Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Morning at our Home --2013

Hello Blog Friends.  Hope all of you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year's Celebration.  George and I certainly did!!!!   I've missed you --and will try to begin catching back up soon.  However,  I am up to my ears this month in my Family History research.  SO--my catching up will be slow!  Please be patient with me.  Today I will share with you some collages from Christmas Morning at our home... Be sure to click on them for enlargements.   Sit back and enjoy!!!!!

Well---you can tell that both George and I had a fantastic Christmas this year.  We must have been good little boys and girls since Santa was so good to us.  Glad he didn't put any coal in my stocking!!!!!!  I work SO hard at being GOOD....ha ha....

This year I surprised George with a new lens for his camera.  He has been looking at this lens for a long time--but had never bought it.  SO---I surprised him with it.   He definitely surprised me with the beautiful  wrapped canvases and other framed photos... AND--another fav of mine was the little Willow Angel.   I had never seen this one,  and it was PERFECT for me since her name is Sunshine and she is holding a bowl of Sunflower blooms (shown in 3rd collage from top).

We still enjoy our ornaments --and have a tree full of memories!  One of the cutest ornaments George got was a little camera ornament (4th collage) given to him by son Jeff and daughter-in-law Dawn.  One (of many) favorite ornaments I received was an ornament of one of our beautiful roses,  Wildfire (3rd collage).

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our Christmas photos....  Hope you have a wonderful day!  I put all new quotes on my Sidebar---so take time to check it out.

AND--since much of the country is experiencing FRIGID temperatures,  please make sure that you stay warm and toasty.  We have snow and some extremely cold temperatures today.  Stay INSIDE as much as possible... 



amanda said...

So many gifts filled with thoughtfulness!
Love the prints & wrapped canvases - and a new lens - lucky! How lucky you & George are to have each other. Looks like a very happy Christmas.
Seems like we're the coldest of the cold way up here in northern Minnesota. I don't know why we live here, but we love it. :) Stay warm!

Ms. A said...

Glad you two had a wonderful Christmas! Ours has been postponed until further notice, but Mike's girl spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with him at the hospital. (They spent the night) It did him a world of good!

Jo said...

Compliments of the season to you and George, Betsy! It's good to see you again; so welcome back too! Your Christmas looked good. We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year here in the bush with a great week of birding in between the two holidays. Blessings and (((hugs))) Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful Christmas! May this year be filled of good things for you both.

Anonymous said...

You two Know how to celebrate the holidays in style, Betsy. I love your shirts and wonderful gifts.

Be well be happy :)

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, I am so glad you and George had a wonderful Christmas.. I loved this post and photos. Have a happy day and week ahead!

Anonymous said...

Fun photos of your wonderful Christmas. I love all the special ornaments for your tree. Getting colder here this a.m. Enjoy the fireside!

diane b said...

You sure were a lucky girl.Glad to see you had fun on Christmas morning. We have seen the bad weather in USA on our TV. Hope you can keep warm and safe on the roads. We have to stay inside in the air con because it is tooo hot to go outsde.Silly weather!!!

Small Kucing said...

Happy New Year Betsy :)

What lovely pressies you've got there. Your friends and family sure know your love for birds. Lovevthe ornaments.

linda m said...

What a wonderful Christmas you both had. Love all the ornaments. The silly pictures were my favorites. Keep warm.

Big Dude said...

Looks like you guys had a fun filled Christmas morning. I love the header shot. Are you getting snow with this current storm?

From the Kitchen said...

I'm having coffee in my fluffy robe while "visiting" your Christmas. Love the photos! Love the meaningful ornaments. What fun to put them on the tree in year's to come.


Marie said...

Glad you had a blessed Christmas. Happy new year!

The Furry Gnome said...

Welcome back Betsy; glad you had such a good Christmas!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I'm glad you explained about the camera ornament. At first, I thought George had gotten a small point and shoot camera so he wouldn't have to lug his equipment everywhere. Then I saw the lens and knew he hadn't given up DSLR shooting. That panorama canvas is beautiful. I remember one of you posting pictures of that place, but I can't remember where it was. It looks similar to Sioux Falls, but I know it's not that.

Shug said...

This is such a special post....I enjoyed being able to share in your Christmas morning celebration. This is a great way to be able to look back and enjoy your Christmas 2013, over and over again. It's wonderful how the two of you give each other gifts of interest and love. Happiness and Love is what I see in every photo...
love ya!

MadSnapper said...

if george gets tired of the lens, it will fit my camera... LOL... looks like Santa was working overtime for the two of you... tell George to do a post on the lens and what type photos it takes.

Donna said...

You two always have such fun! Looks like you got what your wanted and MORE, LOL. So what kind of lens did you get George? Fess up!

Janice K said...

Your gifts seem to represent some of the wonderful trips you have taken in recent years. I can tell by your smiles, you were both very happy. God bless!

Sylvia K said...

A beautiful, joyful Holiday season indeed!! Such fun! Thanks for sharing with us! I do hope you and George have a wonderful new year!!


Joy said...

I am so glad that you enjoyed your Christmas:)
Happy New Year!

Out on the prairie said...

Looks like a ton of fun,like the wrapped canvas blowups

David said...

Betsy, It sounds and looks like the two of you had a great Christmas and New Years celebration. Laurie and I did as well... Dawn Marie joined us from Miami and our friends, Karen and Charlie had a bunch of us...friends and neighbors...over for Christmas dinner. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Gorgeous Christmas collages Betsy, you and George so obviously shared a wonderous Christmas season - may your new year be filled with happiness, health and new challenges!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Saw the weather report for the Glade this morning at 11:00 AM Central - boy are y'all COLD (no not shouting just emphatic). Hope you have a really good day indoors and don't have bad damage due to near zero temperatures. Yikes! We will also get cold tonight with temps in the 20's here in Marion County, FL. Have a good Tues. tomorrow.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You got many lovely gifts for Christmas! Good to see you posting again. Happy New Year to you and George!

HappyK said...

Looks like a very good Christmas over your way.
You'd love it here today, more snow!!

Fun60 said...

Good to hear from you again. Looks as though you had a fabulous time over Christmas and the New Year.

Chatty Crone said...

First of all your cardinal on top is GORGEOUS!

Next I love the way you put our photos on those picture pages.

You two sure do look happy there together.

Stay warm.

Connie said...

Looks like you and George had a wonderful Christmas, Betsy! I love the framed photos and wrapped canvass--so beautiful! Stay safe and warm this week!

Rose said...

I am happy you had a great Christmas...love some of your guys' expressions.

And I hope you blog about your family research...I enjoy reading it even if I can't remember it all.

LV said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us. Santa was definitely kind to you both; however, the best gift of all is the love shared between you two. May 2014 be good to you.

Ann said...

Love all your pictures and it does look like you had a wonderful Christmas

Elizabeth Edwards said...

you guys are too cute!! i love all the comical shots!! ha. ha!!

i love the "lovers" ornament. that is so so so so sweet. ( :

BB said...

Santa was very good to you indeed! Glad you had a great holiday. Xx

Busy Bee Suz said...

For someone who is always so GOOD you sure seem to be having fun. HA. :) Love all your photos. You two sure do enjoy Christmas and I love that. The canvas's and ornaments are just wonderful keepsakes!
Betsy, you are looking cuter and cuter all the time. Is it the leaf blowing or the hiking???

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like Christmas was a very happy time at the Adam's home.

Lynda said...

You definitely had a super happy Christmas time! Both of you did. I love that George sets up the camera to get pics of both of you because it is fun for us to see the love between the two of you and also the good times you have together. Glad you got to be back with us on a post even in the midst of your busy-ness.

carolina nana said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. That bag with your name on it looks just like the one I got from one of the kids. Is yours Premier One ?
Love that canvass of the waterfall. Did George take the pic ?
We are at 6 degrees tonight headed for at least 0 tonight,brr. HAven't seen temps like these in over 20 years around here.
Stay warm and be blessed

Farida said...

Happy 2014 Ms Betsy! I enjoyed going through your photos for this post. And I can feel love overflowing too... I hope to see more of your travel posts this year and may you continue to stay healthy. God bless!

Small City Scenes said...

You guys had a wonderful and happy Christmas. I know just by the expressions on your faces. Isn't it wonderful to be so happy you can be silly and isn't it fun.
Now let's get on with the New Year.

Small City Scenes said...

I also meant to say that I like all your collages. MB.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas memories. I really enjoyed your photos. What lovely wall art you have there!

Twilight Man said...

I love all the photos very much! They looked so happy and funny! I send my warmest hugs from Malaysia to you both darlings!!

Kay said...

It's so wonderful to hear that the holidays were great for the two of you. It's so much fun to see your happy photos.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your Christmas looked very Merry and Bright, Betsy! You and George looked so cute in your matching sweatshirts--you both know how to make life FUN!

Happy and healthy 2014!

Hootin Anni said...

Wonderful...fun, loving, and beautiful!!!

I Am Woody said...

A perfect Christmas! I love love love the silly photos! :)

Terry and Linda said...

Your Christmas seems just perfect! I hope you both are staying warm down there...this storm is huge and far reaching!


DeniseinVA said...

What a great post Betsy, each one a total treasure. I always enjoy the photos of you and George, and today all your beautiful gifts and wonderful collection. Happy New Year to you both, may 2014 be the best one yet :)

Susie Swanson said...

Awww, looks like you and George had a really great Christmas, so many beautiful treasures. It really is cold here also, about the coldest I've seen since back in the 80's when we had a record low of -16 on January 21st. I'm looking forward to the warm up. You both take care and stay warm. Hugs, Susie

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Santa sure was good to you both!
Stay warm.

Beth said...

Your happiness oozes through the lines! It's contagious!
Beautiful, thoughtful gifts. Love esp. the wrapped canvas. Wow!

I am staying fairly warm--no school.
I have birds now---lots of them! We have 6 different birdfeeders/suet holders, etc. in front of our living room bay window. The birds, our inside cats, and we are loving this! :>) Finally! (The dog likes accompanying Mike to fill the feeders but she ignores the birds though she thinks the corn is tasty--Ha!

Our photos said...

We saw on TV that it's very cold when you join us in Holland seems like spring 15 degrees.
Greetings, RW & SK

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You got so many fun pictures. Glad you had a great Christmas.

Neal said...

Very, very nice! I had to go back at catch up. I didn't know you had restarted blogging. :)