Thanks to my son and his wife's encouragement and information, George and I bought FITBITS the middle of May --and have been working hard at our exercise and overall health since then. We've always tried to be 'fairly' active --but not on a consistent basis. NOW---we both try to get over 10,000 steps each day six days a week (taking one day off--usually Saturdays).
We now follow a fairly regular routine ---walking about 30 minutes each morning, then working in the yard or in the house during the afternoons, and then taking a 2.5 mile walk each evening just before dark. In fact, it is usually dark by the time we get back home, but we take our little headlights with us for the last part of the walk if needed.
Because we live on a Golf course (NO--we do not play golf---ha), we have a perfect place to walk AFTER the golfers finish for the day. We walk the back nine holes along the cart path --and it is a gorgeous place to walk. It is very hilly---but even our morning walks are up and down steep hills. We live in the mountains --so there's not many 'flat' places around!
One thing we love to do is to take pictures along the way when we walk. We've taken a bunch since we began about 2.5 months ago ---so tonight I will share some of them with you. Hope you enjoy our walks as much as we do! Don't you love the sky in the picture above, with the reflection in the water?
This blue line shows you the path that we follow along the golf course. Where you see the words, "recorded track"--that is our home, where we begin. Sometimes we walk to the right and around and sometimes, to the left.... The area looks flat, but believe me --it is NOT... ha |
This is a beautifully landscaped golf course! |
Sometimes we stop and pick some wild blackberries to put on our breakfast yogurt/cereal. |
This PINK cloud reminded me of my two great friends, Susan and Reida. Both of them are gone from this world now --but they told me that they'd be watching from a pink cloud. Oh how I miss them both, but I smiled when we saw this cloud knowing that they were up there watching down. |
This little area is called Sneads Canyon --and a little creek flows through this area --especially after a big rain! |
We see gorgeous sunsets ---and every night is DIFFERENT. |
This was taken one of the FEW times we got up at the crack of dawn and walked in the morning.. It is pretty that time of day also --but since we stay up late at nights, we prefer walking in the evening. |
We have watched two little fawns grow QUICKLY the past couple of months. I love the deer --as long as they don't feast on our flowers!!! ha |
We even walk in the rain and FOG ---as long as it is not storming!!! |
Another beautiful sunset picture |
Sunbeams behind the clouds; I love skies like this! |
Then on July 30, we had the gorgeous "NOT-BLUE" but Beautiful FULL MOON to follow us all along our path.... How awesome is that!!!!! |
This is how dark is was that night (July 30)--as we made our way home. See the moon glistening in the water???? Made me think of the song: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon"!!!!! |
Then on Friday, August 1st, we enjoyed that full moon for one more night... Sorry the picture (with my iPhone) is a little grainy/noisy ---but I wanted you to see how beautiful it was that evening. |
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the things we see when we walk each night. As I said, we are both working hard on staying healthy. I am maintaining my weight (since I don't need to lose much more) ---but I am 'firming' up some of this crazy old-lady-flab.... ha... George wanted to lose some weight --and he has lost over 25 pounds just by eating healthier and exercising... Thanks be to God.
Hope you are all well and staying healthy also!
Hello there Betsy
good to hear that you and George have a good exercise plan. Apart for getting healthier , you guys also getting a lovely view of everything :)
I can't imagine having someplace so lovely to walk. Not much in my area looks anywhere near that nice. Beautiful images.
You two are going to be so healthy you are going to out live us all!! Keep it up.these sight you seeon your walks aare gorgeous.
That is a good fitness regime you have established. It is handy that you have a golf cart track to follow so close to home.. The views and sunsets are beautiful. The moon rises are great as well. I use apps on my phone called Map My Walk and My Fitness Pal. They record my walks and food intake. Tell me how many calories I have used and how may I have saved. Keep up the good work. I am also trying to lose weight after eating too much lately and not exercising because its too cold in the mornings. I like mornings best,
I sure enjoyed your photos Betsy!
The satellite map shows that u stay amid great landscape of green and surrounded by woods and trees. The tracks around the golf course quite invites for a stroll and you must be having wonderful experience each day with the sights and scenes of different sky. It’s good to have berries puck naturally from the tree and add to the breakfast... Hope u feel glad with the activity and improvement with health.
What a gorgeous place to take a walk. Sure beats my neighborhood. I try to walk every day about 2.5 miles. Part of it is up hill as I live at the top of a hill. You and George are to be congratulated on trying to stay healthy and fit.
What a great way to take advantage of what is offered. So happy you are making health a priority and walking is the best.
My sister and her husband just moved to a golf course community. She has a sun allergy so I will suggest she walk in the evenings and early morning like you do.
Love the pink cloud remembrance of your friends who have passed.
like a huge park in your backyard,lovely shots
Your pictures are so beautiful that they almost made me forget how hard it is to bet up some of those 'hills'!
I do love your exercise plan. Not everyone has such beautiful scenery on their walks and to nibble on berries along the way, even adds more pleasure. I bought some blackberries yesterday and I bet they sat around for a while ...... yours are so fresh. Just pick and pop em in your mouth. Yummm
Good for you in walking so much! You are my role model. We have to take care of these bodies God has given us, don't we. You have a beautiful place to walk. Lovely pictures. Have a terrific week!
What you are doing is what a lot of us need to do. However, as much as you two hiked and walked in the yard, thought you got plenty of exercise. I used to walk four miles a day but not anymore. I need to at least get out and do more. Right now is simply too hot here. Best of luck to you both.
Sounds like the perfect arrangement! Having a nice place to walk regularly is half the battle. I'm using a fitbit too! but don't have as nice a place as that to walk.
I love those gorgeous sunset pictures and especially the clouds. Some days I feel lucky to walk 1000 steps let alone 10,000. Good for you guys.
You and George are inspirations. We're trying to be more healthy ourselves, but we aren't ready to try to keep up with you two yet. Your golf course walk sounds perfect. We live in the flat lands of Indiana, where the only "hills" are the occasional speed bumps. It's hard to train for mountain hiking here. The views you have from your golf course walk certainly would be a help in staying motivated. Great pictures, especially those sunsets.
Betsy, Ya'll are a lot more dedicated than we are! We go to our wellness center 3 times a week for an hour work out each time. We love the views on our golf courses too...but preferably from the tee box, the greens or from our golf cart. Congratulations to George on the weight loss. We've both lost weight too but it does take a lot of work. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
The photo in the header is professional! I did not know your home was on a golf course. I wish I had a fitbit - have to look into that. And I have lost two of my nearest and dearest friends too - I miss them terribly. I loved reading your story and seeing your photos.
Sounds like a great plan to stay healthy, Betsy! I love the golf course and sky pics. The blackberries look delicious.
Betsy, that is certainly a great place to go walking, with all the nature and the beautiful sunsets!
Ah, a great place to walk indeed and GOOD for you and George to take the advice given you!! Thank you, as always, for sharing the beauty and the fun!!! And, as always, terrific captures!! Hope you have a great new week!!
Betsy, would you tell us the kind of shoes you wear that help you stay on your feet for 10,000 steps? I have quality shoes but must be buying the wrong kind. I would love to walk long distances and that was always my plan. But these shoes are not helping. Please give me any help that you can. I have learned so much from your blog and enjoyed the beautiful pictures. I bought my daughter a camera like you have and she loves it! Thank you for helping me out with shoes.
What a lovely walk! I do admire your commitment and stamina! Good for you!!
Hello to the "other" Betsy!
Thank you for taking us on your walk with you. It is amazing that you're so committed to your walking and exercise schedule. Our daughter has a fitbit and loves how it tracks everything for her. She has a goal of 18,000 steps a day and meets it most days. One of her cousins from each of my siblings also has a fitbit, so the four of them track each other and encourage each other along the way. Technology can be a grand thing.
The skies are gorgeous. With views like that and the ever changing skies walking must be a real joy.
I love the beautiful sunset photos and the deer. Glad you're walking and getting good exercise. The golf course is a nice place to walk.
This comment is to RITA who asked me a question in her comment above. Hubby and I recently went on a search for some new walking/running shoes. We did lots of research and tried on MANY before choosing. What we BOTH chose were ASICS. However, New Balance and Brooks were both highly recommended…
I hope you can find something suitable.
The golf course looks like a great place to walk and see the wildlife. Having been there I know it's hilly
I love all the beautiful pics and you both are an inspiration to me when it comes to healthy living.. Hugs and love, xo
What a pretty place to walk. I just love your header, as well!
you have a great life, walking at the beginning and end of the day and then enjoying its wonderful garden, which needs daily care.
You're right, life has wonderful things and we often pass by without enjoy it enough. By the way, you don't need to lose anything else, you look great Betsy!!!
Hugs and take care <°)))<
Your photos are glorious, Betsy. I smiled when I saw your pink cloud. Thank you for the encouragement to exercise and eat healthy foods.
Beautiful photos. That would be an incentive to walk.
Also love your header.
What a lovely walk! I love that first shot.
What a beautiful golf course that is. The hills are good since they say you're supposed to walk in a variety of inclines. I want to get a fitbit. The more I hear about them the more I want one
That indeed is a perfect place to walk!!!!! You are very lucky and the pictures are wonderful.
what a nice place and the photos are just beautiful.
Beautiful photos, Betsy! I especially love the sunsets. They are so colorful and like you said different every time.
The pictures show a place of beauty.
Happy Birthday Again....sweet lady. I'm trying to catch my self up on all the post, as I have been away from blogging for a while. I never miss seeing your gorgeous pictures on FB. I really enjoy how you capture the beauty of your neighborhood..on your evening walks. Hope your day is filled with so much joy!!
Lovely shots! I put a FitBit on my wish list but last week I learned about a phone APP that tracks your walk and today I tried it out. It works via GPS and not only tells you have far and how long many minutes you walked but shows your route on a map.
Tell George I keep checking his blog and hope he will post some more photos soon.
Hi Betsy, So lovely! Glad you both enjoy your walks! Have a great Thursday!
Glad to hear you two are walking. : ) The golf course is a beautiful place to walk. I understand perfectly the enjoyment you get out of taking a daily walk. I've been doing just that for the past 27 years. : )
If that's my nightly path, I wouldn't mind walking every night. It's wonderful.
Hello Betsy! I loved seeing where you and George walked, your photos are all very pretty as always. I saw on Ruth's blog that you had a birthday this week? A belated Happy Birthday to you! I'm slowly getting around to visiting everyone and I know I'm missing some and I feel bad about that. It's just be such a busy summer. We've finally got someone to do some of the heavy work on the other house after I talked my hard-headed hubby into it! ha! He's a good, but stubborn, man who thinks he can do everything himself. I had to remind him that he wasn't superman and if we were to get the job done, we needed help! Then once you decide that, it's waiting on the help to get to it. But, it's really coming along with a few things we didn't expect along the way, but hopefully before long it will be time to put the finishing touches to the inside and daughter can finally move in. I can't wait! lol! I know she can't either, although she's spending a lot of time with her boyfriend so I don't think she's been minding too much.
Hope you both are having a nice summer. What did you think of last night's debate?
Betsy, beautiful photos, very beautiful. I send many greetings and have a stable and good health for both of you. Jarka
I love that shot with your iPhone...but really like them all. That is a beautiful place to walk.
What a wonderful, beautiful, perfect place to walk!
Our gravel road loops off the highway, and makes almost a perfect 5k loop when including our driveway from our front door. Although at times there is weekend traffic, and I avoid the highway part. Your path really is perfect!
I love the app that tracks my steps and route on my phone. I've heard about the fitbit, I might have to look into one.
I had a strong streak of walking it every evening for a while this spring. Then the bugs came out, I got busy and thrown off track, and I never got back to it. Like you guys, I'm active.. just haven't ever been CONSISTENT.
It's wonderful that you guys have each other, a walking partner is very valuable. We just got a new puppy, so as she grows, I look forward to her walking companionship again.
Speaking of consistency... Apologies for my absence this summer. I've sure missed keeping up with you and George. Very happy to be back!
What a nice area to walk. Wish I had that here. Instead I do the elliptical or drive to a nearby lake to walk 2.5 miles.
We are just back from our vacation to Wellsboro,, PA. Lovely little town with some great parks nearby (Grand Canyon of the East and Cherry Springs State Park - an international dark sky park). Thankfully my deer deterrents held and there's no deer damage to the backyard. What wasn't protected by fishing line was protected by liquid fence only and that worked too this time.
You are blessed to live in the beautiful area. Love the views that are in your "backyard."
Great place to walk. I bet you see and appreciate it a lot more than the golfers focused only on a little white ball....:)
What a beautiful place to walk every night! Loved the photos!
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