Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Monday, April 1, 2019

Goldfinches and More!!!!

Since the Pine Siskins didn't visit us this winter and take over the feeders,  we have had more and more GOLDFINCHES.  I've enjoyed watching the males as their yellow colors are getting prettier and prettier.
Good Morning Friends and Family.   Happy APRIL to you!!!!!  April and May are always such exciting months for us here in Tennessee  since we get leaves on the big trees,  more and more flowering shrubs  and Trees  (Red Bud,  Azaleas, Dogwoods),   beautiful flowers (Irises, Roses,  Day Lilies,  Lilies,  etc.),  and GREEN GREEN GRASS.

As I write this on Sunday, 3/31,  we are expecting a HUGE FREEZE tonight.   Right now,  our Tulips and Daffodils are putting on a show in our yard...  I'm afraid that there will be damage to them after tonight, plus damage to some of the other new spring growth on our roses, etc.....  It's SO sad --but Mother Nature seems to do this to us almost every year the first of April...  Grrrrrrrr.

Today's post is not about the pretty flowers or the freeze --but is about some of our SPRING BIRDS... When the weather begins to warm up,   the male birds sing their Spring Mating Songs and put on their pretty colors in order to attract that special female...   Our Bluebirds started their mating season early --so they are busy busy busy right now going in and our of the nest box...

Many of you (who have followed me for years) know about my BIRD KITCHEN on our deck.  I have a variety of options for the many backyard birds in my area.  I have suet for the woodpeckers; black-sunflower seeds for most birds;  Nyjer/thistle seed for the finches,; fruit and nuts for the Cardinals and most all birds;  peanuts in the shell for the Blue Jays and Nuthatches;  and  mealworms for the Bluebirds...

My Bird Kitchen:  top left (Mealworms);  Suet Feeder (in middle);  Big Red Roofed House (sunflower seeds);  Plate (Fruit and Nuts, Peanuts, Sunflower seeds)- Bird's favorite feeder!;  Domed feeder above the plate--Fruit and Nuts;   Finch Feeder/Nyjer (on right);  and out of view top right is another feeder for sunflower seeds;

It is so much fun to sit inside and watch the birds as they go back and forth to and from the feeders.   Recently,  I was amused at one of my Blue Jays.  He came to the feeder to get a peanut...  WELL--I guess he is a 'picky' Jay --since he would pick one peanut up,  then drop it,  pick up another one, drop it, etc....  He finally chose just the PERFECT peanut and happily flew away with it....   ha ha... Oh the joys I have from feeding our little birds!!!!

BLUE JAY searching for that special Peanut!!!

He found it!!!!!

Such a pretty  Goldfinch 

Not a great picture --but this Pileated Woodpecker is enjoying some  Suet... Look how big he is!!!!!

Mama Bluebird taking a break from "nest-duty"

Purple Finch --getting his 'reds' (We don't have too many Purple Finches here --so it was exciting to see this one and capture a picture.)

Another Purple Finch below the one in the Plate --eating some Sunflower Seeds

Daddy Bluebird grabbed a nut in the plate!!!!  NOTE:  My Bluebirds are getting PICKY --like the Blue Jays!!!   Walmart ran out of the mealworms I usually buy --so I had to buy a combo package with mealworms and a couple of other things mixed...  Guess what?  The Bluebirds wouldn't touch the new mealworms.  I finally went to Amazon and ordered some...  The Blues are happy with my new purchase!!!!!

I had a hard time deciding what birds these two were...  With some help from friends,  I decided that they are Female Cowbirds... Since they look so much like Bluebirds with different colors,   I wonder if these are two Cowbirds which my Bluebirds raised last year.   Cowbirds are known to deposit their eggs in other birds' houses...Our Bluebirds are nice --in that they will help raise little Cowbirds... Just wondering!!!!!

One more picture of the Cowbirds ---enjoying their breakfast  (all over their faces)... ha

Oh How I LOVE LOVE LOVE our beautiful Eastern Bluebirds!!

I started with the pretty Goldfinch --so will end with them also!!!!   
Happy Birding my Friends!!!!  Have a great week and an awesome Spring!!!!
