Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

From the Archives: Winter Birds

Today I will share with you another set of photos from my archives.  These are some of my favorite winter bird photos --which I have taken through the years...  Above is always a winter favorite,  a male NORTHERN CARDINAL.

Above is a year-round bird in our yard who ONLY visits the feeders during a very cold and/or snowy time... I love this photo of the AMERICAN ROBIN since he looks almost regal!!!!!

And,  here's a favorite bird --who comes to the feeders all year long,  but really enjoys the 'heated' bird bath in the cold winter... This beauty is an EASTERN BLUEBIRD.  (The other little bird in the picture is a GOLDFINCH.

Here's another favorite bird,  one of our MOURNING DOVES---just sitting on that cold snow...  They say that Doves are not the smartest of birds --but sitting on the cold snow has to be hard on the 'underside',  don't you think???? ha

Here's another good picture of our NORTHERN CARDINAL in winter.  The red really is pretty beside that white snow...

I absolutely adore this photo of a CAROLINA WREN.  He is sitting on a Rhododendron blossom.  The ice on his face and eyebrows makes him look like a  Grandfather Wren.... ha ha

Here's another cute little bird who only visits us during a snowstorm... This is the little DARK-EYED JUNCO... Isn't he a cute little guy?

Finally,  here is another of my favorite EASTER BLUEBIRD winter photos. Bless her heart.  She looks so COLD.  I love seeing how the birds get puffy --trying to stay warm...

I'm not sure that the winter of 2012-13 will provide us with enough snow in order for me to get some good WINTER BIRD photos.   SO---I'll just continue to enjoy my archived photos...

Have a great day.  I'll be 'out-of-pocket' for a few days --and won't be doing much blogging.  However,  I will post a blog on Friday... Just won't get to do much visiting... VERY BUSY hopefully having some FUN!!!!



Ms. A said...

Several birds I've only seen in photos, but hope to see in real life, one day!

Have fun!

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Betsy. You know just how much I love birds. And your photos are stupendous. If you'd like, please consider adding this post to my birding meme on Saturday...at 12Noon CST. It would be one great addition to our meme links. [of course, you get there from Hootin' Anni's on my sidebar link: "I'd Rather B Birdin"]


Tabor said...

I haven't seen snow in two years and even fewer birds as a result...oh well!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing northern birds in the snow and your are gorgeous.

Its a delightful sight I don't see since moving south 28 years ago.

Be well and have a happy day, Betsy.
Hugs ~:)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love calling the "DARK-EYED JUNCO" my "penguin bird" ...they are too cute. great snowy shots. i wonder if we will get any snow this weekend Betsy? it is in the forecast ... i'm hoping for it. it is freezing around here ... 9 degrees this AM. ( :

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful birds! Amazing how God takes care of them in the cold!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

These are so wonderful! I can barely even pick a favorite. But either the robin or the wren. Both of them just have such great expressions.

Karin said...

Simply wonderful shots! Love how the stark white of the snow enhances the color of each bird!

Arkansas Patti said...

Cardinals really are so striking against the snow. I do hope you get more this year. We had had a big one, a small one and maybe one this week. Busy winter for Arkansas.
I too love the Doves. They just seem so gentle and patient.

MadSnapper said...

i love your robins and blue birds, we don't have them here. we have a mom and pop cardinal now and they sing there hearts out every morning.

Dorothy said...

Wonderful pictures of your 'Snow Birds"!THe Cardinal is my favorite, of course.

linda m said...

Love all your winter bird pictures. They are really excellent photos.


I really enjoyed seeing all your ver lovely Winter birds. Great Photos. I also like seeing your heated bird bath. I thought of buying one last Summer and did not maybe I will get one this year. Very very cold here. Hugs Judy

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

There's nothing like a snowy background to set off the beauty of a cardinal, and you've really captured it in the two cardinal pictures posted here. The little wren looks as if it's perched on a flower bud in the midst of all that snow. Great shot of the robin, too. No snow to speak of here yet either, but it's COLD!

imac said...

Nice selection of little Tweets.

MTWaggin said...

The red cardinals are a favorite, love their color and hey, we don't have them here so that makes them even more fun.

LV said...

Betsy, those are wonderful bird captures. That Cardinal with the snow as a background really is lovely.

Robin's Nesting Place said...

I rarely see Eastern bluebirds here. How delightful that you have them all winter!

Nancy said...

They are so precious and beautiful

TexWisGirl said...

juncos and wrens are some of my favorites. :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Lots of birdie love for me this morning. Thanks!!

Out on the prairie said...

Nice shots,you got some great colors in the dove and wren

Sylvia K said...

Such beautiful, colorful birds in the snow!! Delightful captures for the day, Betsy!! Hope your week is going well!

Chatty Crone said...

Ah Betsy you know I just love those photos of birds. They are so beautiful. It's such a great picture for the soul. And your lens must bring them in really close. I love the first one with the background black and the bird red. Great photos Betsy - hope you have a great day.

Small City Scenes said...

Your bird images are always so wonderful, Betsy. We have a zillion Juncos here but not your other birds.

PS: I haven't been on Baker yet---summertime stuff--but we have been hiking on the Tree Farm. The knee seems to be doing so-so or even ok. Every day it gets better. MB

Ginny Hartzler said...

So many to love here Betsy, and you know how my bird posts are special to me. My favorite today has to be the cold puffed up robin.

Nellie said...

Really great photos of birds, Betsy! We don't have many that slow down around here.:-) Of course, we have no feeders in place. The pigeons always "hijack" them, not leaving room - or food - or other birds in our neighborhood.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I enjoyed all the pictures but in my mind the first one gets the prize. It looks Christmas card ready.

Unknown said...

Beautiful bird pictures, and love the snow.
Hope you're having a good week.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love your birdies!! Beautiful shots. Have fun wherever you're going!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Those are all so beautiful. My favorites are the first photo of the Northern Cardinal and the photo of the Dark-Eyed Junco. I did not know that you could get a heated bird bath. I have got to look in to getting one.

Rose said...

No wonder these are your favorites...I don't know which I liked best but enjoyed them all. And must say, every time I come here I love seeing that photo in the header of your house dressed in snow!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, lovely collection of birds in the snow. They maybe new to me, I do not remember seeing them. Either way they are all lovely birds and photos.

Wendy said...

That Northern Cardinal steals the show with his vivid red! Oh, and I laughed at Grandfather Wren. LOL!
Your pics are superb, Betsy. I think you should make them into post-cards and sell them. Really.
Take care and have fun,

Ann said...

wonderful winter bird pictures. I always love to see the cardinals. That splash of red against the snow is always a welcome sight

Janice K said...

Those are all so neat. I especially liked the look on that little wren's face!

Catherine said...

Your birds make me happy!
xo Catherine

Connie said...

Such great pictures, Betsy! I don't think I could choose a favorite, they are all so good!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

The bird photo's a beautiful and very perfect as usual. I love the snow, even though I know it looks much prettier than it feels. Love sent.

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful winter bird photos, Betsy. I love the dark-eyed juncos in the snow because they are such a dark grey and that contrast is so lovely. Not to mention the bright red of the male cardinal against that white! But they are all beautiful.

Small Kucing said...

Beautiful winter birds Photos :).

It's a public holiday over here. Have a nice day :)

Anonymous said...

The birds bring a smile to my face. I saw nuthatches at Mary's feeder yesterday. They are fun to watch.

Jeevan said...

Yes, the northern cardinal present makes the scene very pretty! Wren steals the post. It’s very pleasure to birds here and I guess winter invites many birds into your neighborhood.

Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

What fabulous shots. Love the cardinal and that last one too. Our birds are very puffy over here as it's now very very cold.

Cheqna said...

Hi Betsy,

The snow surrounding your home looks beautiful, hope it brings you pleasure.

Thank you for sharing your bird photos collection.

Have a great weekend!


Beth said...

Wonderful shots, Betsy! I always enjoy seeing a cardinal against the snow and the wren made me laugh out loud.

Have a great weekend...and have fun!

Farikica said...

Hi Betsy,

All the birds'photos are great. I love the red bird the most, perhaps because of its striking color compared to all the other birds..ha..ha.. Looks like it's snowing at yr place, yeah..? Over here in my place, it's raining every single day...

Linda P said...

I'm enjoying your archive photos of your bird visitors in Winter. You wouldn't miss that Cardinal with its splash of red would you? A beautiful photo, but they are all lovely little visitors.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Seeing a cardinal in a winter setting always makes me smile!!! Gorgeous birdies.