that the others haven't.
A very handsome family and one to make 'Grammy' proud.
May we have your special Orange cookie recipe. They look yummy.
It would be hard to work at an animal shelter and my home would be overrun with cats and dogs. As if it isn't already. LOL
Family pictures are always special, thanks for sharing. MB

Connie said...

Betsy, it's wonderful to see these precious family photos. Jeff is a great photographer too! Glad to hear you were finally able to celebrate Christmas with him. We are still waiting to celebrate with my brother and his family! The weather hasn't been so great for us this winter for the purpose of travel.

Dorothy said...

Great pictures of your family and great pictures that Jeff made, too!
Beautiful grands!

Anonymous said...

Betsy, your son Jeff is a very talented and interesting person. I enjoyed reading about one of your children. I sure hope the other ones don't get jealous! :-)


imac said...

Very nice photos Betsy, Big Man with a Big Heart.
Love the children and pets.

Pat - Arkansas said...

You are right to take pleasure in the accomplishments of your son and his family. What a nice post!

Care to share the orange balls recipe? They look yummy!

Unknown said...

What a lovely tribute to your son and his family. Just his job tells me what a wonderful person he is, that's the kind of thing I would love to do but I'd be constantly heartbroken!

And now we need the recipe for the Orange Balls please Betsy! x

Sunny said...

You are truly blessed :)
☼ Sunny

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday Jeff! I love the pictures of the snow. Glad I don't live where is snows though. Brrrrr!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, What nice photographs of your son and grandchildren! I'll bet you are quite glad we got such little snow last night and so far, today. Have a super day!

Jen said...

and you should be...nice looking and happy family you have raised. I think they are lucky to have you and George too. :)

No way could I have his job....i'm a softy for puppies.

KathyA said...

So nice to meet Jeff and Avery!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that baby pic of him is sooooo cuuuuute! I remember Olan Mills pics... wonder what happened to them?!

He's very handsome & this is a great feature of him, Betsy! You go girl!!! =) LoL!
(i never say that, but lately i have been... just one of those silly moods, i guess)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Great pictures!! Avery and Landon are just adorable! Avery has THE sweetest smile, it would melt an iceberg!! I'm trying to see if Jeff still has those big blue eyes. Did they come with him? (not the eyes, I mean Avery and Landon, ha ha!) How long did he stay? He has such a good eye! I don't think I have ever seen a pine siskin! And that picture really could be used in a bird book! Glad he came and you FINALLY had your Christmas!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It is so nice to "meet" your son Jeff, and two of your grandchildren through your blog today, Betsy! They look like a wonderful family and I can tell how much you love them and are proud of them.
Are you getting snow? We had four inches so far and a lot more is expected. I am getting cabin fever..lol!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It was fun getting to "meet" your son and grandchildren through this post. Jeff caught a great shot of that pine siskin. The puppies were too cute. It would be hard not to take them all home.

Tipper said...

What a nice post. Neat to learn more about your son : )

Peggy said...

I just loved "meeting" your son and family! He is a very handsome talented dad. Also loved his photos.... now you going to share that recipe with us??????? LOL

Rose said...

i'm back to blogging. great photos of your son and his children. his photos are great he follows his mom. i would have a problem working at a place for animals. we only have so much room at our house. take care rose

LV said...

Betsy, a very nice tribute to your son. I am sure it made him proud. He did not look like a small baby either. I am sure he has no trouble controlling the animals.

Glenda said...

I had not thought of orange balls in SO long - until I saw your pic of your sweet granddaughter making them! Ummmmm . . . I remember how delicious they are! Sounds like you taught you son well and now is doing the same for his children.

I, too, got interested in photography after my son began taking pics! But I like it when someone says, "Oh, Deron must have gotten his photography talent from you!"

Lola said...

And proud you should be. A beautiful family. I think it's great that Avery is making her Grammy's cookies.
Landon & his drums, aaawwwww.

carolina nana said...

Such a good looking family,looks like he is doing a wonderful job as a single father.
Have a blessed tomorrow

Chad said...

Great post Betsy! You have a very lovely family!

Carletta said...

Lovely family Betsy!
That baby picture is adorable!!!
I'm jealous over the pic of the pine siskin. That is truly worthy of a bird magazine.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy. You should be very proud! Of course, I love the animal photos and understand that it would be tough not to want to take them all home. It's awesome to hear about people who love and care for animals.
Thanks for sharing all of these photos with us!

mudderbear said...

Hi Betsy....How nice it is to meet your family. It's easy to see what makes you so proud. Thanks for a heartwarming post. Love the little bird too.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You have a wonderful and talented family, Betsy! Great photos. I don't have grandchildren yet, so I love to read about other families and what they are doing. Thanks for an interesting post! Take care.

SquirrelQueen said...

Well Betsy, you have every right to be proud of such a handsome, talented and caring son. Your grandchildren also inherited good looks and talent.

The dogs are so sweet. It would be hard working with all the animals, I would want to bring them all home.

June said...

I have been thinking, since yesterday morning, of what a good job your son is doing . . . with his family, with those animals...
A truly good guy.
How come he hasn't been scooped up by some sweet young thing?

Neal said...

I don't know where to start...such a wide variety of things. You have every right to be proud. I know you would never spoil your grandkids. :)


Wonderful post!
Be Happy with Your family!

Rose said...

It is so good that they finally got to come for a visit....I bet they love coming to their Grammy's house. BTW, Roger's grandmother was Grammy.....to him as well as the whole neighborhood called her that.

Janie said...

That's the cutest baby photo!
Your grandkids are very cute, too. Glad they finally got to make their Christmas visit.

Twilight Man said...

Jeff has lovely eyes since a baby till now. So he's a single parent, does he wanna marry again? There are lots of pretty Asian gals here! They make good wives.

ruthinian said...

Oh you are not only a proud mom but a proud grandmother as well. i can't blame you, you have a wonderful family. I like that photo where Avery was making orange balls. it will surely be a nice tradition to pass along so you will live forever in the hearts of your love ones.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Jeff and Betsy, your grandchildren are good looking and good kids.