"Please let me come inside and get warm" Mr. BLUEBIRD says --while sitting at our door and looking inside. Ahh--isn't he adorable? |
This past Friday (my last blog post), I posted about our pretty little snow on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2014. Besides taking snow photos, I also got some pictures of our sweet little Backyard Birds at the feeders on a COLD, SNOWY day!!!
Hope you enjoy seeing these little beauties! Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.
I had a hard time keeping the snow off of the feeders that day! |
FINCHES at one of the four feeders near the sliding door; These feeders have some protection from the weather --so the birds love them. |
The birds are smart enough to go to the non-snowy side of the feeders. This is a sweet little CHICKADEE. |
Birds have to have water to live --and it's hard for them to find it in winter. That's what is important about having a Heated Birdbath. A BLUEBIRD enjoys a drink here. |
There are two FINCHES in this photo. Can you find them???? |
Gorgeous little Goldfinch |
This is a BLUEBIRD in the Mealworm Feeder. The dome is so neat to have since we can move it up and down as needed. We are protecting their food in the plate --yet they can still get into it. |
I couldn't get this CARDINAL to look my direction. But --Cardinals are some of the prettiest birds to look at when it's snowing... That red color stands out in the snow (hence, my header)!!! |
I keep a path on the deck cleaned off during a snowstorm so that I can fill and re-fill and re-fill the feeders. This little BLUEBIRD showed off its beauty for me! |
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Backyard Birds in the Snow!!!! They are so much fun to watch --and I am thankful to be able to feed them...
Stay WARM wherever you are. We have had frigid weather over and over the past 2-3 weeks... This is SO rare for this area of the country. I haven't experienced temperatures this low for many, many years --if EVER. I understand now why George is ready for SPRING... As much as I love snow, I don't like this frigid weather... SO--it's okay if Mother Nature would bring Spring to us SOON....
Have a great day