Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Winter Weather 2010-11

Many of you know that I love studying and talking about the weather...I think I must have been a Weather Girl in another life!!!!!!   Anyhow,   my favorite way to study the weather is by the signs of nature...  People call this "Weather Lore"----but since I have followed the signs of nature for many years,  I have found that this is actually a better way of predicting the weather than the fancy ways the professionals try to do it!!!

I love the Farmers'  Almanac---and find it quite accurate (at least more accurate than other sources).   There is a lady (Melinda Hedgecoth) from Crab Orchard, TN who has predicted the weather in our area every year since her mother (Helen Lane) died.   Helen predicted our winter weather for years and years---and I remember reading Helen's predictions when I was in college (in the '60's).

This year,  due to nature's signs,  Melinda's headline in our newspaper said:  "Bundle Up! Winter Could Be a Humdinger!"   I laughed at my good friend Neal's comment on yesterday's blog when I asked:  "When is Spring?"   Neal knows me too well... He knows how much I LOVE SNOW.  I must admit that I do love snow ---and get excited when thinking about the possibilities...

Here is what nature showed us about this coming winter's weather:
-the wooly worms around here were black on both ends and brown in the middle;  That showed us that we will have cold weather at the beginning and ending of winter --with a warm spell in the middle;
-the wooly worms were seen this year earlier (June/July) than usual (Sept/Oct)--and that is  a sign of a cold winter
-six early-morning fogs in August  (1 heavy,  1 moderate, and 4 patchy);  This means 1 big snow,  1 moderate one,  and 4 'blue darters' which give no measurable accumulation.
-lots of spider webs grown at ground level --which means a hard winter;
-large mast crop (AMEN to that --since we picked up a zillion nuts/acorns in our yard);
-hornets' nests built near ground level denotes a harsh winter;
-a cold, hard winter always follows a VERY hot summer (which we definitely had);

So ---- will we have another cold and snowy winter here on the Cumberland Plateau????   IF we can believe the signs of nature,  YES  we will...  And yes, Neal!!!!   I am very happy about that!!!!!   "Let it SNOW!"  ----ha



Anonymous said...

Snow is just fine, especially if you have lots of pumpkin or eggnog ice cream to eat by the fire!!!

Jo said...

Ha Betsy;) you should live in our farming town/area. The people love to talk about the weather. It is always a conversation opener! I love the wooly worms tell you what the weather will do this winter for you. Here in the Southern Hemisphere we are in our summertime and it has rained! I have linked to your blog on my post today. Shadow (cat) loves waterfalling now he has gotten over his fear of the noise around my garden ponds and often climbs all over my waterfalls from the back. Mine are only big enough for birds and curious cats, but when I took the photo of the water (Will try and catch Shadow next time he climbs up there), I thought of you and George! Have a blessed day. Bundle up and enjoy those roaring fires. (((Hugs))) Jo

Sciarada said...

Buongiorno Betsy, I love the weather made through observation of nature, because we are part of it and it's nice to pick up the signals that it gives us to understand!
Have a good day!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I think I like the old Farmer's Almanac method of forecasting..and I'll send all of our snow your way!!!
Have a great day!!!

diane b said...

Can you tell if we are going to have a mild summer or a scorcher?? Our weather gurus tell us we are going to have a very wet summer with lots of cyclones.

Darla said...

Yep, watching nature is much more accurate! Cold and wet here....sigh

Ida said...

I also love to watch the weather!

Your snow-photos always looks so beautiful and 'happy'. Hope you'll get lots of snow this year!!

From the Old InkWell said...

I'd prefer the weather we're having right now all year long - 70s. ;=)

Jeanne said...

I love watching the weather too.
I wonder what it means when you have lots of wasps in September because I've never seen so many.
Hope you get your snow soon!

Catherine said...

Oh Betsy ~ you make me smile. Your watching the signs of nature reminds me of a funny story that my mom and I have laughed about for years. But I think I will save that for a post as it gives me a good idea ~ so thank you for that! :)

But for you my friend, who is happy when it snows, you would be very happy today living here in Saskatchewan. It started snowing (again) last night at about 5 pm, and as of 6:30 am this morning, it still hasn't stopped. And the funny part? People were wearing shorts on Sunday as it was so hot out.

The weather is getting stranger and stranger....

Enjoy your Tuesday friend!
xo Catherine

Arkansas Patti said...

Since I worked outdoors most of my working life, I have always watched the weather closely.
I love the Farmer's Almanac and was pleased to see my area also in the cold with average precipition. Sounds snowy to me--can't wait.

Sharon said...

Looking at snow is one thing, driving on it - well, with inexperienced drivers on the road - Nah!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

How coooooool, to have a local forecasting lady! All areas should be so lucky.

And this ability was passed on down, from mother to daughter. I love it!!! So like 'The Old Ways.'

Betcha' it's only paid attention to, in places like TN. Other areas have become toooooo fancy and sophisticated, for their own good. Which is sad, sad, sad. So there! -pout-


Peggy said...

I just love that prediction!!!! Bring on the snow and those cold north winds. LOL

Out on the prairie said...

I like to pay attention to the birds flocking.They give some hints. Now wooly worms were all black around her so that must mean we are going to get pounded again here in Iowa.75 inches last year. I enjoy hiking through it, my knees gripe a bit. Newer models of snow shoes are a item I may look at more.

amelia said...

That's all people talk about around these parts too!!

I have to admit to always turning onto the weather channel any time I put the TV on!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I must admit, as much as I dislike weather talk, the nature lore/weather lore is pretty interesting.
I hope you get your SNOW!!!

Karin said...

Fascinating information! I'll have to pay more attention to see if there is any folklore around here. Warm enough for shorts here on Sunday - but it is supposed to cool off soon! Some years we would have had a brown Christmas if it hadn't snowed on the 24th - finally. Have a great week!

Janice K said...

If your predictions and the Farmer's Almanac are true, looks like we should prepare to "hybernate" and sit back and "watch" the beauty of winter.

Dorothy said...

Bring on the snow, Betsy! I love to get out and walk in it (before anyone else makes tracks in it)!

Small City Scenes said...

Weather certaintly is a popular subject. So your almanac says we are going to have a wet and mild winter (so what else is new) and our weather pundits say extreme cold and snow. I just say look outside and that is what we are having --for the minute anyway.
We call your wooly worms just wooly bears (caterpillars) same forcast here.

Barbara said...

Just all the talk about it makes me cold, so I say no no no hugs

Anonymous said...

Very interesting, Betsy, & I agree, I'd believe all that before I'd believe 'other sources'!

I have absolutely no problem w/ the snow, it's soooo beautiful, but it's the cold cold frigid weather that I can do w/o, mainly because I hate paying the electric company all my hard earned money!!!

I Am Woody said...

I think you are definitely heading toward a hard winter. La Nina ocean temps have been firmly in place here, setting you up for it!!

Sunny said...

My dear Mother had so many ways to forecast the weather...from nature to aches and pains, and she was more accurate than the weatherman, LOL.
I don't love winter like I used to, so I'll be happy to send any of our snow your way!
☼ Sunny

Big Dude said...

Betsy - I'm a big weather guy as well and when I get up, I turn on the weather channel and check wunderground on the computer. I enjoyed hearing Helan Lane's predictions for many years as it was always a regular feature on the news and in the paper. I didn't realize the baton had been passed on to her daughter.

Glenda said...

I love snow, too, Betsy, but we live a little too far south to enjoy it! We did get one snow last year, and I loved it! And while coming through your state last year, we were pleasantly surprised to experience the first snowfall!

Beth said...

I've never read this kind of weather report, but it makes a lot of sense.
I liked your mean cloud icon---cute!
I like snow if it's enough to keep us home or if it occurs after I've driven the hills home. An emergency school dismissal is no fun, but it does get the heart pumping!

NCmountainwoman said...

We have all those signs here as well. But please, Betsy...keep the snow on your side of the State line. I had more than enough last year to last for another decade.

Unknown said...

G'morn Betsy ~ Funny, I have always loved snow/winter & weather since a child. It fascinates me ... AND ... yes, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!!! I love it ...

We are supposed to get snow but lots of ice according to this years predictions.

Have a beautiful day ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I like snow, on the days I don't have to drive to work.
I've put in my request :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, what interesting weather folklore! I know some of this kind of stuff, but not any of these. Spider webs, worms, how mysterious!! I'm thinking I don't like snow anymore. I fell in it a few years ago, couldn't get up, and a passing truck driver had to pick me up. But you have a good attitude and I'm glad someone will enjoy the snow, especially you! And I definately don't like it getting dark early, I HATE it!! Driving around in pitch black, the time change should be illegal in the fall.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, I would love snow a lot more if only we could train it not to fall on our highways! :D

Have a good day,

Cicero Sings said...

We got home from a lovely walk around 2ish yesterday and by 4ish the snow was coming down in earnest. Everything is coated in white here today. Your kind of day. I have the wood stove roaring and made some butterhorn dough for later. I new recipe so I hope it turns out good.

Together We Save said...

I love snow too and you love in a much better area for it than I do just 100 miles south. I hope we see some pretty white weather this year.

Kay said...

Sounds like you and my brother have a common interest. He too loves to talk about and check out the weather. He even has an online weather site for his hometown (Paradise, CA) that the local TV weatherman uses for his report.

KathyA said...

As much as I complained about the snow last year I have to admit I get really excited about it, too. It's those first few flakes that I find really amazing -- don't know why. I get like a little kid.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I see my area is in the "bitterly cold" pink zone on your map, Betsy. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't mind the cold, but dampness and ice I could live without!
I better start doing puch ups to get int shape for snow shoveling..lol!
♥ Pat

MadSnapper said...

no, no don't let it snow, our cold spell of 48 degrees is as cold as we want it. lovely here and we are loving it. i don't do real cold or ice or snow. cold air and sunshine is our thing here. i am late today and almost did not make it. in a slump and did not even look at blogs until now. usually do all my comments between 7 and 9 AM

Debbie Taillieu said...

Hi Betsy!
Wow, amazing information!
Hope you get your snow.....and I know you will enjoy it while sitting next to that nice warm fire!
Have a fabulous day!!

Pedaling said...

I only like snow in December.

Carol said...

Well no wonder I could never read the weather. I always thought a hornet's nest built high meant deep snow..but I do remember checking out the "woolie bears".

Jen said...

Snow = bah humbug. :D

From the Kitchen said...

I say bring it on! I can take the snow. In fact, I very much like the changing seasons. Around here, the city is well prepared and the snow plows are out by the time it reaches the ground.

Very interesting post today.


Unknown said...

Well this was very informative! I've heard the wooly worm before but not the others. I'm not a fan of cold weather so I'm praying Fall lingers around a little longer. But if it's going to be super cold this winter, it might as well snow so we can enjoy it. lol

Unknown said...

Here, 250 miles northeast of you, wooly worms are almost entirely black and we had fog EVERY morning in August! We got nearly 5 feet of snow last winter and that was enough to suit me but this year our daughter has moved out and I don't know how to operate a snow shovel. I can;t even find the gas cap or the keys!

Rose said...

back from a trip. i like to know the weather. i have hot flashes and need an idea of what to wear based upon the weather. rose

Neal said...

I hope you get a lot of snow. You can have ALL of ours also. :) To be honest I like some snow. What I get tired of is a little snow every day and never seeing the sun. :(

The Retired One said...

Here in the U.P. we ALWAYS have a cold winter and LOTS of snow...so its always the same prediction, and always right. haa

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Buddy loves snow and I get excited with him every year.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Betsy! I don't want to see that map!!! It says it's going to be very cold and wet in Florida. Say it ain't so! We had a cold winter last year. I haven't seen as much acorn activity, so I'm holding out hope. Last year, the ground was COVERED in them, and the squirrels were picking them up like mad. I can handle some water because we need that, but cold??? NOOOOOO!


Sheila :-)

Lynda said...

I have heard some of those predictors quoted by others this year, too. I know many look forward to some snow storms but NOT me!!! Perhaps if we were retired already, I wouldn't mind as much because we wouldn't have to worry about getting to and from work. We really, really don't want to get in an accident or slip and fall. We can have those problems without adding slick precipitation to our life - - - but I will definitely look forward to the pictures you will take of it!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Not cold and wet!! Today I found a hornets nest on the ground--oh no!! I'm not much of a cold weather/snow girl.

Susie said...

I just hope it doesn't get as cold as it did last year. Brrr!

Velvet Over Steel said...

I totally believe in these predictions! I live in the midwest listen to these predictions and explainations every year. They are always more accurate than the weather men/women on the news.

Very interesting post! Thanks so much for the 'weather' lesson! :-)


Mary said...

I don't know if I like that winter weather map! It looks like my area could go either way...lots of snow or normal. Considering our lack of water all summer, I'm wondering if we will get a bunch of snow this winter to make up for it. I guess we will find out!

~mel said...

I always liked looking through the Farmers Almanac ~ and they're pretty accurate too. I know it's going to be a cold and snowy one here. Usually when the hornets nest are way up high in the trees... more snow than normal. AND the animals are really fattening up fast this year... more than normal... so I'm guessing it's gonna be a colder than normal winter here too. brrr... I'm so not ready for COLD.

carolina nana said...

I have been noticing for a while how natures weather predictions were differing from modern science. It is going to be interesting to see who is really right. Only time will tell. In the mean time I think I'll go get some more firewood,haha.
Have a blessed tomorrow,looks like we will get to make our flea market trip finally.

Twilight Man said...

I used to love snow too and glued to TV's weather forecast daily to watch out for snow storms. The more the merrier and my college would always shut down the next morning in Pittsburgh, PA. Hooray!

Love Of Quilts said...

Let it snow...let it snow... let it snow ...as long as we are all warm. Trish

SquirrelQueen said...

The old time weather prediction methods are probably more accurate than our local forecaster. Yesterday and today were suppose to be pouring rain but we had sunshine.

Hope you get all the snow you want this winter. I don't mind the cold but after living in AK I can do without the snow, I will send ours your way.

Janie said...

Wouldn't be surprised if the Farmers' Almanac is at least as accurate as meteorologists' predictions.
I love snow, too, but I'm always ready for spring when it arrives.

Unknown said...

Can't believe I'm just now discovering your blog but thank you so much for your continued interest in old-time weather predicting! This is Melinda Lane Hedgecoth, Helen Lane's daughter, and I've enjoyed reading your blog and all the comments...thanks all and keep watching for those woolly worms! :)

Unknown said...

Can't believe I'm just now finding this but enjoyed reading your blog and all the comments so much! This is Melinda Lane Hedgecoth, Helen Lane's daughter, and I'm so proud to see so many that are still interested in the old-time weather predicting using the signs of nature! Keep up the good work and keep watching for those woolly worms! Best winter well wishes to all (better bundle up for the signs are pointing to a harsh beginning and ending to winter this year with a mild spell in between!)...Melinda

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Melinda, I feel as if I KNOW you --since I'm not that far from you. I'm in Fairfield Glade .... We love this area of Tennessee --but the drought and wildfires really did a lot of damage to the areas around us this Fall....

I did see your article in the newspaper about this year's winter predictions. I always WAIT to read your article every year --hoping for LOTS of SNOW --but NO ICE... ha

Thanks for checking out my blog.


Unknown said...

Hi Betsy! Just realized that I replied to your comment via email but it didn't post on here thus just wanted to say thanks again for the continued interest in old-time weather predicting and keep up the good work! Best wishes to all! :)
Melinda Lane Hedgecoth