This is the lower side of our yard... You can see some Forsythia in the background...
Here is another photo of our Red Dynasty Tulips.. They have been so pretty.
And here is a picture of our Purissima Tulips --with some Periwinkle (Minor Vinca) blooming in the background.
This beautiful tulip is named All that Jazz.
This shows Dad Adams' Daffodils blooming like crazy FINALLY. They bloomed like this in March in 2012 instead of April. Everything is about a month behind...
Here is another pretty little Daffodil... We have several which are 'different' from many Daffodils in people's yards these days.
This pretty tulip is named Halley's Comet..
We have several of these little yellow tulips in our yard... Her name is Sun Gold.
Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our spring flowers... We love tulips --and have really enjoyed them this year.
Hope you have a wonderful week. I will see you on Monday, May 13! I'm taking another week off to do other things!!!!