Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Monday, August 10, 2020

Highlights of a Fantastic Birthday Trip

This was the view from our room at the Peaks of Otter (August 2, 2020)... This is ABBOTT LAKE.  One of our favorite things to do at the 'Peaks'  is to take a walk around the lake (only one mile).   We managed to take that walk a couple of times each day... It is such a gorgeous place --and SO relaxing.

My Sweetheart (who makes my life so fulfilling and rich) is the most amazing man I have ever known.  God has blessed me so much with George in my life.  We were walking around the beautiful grounds at the Peaks of Otter when I snapped this picture of my Cutie Pie (August 2, 2020).   

I took this picture of the Peaks of Otter Lodge (August 2, 2020) --when we were walking on the other side of the lake.  Isn't this a beautiful place?   I absolutely love visiting there.. Look at those reflections!!! 

This year,  we got a different room (Laurel 114) at Skyland Resort ---and had the most awesome view of the SUNSET.   I took this picture on August 4, 2020--from our balcony.  WOW!!!

On my BIRTHDAY,  August 5,  George took this picture of me inside the cave at the LURAY CAVERNS....  I was SO excited and happy!

On August 6, 2020--- we drove around in the GORGEOUS SHENANDOAH VALLEY.  We found a place to park and actually walked around awhile...  I feel like I'm in heaven when I'm in the Shenandoahs!!!!

Also on August 6th,  we visited the SHENANDOAH RIVER STATE PARK.  There are seven bends of this amazing river --so at this overlook,  we could see one of the bends.  It made me want to SING,  "O Shenandoah"....   I'll bet you are singing that song right now!!!!!

 Have you EVER seen THIS on your Birthday?????   WELL---thanks to George,  we got up early on August 5th ---and drove to a nearby overlook off of Skyline Drive just to see this.....Talk about amazing!!!!!!   The sun came up on that morning,  and I felt as if it was telling me 'Happy Birthday'!!!!

I think I will stop here with this post,  but just had to give you a short preview of what we did this past week....  Thanks to many of you (on Facebook especially) who followed me all week during that trip and who wished me a Happy Birthday...  That meant so much to me!!!




Ann said...

What a fabulous birthday trip. I would love to visit the caverns.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,
Looks like a great birthday trip! Your photos are all beautiful. I love the last sunrise shot. Take care! Have a happy day and a great week!

George said...

I'm glad you enjoyed all of the things we did on this trip. I should be thanking you for having a birthday we could celebrate with such a wonderful trip.

Big Dude said...

Looks like a very special BD trip - George sure knows how to take care of his woman.

Dee said...

A Happy Birthday to you!! Love, Love the pictures. It was about 1978 when my dear husband took me and our two little sons on a 3 day trip down skyline drive in the spring of the year. It was absolutely beautiful and we toured Luray Caverns too. I love the Shenandoah Valley and river and I was singing that song too. lol Your pictures of the sunset are spectacular. Thanks for taking us along.

Arkansas Patti said...

A belated Happy Birthday Betsy. Wow, what a lovely place. George know how to make his sweetie happy. So happy you had such a lovely trip and that sunrise--WOW.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday sweet lady. You share a birthday with one of my sons! LOVE the trip you took and the happiness that you both share with all of us. What a delightful couple you are. AND...you go to some of my favorite places. That header photo is one of the best ones I've ever seen of the Biltmore! Hugs!

linda m said...

Those pictures are fabulous. I am so jealous (not really) of your trip. I was in Luray Caverns in either 1967 or 1968 and absolutely loved it. That sunrise was well worth kgetting up early for.

Betsy said...

Your photos are amazing! The sunrise. Incredible. What a wonderful birthday trip. You sure have a keeper in your George as I do in my Dennis. Although, I think George is equally blessed to have you in his life. Happy Belated Birthday once again.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad you had such a wonderful birthday! I think my favorites are the lodge, waterfall, and sun ones.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Betsy, these are spectacular pictures. i do hope you will share more as you have the time. I have been in Carlsbad Caverns and loved that and this looks amazing as well.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy,
Many Happy Belated Birthday Wishes.
This looks an amazing trip, your photographs are just wonderful.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

All the best Jan

My Tata's Cottage said...

OH Wow! You had a fabulous birthday! The sun photos are gorgeous. I love caverns. I have been to the one in Kentucky. Also Colorado of course and Carlsbad in New Mexico. This place looks wonderful and I love the photo George took of you. I know this was a great birthday! Always enjoy seeing your smiling face. Have a wonderful week. HUGS across the miles XO

diane b said...

Wow this is a beautiful part of the world. How lucky you are to have such a birthday surprise.

Mevely317 said...

Hi Betsy! Anne at Phamily Blog/My Tata's Cottage recommended you ... and I'm sure happy she did. Nice to meet you! (Oops ... I'm Myra, aka Mevely317 at Respice Prospice.)
These photos make me want to leave a note for the milkman and pack a bag. LOL. Growing up in New Mexico I've toured the Carlsbad Caverns, but now I'm curious about - and will investiGoogle the Luray Caverns.
Happy Belated Birthday!

David said...

Betsy, Wow! Great birthday trip! We've avoided road trips in an effort to lessen our chances of catching Covid-19 and it is a bit of a downer... Love the Shenandoah Valley too! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Barb said...

What a great 78th birthday trip! The photos are wonderful - love both the sunrise and sunset. The setting of that lodge looks idyllic. Happy belated birthday, Betsy. You have the same birth date as my mom.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thanks so much for sharing the excitement and beauty of your 78th birthday with us. You bring so much joy to others. It's a special gift of yours. At the deep center of yourself there is, I believe, a wellspring of joy that bubbles up and slakes the thirst of so many of us who follow you in your travels with George. You are a blessing from and to the Universe. Peace.

Liene said...

Happy birthday!!! Looks like a lovely trip!

Linda said...

Happy Birthday! I think Luray Caverns is Virginia's most spectacular. They have a nice history museum there too.

Marcia said...

Betsy - sounds like a nice celebration of your birthday. You should visit Lewisburg, WV some time and the Lost World Caverns. Not as big or fancy as Luray but still impressive. I wrote about it here: