How many times have I talked about loving my Backyard Birds???? They are just so entertaining in so many ways!!!! One thing that birds enjoy doing in the hot spring/summer is relaxing their tummies on the deck and deck railing. I have read several possibilities as to what they are doing ---so I guess nobody knows for sure. But--whatever their reasons, they do enjoy feeling the heat of the deck on their tummies!!!
Here are some pictures showing the birds totally RELAXING in our backyard.. Above is one photo that I absolutely love, even though it is a 'tad' blurry. I have featured this one before--but it's so good, so I decided to share it again. The Mourning Dove is sitting on the edge of the birdbath --just relaxing, and sticking his footsies in the water. Isn't that just hilarious???? Below are more pictures.
See how they spread out???? They only do this on a hot, sunny day! I think (correct me if I'm wrong) this is a Carolina Wren.
Here's a little Tufted Titmouse 'sunning' himself!!! Isn't he precious?
Here's another Tufted Titmouse facing the other direction... When I first saw a bird do this, I thought something was terribly wrong with the bird. Then, I saw several birds do it... Guess they like it!!!!
I took this picture this past Sunday (which was a HOT day here). Those two Mourning Doves enjoyed the feeling of that sun on their bellies!!!!
Even Mr. Pileated Woodpecker sat on the rail for quite a long time this past Sunday--and 'sunned' his tummy... That look on his face makes me think that he is saying: "Ooh-Ahhh"... SO--it's not just the little birds that do this!!!! The big ones do it also... Amazing, huh????? I'm just glad that all of our birds feel safe enough to relax here with me!!!!
I visited the Orthopedic Surgeon yesterday about my left knee problem --and the doctor 'thinks' I have a torn Medial Miniscus. BUT--until they do the MRI (which will be tomorrow), we won't know for sure. Fun-Fun-Fun!!!!! Can I tell you that this is NO FUN??? Special thanks to blog friend GINNY who has had this surgery before --and is giving me lots of great advice and ideas. Thank God for all of my wonderful Blog Friends!!!!
Fun bird photos. I haven't seen our birds do this. I will have to watch the bird bath more closely. Good luck on the knee.
I have never seen birds do this before. I recently saw the sandpiper and the broken wing trick - which was so totally hilarious to me. Who said birds don't think??
So sorry to hear about your knee. Hoping and praying your doctors can make an accurate diagnosis -and treat it in the best way so that it can heal.
No fun - when you have walking troubles - especially for a waterfall searching and hiking and photo-ing gal like you!
How odd !
This is the first I have seen of this, but there again I have always had cats around the garden, and so wouldn't expect the birdies to feel that relaxed..
It's almost comical, yet precious that they feel so safe in your back yard, as to allow such 'chilling out'.
Super photos Betsy !
Good luck today with your MRI.
These are the most entertaining bird photos I've ever seen...Great photos!!!
Praying for your knee :-)
This are really special shots of your beautiful bird visitors, Betsy... I love seeing the action of their wings.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, and George too, as together you deal with your knee problems.
Looks like baby birds drying themselves before the big flight...keep us updated please..
What great photos, Betsy! I especially love the one of the piletated woodpecker. The expression on his face is so blissful---it makes me feel very happy.
I'm really sorry about your painful knee. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Betsy. I know this must be very difficult for someone as active as you are.
Loved the "sunning shots" Betsy.
Hope the MRI lets you know what you are dealing with and that a plan to heal you is soon in the works.
I know how you and George love to hit the trails. Hopefully you can be back hiking soon.
Betsy, I have never seen birds do this! HA! How interesting!
Good luck with the MRI. I hope they can figure out what needs to be done to get your knee pain free again.
So sorry about your knee problems. I'll keep you in my prayers.
I've never seen birds do this. Maybe the birds that come to my house don't feel safe enough, the neighbor's CATS come over and catch the birds in my yard. I hate to find a bird that I've attracked in with bird seed has been killed in my yard. There are 5 or more cats which come into my yard after birds. If we try to run the cats off the neighbor thinks we are being mean to her cats. I love cats too! and we would never hurt a cat.
You know I love the birds! Good luck with your MRI and hopefully if you have to have surgery it will fix you all up and you will be as good as new!
By the way ~ our Victoria Day long weekend was indeed in celebration of the Queen's birthday. What ever gets me a long weekend out of the deal I am all for! Hooray for Canada recognizing the Royals! :) Haha!
Good luck tomorrow!
xo Catherine
You have captured something special. They do look funny. I always thought when they spread their wings they were cooling off but why put their tummies down on the warm rail if they are trying to cool off. Strange. I love the Woodpecker with his red beanie.
Hope the MRI news is not too dire .
thanks for my morning laughter. i love love love these photos of the sunbathing birds, the dove is hystercialy funny. just like a person. maybe they are getting their vitamins from the sun. i know Eagles do this to dry out their wings.
about the surgery, i have not had it but have 2 close friends that did, they both said it was a snap, in and out and walking fine in a couple of days. you will do fine with it and both of my friends said they wished they had done it sooner.
The birds are so cute.
It makes me want to come to your backyard and just sprawl out on a chair and chill out!!!
Good luck with the MRI. It is better to at least know what the issue is..even if surgery is the only option.
Those birds are comical in their relaxed state. Now,with an sore knee maybe you will have to do some relaxing of your own.I know this is not what you want to do.I am praying for you my friend,after all,isn't that what friends are for.
The habits of the feathered friends is curious. Dad always said that they were cooling themselves just as chickens do in the heat. But.......
that dove sitting on the edge of the birdbath is a 'hoot'. Thanks for sharing your great photography.
Blessya and George too
Best of luck with your knee...ask Mel about knee surgeries...she had 6
Love the bird pics Betsy! I've seen birds do this too and wondered what they were up to.
Sorry to hear about the torn meniscus. My hubbie had his repaired a few years back. It was an easy surgery. Let us know what the MRI says.
The top picture is hilarious. The bird is having a nice relaxing time sitting on the ledge.
I have NEVER seen a bird do this and we have a lot!! That's just so neat and it's amazing what they will do to keep cool!!
Actually our bird population has diminished greatly this last couple of days but I think that's due to nesting plus an abundance of natural foods. Bugs etc!!
Good luck with the MRI tomorrow.
Love the photos. Birds are fascinating little creatures. And so beautiful each in their own way. I hear doves out in the garden every morning here. It's better than a valium pill. Good thoughts coming your way on your surgery. Let us know.
I just love your bird pictures, the Woodpecker is absolutely priceless!
Sorry about your knee, I'm having problems with my hip...maybe we could lean on each other :)
☼ Sunny
Those photos are priceless. The pileated has such a comical expression.
Good luck with your MRI, hope you won't need surgery.
I will have to google Medial Miniscus to see what it is...
The bird photos are a blast...I never noticed them doing that.
So sorry about your knee pain! Really slows things down, doesn't it! Hope you too can relax in the Sonshine of God's love during this difficult time! Love those bird shots! I always thought the birds spread their wings to cool down their own bodies, but then I guess they could head for the shade somewhere. They are truly enjoying the sunbathing! That dove is too funny in it's relaxed mode!!
I have never in my life seen a Red-bellied sit down like that. What a shot!
Good luck with your tests.
Oops! I meant dove, not woodpecker.
Oh these birds are tooo funny. You caught them on candid camera.
I hope the knee thing is ok and no surgery is needed. MB
I have never seen birds being so calm. The birds here are always fluttering and fussing about. Youo really shot some good photos here.
Fascinating, I've never seen birds do that. Here in the desert, the birds sometimes hold their wings away from their bodies a little. But they don't spread their wings out or lay on their bellies. Great observation!
Great shots, Betsy. I've seen them panting and that is alarming to me. Diane
very cute Betsy, and well captured.
Never saw a bird do that... but if I had....I would have though something was wrong with it...but now I'll know better.You make such nice clear pictures. God Bless Trish
Good evening!
Beautiful birds!
the dove is amazing. it's may first time to see a dove sitting like that.
my prayers are always with you Betsy.
Betsy, the woodpecker made me smile! I hope you get that knee fixed soon! You need to get back to hiking and searching for those beautiful waterfalls! Thanks for your prayers (we'll swap). We feel peaceful as we wait for Joe to get out of surgery. He's been back there for 4 hours now.
Finally you will get to know something so soon a treatment should follow.
This is just wild, and If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! I've never seen birds do this anywhere! The pileated looks like it's put him in a trance! Wonderful pictures! I know that cats like to sit on warm things like radiators and sit under cars where the ground is hot, but I never heard of birds doing it!
I love the first photo, it is so happy!! I didn't realize that birds did this....I learned something new today. Hope your knee is feeling better and you get the problem resolved! Meanwhile, sit back, relax and enjoy your beautiful flowers and birds. P.S. Its 90 degrees here on the coast of Maine!
Well, you outdid yourself with these pics!! Amazing! I love the mourning doves sunning and the great shot of the pileated woodpecker.
Hope you get some relief soon from your knee pain. Constant pain can really wear you down; however, your upbeat attitude still shines!
That Dove it the funnest thing I have seen in a long time. If it had arms it would be holding a newspaper (LOL)
Love Hugs Prayers and Good Thoughts.♥♥♥
You caught some great shots....I have never seen any like this!!!
So sorry for your knee problem...ouch!
My right one gives me a little problem sometimes and you just can't get comfortable!!!
Oh Betsy, I hope your knee isn't as bad as it feels!! Try to keep us out here in blogland informed. Sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers your way.
Love those basking birds!!
Cute bird shots. I especially like the woodpecker.
Now I've got to go look up that big word about your knee to see if that's what I've got.
People tell me that the birds know if they are safe in your yard and I think they do. I like the Pileated Woodpecker picture a lot.
I thought the mourning dove had suffered some chest injury or was shot. Looks like a nasty wound.
Oh dear ...sorry to hear the knee is still not well. Keep us posted on your MRI results (I Know you will anyway)! Best wishes and prayers for you getting the best news possible!
Your birds really do love being on that railing!!! How great is that for you!!! Awesome!
I saw birds do this when we had rails on our back deck before the sunroom. Now I guess I'll have to send them to your house to sun bathe on the deck rails. Birds are smart they know they need Vitamin D !!!!
Blessings to you Marilyn
What a cute post! I loved seeing all of your bird shots. They are so neat!
And I'm so sorry to hear about your health issue. I hope all goes well with your MRI. Will be thinking of you...
Sheila :-)
Being redheaded and fair I've never 'sunned' but like the birdies I do love to feel the warmth once in awhile. :)
I too have had this surgery Betsy. Arthroscopic surgery and some physical therapy and you'll be fine.
When it comes to knees I no the NO FUN of which you speak. I was recently told I need a knee replacement.
Take care Betsy and stay off your feet as much as possible. :)
First of all, I am praying for your knee to get better and for an accurate diagnosis, outstanding treatment, and super recovery.
Second, that Pileated Woodpecker is so hilarious looking! I really smiled at that one.
Yes, I too have seen the birds fan their feathers and stretch or shake the feathers out.
Have a great Friday & get well soon!
The photos are so cute Betsy, I have never noticed birds doing this before. I will have to watch a little closer when our weather heats up.
A torn Medial Miniscus doesn't sound good but then I have no idea what that is. I hope it all works out for the best.
Betsy: Fun photos of your bird visitors. You captured them beautifully.
Goodness! I have never seen birds do this! How strange! I love the wren and the titmouse shots. Sorry to hear about your knee. My knee problems are different then yours, but I do know what you mean when you talk about knee "pain". It is no fun and so limiting when you want to be out doing things. Hope that they can fix it and will pray that all goes well.
All the bird seem to know they're safe in your yard, and they relax, big time.
That first dove photo is hilarious.
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