Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas at our Home

Our Nativity --what Christmas is all about!
Since I haven't been able to get around and take many pictures this year,  I will share some of the pictures from past years showing Christmas in and around our Home. Hope you enjoy the pictures and hope you are having a wonderful December in your home.

Our Treetop Angel on our tree

Part of my big Angel Collection


Some of my Bird Ornaments

You can see the entire front of our home in my Header Photo at the top--but this is a close-up of the front of the house.

Our Front Porch

Our Deck --looking toward the Arbor (Bird Kitchen)

Our home at Christmas from the Back Yard

Our Tree at Night

The bottom of our Tree ... 

Our Tree on Christmas Morning,  2013

Some pictures of us on  Christmas Morning,  2012

Christmas Pictures of Us on Christmas Morning,  2013

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our Christmas Photos today.  Even though 2014 will be remembered as a 'different' year for sure,  I'm still positive that we will enjoy Christmas just as much as in past years...

About the Word Verification,  I truly do NOT want to change to the Embedded option (which I despise).  Of the three options,  I still like the Pop-Up Window the best.  It is so much simpler when scrolling back and forth in someone's blog while commenting. Hopefully,  Blogger will fix this problem.  I cannot stand Word Verification and I'm sure most of you agree.  In the meantime,  you do NOT have to type in the numbers on Word Verification.  Just scroll down and hit PUBLISH... That will work!!!!  Thanks.

I should get results from last week's MRI sometime this week,  so I will keep you posted.  I'm still in pain --but I'm sure there will be a light at the end of this tunnel,  if I only can be patient!!!!  God Bless ALL of you and thanks for your prayers.

We Wish You a Merry♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Christmas♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪We Wish You a Merry ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Christmas ♥ ♥ ♥We Wish You A Merry ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ And a Happy New Year!!! Seasons Greetings to everyone........



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy I hope your health is improving and you are not getting too frustrated. I am sure George is looking after your wonderfully, These shots of past Christmas decorations are gorgeous. Your home really did looks so festive. the Word thing is still on but it is not a problem as you don't have to use it, just publish in the same way as before.

Jarka Panci said...

thank you for very nice post, fotos. I wish you and your family Merry Christmas and in new year - 1.health, 2.health, 3.health !!!

Ms. A said...

Hope the knee gets better real soon. I know you are very impatient, not being upwardly mobile! Blessings.

Jeevan said...

It’s so wonderful to look back at your Christmas celebration and I still remember seeing these photos from last years... I truly wish the celebration enhances this year. The photos set the festival mood to high... Hope there isn't anything wrong with the result!

I too hate word verification (glad it disappeared from mine) and pop-up comment is the very easier and I never change this setting from the beginning.

Take care

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Betsy ~ What lovely photos of your home decorated in years past. Very joyous and colorful!

May your knee soon be giving you no more pain.

Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

eileeninmd said...

beautiful tree and decorations, Betsy! Your home is lovely.. I hope your test results are good.. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

Janice K said...

I hope your knee is improving. I remember how frustrating it can be to have limited mobility at this time of year because I had a broken ankle once over Christmas. But, as you know, the real reason and blessings of Christmas come without any activity on our part, so just relax and enjoy His coming. God bless!

From the Kitchen said...

I've enjoyed my Christmas tour with you and my first cup of coffee! Beautiful!! I so hope you get some good news on a fix for your knee this week.


Out on the prairie said...

I had fun moving the snow around on your header moving my mouse. I haven't even set up the tree. Went in for a stent last week in my heart. Been running on slow like you.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Praying that you get answers soon and begin the road to feeling better. Thanks for sharing the Christmas past photos. I love all your angels and the bird ornaments, especially. God bless you and George this Christmas.

linda m said...

Thoroughly enjoyed my Christmas tour of your home. It is so beautiful. I even saw an angel ornament that my Mother used to have - sure wish I new what happened to it. Praying for good results from your tests. At least the waiting will soon be over. Merry Christmas to you and George.

Catherine said...

Wishing you good news with your results Betsy!
And sending you good thoughts!
xo Catherine
P.S. Nope, the word verification is still here on your pop up window. :(

Jo said...

How absolutely beautiful, Betsy. I've followed your blog since 2008 and love every one of your posts, but your Christmas posts are the best. I love your header. Here's praying that your health improves and you and George have a wonderful festive season. Blessings Jo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love your Willows- I started my own collection last Christmas. I hope that your knee is better soon. Blessings!

Arkansas Patti said...

Your house is always so beautiful either decorated in flowers or lights and ornaments. Compliments to the decorators.
Sure hope your knee is much better or soon will be.
Have a wonderful holidays.

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, your Christmas pictures were beautiful, so thanks for sharing. Good luck with the MRI outcome...we'll be hoping you get some pain relief for the Christmas holiday. By the way, the word verification is still on.

Karin said...

That was a lot of work and a labor of love setting everything up! It looks festive and ready for celebrating the Birth of our Saviour! May you again receive God's abundant blessings at Christmas and the year ahead!

Glenda said...

Thank you for sharing these photos of your lovely home, Betsy! I'll continue to pray that you'll get some good answers that will help relieve your pain. I know how much you love to be active, so this is a pain in more ways than one! Have a Merry Christmas!

Megs said...

Hi, Betsy,
Thank you so much for the beautiful Christmas pictures! Your tree is gorgeous.
I pray your knee gets better soon,
Marge Hess

George said...

We do have lots of beautiful Christmas memories, don't we? I look forward to making many more.

Sylvia K said...

Such beautiful Christmas captures, Betsy, and what a delightful way to begin my day on this cold, windy, gray day!! I do so hope your knee gets better soon -- I have a similar problem and it does get in the way of having the most fun! Holding good thoughts for you!! Have a great week!

Big Dude said...

I hope the knee doesn't keep you from enjoying Christmas.

MTWaggin said...

Such a lovely festive house you always have. Happy Holidays!

Ann said...

Looking very festive. I love all your decorations.
I don't blame you for not wanting to switch to embedded comments. I prefer the pop up too. I kept it that way and like you just told everyone they don't have to type the captcha code.
Hope you get some answers from the MRI and relief from the pain soon

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Love your pictures. Your home is so festive. I am very far behind in our decorating this year. I have the wreath form hanging on the door....and no greenery in it. Silly me.
Hope you get some good news on your MRI and that all goes well.

Marie said...

Your nativity is so pretty! Love your deck decorations and tree. :)
Pretty bird ornaments too!
We still have to take our Christmas pic for our Christmas cards. :) Love your snow in the header! It's gorgeous here today, sunny and 61.

Terri D said...

Last year's photos are lovely, and I'm sure the house is just as pretty this year! Hope your knee will be an easy fix, and you will be over the pain soon! Please keep us posted!

Terry and Linda said...

Your house is always just outstandingly lovely. I am praying that your pain is fixed soon, Dear Friend.


Joy said...

The beauty of Christmas:)
Wishing you well and you are in my prayers. May have a pain free Christmas.

Unknown said...

Your Christmas decorations looks very nice, I love the willow Angels. Hope your knee will feel better.
Have a great week ahead.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your tree is awesome!! It looks like one of those big beautiful ones in hotels! Favorite pictures are ten and the angels. Seems like a LONG time you have had to wait for the results! Phil gets his MRI tomorrow. Your little tree on the porch is beautiful, just as much as the big one!!

diane b said...

Merry Christmas hopefully your pain won't spoil Christmas for you. Your past decorations have been beautiful.Our Christmas has been marred by the awful outcome of the Sydney siege.

Susie Swanson said...

Love your pics. Praying for your knee to get better and hoping you have a happy and blessed Christmas.

Shug said...

Your home is lovely and full of Christmas. I know that this year is difficult for you, but I also know that you are going to make the best of everything. Was reading the Charles Dickens quote on your sidebar, and I know that those words hold true for you...You will honor Christmas in your heart and I know you keep it in your heart the entire year. Feel better..hugs

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh you have one of the biggest and most beautiful trees I have seen. I am not surprised at your bird ornaments. Love you angels too. Hey I changed mine to the embedded version - so what does that mean to the blog - how does it change it - can you explained it to me?

The Furry Gnome said...

That's a really nice looking tree! Hope your MRI gives some clear results soon.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your home and decorations are as lovely as ever.I am always impressed at how welcoming your home looks.

Annesphamily said...

I love your Nativity and all the joyful Christmas decorations. Your home is so lovely. I hope my Christmas cards arrive soon from Santa Claus, Indiana! Let me know. I have a little something I need to get in the mail for you. I have been such a slug. Take care of that knee and know I am praying for you and thinking about you and hoping you will be healed quickly. Keep me posted. Hugs, Anne

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have everything decorated beautifully! I hope you feel better soon.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have everything decorated beautifully! I hope you feel better soon.

Latane Barton said...

Everything is looking mighty festive around your home. Just brings cheer to life. Hoping your pain is soon dealt with and you can be hiking those mountain trails again. Hang in there.

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Wow...beautiful !
You are awesome, Betsy :)

Carletta said...

Your house always looks so inviting!
Hope you find out something about your knee soon. I've been in your shoes and know how the pain can be. Take care Betsy.

Our photos said...

Very nice. I love the Christmas tree !

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy!
Your house is magnificent and you look beautiful, as usual!
My best wishes for you, your family and your knee!!!

Hugs from Brazil

<°))))< Bia

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your home is just so festive and bright. I love the lighted wreaths on the front so much....wish I could get 'someone' to do that for me! ;)
I hope you're feel as well as possible.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I agree about Word Verification problems that have been arising on Google's Blogger sites. Oh well. Your home is gorgeous! I am so happy you and your hubby decorate your home and yard for Christmas - not that many in the 'Glade do (at least during 2009-2012 when we were there). Have a super good Thursday tomorrow!

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
I hope the MRI results provide some much needed relief for you, I'll keep saying a little prayer and of course sending you hugs - your home is just magnificent, your Christmas decorations are beautiful! I love the nativity scene (and oh how I miss the nativity plays the little ones do!) I love your angels and bird decorations too (it wouldn't be a 'Betsy tree' without them!) ps I love the 'time at my home' addition! we are 6 hours ahead right now!! wow! x x x

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy - I haven't visited your blog for a long while - so glad to find you again. So sorry about your health problems this past year. I have had a rough time with my knees and had to have an MRI last year which showed bone on bone - nothing that could be helped by surgery so I do the best I can. I still walk a lot but don't hike much any more, but then I don't have anyone to hike with anymore. I love you Christmas decorations. You surely do have a lovely home. I am going to put you back on my blog role since I just found your again. God bless and Merry Christmas.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your home looks lovely all decorated for Christmas, Betsy! I know you enjoy this season so much and I'm sorry you have had knee pain for most of it. I hope the cortisone shot will help you be pain free and able to enjoy Christmas Eve and Day and afterward. Heal fast and have a happy healthy 2015!

Linda P said...

Dear Betsy, thank you for taking the trouble to post your beautiful photos of your home with all the Christmas decorations, especially the nativity scene The deck and the yard look festive and welcoming and the tree is very pretty. I know that you'll have some new special ornaments to go on it this year. I'm able to scroll down this morning without the screen freezing. There's still a flashing light at the bottom of the screen and it's difficult for my eyesight problems, but I shall persevere and keep up with your news. Your blog friendship is precious. God bless you and George.

Connie said...

Your Christmas decorations are lovely, Betsy! You have such a beautiful home. I hope your knee is soon on the mend, and you will feel like your old self again. Merry Christmas!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb! It's so good to see your post! I'm glad you got to see your sweet family...I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. I agree it is strange when we get to be the oldest living generation! My dear aunt and uncle passed away within 2 days of each other in September. They almost always spent Christmas with us and I am really missing them.
I really enjoyed seeing your lovely photos...such beautiful scenery! I do hope you will continue to share your photos and stories when you have time. It's always a treat when I see a new post from you!
Take care and have a blessed and love filled Christmas!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful photos Betsy, and I do hope you and George have a Merry Christmas and A Very Happy and HEALTHY New Year!

Betsy said...

I loved seeing the pictures of you and George the past two Christmas'. You both look so happy. Your home is decorated so pretty. We Betsy's must think alike. I collect Angels too! Your willow collection is stunning. I'm praying for a quick recovery.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tree you have! Hoping your knee pain eases up... and that you have a lovely Christmas.

Kay said...

Since Christmas is very low key for us this year, I really enjoyed seeing your decorations. I loved seeing your Christmas photos too! Merry Christmas, Betsy and George.

Small Kucing said...

Merry Christmas Betsy and George. Have a blast this year.

Hope your knee pain will lessen this few days for you to be able to enjoy this holiday.

Get well soon dear

Catherine said...

Wishing you and your sweetie a most joyful holiday season Betsy!!
I hope your results turned out well!
xo Catherine