Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Balsam Mountain Inn, Balsam, North Carolina

George and I took a wonderful trip to the mountains of North Carolina from April 3-5, 2012.  We stayed in a fabulous mountain inn,  named the Balsam Mountain Inn,  in Balsam, North Carolina (which is not far from Waynesville).

The inn is among the oldest in the North Carolina mountains...  Construction began in 1905 and was completed in 1908.   It was modeled after the Saratoga Inn in New York.  It features neo-classical architecture.   The three-story building has 46,000+ square feet and 225 windows.    A hallmark is the 100-foot,  two-tier porch offering splendid views of the Balsams.  The inn was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in July, 1982.  The inn was renovated beginning in October of 1990. 

The 10-foot wide hallways,  designed to accommodate huge steamer trunks of guests arriving by rail (nearby), are now filled with art and crafts of more than 75 local artists.  Victorian trim accents the interior of the inn.

The 23 acres on which the inn is situated is marked by seven springs.  The elevation exceeds 3500 feet.  And there are several hiking trails around the area ---where you can see lots of wildflowers this time of year.

And for us,  besides a great place to stay and a great restaurant there,  this inn was only 1/2 mile from the Blue Ridge Parkway (milepost 443).

Today I will show you some pictures we took of the outside of the inn.  In another blog,  I'll share some inside pictures...   Above is a picture of the inn (and sign) from the bottom of the hill looking up there.  Be sure to enlarge the photos for larger pictures.

Here's another cute sign posted on a bench --on the road up to the inn.

Here's a closer view of the front of the inn.  The porches (complete with rocking chairs) run the length of the building --on both the 1st and 2nd floors... There is a huge Balsam Fir on the left in this picture.

While walking up on the porch,  we saw this sign.  

Who is that lady relaxing on the porch?????  They have a huge library inside ---so if you forget to bring a good book,  I'm sure you can find one.  You can rock in the rocking chairs --and just read all day long (unless you are US ---who would rather be out hiking)..... ha

Here's the view from the porch.   I would have a hard time concentrating on that book --with this view all around me....

This is a view from the 2nd floor porch looking back at another wing of the inn.  The inn restaurant is on first floor (where all of the windows are)...  IF the weather had have cooperated,  we could have had breakfast and/or dinner outside down there.

Finally,  here is one more view from the porch of the beautiful area around Balsam Mountain Inn...  If you ever get to this area,   check this place out... We got our visit through Groupon online ---and the price was definitely right.

Hope you had a marvelous Easter Weekend.  We certainly did!!!!

Have a wonderful Monday.


eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, this Inn is beautiful and I love the porch. The restaurant has a gorgeous view. Sounds like a lovely place to stay. Your photos are lovely! Have a great day!

diane b said...

This looks a magic place to stay. my kind of holiday. The porch and views are staggeringly beautiful. Lucky you. Great shots.

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, you're looking good there. This looks like the kind of place Frances would enjoy - just sitting on the porch and watching nature! Beautiful, indeed. I'd love the hiking opportunities too, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, This looks absolutely fantastic, and so peaceful it seems to be there. If I ever get to the area I will definitely look it up. Beautiful sceneries - I just love it! My Easter Weekend has been very quiet and nice, glad to be off work today too. Have a lovely Day!


Catherine said...

Gosh that is a glorious looking Inn Betsy! Holidaying in style I think. Haha!

And look at you in the rocking chair. Well you just look too young to be sitting in a rocking chair girl!!

Wishing you a happy week my friend!
xo Catherine

penny said...

What a beautiful inn with plenty of gorgeous views. Glad you two had a nice getaway, Betsy.

Connie said...

Such a lovely location, Betsy! I would love that porch and that gorgeous view! :)

Hootin Anni said...

Well, if you DIDN'T enjoy your weekend, I think I'd have to make an appointment for you to see the nearest 'shrink'..........what a glorious place to stay. Such beautiful architecture and history...and the landscaping is divine!!!


[I love the photo of you in the chair on the porch]

linda m said...

What a gorgeous place. If my husband and I ever get over that way it is one place I would like to stay. Love the huge porch with all the rockers on it. My kind of place.

Harriet said...

Beautiful view! I can't wait to see the inside.

Ruth Hiebert said...

What a stunning place. Looks like one found not go wrong in a visit to this place.I am looking forward to seeing the inside as well.

Latane Barton said...

Betsy, I wanna go!!! Girl, you find the most amazing places to visit. Think I will hide in your luggage hehe.

Beth said...

Beautiful place, Betsy--looks like a delightful place to spend some time. I'm looking forward to the interior pics.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter. Ours was laid back and uplifting.
Have a blessed week. ♥b♥

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Wow! I wish I'd seen that Groupon. I'll have to watch for another one to come around. In many ways, this reminds me of the old Wonderland Hotel...the setting, the view from the porch, and the porch itself. We're going to have to check this place out. Thanks for yet another travel tip. :)

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous Inn...and that view~~!

Anonymous said...

My sister told me about Groupons and the kinds of deals you can make, but I have never tried it. Too intimidated to try new things? Lol. Loved your pictures, as usual, Betsy. Have a great day!

Marcia said...

Sounds like a wonderful get away. Thanks for sharing. We've not gotten into Groupon.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, Betsy. I love the photo of you in the rocker. Hope you have a wonderful Monday.

MadSnapper said...

i would love to sit in that rocker for hours, read and stare at the beauty to rest my eyes. a beautiful place, also would love to wander the 10 foot wide halls.

TexWisGirl said...

really beautiful. love the porches and the rocking chairs. :)

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous place!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful place! I will be sure to take note of this for future reference. I love all your great travel tips!

RoeH said...

Somewhere in North Carolina back in 1995 there was a large houselike building we stopped at. It had a lot of 'stuff' to buy. which I did - a necklace. But the house had a big porch like that with chairs and a lookout that was beyond belief. I could have stayed there for forever.

KathyA said...

What a lovely place!

I noticed how that bench was made -- with wooden wheels. What a neat idea!

Janice K said...

You sure find the most interesting places to visit. That place looks really "cool."

Ms. A said...

This looks like it might be closer to our property than Maggie Valley. I'll have to check it out and keep it in mind for the future.

Sylvia K said...

What a lovely and delightful looking place!! I do love the Inn! Looks as though you both had a most wonderful and Happy Easter holiday, Betsy! Hope you have a great week as well!


Lady Di Tn said...

More fun with the Adams Family!!!! I love how you share with us the many places you go. I think that porch would have reminded me of home. Peace

Glenda said...

Love that view - and the front porch with rocking chairs!

Neal said...

That is a beautiful place. I think I've seen signs for it.

Cuby said...

Just another beautiful place you have found. The inn, the trees and of course the wonderful views. Thanks.

Sally Wessely said...

Just when I thought you had stayed in the most beautiful spot imaginable, you find one that seems to top the last place! I love this inn. I loved the building, the porches, and the view is just spectacular. I would like to sit on the porch and read and write. I think that would be the perfect place to go for a retreat. Thanks for sharing. North Carolina sure does have some beautiful country.

Shug said...

Gorgeous views from all directions and this area looks so plush and green. I can only imagine how beautiful it really is.
What a neat idea to have a library there at the place...I'm guessing it is used a lot during the winter months.
Hope you both have a great week..

DeniseinVA said...

You and George visit some wonderful places Betsy. This one looks great and I loved looking through the photos.

~mel said...

Thank you again for taking us along on yet another one of your many excursions. LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful place to put on my "places to visit when I retire" list!

HolleyGarden said...

What a gorgeous inn! I was just thinking how you find the most beautiful places. Then I was shocked when you mentioned going through Groupon! I would have never thought of looking there!

Lynn said...

Hi Betsy, Oh this is such a beautiful Inn. Beautiful part of the country. I know of the Inn but have never seen it up close even though over the years have been in that area often, if just in passing through. Love the porch, the rockers, the view. The best part of is is that you two spent it there together. I have a charming little framed picture Terry bought me in a tearoom here in FL. It says: "Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile".....Franklin P Jones quoted that. Seeing you on the porch made look up at that quote on my desk and smile thinking of you and George too. Blessings.

joy said...

wonderful place. Like a paradise. I can feel quiteness and God's mighty hands in nature. Thank you for sharing.

Rohrerbot said...

Hello there!:) Made it back in one piece and glad to see you did as well. I would die to stay in a place like that....we want to do something similiar to this during the summer BUT the cost is out of this world! SO we might just have lunch there instead:) Thanks for taking us on the tour. Everything is really turning nice and green in your area....

Big Dude said...

Looks like a very special place Betsy

Karin said...

Absolutely breath-taking! I could spend a month there - or a year or two!!

Ann said...

what a grand inn that is. gorgeous. I can't wait to see the inside.

imac said...

Beautiful shots Betsy.
I can see myself sitting in those rocking chairs, with a pint

Chatty Crone said...

It is a very beautiful place where you stayed. I know you love to hike - I think I'd be reading there on the porch! Sandie

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Looks fantastic! A hotel that is now on my list of possible places to visit in the region. Thanks for the travel report and recommendation. Have a wonderful Tuesday tomorrow!

carolina nana said...

I've never heard of that inn and I live so close. It's true what they say about the treasures that are right in your backyard and you don't notice them.
Glad you all had a great Easter and your weather was nice. We could not have asked for a nicer day here.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

What a find. We love old inns and B&Bs. Thanks for sharing.
Easter was wonderful here too!

Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures of a beautiful place! It is a place that I would enjoy, I am sure! I have emails from groupon as well. So far I haven't taken advantage of any of its offers.

HappyK said...

You and George always take the nicest trips. As always I enjoy the pictures are stories of your adventures.

Dar said...

Who could ever tire of the views and that magnificent Inn. I Love those rockers. That's where you'd find me for tea and a nap. Oh, a hike too, just with you guys. Just to let you know, I have not been about much lately. I have not forgotten your lovely adventures, the birds, flowers, waterfalls. Soon I will be back at this more often, I hope.
Til then, miss you and

Anita Johnson said...

What a beautiful place...that's the trouble with blogging, my bucket list keeps getting longer! Your bird photos are terrific...we had our first grosbeak here yesterday, our bluebirds were scared off by sparrows again. Flickers have to be one of most beautiful birds that come to our feeder.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful place to stay! Glad you had a good time!

camp and cottage living said...

This is lovely! It reminds me of the ;Grand Hotel' on Mackinac Island in MI. You look very happy to be there!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oooh, I really love the view from the 2nd floor looking over the other wing - great picture!

Buttercup said...

I'd love to be sitting on that porch rocking. Wishes for a terrific Tuesday!

Small City Scenes said...

What a neat place and a nice place to stay. You look so regal there. And so happy too. Isn't it wonderful that we are able to do all the things we do. Thank Goodness and the good Lord. MB

Terry and Linda said...

Look at you...I make two of you!


From the Kitchen said...

I almost missed this post because it didn't show up for me. Not sure what's going on!! I think you two gypsies have outdone yourselves in this gorgeous place!! Fun.


Sharon said...

We stayed here once many years ago when I was working in North Georgia. The place just oozed history. You could almost hear the click of heels on those hardwood floors and see those steamer trunks. I was totally charmed. I do remember it was one of the smallest rooms we ever had. Had I known then what I know now, I'd have asked to be moved!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

This looks like a charming and quaint Inn! I wanna go with you next time! :}

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a beautiful, historic and romantic Inn! I'd love to stay there one day. I can't wait to see the interior photos, Betsy!

Carletta said...

Looks like a grand old place! I can't wait to see the inside pictures. Those inviting rocking chairs are certainly calling to me. :)
It was cool here Easter Sunday and while we had hoped to spend time in our own rockers on our own front porch it didn't happen.
Glad to hear you and George had a wonderful weekend.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a beautiful place, I love that porch. I do wonder how anyone could concentrate on a book with a view like that.
I remember visiting Balsam but I don't remember the inn.

Rose said...

That is a beautiful place! I don't think I could concentrate on a book either....and wouldn't it be wonderful to sit out there while it was raining?

Big Dude said...

I hope last nights weather didn't hit your stuff too hard.

Ashwini said...

What a lovely place!!! Added to my "Places to Visit" list. At almost 3 hours drive, looks like a good option for a quick weekend break for me :)

Cicero Sings said...

What a beautiful place as well as setting. Lovely.