Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I've Been Tagged

My good friend, DARLA tagged me. I followed her instructions and will show you the 'correct' picture chosen. Pictured above is George and me taken in 2006 when we hiked with friends Judy and Charlie to Abrams Falls in Cades Cove in the Smokies.

Now--I have to choose FIVE others to tag. Here are the instructions: The rules are to open a document or file picture folder. Then click on the fifth folder and then the fifth photo. Post the photo and describe it. Then tag 5 other bloggers. Congrats to my FIVE:
DIANE from Washington


Shelley said...

Very attractive photo of the two of you!!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I'm SO laffin'!!! We all are! I'll post in a couple of days :) I'd better get clearance from someone first.
Hey! We are going hiking one day in the future. You and me.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Great picture!!!

Tina said...

What a nice photo of your two..love the titan sweatshirt!!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I love Cades Cove, its such a special place, although we have never been hiking there, just drove around it a couple of times.

Gill in Canada

Anonymous said...

Now there's a handsome couple!

Connie T. said...

Nice picture of you.

Kim said...

You two make such a happy looking couple!

Cicero Sings said...

You two look great! (I don't see why you are worried about your weight!)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Shelley--We had the best time that day --since we were with our good friends.

Phyllis---SEE???? Bet you don't eat all of the Cherry Crisp next time.... Sounds good about the hiking!!!! Let me know when and where!!!

Suzanne--Thanks!!! We enjoyed that 4+ mile hike that day. Abrams Falls was pretty also. I'll have to share more pictures from that trip sometime.

Tina--Well---Me wearing my Titans Sweatshirt last Saturday didn't help. DARN!!!!! ha

Gill--I'm so glad you have visited Cades Cove... Hope you get to come back to our area sometime!

Thanks Deb... We had fun that day.

Thanks Connie---I had a little more hair then.. This haircut is short--but oh how easy to care for..

Thanks Kim... I am a blessed woman to have this wonderful man in my life.

Oh Cicero---I have to watch my weight CONSTANTLY. It's always fluctuating (most of the time UP). ha

Tina said...

Hi Betsy,
Well chose the fifth folder in my library and the fifth picture..a green heron! I put it on the side bar..along with your tag notice!

Peggy said...

Beautiful happy couple!!!

Leedra said...

You hit that one lucky! Great photo of you and George.

Photography By Leedra

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Neal said...

I notice that George has to stay behind you to keep you in line. :) I like Cades Cove. The funny thing is that I was getting ready to post some pictures of the Smoky Mountains and decided to look at blogs first and you had tagged me so I guess I'll put up the pictures of the Smoky Mountains later.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Tina, I'll be sure and check it out. I try to look at the sidebars--but sometimes forget!!!! SO---you had a good picture also!!! Neat!!!

Peggy--Thanks!!! We are happy--but I know you are happy tonight also, after having all of those new 'kids' in your life!!!

Yes, Leedra ---I did. I was afraid that it would be a horrible picture.. That was a fun day at Abrams Falls. Have you been there? It's quite a hike--but pretty.

Ha Ha Neal... I'm in FRONT because I am leading!!!! (NOT)... I'll be looking for your pictures from the Smokies soon!!!

Anonymous said...

A great photo to post, especially since it was chosen with specific criteria. You guys look great together with the outdoors.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

That's a great picture of you two! You two have always been nature lovers, haven't you? Those tags are fun!

Have a great evening, Betsy!

Naturegirl said...

Betsy a handsome couple indeed! hugs

SmilingSally said...

Nice picture. I think we've all been tagged with this. It's fun.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Bernie... We both do enjoy being outside. There's just nothing better than hiking in the woods!!!

Thanks Tammy... Yes, George and I love nature--and being outside. If we're not hiking or waterfalling, we're busy working in our yard!!!! (So goes the housework!!! ha)

Thanks Anna.. It was a great hike on that fall day in 2006.

It was fun to do, Sally. Glad mine came out with a good picture. I always am afraid that it will a horrible picture!!! ha

Connie said...

Lovely photo of you and your hubby, Betsy! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Daisy. We had a nice day in the Smokies that day!

Sue Seibert said...

Love Cades Cove...just love it!

Beth said...

Hi Betsy,,Just stopping by from Rosa's blog. I am another Tennessee blogger so I had to stop in and say Hello. Great picture of you and your sweetheart. I have been to Abram falls several times and saw it frozen over in the winter, its beautiful. Stop in for a visit at my blog! I am a Titan Fanatic so I Loved your shirt!

Grammy said...

Hi Betsy, You 2 are so cute in that photo. I love the walking stick. Thanks for stopping by, I am still a bit into re organizing the blog. You noticed the new picture. It was taken today. She stopped by. The baby has Jonis and the are treating at home with a blanket. Thing have changed quite a bit Amy had to stay under a light for 2 weeks before we could take her home in 1980. Now you have 1 day stay. And have to be cared for at home. Well good night keep warm it is 1 degree now.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Sue.. Cades Cove is a beautiful place for sure.

Welcome Beth. Hope you come back. I'd love to see åbrams frozen over. Bet it's frozen today since it is 1 degree out there now. Brrrr

Hi Grammy.. I know you are proud of that new granddaughter. Yes, times have changed when it comes to hospitals and the care given...Gads!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been tagged with that one...Lovely photo of you two..

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Michelle. I'm glad a pretty good picture came up--when I checked. Some of my pictures are not good enough to put in print. ha