Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Orchids from Biltmore

On our Valentine's trip,  we stopped by one of our favorite places, the Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville, NC.  For more info on Biltmore,  click HERE.  As I have mentioned,  we bought season's passes ---so we will go back several times,  mainly to see their beautiful flowers...I cannot wait to see the tulips and spring flowers in bloom...

Today I will share with you more of the beautiful orchids in bloom on Feb. 14 in the Conservatory at Biltmore.  To see more of our Biltmore picture,  go to my sidebar, scroll down to my labels and click on BILTMORE.

Aren't they just gorgeous?  Even with all of the turmoil and sadness in the world,  seeing beautiful flowers can make a smile come to one's face...

We are headed back to Biltmore TODAY to see some of their outside blooms (hopefully Tulips and Azaleas)...  Because of this,  we won't be around much to visit any blogs.   But--we will will hopefully have more beautiful Biltmore flowers to show you soon.   Have a wonderful day.


Sciarada said...

Ciao Betsy, I agree with you, these orchids are beautiful and inviting smile!
A kiss for you!

diane b said...

You guys are certainly living life to its fullest. Good for you and have a great trip. The flowers are beautiful especially the last shot.

Beth said...

Happy for you that you get to spend more time at Biltmore--am looking forward to more pictures.:)
I'm not sure why, but I'm not an orchid fan. However, the colors are stunning and I enjoyed looking at your photos.
We're dry here now ---high 60's yesterday--sun was out and the ground dried up---no delay, but I still did fine.
Will miss you---have fun (don't have to tell you that, do I?!). :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Exquisite! I can hardly wait to see the pictures you will be taking this time.This place seems to have some of the most beautiful floral displays.Have a great time.

~mel said...

Anxiously awaiting ~ I just love that you take the time to share with the rest of us :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Each time I see orchids I think I will try to grow some. Those pictures convinced me to take the plunge.
Have a great week end.

Mr. Bill said...

Have a great trip...and wave when you go my my exit on 40! Can't wait to see your next offering.

Catherine said...

Take some extra sniffs of those flowers for me Betsy!!!
Have fun!
xo Catherine

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Those orchids are beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures of the tulips and azaleas. Have fun!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Orchids are so beautiful. Have a fun trip, Betsy!

MadSnapper said...

gorgeous, enjoy

Reanaclaire said...

Beautiful flowers, Betsy!

Big Dude said...

It's hard for me to imagine having the resources to build Biltmore as a little summer retreat in the mountains.

Larry said...

How very beautiful Betsy... I'm actually preparing to do a bit of orchid shopping tomorrow and these were an inspiration! Larry

Busy Bee Suz said...

Have a wonderful trip today.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE those orchids!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful & exotic, Betsy... great pics of them all! =)

Small City Scenes said...

Orchids and more orchids. they are so beautiful. One could get lost in the beauty at the Biltmore. MB

Susie said...

Enjoy your trip. I look forward to seeing the new pics.

KathyA said...

So great that you're close enough to visit several times --- those orchids are just so elegant and beautiful!!

Karin said...

So lovely to see your fantastic photos - as the snow is really coming down here!

Fred Alton said...

I love orchids. They are among the most exotic ones of God's creation. While my Dad was living he always (always) bought Mom one for Valentine's Day! Thanks for sharing.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are magnificent. They must have a talented gardener on staff there at the Biltmore. Hope you're having a great trip there today. We'll be watching for more photos.

Janice K said...

The white ones in the third picture were like ones I had in my wedding bouquet.

Have a great time!

carolina nana said...

I love orchids,I have tried to grow them from time to time but they never do good. Guess my green thumb doesn't apply to orchids !
Hope the tulips are still blooming at Bitlmore for you, mine are almost bloomed out.
The wierd weather around here this spring has put crazy timing on some blooming plants this year.
Have a great time and enjoy this nice weather.

I Am Woody said...

Just beautiful! The flower sellers here come around to the bars/restaurants selling orchids (and cut flowers) for $5. I just know I would kill one in no time!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope you have a great trip!!!! The weather may be perfect, it is here!!! My fave here hands down is the pretty pink curly one. Let me know about Friday.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yall are having fun, and thanks for showing us the beauty!

Unknown said...

These are such delicate flowers! Thanks for decorating our pages with such beautiful color! Can't wait to see more!

Leedra said...

Looks like you picked the perfect time to visit to see the orchids. Don't think I have ever seen that many in bloom there.

All very beautiful photos.

amelia said...

I have never been a fan of orchids but the are very pretty to look at without a doubt!

You two sure do get around!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Enjoy your visit. I like that last shot of the pink orchid the best. Have a wonderful day!

Mother Nature said...

I never tire of visiting Biltmore. Every season is a new story. Thanks for sharing your orchid photos. Lovely!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I'm so glad I got to visit today!!! These gorgeous orchids are just what I needed...wow...they are fabulous!!!
Thanks for the eye candy!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous orchids! Thanks for sharing these marvelous photos!

Shug said...

Beautiful orchids....I have heard that Biltmore is a lovely place...Hope to someday visit there..Have a good and safe trip...Can't wait to see more pictures..

HappyK said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous colorful flowers.
Enjoy your day and I look forward to seeing the pictures you take.

Rose said...

Wow, they are gorgeous....love that white one even.

p.s. While you are having fun, I am washing the north side of my house! (But that is better than washing dishes...LOL)

Elettra said...

Thanks for showing these wonderful !!!!!

JDS said...

The gardens at the Biltmore are tremendous. I like how they use greenhouses to grow things from different climates.

Sebab said...

Beautiful flowers. We love Orchids and we have few plants. They are bit difficult to grow and needs lots of attention than regular plants. But worth the time you spend on them. Nilambur

Ann said...

oh wow, they are gorgeous. I would love to visit a place like that.

Connie said...

Stunning pictures, Betsy. Those flowers are all so beautiful! I hope you have a nice trip. :)

Tracy said...

I love the orchids...my favorite is the sixth one down; the pink ones of course :)
How was your trip to the Bildmore this day? It was such a lovely day I know. How were the tulips?
Have you and George ever been to Duke Gardens? I know, I don't like Duke but the gardens are fabulous...why don't you look into it and we'll meet you there? ...even if we do have to drive to Duke :) just an idea...can't wait for your Friday 'Let's talk...'

Andrea said...

They are all gorgeous Betsy, but i fave the yellow Phalaenopsis most.

Diane said...

They're all so very beautiful. Thanks for sharing Betsy.

SquirrelQueen said...

The orchids are gorgeous, the first one is my favorite. Hope you had a good trip today, can't wait to see what lovely flowers you found.

Carletta said...

I love orchids and these are beautifully captured by your camera!
I saw some orchids at the grocery store yesterday but I don't think my thumb is green enough to keep them alive. I walked away. :)
Hope you and George have a lovely trip. Safe travels.

Betty Manousos said...

wow, what lovely photos!!
love all of them, especially the last one.
thanks so much for sharing.

betty x

Anonymous said...

The orchids are beautiful! I wish we lived closer to a public display garden such as Biltmore or Longwood Gardens!

Janie said...

Wow, the orchids are so lovely, Betsy. What a beautiful place to visit.