Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Monday, January 7, 2019

Santa brought us --------WHAT???????

Santa did bring us this cute ornament ---but he brought NO SNOW  this year.   All we have had is RAIN--RAIN-RAIN.
Well my Friends,   how was your Christmas?  Was Santa good to you?????  Even though I was afraid that I'd get coal in my stocking --I must say that Santa was VERY good to me....   WELL--- I wonder!!!!?????  Just read on!!!

Of course,  Santa knew that we NEEDED  (Ha Ha) some new t-shirts...   Here's a cute one,  Advice from a Mountain!!!

George's sister,  Janet,  gave him a gorgeous  WILLOW to add to our collection.  The name:   "Brother and Sister"...   Isn't that just so special?

This is a beautiful canvas made from one of George's pictures taken while we were watching the sunset at Mormon Row in the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming,  this past September.  

Georgie got a post card from his Bride!

Betsy got a new Willow from George named  You and Me...   Of course, I cried.  It is so beautiful. As most of you know,   I collect Willows and this year,  I not only got this one from George,  but got a beautiful one from one of my sons  (named Mother and Son)  and one from friends, Shirley and Robert  (named Grandmother). 

Here's another Canvas from our West Trip this past September.   This picture was taken along the Chief Joseph Highway at the Dead Indian Pass Overlook in Wyoming.  (Yes--there's a great history in this area.)

Another cute ornament we got this year

George took my favorite picture of Vivi (my Great Granddaughter) and me,  and had it made into an ornament.  Isn't it just awesome?

WELL---as you can see,  we really had a nice Christmas,  and Santa was good to both of us... BUT---there's one more thing.    Santa knows that as we get older,  we all need more exercise.   This past year has been one in which, due to health problems,  neither of us have gotten enough exercise.   SO---look what Santa gave us!!!!!!!

A Stationary Bike!!!!!!  For US??????   Oh My --My---My....  I haven't ridden a bike since my children were young.  Can I do this?????  

At least I am TRYING to smile!!!!!!!! ha ha 

Look at this guy!!!!!  He's got this!!!  
Now that it is January and we've had the bikes for a few weeks now,   I must admit that we both are still doing good!!!!!   Unless we are out running errands or going to appointments, etc---we try to ride for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon.  

Be sure to ask us in  July if we are still working out on the bikes....   I don't want that bicycle --sitting in our Living/Great Room to just sit there and collect dust......

One thing I have learned this year is that all of the 'stuff'  you see in a blog post like this is just what it is,  STUFF....  Yes,  it brings joy and happiness...  But---what is really important in life is staying healthy--  so that I can enjoy this stuff!!!

2018 was a year of changes.  My life is different than it was in 2017---but I'm not going to let the A- Fib define me.   I am learning to live with this constant 'fast-beating' heart.  There are things I can no longer do --but I can find many more new and exciting things to do.  My 2019 motto is  "I will not Give Up"....

Have a happy and HEALTHY  2019, my Friends.
