While I recuperate from knee surgery, I will show you some of the beautiful things all around me --which have helped keep my spirits up. Above is one of my new hanging baskets given to me on Mother's Day by my son, Jeff. It's VERBENA and is really putting on a show for me. Below are more 'beauties'.
This is the other hanging basket that Jeff gave me on Mother's Day. It is FUCHSIA and is also blooming like crazy... I've enjoyed see these two hanging baskets SO much.
I can see these beauties from the house --while looking out toward the road. This is one of my favorite roses, VETERAN'S HONOR --showing off for ME. It is in the new flowerbed near the road. George brought one of the blooms inside for me to enjoy.
Here is another of my favorite roses, DOUBLE DELIGHT. George also brought one of these into the house just for me to smell.
These two lilies are new this year, and are called LOLLY POP. They are also in the new flowerbed next to the road. Aren't they pretty?
This is another new lily in our yard this year. Since I love all RED flowers, I just had to show him to you. His name is MONTENEGRO.
And---last but definitely not least, look at this 'beauty'.... I have waited so long to see a RED-HEADED WOODPECKER come to our deck to the suet feeder. We have lots of woodpeckers, but this gorgeous one has only recently begun coming to the feeder. I was so excited to finally get a picture of him.
About my knee surgery, the good news is that the knee is healing nicely and the swelling and bruising has gone down. AND--there is not much pain, and I can walk some on that leg. However, I don't know if it is the medication (which I am no longer taking) --or if I picked up a 'bug' at the hospital. But I have been horribly sick to my stomach, very weak, and running a fever for the past couple of days. I felt a little better yesterday afternoon---so I am glad that I could do this post for you. However, I have done no computer work all weekend --and don't know when I'll get back to normal. Please be patient with me --and pray for me to be patient (which is hard--ha) while I continue to recover. Hopefully, I'll be be feeling much better very soon.