Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Monday, November 10, 2014

November Brings the Birds to the Bird Kitchen

Black-Capped Chickadee  (taken on 11/6/14)
Most everyone knows that I  spoil feed my Backyard Birds...  I don't take (or have) time to take too many pictures these days  --but since it has been awhile since I published a Bird Blog Post, I decided that it was time to do one.

I have 11 different feeders in my Bird Kitchen ---and I have to store them in a large container we have on the deck,  every night!!!!  If I didn't put them away from view,  the Raccoons (which always visit us at nights) would STEAL eat everything...

SO--each morning,  fairly early,  I put out the feeders.  Then I ring the dinner bell (a windchime) ---and step back inside the house.  The birds flock to the feeders for breakfast....It's so much fun to watch them.

We have different birds at different times of the year... Right now,  we are watching LOTS and LOTS of Finches (mostly Goldfinches) at our feeders... I didn't count them when I saw them on Saturday (8th),  but there were probably 40 Finches on the deck...

Hope you enjoy today's pictures --and remember to click on them for enlargements.   None of the pictures are very clear since I was shooting through a dirty window and screen --and the lighting on the deck was not very good.  But--you'll get the idea of all of the joy I have watching 'my' birds!!!!

Above is a cute picture of one of my favorite little birds,  the Black-capped Chickadee.  We have these birds year-round ---and when I'm outside, they love to chatter to me from the trees around the Bird Kitchen.  Wish I knew their language---but I'm sure they are either saying: "Thanks for the delicious meal"   OR   "Get in the house, Lady,  so that we can EAT in peace."  Which do you think they are saying??????ha ha

A Black-Capped Chickadee and a Tufted Titmouse on the Plate Feeder  (11/6/14)

Finches anyone????? We have more finches right now than any other bird.  They love to 'hog' the feeders......UNTIL???????  (11/4/14)

.... the Mourning Doves visit!!!!  The Doves are so big --- they TRULY can 'hog' the Plate Feeder.  (11/4/14)

The Finches are patient for awhile (see that one waiting?).... BUT ????  (11/4/14)

...Then --they decide to descend upon the Doves!!!!  One Dove (named Mabel) flew away --but I heard another one (named Joe)  say to the third one: "Henry,  let's get outta here and get away from these noisy Finches".  (11/4/14)

Did you notice the Eastern Bluebird in the photo above this one????  Anyhow --we have several Bluebirds (year-round birds here) who love to come to the Mealworm feeder...  I love this photo of the Mourning Dove staring at Mr. Bluebird.  Wonder what he is thinking???  (11/4/14)

I love this:  watching the cute little Eastern Bluebird (perched on TOP of the Arbor) waiting to get a turn at the Mealworm feeder.  (11/4/14)

I love this picture of Mr. Bluebird grabbing a mealworm.  (11/4/14)

Another photo showing Mourning Doves,  Finches and a Bluebird  (11/4/14)

Here's one more showing a bird in flight --along with the Doves, Finches and a Bluebird... The Mourning Doves are SO big compared to the small Finches!  But that doesn't seem to bother the much smaller Finch in the plate with the Doves.

On  11/8/14,  look who came to visit!!!!   It's a Pileated Woodpecker (even larger than those Mourning Doves).  AND it looks like this guy is getting fattened up for the upcoming long winter ahead!

BUT---as you can tell,  even the big Pileated Woodpecker doesn't scare the Finches away!!!! The Pileated Woody didn't pay any attention to them since he was going after the suet... AND--the Finches didn't pay any attention to Mr. Pileated... I guess they know it's 'safey in numbers' when it comes to being around the bigger birds!!!!
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Backyard Birds... I am blessed to have so many here to enjoy!!!!  There are many more who visit --and I just need to take some time to get some more pictures to share.  I do enjoy these sweet little birds.

We are still very BUSY in the yard these days (getting up leaves,  cleaning out flowerbeds,  planting spring bulbs,  etc.)...  It's just THAT time of the year!!!

Hope all of you are enjoying November SO far... Get out and enjoy Nature before it gets too cold.  Speaking of COLD,  we are supposed to get VERY cold beginning this Thursday --and then stay cold for awhile....SO--winter is coming!



Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your birds very much. We see a lot of mourning doves here. I know the birdies appreciate the food and water you provide for them. Stay warm this week!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I had to laugh Betsy about the 'ringing the bell'for the birds. They must have got used to that. A lovely collection of birds on your feeders. Have a great week.

Ms. A said...

I can't believe you took these through a window AND a screen and they came out THIS GOOD! Sure wish mine did, because I scare the birds if I open the door to get shots.

Fun60 said...

It's that time of the year again when the feeders need to be filled. I'm never in time to get a photo though. Maybe I need to build a hide! Have a good week.

Ann said...

I always enjoy seeing the birds in your yard. I didn't realize you took the feeders down every night. So what do you do when you go on vacation?

Chatty Crone said...

I love all your birds - the blue ones - the doves - and your right that pileated wood pecker does look hefty. Good morning.

Out on the prairie said...

Haven't seen my Pileated pair all summer. Thought I could hear them across the lake last week. What a lovely group of friends.

Linda P said...

You have so many regulars visiting your yard you must get to know the different groups and individual varieties and they must all appreciate the different types of food you put out for them. I had to smile at the thought of them waiting for you to ring the bell after you've put out the feed. We have blackbirds coming to the front garden to feed on the grapes. (We grow grape vines wherever we live, but those in our English garden have been left for the birds). You do well to capture your birds with your camera and I've enjoyed seeing the latest visitors.

Connie said...

You get such a nice variety of birds there, Betsy. I'm sure they are very entertaining to watch. They have their own drama to perform for you! :)

George said...

Your bird kitchen is definitely popular. You got some wonderful photos of your happy customers.

Busy Bee Suz said...

If I was a bird, I'd be at your kitchen daily!!! The little finches are so cute; I love that they aren't intimidated by the 'biggies'!!

Jeevan said...

In India (south) it’s the perfect time to go out where sunshine used to be limited with emitting heat, I find it so comfort to being out or travelling. It’s so great to see so many birds in your bird kitchen, sharing their dishes peacefully leaving space for others. It is also entertaining coming across your photos with shots notes below. I liked more the plate of Finches :)

NCmountainwoman said...

Great photographs especially through the window and screen. We have many of the same birds every day except for the bluebirds.

BTW: They are starting our fireplace gas log replacement on Monday. Thanks to you and your post.

David said...

Betsy, Great bird photos! I especially like the woodpecker... The Raccoon's can be a pain. We have had to put our feeders up quite high off the deck just to keep them safe. I can't imagine taking in our feeders every night and putting them out in the morning... You are truly dedicated! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Anonymous said...

What charming shots of your feathered friends.

Linda Kay said...

I very much enjoyed the birds. My favorite is the chickadee and my least favorite are the white wing doves...I think they are just nasty pigeons. So glad you have such a "bird's eye view" of these lovelies.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your first picture of the doves is my favorite! You have really captured the beauty of the colors! Silly raccoons!

Terri D said...

What fun to watch the birds like you do!! I think the 'dinner bell' is such a great idea, and am amazed that the birds "get it"!! Smart little creatures! Those raccoons are smart, too...but you out-smarted them!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Your bird photos are awesome. I love the bluebirds and mourning doves best. You are a fantastic photographer and it's always a joy to visit your blog.

HappyK said...

Enjoyed all the bird pictures. I love to just sit and watch them. Very entertaining. : )

Latane Barton said...

Betsy, you are one dedicated bird feeder... but just look at the rewards you get for all your hard work. Great post today. Loved it.

Terry and Linda said...

I had to stop feeding our birds as they were roosting in Terry's buildings and making a huge mess. I love your birds!


Arkansas Patti said...

Goodness Betsy, you operate a regular food court. What a neat variety you have and those doves are a favorite of mine. Mine mostly just clean up what falls
Love that you have them trained to a dinner bell. That is too funny.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

I luv the chickadee, woodpecker and the blue bird. I am amazed how long they stick around even though it is so chilly! gorgeous week we r having. hope u r both well. big big hugs!!! ( :

Small Kucing said...

That means you have to wake up very early to feed the birds ya? But still worth it since you get to snap loads of lovely pics

Betsy said...

Love, love this photos Betsy. You are so thoughtful to take the feeders in every night and back the next morning. I just know they appreciate it. Lots of work for you.

Judy said...

Thanks for sharing your birds. It is so much fun to watch them in their feeders.

Shug said...

You know you shouldn't have drawn a line through the word Spoil. Spoil is what you do and this is so super precious!! Your sweet birds love you!
Thank you for checking on me!! This means a lot.
Y'all stay warm....it's fixing to get cold!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your bird kitchen looks to be the place to gather.Of course with all the delicious treats you offer,they are being well fed.

Cheqna said...

Hahaha...I love reading your story...they surely say "thank you" after the initial.."get inside lady"... :-D

and yes, I believe you spoil them (in a good way).

Have a lovely day Betsy..may you enjoy the great things you are doing.


Carletta said...

I don't feed the birds as much in the summer so I'm looking forward to getting the rest of my feeders up and having the birds visit again. I saw a few robin's this evening. I think these were flying through.
Wish our pileated goodies would get so close. :)

DeniseinVA said...

It was really nice seeing your birds Betsy, you have a lovely variety of them. Great pictures!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your bird kitchen is just SO much fun. I always enjoys your posts on it.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

How do you find all that time ? And storing those feeders each night! I loved the photos and your cute comments.

LV said...

Your photos turned out great dirt and all. I enjoyed seeing the pretty birds. We do not have these beauties around my house. We are due out first really cold spell today through the week. I hate cold weather.

Lux G. said...

My brother would have wanted these in our house. Lovely!

Unknown said...

Love seeing all your birds there, I love the feeder with the little glas roof. It's been very wet and rainy here today, so not too many birds visible. They are not as colourful as yours :)

Susie Swanson said...

Hi there my sweet friend.

I always enjoy your birds and how you spoil, I mean feed them. lol. They're coming to my backyard in droves as well. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes. Hugs and much love, xo

Our photos said...

Very nice. I like the blue birds !

Catherine said...

I can't believe it's almost mid-November! We have snow on the ground and only our winter birds left. Christmas will be here before we know it.

Happy November Betsy!
xo Catherine

amanda said...

Wow, your birds really are spoiled! (fed well!) I love it!!

imac said...

Hello MDF Betsy, thought I would pop in and see your wonderful Blog, Tweeting along very nicely I see.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!!
It's good to visit you! my internet is working again yay! I think the birds enjoy the luxury home you provide for them immensely! I love you ring the dinner bell and the birds come to eat, aren't they polite! (we have naughty pigeons who try and eat the rabbit food) I thoroughly enjoyed all the photo's and have you put new quotes on the sidebar, they are beautiful x x x

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful variety of birds! I am amazed that you put the feeders away every night. That's dedication! Love the bluebird and the pileated!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love your bird feeding station, I may try to make one for me....never thought of putting out food just in the morning. Beautiful birds

Jeanne said...

We don't have a racoon problem at our feeders - just squirrels. And they sneak in just any time of the day! Love all your birds!!

Rohrerbot said...

I've always said this....you've got the best bird feeders but to ring the bell for them to come.....now that's service!!!! Keep that Eastern Bluebird love going. They appreciate your support. And you sure do have a lot of goldfinches! Mine have quieted down a bit, but as it gets colder they'll be back. Hope you and George are well. Hugs. Chris

Anonymous said...

Betsy, Well, you just know I love that Pileated Woodpecker plus all those songbirds! Great snaps! have a super good weekend - stay warm!