Northern Cardinal |
I gave you a little preview on Friday of some of our wonderful Backyard Birds who have visited the Bird Kitchen this month... Today---I'll show you more of them!!!!
Hope you enjoy seeing these little beauties. I especially love them in Spring -in their colors... This is the season of love and nesting for the birds ---so the area is bustling with songs and joy!!!!! Thank God for our little BIRDS!!!! Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.
Brown Thrasher |
Goldfinch |
Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak (we always look forward to their visits in Spring and Fall) |
Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak (She has a huge long, white eyebrow!) |
Another photo of the Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Blue-Jay (looking for a peanut) |
Pileated Woodpecker getting ready to... (see next photo) |
...STRETCH to reach the Suet!!!! ha ha (crazy birdie) |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Red-headed Woodpecker (one of my favorite birds and one of the most gorgeous) |
Mama Bluebird ---who is busy (along with Daddy) feeding 4 little mouths in the nestbox! |
Well---that's it for today.... Hope you enjoyed seeing more of my precious little Backyard Birds!!!! They are truly such a joy to watch -and photograph... OH --and by the way, we do have some Hummingbirds here now---but no photos yet.
Have a fantastic Monday!!!
I too enjoyed seeing all your backyard birds...
Betsy, you have a beautiful collection of yardbirds there. Lovely photos.
that woodpecker must like to do things the hard way stretching for that suet.
Love all the birds. We started seeing goldfinch again, always a welcome sight
They are all so pretty. I like the red breasted grosbeak.
Always love seeing your pretty feathered friends. Thanks for dropping by!
Wow, beautiful little guys !
Awesome post, Betsy !
You've got a pretty amazing bird kitchen to attract all those species!
Bird heaven! What, no squirrels?
My favorite is the Red-Headed Woodpecker. I have never seen them around here. Love your bird kitchen. I have way too many squirrels to try something like that.
I can hardly wait until it's warm enough to sit outside in the morning, drink my tea, and listen and watch the birds. They are such a wonderful stress reliever!!
xo Catherine
Had a first grosbeak of the year today
You got great pictures of our feathery visitors.
Looks like the Adams Diner is staying really busy.
Your back yard sure is a fun place to be.
Great pictures and an amazing variety of birds. Lucky you, Betsy
Such beautiful birds!! We have lots of beautiful ones here -- along with our three neighborhood squirrels who reluctantly share their food with the birds! I love sitting at my desk and being able to watch all the birds and squirrels gathering around for their daily feed!!
Hi Betsy, Gorgeous woodpeckers. I do agree about that Red-headed Woodpecker! I still have never seen any Grosbeaks. I would love to see one of these pretty birds. Have a really nice coming week and do watch your weather for storms.
HI Betsy What a wonderful series of birds from your back yard. Loved them all.
Love your birdies!
It's amazing all the beautiful colors that birds are.
So many feathered beauties!
The red-headed woodpecker is strikingly beautiful. Such markings. I love all the birds you featured today, Betsy. Enjoy them. Jo
The birds know whose backyard has the best pickings!
Pouring here today - hope those birds are staying dry.
I love the grosbeaks. They are a rare find around here and I have only seen them in our yard once. You can imagine how excited I was. Send me some. Put a tiny band around their legs with Waynesboro on it.
Beautiful. We see most of them here as well. We don't get Brown Thrashers or Bluebirds since we are in the woods. I have yet to see a Red-headed Woodpecker here and I do love them. At least I'm glad you have them.
Such beautiful photos. My mama loved to watch the birds on their pond. She had binoculars and a bird book and could name each one. Thanks for sharing.
Your food bar for birds is fun! I put out a hummer feeder but nothing yet.
Awesome captures on the colorful birds! Its great treat watching birds esp. the colorful ones are a golden opportunity to check. I liked more the grosbeaks and redhead woodpecker :)
Awesome captures on the colorful birds! Its great treat watching birds esp. the colorful ones are a golden opportunity to check. I liked more the grosbeaks and redhead woodpecker :)
It is always a thrill to see the birds returning. You have such variety there.
Betsy...those grosbeaks are ALL males...the female [the rosebreasted] of this kind is BROWN. All brown.
Lovely birds.
I'm trying to catch up on your posts after you left me a comment last week while I was out birding most days along with a national birding convention being held in our city. Hope your week ahead is a good one. Thanks for stopping by to leave me a comment.
So amazing that you have such variety of birds at your home. Betsy!
Your photos are great.
Beautiful shots!
Very nice. I love the birds
You have a true sanctuary for those lovely creatures.
Hope the nasty weather heading your way doesn't blow the birds away. My hummers didn't blow away so I guess if they can survive, the bigger ones can. Stay safe.
That redheaded woodpecker really is stunning.
Betsy, You took some great bird photos! Best of luck with the storms coming through the plateau in the next 24 hours or so... We have our fingers crossed down here in the valley. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Yep....what you've got here are some spoiled little birdies!! Thankful that there are many who care for the birds and take time to feed them. I'm pretty sure that the Blessing is yours.....So sweet to see the feathered friends hanging out around the house...
Praying for your safety through these storms...
I am so glad all the birds are back. I think the birds bring back the warm weather. I am looking forward to seeing more of your birds. That Goldfinch is just gorgeous.
We love our birds, don't we? Your photos are great, Betsy! I would love to see a Grosbeak again. But, the Pilated is one that I have given up on. I don't think they come around here. Darn it.
Stay safe in the storms!
Wow! You have so many beautiful birds in your neighborhood. Lucky you!
I like seeing your colourful birds especially the woodpeckers and the blue ones. Hummingbirds - I'm sure they are difficult to photograph, but lovely to look at. Hope you get some good captures for us to see, Betsy :)
Yep, now it's all good!!!
Hi Besty!
I hope you are well! I didn't want to shock you! of course you are absolutely right, it is very daft for me to smoke, I know, I hope I haven't put you off popping over though!
I think the birds in your garden love it, they are so well cared for and loved (and beautifully photographed) x x x
Love the Thrasher...it's been a couple years since I saw one here. Don't have the Rosies yet. I'm always jealous of your pileated woodpecker. I know we have one around here, but it doesn't come to my feeders like yours! Hope you and George are well. We're doing fine here...just not blogging much.
You are blessed to have so many beautiful birdies in your yard. Well, we know they know where the good food is. :) Our feeders are just full of lovelies too….but I'm having issues with squirrels! I can't afford to feed those piggies.
Hmmm your post give me an idea. Maybe I should set up a bird feeder too. Birds have been killing my plants in the garden. Maybe with a feeder they will leave my plants alone
I loved seeing all of these beautiful birdies! Their colors are so incredible. It's hard to pick a favorite, but the Rose-breasted Grosbeak is one I thought was so unique and beautiful.
What a joy to be able to see all of these birds out your window- y'all have such an amazing variety.
Hugs & blessings,
Hello Betsy, Happy Spring to you and George. Love all the beautiful colorful birds at your feeders. I think my favorite is the woodpecker.. Hugs Judy
It's so nice to see the birds in all their bright spring colors. Great photos, Betsy!
I always love to see the post of the many birds you feed in your Backyard Cafe. Truly beautiful.
We are home from our little adventure at the ranch. We enjoyed ourselves and had a nice visit with my eldest daughter and SIL. Then we house sat while they went to Oregon. MB
I love all your different backyard birds. We've had some sort of invasion of black birds. I think they've scared off all the other birds. Every time I see them I think of the nursery rhyme: Four and twenty black birds baked in a pie.....
Awe, these are so sweet. I love watching the birds. Your photos are so beautiful. Hugs sweet friend, xo
How lucky you are, with all these wonderful birds to see! Many of my favorites here. My parents were always big on catering to the birds in our yard growing up - I learned to love them.
I've only seen just robins returned to us so far. The loons are back on some lakes, as well. It's said that they first day of open water on a lake, there will be a pair of loons returned to it.
Enjoy your birds & blooms, Betsy!
They give me reason to smile, Though we're still cold & colorless - these are a reminder of what we have to look forward to!
I enjoyed browsing through your pictures of birds, you have so many varieties. Can imagine it's lovely to watch them come and go.
What precious birds! Lovely shots.
You have fantastic birds. Although I do go through lots of bird seed over the week.....that's lots and lots of money:)
Hope they visit me too:)
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