Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Last of our DAYLILIES in 2014

Blushing Summer Valentine Daylilies (taken on 7/1/14)
This post is for all of you who are going through this huge Arctic Blast (Winter Storm) now... These low temperatures and winter weather have been gripping most of our nation --including Texas!!!  SO----I thought seeing some gorgeous Daylilies is just what we ALL need today.  This will remind us that spring/summer will definitely be back ....  Keep the faith!!!!

This is my last batch of Daylily Photos for 2014.  We had 55 different varieties in our yard this year.  IF you want to see all of our daylilies,  click HERE.  Counting this post,  there are 5 total posts in that label (Daylilies 2014).

I worked hard this year at learning the names of our Daylilies (and our Roses) ---and I will miss them terribly until they return next Spring.  Then I'll have to learn those names all over again!!!!

Hope you enjoy today's group.  Be sure to click on them for enlargements.

Persian Market Daylilies  (taken on 7/01/14)

Perfect Peach Glory Daylilies (taken on 7/04/14)

Christmas Wishes Daylily  (taken on 7/02/14)

Orange Velvet Daylilies (taken on 7/05/14)

Pretty Woman Daylily (taken on 7/05/14)

Condilla Daylilies (taken on 7/09/14)

Lavender Vista Daylily (taken on 7/10/14)

Staci Cox Daylily (taken on 7/11/14)

Pink Playmate Daylily (taken on 7/12/14)

Buttered Popcorn Daylilies  (taken on 7/06/14)

Fuchsia Dream Daylily (taken on 7/20/14)

Starstruck  Daylilies (taken on 7/23/14)
Do you have a favorite (or favorites) from this group?  I have always loved Buttered Popcorn,  but I also love Orange Velvet.  Lavender Vista is a gorgeous color,  and so is Persian Market... SEE??? It's hard to pick favorites!!!! ha

I will close our Daylily blog posts during 2014 by showing you three photos from one of the Daylily Beds in our yard, taken in July.  Hope you enjoy seeing them in groups.
Taken on 7/02/14

Taken on 7/06/14

Taken on 7/11/14

Hope you enjoyed seeing all of our beautiful Daylily Photos --not just today,  but all five of the posts I have published in 2014.   We buy most of our Daylilies from Oakes Daylilies right here in Tennessee.  Click HERE for more information about Oakes.

Hope you will get some Daylilies for your yard!!!!  Be sure to buy re-bloomers though.  We highly recommend them.

Our yard doesn't look like these photos now,  but I do have HOPE for the future and our beautiful flowers...  Have a great day!   AND by all means,  wherever you are,  stay WARM.   We are enjoying the new gas-log fireplace SO MUCH.



Ginny Hartzler said...

NO favorites today!! Each one is so stunning!!! In going back and scrolling slowly, I still say, all are gorgeous!! We are to get snow tomorrow evening!!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

All stunning although I love the more frilly ones as I have never really seen them before. Between George's Roses and your Lilies, your garden must be a real picture of beauty and colour.

Ms. A said...

Too many to choose from! It's pretty nippy here, I had to turn the heat on to take the chill off. My poor old body is aching! Not looking forward to winter.

Ann said...

no favorites, I love them all and they were just what the doctor ordered. I saw a few snowflakes flying around outside when I took Gibbs out this morning. BRRRRRRRR

Beth said...

I always enjoy your flowers. Persian Market is my favorite of these. Then pink playmate and staci cox. The cold has hit here too. Goodbye flowers. :(
Keep warm! I've got tights on under my skirt and will be wearing boots!

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful! I love the last few photos showing the mix of types and colors very much. No arctic blast here but it is colder for sure!!


Anonymous said...

I love the buttered popcorn daylily too. All the pics are great. Getting ready for colder weather.....enjoy that fireplace.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love pretty woman & staci cox ... gorgeous!! ( :

linda m said...

Thank you for the flower pictures. We haven't had flowers blooming here in over a month and to see yours was very refreshing. If I wasn't renting I would definitely plant some day lilies in this yard.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy these were so needed for some brightening on this cold gray day here in Atlanta!

The Furry Gnome said...

Those garden memories will keep us going for 6 cold months now! I like your new header photo of home.

LV said...

Nice seeing what beauties other enjoy. All my flowers have gone to glory. We are having our first freeze this week.

Nellie said...

Beautiful daylilies! Oakes Farm is a super source for them! I know the owners/operators of that farm. This cold front will probably bring their season to an end. xo Nellie

George said...

I sure do miss these beautiful blossoms -- and the warm weather and bright sunshine we had when they were blooming. You got some wonderful pictures.

Out on the prairie said...

I have a huge selection of lilies around my home. The daylilies I put at the head of my main veggie bed so have to remember where they are when I till. Pink always catches my eye. There is one they use to make hot sour soup with. I have it in a bag.

Terry and Linda said...



David said...

Betsy, Nice photos of summer past... The weather is headed toward nasty now! We'll have our gas log fireplace geared up tonight for sure... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots of the lilies! Now we have snow to look forward to!

Sylvia K said...

They are all gorgeous and so are your captures!! I needed a bright spot this morning -- howling wind, freezing temps, snow and sleet!! Yipes!! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty!! Hope your week is going well!

Linda Kay said...

Lots to pick from, but I am always drawn to pretty yellow flowers. I'm sure some of ours will be gone today with the 20s temps in Texas!

Connie said...

They are all so beautiful, I don't think I can choose a favorite. The cold snap has started here and will get worse soon. I'm hoping the snow will miss us, but we will see.

Latane Barton said...

I just love the ruffle petal ones, Betsy. But, they all are so bright and cheery. And, to think that ole man Winter is whistling down our back. brrrrr.

Rohrerbot said...

I love the yellow of the Condilla daylilies. Such beautiful flowers all. I love when they are together in a flower bed. Beautiful!

Ruth Hiebert said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! My favourite would be a bed of dailyness with at least one of each color. It's too hard to choose just one.

HappyK said...

Sure hard to pick a favorite but if I had to I'd go with Christmas Wishes. I like the name too.

Ken should be warm enough fishing. They are in southern MD and it should be in the 50's there.

Terri D said...

You have such a beautiful yard!! I am partial to the peachy colored day lillies. I must say, though, that the fragrant lillies give me terrible headaches. I can't be close to gardenias, lillies, or honeysuckle...major headache for me. Pretty to look at in pictures and doing drive-bys, though!!

Arkansas Patti said...

I am always blown away by the variety you have. Till your blog, I thought they just came in yellow and orange. You might want to give them name tags:))
Orange Velvet captured my fancy.

Small Kucing said...

You have so many types of lilies. Lovey

So far I only have purple rain lilies.

there are some sort of insect/slugs kept eating away my lilies. Tries spraying them with garlic and pepper water still no avails. Didnt want to spray with chemical spray coz i have some edible plants nearby

Rose ~ from Oz said...

I used to always try and choose a favorite at your blog Betsy but its impossible now. Aren't they all gorgeous though?!
You're copping a really cold blast over there, could use a spoonful or three over here!
I was wondering if you and George were loving the new gas fire!
Indeed Stay WARM!

Linda P said...

Today's a rainy, windy day here, although not very cold. After being out and about I've settled down indoors and your post featuring those beautiful daylilies, the quotes and pictures on the sidebar brings cheer. I'm sure you're glad of the new gas-log fireplace now that you're experiencing such cold weather.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh wow, looks like a little taste of spring here in late fall :)

I wish you a wonderful weekend, Betsy!

Fun60 said...

I like the last photo where I can see them grouped together. It is such a delight to scroll through them all.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love the first ones, and also the orange variety.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
Oh my goodness! the weather! I didn't know you were having such cold weather, your new gas-log fireplace sounds like a cosy and romantic place though for you two lovebirds! I enjoyed all of the day-lillies, so lovely and so vibrant, a perfect blast of colour for me, it's so grey here - I adore the day-lillies so much and also their names, so pretty and I couldn't pick a favourite (I tried too!) have a wonderful weekend! x x x

Unknown said...

I love most sorts of flowers so it's very hard to pick a favourite. It's been very rainy here this week, suppose we will have a very wet winter. Would prefer some snow though. Enjoy your weekend :)

Elizabeth said...

"A Daylily by any other name..." Yes, you had me at Buttered Popcorn, too!! I thought for a minute of something like "Dark Roast" for us coffee lovers, but I'm not sure a brown Daylily is quite what we need to see during this arctic blast! Thanks for these wonderful pictures from summer...I was feeling down a bit from this early cold weather, but you brought a smile to me :) xoxo

Shug said...

Been thinking of you all week....I know there are still so many beautiful flowers and buds in your yard and yet this weather could be the end of their blooming season. Hope you have had time to cover up all of your blooms...
Stay warm and enjoy a cold weekend!

Marie said...

they are so pretty! I bet you're feeling a chill tonight. lol It's pretty chilly here!

keep warm!

Jeevan said...

I also heard about the winter storm there and saw cars skidding on the roads in news! These beautiful photos really do wonder and can look after anytime to cherish the past season several time a day. But I too hope (obviously) the spring will be back and you relive the moment as cheerful always. Absolutely this is another wonderful and pretty colorful series on Daylilies! Love the light sparkle through the last three photos on day-lilies.

Stay warm with the new fireplace :)

Manzanita said...

Christmas Wishes.... Orange Velvet..... how can one pick a favorite as they all are so beautiful. I would like to dream in reverie beside each one. Your header photo is a study in gorgeous green.....my favorite color.

Beatriz said...

Hello dear Betsy
Despite the harsh winter coming, your flowers are always beautiful....
I never have a favorite one, they are all perfect!!!
I think now you'll also know how to capture the beauty of winter in your photos, I'm sure!

Hugs and a great weekend

<°)))< Bia

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I can't pick- they are all gorgeous! I know you will miss all of your lovely flowers, but you are so right..it gives us hope for the spring to come again. Have a lovely weekend!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

I like all of them! I really needed the warmth today, thanks. I can't believe how cold it is here. Have a good weekend and stay warm.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Those are some beautiful daylilies. That has me wishing for spring. Thanks for the bright spot on such a cold day.

A Colorful World said...

They are all so beautiful, Betsy! I think Buttered Popcorn was one of my favorites! Yes, most people are saying goodbye to all their pretty flowers now, and certainly most of the fall color is already gone from most places. Snow photography is so beautiful...but that's mainly how I like my snow, either through a window or in a picture. :-) I'm such a wuss about the cold! :-)

I found it interesting to read what you said about Halloween in your area growing up (I'm way behind in my blog commenting!) I've never heard of Soap Night, Popcorn Night and then Trick or Treat night. I wonder what the origins are. We spent much of our childhood in Maryland and did not have anything like that there, but I am originally from Alabama, as you know, and didn't have that there either. It's an interesting custom!

Pat Tillett said...

Gorgeous photos Betsy! I love these pretty flowers. Try to stay warm!