Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Christmas Wreaths

Some of you may remember from last year that I not only love angels,  but I also love wreaths.  We have five wreaths now  (one new one this year) around our home.  The first three I will show are wreaths with lights --and they are on the outside of our home.  We started two years ago with one wreath out there.  Last year we added another one, and this year, a third one.  The one above is the first one which was new in 2008.  Below are more.

The one above is the one we bought last year.  These wreaths are so pretty from the road when it is dark.  We'll take some outside pictures sometime and show you.

And this is our new wreath which we purchased this year.  Isn't it pretty? They are all pretty---and each unique in its own way.  This wreath is hung on the garage side of our home, along the front.

This is our front door wreath.

And this is the wreath which hangs above our fireplace.

Here is a picture of two of our wreaths hanging outside...  These are the first two wreaths we bought (2008 and 2009).  It was snowing here when I took these pictures --and you can see a little snow clinging on the holly bushes.  You can also see my Poinsettia hanging basket.

Finally,  here is a picture of our front porch.  You can see (sorta) the door wreath behind our storm door. The little tree on the front porch is also lit --along with lights around the door.   As I said,   we will show you how pretty everything looks at night soon.


Here's another picture from our recent snow.  Do you want to know how cold it was?  WELL---just ask the Rhododendron!!!!  See how they shrivel up when it's about 13 degrees!!!!  That's the way they protect themselves.  NOW---do you see what else is in that picture (that we didn't know was there until we saw it on the computer)????  You can't miss that gorgeous RED Cardinal!!!!!   He was on his way to the feeders close-by. Poor thing... Don't you know how cold he was.

Have a wonderful day! Don't forget to feed the birds during the cold winter!


Catherine said...

Your wreaths are beautiful Betsy! And that little red Cardinal just adds to the Christmasy feeling ~ haha!

Hope you are keeping warm friend!
xo Catherine

Darla said...

I like wreaths too and I LOVE pinecones. I would love to see a photo of them lit up, I know dang well they are pretty. I was thinking the other day that those Cardinals look like Christmas decorations for the wild, they are so bright and beautiful.

SquirrelQueen said...

All of your wreaths are so pretty, you have collected some really great one. I like the way you have decorated around your front door with the wreaths and poinsettia and that cute little tree with the red bows and candy canes.

The poor little cardinal, he has to be cold.

ratieh said...

wohooo..your wreaths are so pretty! i heart your front door wreath and also the poinsettia. =D

Tracy said...

I too am fascinated by wreaths; in fact I intend to do a future post on that exact topic...but you'll have to wait!
Your wreaths are lovely and such a reflection of you...you are a dear!
Have a pleasant day!

Arkansas Patti said...

Your place looks so wonderful. I really like that second wreath the best but they are all beautiful.
I am sure that cardinal is fine since he is fat and sassy with all the good food you supply.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The wreaths are beautiful.You and George do a wonderful job of decorating the house.The Cardinal is the perfect finishing touch.

Neal said...

Your wreaths are beautiful. The first think I saw when I seen your Rhododendron was the red so I had to enlarge the picture to see what it was.

Tabor said...

No snow here, yet, but the way the rest of the country looks and has looked for days I am sure we will get our share soon enough!

Beth said...

Such lovely wreaths, Betsy! Your front door wreath is perfect for that spot, the way the color of the fruit echoes the color of the door. I am very fond of wreaths, as well. I have a small collection, so that I have one on our front door year round, according to the season. Oops, just realized that I still have the autumn-leaf one up!! :-)

I spotted Mr. Cardinal right away. He's a handsome fellow.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Your wreaths are beautiful. The second one is my favorite. I really like your little tree by the front door with candy canes even!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

It looks like you are ready to celebrate Christmas! Beautiful! Isn't it fun seeing things in your photos you didn't notice when taking them? Nice one!

amelia said...

I love your wreaths, I have always loved them but have only one which we hang outside to one side of our front door.

The little cardinal getting in your picture is so precious..

linda m said...

Your wreaths are simply gorgeous! Wish I could put one on my front door, but it would just blow away (it can get very windy here). Can't wait for the night time pictures.

Gerry's Soap N Stuff said...

I love your wreaths. Gerry

Out on the prairie said...

All are nice, I like to decorate outside the best. One year I had to expand my circuit breakers from all my girls and I put out.

Anonymous said...

Your wreaths are very pretty. We have one wreath hanging. It hangs from inside our house, in the middle window of our bedroom. We have very little Christmas decoration outside, as Bob doesn't like to decorate outside. We have a lighted snowman on our front porch and a Christmas banner on our front lawn. That's it! I'll have to look outside to see if I EVEN see our rhododendron bush. It might be completely covered with snow by now!

Sharon said...

Good Morning, Betsy!

If I didn't have my camera, I wouldn't have known half of what was outside (before my eye surgery), I used my camera and computer monitor to "see".

Pretty wreaths! That cardinal was sure a plus!

Have a great day!

Dorothy said...

Good morning, Betsy,
All your wreaths are beautiful!!
My favorite is the one with the poinsettias and bright red bows!
Your yard looks pretty in the snow!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Very pretty wreaths, Betsy!!! I also love wreaths along with my Angels!!! My boys always have an idea of what to get me. I'll have to do a post on Angels soon. Thanks for the idea! :-)

Hope it's warmer there today, for you and the birds!! :-)
PS. Yes, we do feed the birds in the winter. I also put my 'dryer lint' out for them to use for their nest. I read that once, and they really do use it. :-)


Hello! How are You?!


Very beautiful!

Lynda said...

I love the diagonal design of the wood on your home. It is definitely colder there than here - - - glad I am here. However your weather and snow make beautiful Christmas pictures with the decorations!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful wreaths! You know how I love your photos each day (I repeat myself)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I LOVE wreaths too and yours are beautiful.
Cardinals are just the prettiest birds...he was being camera shy I believe. :)

I Am Woody said...

I love the little tree by the front door! :)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your wreaths make your home look very festive. I've never gotten into decorating for the season, but I enjoy looking at the homes of people who do. :)

Barbara said...

Oh so beautiful you have such a flair for making all things look wonderful, hugs my friend, Barbara

LV said...

I wish I had part of your Christmas spirit. You certainly picked some lovely wreaths. You are using them all in just the right place. Very pretty sight I am sure driving toward your home.

cyclopseven said...

Things of beauty, never fade. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God bless.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I just can't pick a favorite wreath! When I saw the first one, I thought that would be it, but then they are all beautiful!! And I love your cute bow and candy cane tree!!

Karin said...

Each wreath has its own beauty! Very lovely how you decorate to make everything look so festive! Just beautiful! I can imagine how it makes your house warm and inviting in the dark of night!

Peggy said...

It looks like Christmas has arrived at your place! Everything is so beautifully decorated. Wish we had some of your snow. Temps are cold here too and am loving it but still wishing for snow.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your wreaths are all beautiful, Betsy! I especially like the second one. The cardinals are always a beautiful spot of color in the often gloomy days of winter. I love to see them at the feeders.


MadSnapper said...

All the wreathes are beautiful, I THINK my favorite is the one over the fireplace, love the hanging poinsetta and the last photo of 13 degrees is perfect for a christmas crd

nanny said...

I love your wreathes....very pretty.
I've been gone for a couple of days and I am sure my birds need feeding!

Harriet said...

All of the wreathes are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Beautiful decorations! You have sympathy about your Rhodies - mine here are looking downcast as well. The good news is that mine survived our 11 days below freezing last year so I think all of our Rhododendrons will recover nicely. Have a wonderful day (Glad it is sunny!).

Rose said...

They are beautiful, Betsuy...and that cardinal looks like he is just part of the decorations!

(Have you ever read A Red-bird Christmas by Fannie Flagg? You might like it.)

KathyA said...

I feel like shriveling up like the rhododendron!

Love your wreath collection. We have a few, too, two of which are real. Boy, do they smell wonderful!

Kay said...

Everything is so pretty. I love the wreaths.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I like the second one with the pine cones. There is a big pine tree in our school compound. I pick a few cones for my room. The school kids are cheeky and ask me for thrm.

I tell them, there are plenty under the tree, go pick them yourself.

From the Kitchen said...

I spotted that glorious red boy right away. I thought he was posing for you. All of your wreaths are lovely. Made me stop to mentally count ours--five. We actually have a fresh one on the front porch. Yours are certainly going to look very welcome when those boys arrive home.


Kelly said...

...your halls are definitely decked!! My fav is the second wreath...the one with the berries. I didn't think you guys were supposed to get a lot of snow down there?? Looks pretty. It's snowy and cold up here too.

Big Dude said...

Looks like you're well decorated for the season.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


I did this post for you and George, and I mean every word.

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Betsy,

Your cardinal is the second I've seen this week tucked away in the foliage and standing out so gaily. We don't have cardinals here so it is always a pleasure to see them elsewhere and around the blogworld.

Your post of your wreaths inspired me to get up from the computer and walk around the house to count ours. I knew we had a few but since we didn't consciously collect them, I really didn't know how many we had. Turns out we don't have many, just six, one more than you. That just doesn't hardly seem like enough does it? I vote we go shopping after Christmas and hit the half off (or more) sales for MORE wreaths.

Cheryl said...

I spotted the beautiful Cardinal immediately! Betsy, each and every one of your wreaths is gorgeous, love the plaid ribbon on one of them. Your frontdoor and entryway is so very welcoming with the pretty tree and wreath and even the cute doormat! Can't wait to see your night photos soon. Have a nice weekend.

floweringmama said...

Oh my goodness, how beautiful! I love the wreaths. I love the candy cane tree on the porch, it's just adorable!

Wendy said...

Oh my goodness, I did not see that cardinal until you mentioned it! He looks so sweet, hiding among the branches.

Your wreaths are spectacular! I love wreaths too. And your little tree is cute too with all the candycanes and bows. Thanks for sharing.

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

A wreath just says "Christmas Season" to me...love them!

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

What lovely wreaths.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Your wreaths are so neat. You are way colder then up here. We have so much more snow.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Your wreaths are gorgeous! I'm working on another one now to hang over our piano. I have some little chickadees who are visiting my suet cakes. I'm glad it's not as cold here--it's way warmer--22 degrees!

Rose said...

love your wreaths i have them in my kitchen hallway, living room and 2 doors snow, the temps have been very low, i wouldn't be surprised if we eventually get snow. take care rose

Janie said...

The wreaths are all beautiful, and I loved the peek at the red cardinal in the snow.

Rose said...

love your wreaths. i have them in my kitchen hallway and on 2 outside doors. thanks for your comment on my post. i collect angles

Diane said...

Your wreaths are so pretty and festive Betsy. All of your decorations are so pretty and they look beautiful in the snow. Diane

carolina nana said...

Pretty wreaths Betsy.
I thought I was going to get smart and I bought a solar light garland so I wouldn't have to run so many cords but so far it hasn't lit up at night,maybe it's been too cold. We had a heat wave today of 40 degrees. They say more snow is on the way,this reminds me of last year !!!
Merry Christmas

Tammie Lee said...

so much beauty and a lovely way to celebrate the season. Wishing you wonderful holidays and winter solstice too!

Love Of Quilts said...

Love the wreaths... you have your home decorated so nice...wishing you a Merry Christmas. God Bless Trish

mudderbear said...

Everything is so very pretty. And I'm glad you pointed out the cardinal..what a beautiful spot of color!! The wreaths are all gorgeous. I left my beauty behind when we moved. Now I realize there could have been room for it, somewhere. Oh well.......

Twilight Man said...

Your wreaths are pretty and happy looking. If you ever plan to replace and discard them, just send them all to me!!!! Postage by me!
Perhaps you can always add few small toys onto the wreaths to enhance them too.

diane b said...

Every year the wreaths get more beautiful. Your house looks very Christmassy and so does the red cardinal. I would be sitting in front of the fire in those temperatures and wreaths and cardinals would not get me outside.

Valerie said...

Your wreaths are beautiful Betsy! And they keep so well over the rest of the year.

I have one huge wreath my parents bought (they got each of my siblings one as well) about 20 years ago. I put it on my front door every year.

One of my favorite things about the holidays - reliving all the precious memories!!

Mary said...

so many beautiful wreaths! The rhododendrons always look so sad in the winter.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so festive and pretty Betsy and George. Wishing you both a wonderful weekend.