Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

In yesterday's post, I showed all of the gorgeous Cherry Blossoms in Washington D.C. In that post, I mentioned that George and I went with a bus-load of folks to D.C. for a specific reason. This was in April of 2005 ---and we Episcopalians were going to attend "Tennessee Day" at the National Cathedral. The National Cathedral features each of our 50 states at certain times scheduled once during a four-year period.

That particular Sunday in April of 2005 was "Tennessee Day" at the Cathedral. AND --what joy it was to be there.. I had goose bumps standing outside just listening to the carillon.. Those bells echoed all over the area. WOW is all I can say!!!!! I can still hear them in my mind. Then, going inside and attending worship with other folks--many from Tennessee--was truly awesome. "Tennessee Day at the Cathedral" rolls around again soon ---so maybe we'll get to go back!!!!

Here are some pictures from the Cathedral. I thought this would be a great day to show the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. I'm sure that cathedral will be filled with Christians --attending Easter services today. Wish I was there!!!! Above is a picture of the outside of this magnificent building. Below are more pictures!

Here's a view of this beautiful cathedral from the north side... The cathedral is HUGE and oh, so gorgeous!!!!

This was taken from inside before the service began. We were standing at the back --looking toward the altar.

This beautiful Rose Window is one of three in the cathedral. This one is named Creation.

See the intricate designs in the pulpit... Isn't it awesome?

This picture was taken looking at the altar area toward the choir lofts.

Note the Rose Window, the beautiful celing, and the state flags in this picture. The Rose Window consists of 10,500 pieces of stained glass... WOW!!

Here's one more picture of the outside of the National Cathedral. Wish you could hear the carillon playing... Today is Easter Sunday... Jesus Christ has risen from the dead .. Hallelujah!!!!!!

Hope you and your family are having a wonderful day of celebration --whether it's in church, with family, eating chocolate bunnies and/or hiding egg with the kids. Don't ever forget that we have a loving God who is ALWAYS there for us. Alleluia!

Hugs and God Bless You and Yours,