Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Ya-Ya Sisterhood

I am fortunate to have 3 VERY special life-long friends... The four of us (called the Getaway Gang) grew up together in the small town of Big Stone Gap, Virginia. We were all born the Summer of '42!!! We played together, were in some of the same classes together, and were in scouts together all through our younger years. Once we all graduated ---we went our separate ways.

Then in 1992---the year we ALL turned '50' (OOPS), the four of us decided that we wanted to start a yearly 'getaway' --just for us girls. That first year in October, we all met at Black Mountain, NC for 3-4 days of 'catch-up.' It was INCREDIBLE---to put it mildly. Even though all of our lives had gone down different roads, when we got together that first year in '92 (after over 30 years), it was as if we had never been apart. We talked--cried---giggled---talked some more---ate ALOT---and slept a little. It was truly magical!!!!

We decided at that time to try to make our special 'getaways' an annual event. AND---for most of us, that has happened!!! Some of our trips have been to North Carolina ---3 times/3 different places; the Smokies/Gatlinburg and Sevierville; New England; New Orleans; Cumberland Mountain State Park in TN; Blue Ridge, GA; and this past year to Tybee Island, Ga-- to name a few! The purpose is not where we are---but just the opportunity to get together and talk-talk-talk!!!! (AND--we can really do that!!!! ha ha ha)

I have always been blessed with great friends---but there's no friends like those we grow up with!!!! This picture is the four of us, being silly, taken by my son Jeff in 1993 near Gatlinburg, TN ... As you can tell, we are all 'pondering' life!!!! WHAT A HOOT!!!! (Call us the Ya-Ya-Sisterhood!!!!) From left to right: Front Row--Nita, Betsy; Top Row--Susan, Reida. There are a few more pictures below of the four of us!!!

This was our Kindergarten picture --taken around 1947. Can you pick me out??????

This was taken about 1950 when we were all in the Brownie Scouts together.

Another picture taken by my son when were near Gatlinburg in 1993

George took this picture of us in 2007 when we all met at Sevierville, TN.

Finally, this was our latest picture together taken this past October when we went to Tybee Island, GA. From left to right: Nita, Susan, Reida, and Betsy. This post is dedicated to these wonderful friends!!! I LOVE YOU!


Kim said...

Great post and pictures Betsy. I think its great you have kept up with them throughout all of your years.

Jayne said...

Wow, how special to have forged lifelong friends like that Betsy. That is truly amazing that all of you still keep in touch and are able to spend time together each year. :c)

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Oh I loved your story.

The photos a worth a million!!!!!

I just love my friends... my family members that I choose

Anonymous said...

I got off the exit at Black Mountain once and stayed at a bed and breakfast called "Inn Around the Corner." What a charming little town to meet your friends in. I love your blog.

Unknown said...

How special! I love that you do this with your friends. I bet ya'll can get into a mess!!!

Anonymous said...

Betsy, What a blessing to have such life-long friends! I enjoyed the pictures very much.

Jane said...

What a wonderful post, and it is very great that you have kept such wonderful friends over the years.


Shelley said...

Betsy - I loved seeing these photos thru the years of your friendship! So special! And that's so nice that you get together for a trip every year! I see that you had curly hair at one time - cute!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so envious of you and your lifelong friendships!!! Love the pictures...I think I know which one is YOU in the girl scout picture. Back left???
I have a good friend that I have been trying to find for the last 4 years...we have known each other since pre-school and I lost her.
So nice that you visit yearly...what a fantastic idea!!!

I Am Woody said...

I am so envious of these life-long friendships!! I have used Facebook to reconnect with a couple of girlfriends that I was close to years ago and I have found the same thing. It may have been many, many years but once we are together, it is like it was just yesterday and we can yak for hours on end:)

SmilingSally said...

They even LOOK like fun!

Peggy said...

What a wonderful blessing! To have such a wonderful friendship carry on throughout the years. I am still in contact with my best friend from first grade and one from 5th. We haven't gotten together in a few years... now I want to plan something... thank you!

Judy said...

What a wonderful tribute to your friends and I am sure you all have had many great times together over the years. I think it is wonderful that you get together often.

Cedar ... said...

How nice! There is nothing like an old friend, and i don't mean age! I have a similar group of friends, we called ourselves "The Fabulous Four" in highschool. I think I'll put together a post about us,... and will add a link to your post!

Susie said...

It looks and sounds like you girls have a great time when you get together. How wonderful to have friends like this Betsy!

Mary said...

How wonderful to still have friends from so long ago! You look like a group that knows how to laugh and smile a lot and have fun anywhere :-)

Loran said...

What a great post. I truly cherish my women friends as well, My "oldest" friend is the one I've known since 7th grade. We are getting together with our spouses to go to Yellowstone Park in June. Can't wait!

Leedra said...

This is a great thing. We loose track of too many people in our lives.

I saw a comment (Darla's blog) that your blog was showing blank pages last night. This was not a problem with your blog. I experienced it too on a different blog. And a friend experienced it on my blog.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra

Anonymous said...

Great post Betsy, So, which little girl is you???

Rose said...

Oh, I loved this post...wonderful that you can manage to get together.

Diane said...

Betsy, You may be an oly child but you have 3 wonderful sisters who have all been together with you forever. That's so wonderful.

Diane said...

Betsy, You may be an oly child but you have 3 wonderful sisters who have all been together with you forever. That's so wonderful.

Pat - Arkansas said...

How blessed you are to have these friends, and they are blessed by your friendship. Heart-warming story and photos, Betsy.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

The blessings of friends are to many to count.Keep on getting together and building that bond.

Cicero Sings said...

What fun to get together like that!

It is true, friends we grew up with are extra special ... I think it's the extra history we share ... which includes family history.

Diane AZ said...

Undoubtedly, this will always be one of your favorite posts. What a special friendship the four of you have!

Jen said...

I bet you have a Blast together and cause some trouble. :)

Natalie said...

That is wonderful that you have kept in touch with your girlhood friends. That is what I miss the most about AL is my close friends.

Anonymous said...

What fun to see, and how happy do you gals look!!

Tina said...

What a nice tradition to look forward to each year! You are so right about the friends who have known you the longest being the best!! So glad you are able to get together and enjoy ea other's company!! :)

Lori said...

How beautiful, Betsy! "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold."

Sorry I've been such an absentee reader - and writer - as of late. Lots going on in my life right now, and feel like I'm battling a bit of depression. Lots of silver linings, though. I'll be all right.

Blessings to you and your wonderful friends!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: How neat, friends are special both old and new.

Karin said...

Loved the post yesterday of the Cathedral! Just catching up on my reading today. Have been helping daughter #2 move and settle in at her next place.

Thank you for sharing the Getaway Gang story. What a beautiful sisterhood - such a blessing! Wish I had one too! I have several dear friends from age 10, but we don't have a 'together' history!


Mandy said...

I really enjoyed this post! I hope I stay just as close to my good friends!


Wendy said...

Loved seeing pics of you and your friends. How nice that you've kept up such a wonderful friendship.
You're very lucky. I don't think I know where my school friends are. Ah, yes, there is one who moved to California. Maybe I'll just see if I can find her. Facebook might be a good place to start. Hmmmmm.

Diane Willard Kaufman said...

i hope you and the girls will come back to tybee and stay at one of my cottages! we're perfect for best friends getaway weekends!!! www.mermaidcottages.com

Beth said...

What a great post, Betsy! The Getaway Gang looks like a real fun bunch---you are so blessed to have those kind of lasting friendships. I love all the pictures, especially the top one where y'all look like The Four Philosophers!:-)

marmee said...

oh how good for you to have sweet longtime friends that want to get together. you all look like such fun girls and i bet it is a blast when you all get together.
the church below is so beautiful. i love old churches and the doors always fascinate me.

Anonymous said...

What a happy, good looking bunch of girls. I'm so glad you all have been able to "renew" your life long friendship. I think that is fantastic.

Janie said...

How wonderful that you have such good lifelong friends and you're able to get together so often. Those are some fun photos of the group hanging out together at all ages.

Anonymous said...

What a great story of friendship enduring through time. It's very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Betsy, that looks like such fun! It has been a very long time since I have seen any of my old school friends. I may have to remedy that one day soon. :-)

Anonymous said...

So very cool & great memories you all are making! You are always so happy! Good for you gals!!!

dot said...

What fun! I don't have contact with any one from my school days. Wish I did.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm so glad I introduced all of you to my special friends. The four of us can have a BLAST---as you can imagine!!!! You've never heard four OLD women giggle so much in your life!!!!

Nita lives in our hometown of Big Stone Gap, VA; Reida lives in Kingsport, TN; and Susan lives in Atlanta, GA.

Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs to all,

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...


That is the sweetest post! How special that you all have had this relationship for so long and still have the opportunity to be together and "giggle"!

I'm going to guess that in the photo you mentioned....you are the first one starting from the left on the back row....my 2nd guess would have been the 3rd one from the left on the back row.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Betsy, just now getting around to reading this wonderful post, and it filled my heart !
You are so lucky to have these ladies in your life, as they are you.
I have connected with a few people I went to school with in England, over the last few years, and we're talking about getting together for a reunion as soon as I can return home.
I would love to rent a mountain lodge and have them all visit Tennessee, staying in the Smokies...
I know they would fall in love with it.
here's to good friends !

Small City Scenes said...

Oh what fun to have the travelling sisterhood of Getaway Gang.
Great story and lovely pictures. MB

Connie said...

Very special to have old friends to share so much with, Betsy. I'm glad you are able to get together again regularly. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey-something new for me to try. Responding. Love everything. Will write more. Cousin Ellen

HWHL said...

I LOVE the black & white photos - they are beautiful!
My husband and I go to Tybee Island all the time.... looking at that picture, I'm guessing.... Uncle Bubba's? :) (There are SO many great restaurants, aren't there?!)

You're fortunate to have such a great group of friends!)

Did you know Suz (as in Buzy Bee Suz) and I met each other back in the 9th grade???) Yes indeed.... we've known each other since 1982... or maybe 81... regardless, a LONG time! :)