Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Friday, September 13, 2013

ROSES which have recently Bloomed in our Yard

PEACE ROSE --Taken 9-6-13
Here it is:  FRIDAY, the 13th......  Be careful out there today.... THINGS can happen you know!!!!!! ha ha...... SO--in honor of this day,  I will help you to relax by sharing more of our beautiful roses growing in our yard.  I took all of these photos between 8/29 and 9/6.   Do you like buds?  I tend to like them better after they have opened--but I'm including some pretty buds today.   Just relax, get a cuppa --and take in all of the beauty!!!  I named the Roses and put the date when the photos were taken.  Be sure to enlarge them for bigger photos.

ALEC'S RED ROSE -Taken  9-6-13

BELLAROMA ROSE -Taken 9-6-13





LOVE AND PEACE ROSE - Taken 9-6-13

MIDAS TOUCH ROSE- Taken 9-4-13


PINK PEACE ROSE -Taken 8-29-13

RIO SAMBA ROSE -Taken 9-4-13

SONIA ROSE-  Taken 9-6-13



SUNDANCE ROSE -Taken 9-6-13

Hope you have enjoyed seeing these gorgeous Roses.  Spring blooms and Fall blooms are usually the prettiest of all... This recent batch has just been terrific.... Wish you could see them all in person!!!

Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday!  Please pray for the people experiencing flooding in Colorado..  That is such a gorgeous state and it hurts to see so much damage. 



Ginny Hartzler said...

The first rose, Peace rose, and Strike It Rich are my favorites, and they look so much like fall and like your gorgeous header!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. The Peace rosebud looks just like a flame!!!!

Ms. A said...

They're all so pretty! I'd have a hard time picking a favorite.

Our photos said...

Beautiful photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy What a great way for me to start the day but to gaze at all your beautiful roses. I was going to pick a favorite however as there wasn't a gun at my head, I decided they were all fantastic in different ways. They all look very healthy and you have photographed them excellently.

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy all the roses, but Sonia is my fav. Have a lovely weekend.

Fun60 said...

Your roses are beutiful and not the slightest sign of any munching from the greenflies!

eileeninmd said...

HI Betsy, I have been enjoying your beautiful roses. Lovely photos! Have a happy weekend!

Tabor said...

Not sure how you maintain all your roses with all your travel!!

From the Kitchen said...

I've enjoyed your roses all summer long. I'd love to just drive slowly past your house. People must do that!! The photos are just lovely.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

So pretty. I love the peace rose.

MadSnapper said...

1 place is a triple tie between peppermint, midas and glowing peace...wow they are stunning. and i love all the buds, i like the buds as much as the open

linda m said...

I can't decide which I like better - the rose or it's name. Love the pictures. Praying for all the people in Colorado. I have family that live there and so far they are okay but one is stuck in his neighborhood due to a flooded road. Have a great weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

I did...I did so enjoy this post. Roses can't be compared to any other flower. I loved the peppermint one, and the sonia comes in a real close 2nd. :o)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for all the beautiful roses. I am enjoying my week of music,but had to take the time to stop and 'smell' the roses.

Busy Bee Suz said...

So darn beautiful; all of them!!! I wish we had smell-vision. :)
Enjoy your weekend Betsy!

Shug said...

I couldn't possibly choose a favorite, as they are all absolutely stunning! We live about 10 miles from the famous "Tyler Rose Garden"...however, there is no need to visit it and have to deal with the HOT temps, when I can simply visit your blog and see the most gorgeous roses ever! The photography is just perfect!!
hugs to U2

Arkansas Patti said...

Strike it Rich made my want list. All are beautiful but that one stands out.
Have a safe and fun week end.

Linda P said...

All really beautiful and to have them blooming for so many months must be a joy. BellaRoma is my favourite, of course!

Glenda said...

Oh, these are all just breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you for sharing the loveliness with us! I could not begin to choose a favorite, either, and I'm amazed that they are still blooming so wonderfully for you! Praying for those in the midst of all that flooding....

Big Dude said...

Great shots of your beautiful roses Betsy

Sylvia K said...

I always love to see your gorgeous roses, Betsy! Such beautiful colors and your captures are superb!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Sara S. said...

Beautiful rose buds as always! Your flower beds must be truly amazing with all the different kinds of flowers you have. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics!

Beatriz said...

So today is my lucky day! The number 13 has always brought me good news and happiness. Your garden is so beautiful, and I'm happy to see all these flowers open up this world! It's a pity that I live in a small apartment, and I only have space for a few plants .....

Have a nice weekend Betsy!!!

Hugs from Bia


Catherine said...

Gosh - this seems so late for roses to be blooming. But I guess not for your area. They sure are pretty!
Wishing you a happy weekend Betsy!
xo Catherine

Small City Scenes said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!! It would be nice to see them in person. That first shot of the Peace is just Perfect. I love Rio Samba---used to have it. And I am partial to yellow roses and you have some beauties. Thanks for showing us there IS a 'rose garden'. MB

Janice K said...

I think it would be impossible to pick a favorite...They all look so perfect!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I sure like those yellows! Have a great coming weekend!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I did not realize it was Friday the 13th. I need to put some of the Strike It Rich Roses in my yard. Maybe they will bring me some luck with money,Haha. I think my favorite rose today in your photos is the CHICAGO PEACE ROSE.

Connie said...

Your roses are gorgeous, Betsy! I especially like the Glowing Peace and the Strike it Rich ones. So pretty! Have a great weekend! :)

Jazzmin said...

It was a joy to relax and take in all the beauty and loveliness of your blooms!!
My favorite was the Peppermint Splash.

Hope you have a wonderful day!
Blessings and hugs!

Jazzmin said...

It was a joy to relax and take in all the beauty and loveliness of your blooms!!
My favorite was the Peppermint Splash.

Hope you have a wonderful day!
Blessings and hugs!

Terry and Linda said...

I just love that Peppermint Splash rose! One of my commentators son and daughter-in-law live in Boulder. She said they are in a motel now...I hope everyone is okay!


HappyK said...

They sure are pretty. : )

Out on the prairie said...

Summer o f love and glowing peace were a few favorites, but all were very nice.A white John Kennedy is my fav for smell.

Joy said...

Having a wonderful time today friday the 13th. And your roses adds glamour to my feelings:)

Sharon said...

Beautiful, as always!!

D said...

Ok, Betsy, I have to ask: do you prune all those roses? LOL I know the effort involved. Bless you!

Kay said...

I like the first rose photo best.

Ann said...

For a Friday the 13th it went remarkably well today :) Those are gorgeous roses

Unknown said...

Stunning beauties Betsy.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

They're all so beautiful! Have a great weekend.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You've outdone yourself with these beautiful images, Betsy. I just could not pick a favorite.

Miss Debbie said...

BEAUTIFUL! What green thumbs you two must have!!

Marie said...

Gorgeous!!! Sept 13th is my nieces birthday. :)

Rose ~ from Oz said...

The flooding in Colorado is heartbreaking, nature seems to be unleashing her fury around the world in different ways at present.

I'm stumped Betsy, I usually enjoy the challenge of choosing a favourite but alas, after enlarging and 3 go-throughs, I cannot pick a fav today!!

MastHoliday said...

Wow, So sweet your roses!

Neal said...

All are beautiful....think my favorite is the Rio Samba rose. I'd like to know how it got that name. :)

Kay said...

I am loving my new car. Thanks for asking.

Betty Manousos said...

aw, they' re all so pretty! and the colours are amazing, too.
i'd love to see them for real.
always a delight to pop by your lovely spot for a visit.

hope you're having a great weekend!

big hugs!

p.s. i love your backyard and your roses.

pam said...


Stephanie said...

Your roses are truly stunning! I have a weakness for roses :) Your post was lovely and it was a joy visiting you. Have a wonderful weekend!


DeniseinVA said...

Marvelous roses Betsy!

Chatty Crone said...

I love them all - but I have to pick the Chicago Peace Road. sandie

Chatty Crone said...

Rose not road! lol sandie

Janie said...

Not only are the roses beautiful, but your photos of them are so impressive. I love how you arrange the perfect background and light to show off the color of the bloom.

diane b said...

So many beautiful roses. I wish I could see them.

diane b said...

I meant to say. Irish I could smell them.

diane b said...

Hee hee I will get it right soon. I wish I could smell them. Darn iPad.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

They are all so pretty and it's hard to choose a favorite, but the Peace rose would at or near the top of the list. Enjoy your Sunday!

Jeevan said...

Fabulous collection on roses... love all the beauties here and my favorite one is glowing peace rose!

Have a great time :)

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

It is your collection that has inspired me to grow a couple. Thanks for that:)

Roberta said...

Hi Betsy,
Your photos are very beautiful !!!
I join in prayer for people disadvantaged by the floods in Colorado.
Greetings from Italy,

Roberta said...

Hi Betsy,
Your photos are very beautiful !!!
I join in prayer for people disadvantaged by the floods in Colorado.
Greetings from Italy,

Roberta said...

Hi Betsy,
Your photos are very beautiful !!!
I join in prayer for people disadvantaged by the floods in Colorado.
Greetings from Italy,

Roberta said...

Hi Betsy,
Your photos are very beautiful !!!
I join in prayer for people disadvantaged by the floods in Colorado.
Greetings from Italy,

Roberta said...

Hi Betsy,
Your photos are very beautiful !!!
I join in prayer for people disadvantaged by the floods in Colorado.
Greetings from Italy,

Roberta said...

Hi Betsy,
Your photos are very beautiful !!!
I join in prayer for people disadvantaged by the floods in Colorado.
Greetings from Italy,

Beatriz said...

Turning to see the name of that beautiful flower "Love and Peace Rose"!!!!
Have a nice week in your beautiful garden, Betsy!

Many hugs



LV said...

Taking a walk through your rose garden would be like walking in paradise. So lovely.

Mary said...

I'm always amazed at the beautiful roses you have and the huge variety of kinds. Lovely!