Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More of our Christmas Pretties

If you have been a follower of mine for more than a year,  you may remember many of these Christmas decorations from last year.  But--since I have so many newer people,  I decided to share them with you today. I apologize if this is all OLD news for you!

Above is our Christmas calendar.  This little hanging calendar is special since I have had it in my family since my sons were little.  My sister-in-law (Evelyn--who died in 2007) made this for us ---and I remember that, beginning on Dec. 1st,  my kids would place one ornament each day on the little tree.   All of the ornaments were in the little pockets at the bottom, and then were put on the tree (one each day) until the 24th,  when the star went on the top of the tree.  That way the boys knew how many days it was until Christmas.

The top of our Entertainment Center cabinet is decorated with some Christmas memories. Most of these little goodies were given to us by friends.  My favorite from this group is the little Santa on the right.  He is made from a small claypot.

The little snow-covered cabin on the left in this picture was a gift that I gave to George the first year we were married.  We both wanted a cute little log cabin in the woods ---so this was IT.... ha ha... The big snowball in the back was given to us by a friend who lived in Colorado at the time.

I have an entire blog post upcoming,  showing some of our ornaments ,  but had too many for one post.  SO--I'll show you three of them today.  Above is one of my favorite birds,  the male Cardinal.

And this was my first bird ornament (I have 7 now).  This little glass hummingbird will always be special to me.

And,  since Eastern Bluebirds are my all-time favorite bird,  I was thrilled when George gave me this ornament --which included two little Bluebirds and their home.  Isn't it gorgeous?

Finally,   here is a picture of my favorite place in our home... I can sit on my throne (recliner) --enjoy the fire blazing in the fireplace while just gazing at our tree (with all of the other lights off of course).  Several of you thought it was a HUGE tree.  It must have been the angle because it's not that big (about 7 feet I think)... But--we love it!!!!


I just have to add one more SNOW picture for you.   This is looking onto the deck --toward the upper side of our back yard.  We enjoyed the snow (about 6 inches or so) --but we didn't enjoy the bitter cold temperatures.  And now the weather people are saying that we may get some ICE...  Let's hope that they are wrong.  An ice storm is much worse than any snow storm...  Yipes!!!

Have a wonderful day, and enjoy the season --no matter what your weather is!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, It is fun to see all your Christmas pretties and hear the memories behind them. I also love your bird ornaments. I hope you will not get ice. It makes getting around so very dangerous. Your snow is so pretty and I am enjoying your pictures. Enjoy your day.

Nina said...

What a Beautiful Home and Hearth. You truly share the magic of Christmas in these photo's. Blessings to you and yours this holiday season and all throughout the new year. Love and Light, Nina P

RoeH said...

Oh, it's just beautiful. And that tree! I could sit for hours just looking at it. If you put it on last Christmas I can't remember so glad you did a re-run on it. I think you could sell this Christmas Photo.

Catherine said...

All your decorations are so pretty Betsy. We collect so many favourites over the years don't we?

Mother Nature gave us freezing rain yesterday afternoon. The highways were closed all around us. I am not looking forward to driving to work this morning. Scary!

Keep warm friend!
xo Catherine

Arkansas Patti said...

I hope it is not an ice storm heading your way. Those usually leave us in the dark and that would be criminal with all your lovely decorations.
Stay safe, stay warm and keep those lovely lights burning.

diane b said...

It is lovely that your ornaments provoke nice memories. The tree is beautiful. It must take ages to decorate. It looks a lovely cosy, pretty place to sit and daydream. We have heard about the bad snow storms in the north of US.Hope you don't get them so bad.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I may have seen some of your decorations last year,but the are still just as pretty this year.The ornaments are special,when you have good memories that go with them.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I may have seen some of your decorations last year,but the are still just as pretty this year.The ornaments are special,when you have good memories that go with them.

Darla said...

I do remember some of these decorations, nice. Your fireplace area is a nice place to retreat to from all that freezing weather your are having.

pam said...

Bird ornaments are my favorite! I love you hummingbird.

Neal said...

Don't know which is my favorite...the hummingbird or blue bird. I like your picture of the fireplace...it makes you feel secure when you look at it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy!

I enjoyed seeing your bird ornies. I too have a hummer and a male cardinal. I've named our house "Cardinal Cottage" because that is the state bird for both KY & OH!!

You have inspired me, I think I will start looking for other bird ornies ASAP! ;-D

Your fire and tree are gorgeous, and so relaxing!♥

Beth said...

The shot of the crackling fire and the gorgeous Christmas tree is so very cozy, Betsy. It makes me want to come sit with you and warm myself by the fire. So start the hot chocolate, and I'll be right there! :-)

P.S. That tree really does look huge!

linda m said...

Love your beautiful decorations and all the lovely memories that go with them. I sure hope you don't get the "ice" nobody needs that. Thanks for sharing.

Beth said...

By the way, I'd love to have some of your pimento beans and orange balls with that hot chocolate!:-)

Seriously, you should put up the recipes for those, Betsy----they sound so good.

Paige Thomas King said...

you photo of the tree next to the fireplace looks like it was staged! something right out of country living!

Cicero Sings said...

It all looks so cozy, inviting, welcoming...makes one want to pop on over for a hot cup of chocolate.

Sharon said...

Isn't it nice to look at all the old ornaments and enjoy, all over again, the memories that each brings back? It's like reading a beloved old book!

Your living room looks so nice and cozy!

I am not looking for that ice, especially if the power goes out!

Dorothy said...

Enjoyed seeing your Christmas decorations and your snow! It's so beautiful to see everything covered with snow!

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, I absolutely LOVE your fireplace and Christmas tree! So beautiful. Looks like something out of a magazine. You certainly do have a "big" tree if it's 7 feet tall. My goodness, it touches the ceiling, doesn't it? All of your decorations are lovely.

Out on the prairie said...

I remember my mom making some ceramic trees similar to yours.They were bigger and a few had lights.I had a cat try to eat all the feathered birds I put up one year. Her name is Treetrimmer and she guards the stable well.She was a self-feeding stray when I found her, a bit on the wild side.

Karin said...

Going to have a cup of coffee and join you at the fireplace! What lovelies you have there! Beautiful tree and so full!

From the Kitchen said...

Isn't it nice to remember the stories and people behind Christmas ornaments? It's part of the whole celebration I think. I had a nice visit (and a cup of coffee) with you this morning while trying to keep warm. It was 1 degree when I got up at 6 a.m.!!


Busy Bee Suz said...

Your tree does appear to be huge!!!!
I am coming over, I see lots of pretties and some candy too. :)

MadSnapper said...

your house is full of magic and very beautiful. my favorite of all your pretties is the big santa by the fireplace

I Am Woody said...

Ooo, I hope they are wrong and it is not ice! That stuff is BAD!!!

Becca's Dirt said...

I sure hope that an ice storm is not on the way. Here we are expecting the 70's tomorrow. Yesterday morning it was around 20 degrees. Your tree is so pretty and I love the bird ornaments.

Diane said...

Thanks for sharing your sweet and deeply personal decorations. I love the last picture - the contrasts of dark and light with splashes of red really makes a great shot. Diane

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I love the snoow covered cottage that you gave him on the first Christmas. It gives an air of romanticism as does this entire post. The spirit of the season is beautifully captured. :)

Sunny said...

I always enjoy looking at your Christmas decorations. Your calendar is so cute too and I love your tree.
☼ Sunny

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

What a great idea that calendar is! I enjoy seeing all your decorations, including the beautiful snow. Hope you don't get that ice storm. Those are nasty.

imac said...

Full of good spirit and good cheer.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wild coincidence, of all days for you do do this specific post! My post today has a tiny birdfeeder ornament, and so does yours! We also have cardinals today. My post is all about YOU! The tree IS big! And fabuluos!! It bogles my mind to see trees so full of ornamnets like that, I can't imagine how long it would take to decorate it. It is spectacular on your header! I have three favorite things here. The beautiful hummingbird ornament, the tiny birdfeeder, and that strange snowball, just because it is so odd. I've never seen a fake snowball!

amelia said...

Ice is bad and I hope you don't get any! Nasty for people and nasty for the wildlife.

Your Christmas things are lovely. It's so nice to have the memories..

I won't be around much after tomorrow for a few days. My family are coming up from Toronto and I won't be on the computer much at all. I'll be having too many cuddles with my grandbabies! I'd like to cuddle with my son but he thinks he's too old at thirty one!! :)

mudderbear said...

What a lovely home you have. The country feeling is so tranquil and everything is so pretty. Most of my Christmas this year is in storage, and now you are making me long for it, all the old traditional, precious things. Your feeling and respect for these things is inspiring.
P S Please stay warm through the cold and storm. Take good care of yourself. justmeRosalie/mudderbear

Kay said...

Hi Betsy,
I love the Hummer ornament. So cute.

Connie said...

Your decorations are quite pretty, Betsy. I hope you don't get an ice storm. They are the worst. I love the little log cabin--cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, My favorite of your ornaments has to be that Cardinal (but then it is one of my favorite of the birds). I like the swag on your back deck - quite festive! I hope we don't get that forecast ice storm. No, I can deal with snow but I dislike being conked on the head by falling ice chunks. Have a great day tomorrow!

GreatGranny said...

All your pretties are beautiful, love the birds and the log cabin. And of course the snow photo. I hope y'all don't get the ice. This freezing rain across AL has been a mess. We're OK here though, thank the Lord for that.

GreatGranny said...

I love that huge tree and the fireplace with the red glow, just lovely.

LV said...

Thanks for showing some more of your lovely home and decorations. If I had seen these before, I do not remember. I have a lot of decorations, but just was not in the mood to get them out just for me. My sister has been telling me all about your winter weather. It was almost 80 here today and so dry they have issued a fire ban.

Tracy said...

Lovely as always...I have to agree about the Santa made from pots...what I love are his glasses...how cute! they are all fun!
Hey, I like the snow pictures and it looks exceptionally serene with the red ribbons showing!

nanny said...

Is there anything more peaceful than sitting by a warm fire and looking at a beautiful christmas tree......I love it

Bobbie said...

So beautiful!! Everything! I too, thought the tree was huge until you said otherwise. What a nice view you have from your recliner!! I especially liked the hummingbird ornament... it is so pretty.

KathyA said...

I'm listening to Christmas Carols while I read friends' postings. How perfect to read yours and view your beautiful decorations while listening to "Carol of the Bells"!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Beautiful Christmas decorations. I like the kissing Clauses--cute! Wonderful birdie ornaments.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Your tree does look a lot bigger than 7 ft. ... especially in the first photo!!! It is beautiful!!! I love all the lights. I wouldn't trade your personal ornaments for all the fancy ones in the world...it's the memories that make them special...the memories are irreplaceable!!! Enjoy your beautiful tree!!!

Beth said...

You write these faster than I can read them, friend!

Loved the Texas sand cranes and all your Tennessee birds. Wow on that hawk!
The little guy in the snow was precious.

As for your decorations---you're sentimental like me-such precious memories you have there--warms your heart and home right up don't they without lighting a fire in the fireplace?! :)

Love the bird ornaments esp. the house with the bluebirds---George did quite well with that gift.

Looking forward to more. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a nice snow for your Christmas decoration.

ratieh said...

oh my..your Christmas tree is so beautiful! love it so much! i wish i could have one like yours. if you were in Indonesia, you'll feel that Christmas in here is completely different. That is why i really2 dreaming of a white Christmas. =)

penny said...

Betsy, I am overwhelmed with the beauty of your header and all the Christmas decorations and ornaments.
Your home is a joy to behold. Thanks for the peek inside your lovely abode.

be well, be happy :)
Hugs' Pam

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

It is so good to have some thing that you have for a long time.

Are you ready for Christams?

M. Reka said...

Beautiful snow for your amazing Christmas decoration!
Merry Christmas

Short Poems

The Retired One said...

Wonderful! Love your interior decorating and your blog header!

Lynda said...

Cardinals are so beautiful because they put such a great spark of color into the dull browns of winter. When they are against the snow, it's like a present waiting to be opened!

My daughter and husband were iced-in on top of their mountain this morning but they were hoping for a thaw by early afternoon.

Anonymous said...

I like the Christmas calendar. The calendar reminds me of a Danish custom that our exchange student from Denmark, who lived with us during the 2003-2004 school year, introduced to us. Camilla's family mailed us a package. The package was supposed to arrive by December 1st. We received the package late. Inside the package was 24 gifts. Each gift was labeled with a number, 1 through 24. If the package had arrived by the first of December, we would have opened one gift every morning until Christmas Eve. We opened all 24 gifts the day the package arrived. The gifts we received included paperclips, toothpicks, napkins, Christmas stickers, 2004 calendars, an advent wreath, candles, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodrant and Christmas tree tile coaster set. Most of the gifts were in triplicate, as this package was for all three of us to enjoy.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love those bird ornaments Betsy. The little hummingbird is beautiful and the bluebird house is just the cutest thing. George found the perfect ornament for you.

Your snow is so pretty but I really hope the ice storm misseed you. We have ice storms here sometimes but they are nothing like the ones I remember from living in the south.


Twilight Man said...

I am truly amused by the birds you have on your trees indoor and outdoors! How nice if I could ever get to visit you someday and tour your home, collections and neighborhood!