Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to take this post to wish each of you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving this year. I have enjoyed writing my "I'm Thankful For..." all month and posting it on my sidebar. I hope you have been reading it. There are some 'big' thanksgivings and some tiny ones. I will continue to do this throughout November, and encourage you to do this next year, since it keeps the real meaning of being thankful on our minds ALL month, and not just for one ONE day.

After eating all of the Thanksgiving turkey and the trimmings, George and I will be going to the mountains of East Tennessee in order to do some hiking and 'waterfalling' for a few days. The weather may not cooperate though, since snow and cold rains are predicted!!!! Brrrrrr!!!!

I will take a blogging break ---and will be back (hopfully with great pictures) on Monday, Nov. 30.
Today I leave you with a beautiful poem I found on the internet.


Let us give thanks to God above,

Thanks for expressions of His love,

Seen in the book of nature, grand

Taught by His love on every hand.

Let us be thankful in our hearts,

Thankful for all the truth imparts,

For the religion of our Lord,

All that is taught us in His word.

Let us be thankful for a land,

That will for such religion stand;

One that protects it by the law,

One that before it stands in awe.

Thankful for all things let us be,

Though there be woes and misery;

Lessons they bring us for our good-

Later 'twill all be understood.

Thankful for peace o'er land and sea,

Thankful for signs of liberty,

Thankful for homes, for life and health,

Pleasure and plenty, fame and wealth.

Thankful for friends and loved ones, too,

Thankful for all things, good and true,

Thankful for harvest in the fall,

Thankful to Him who gave it all.

~~Lizelia Augusta Jenkins Moorer fl. 1907

Thanks again for all of the love and friendship I have found this past year since I joined Blogger (January of 2009). I feel so blessed to have met all of you!!!! Have a fabulous Thanksgiving including the weekend. I'll be back on Monday!!!!



pam said...

Have fun! I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Hike a little for me please.

Valerie said...

Safe travels, happy times, wonderful hiking, moments of solitude and reflection are all wished for you.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

enjoy thanksgiving

Jayne said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and George!

Becky said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Hope you have a safe trip and can't wait to see what you George have got into this trip.

Many Blessings to you and I am thankful to be able to call you my friend.

Arkansas Patti said...

Glad you will be hiking a bit to work off those calories. Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.
See ya Monday.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

We'll cross our fingers for good weather for you!

Beth said...

I can't wait to see what you and George discover in the mountains of East Tennessee! Dress nice and warm---it's going to be nippy!

I am thankful for you and your wonderful blog, my friend. Have a blessed Thanksgiving---God bless you and George.

Karin said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love all your thankful for posts! What a great idea! Once we start counting our blessings, we'll never get done! Wish you and George a time of sweet fellowship, good food, and fabulous waterfalling! Hugs!

linda m said...

Happy Thanksgiving to both you and George and your family! Have a safe and fun trip.

Peggy said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

Joe Todd said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Great time of year for hiking. Be safe and take a lot of photos

EG CameraGirl said...

Have a wonderful time!

Dorothy said...

Wishing you and George a very special Thanksgiving!

MadSnapper said...

I especially relate to your last thankful. yes I read them all. I am also thankful for the parents I had as a gift, and although they are passed on, the gifts they gave me live on in me. they taught me to be honest and loving and to try my hardest to fight the selfish side of our nature. Many thanks to you for your kind words and for jogging my memories of what to be thankful for.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!! Safe travels.

Small City Scenes said...

Thanksgiving, Happy hiking, Happy Waterfalling and thanks for everything. MB

NCmountainwoman said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and George. Here's hoping you have great weather for your hiking. Have a safe journey.

Anonymous said...

Thankful to Him who gave it all... Amen! Beautiful!

You're one of the sweetest bloggers I've met in cyber world & I'm thankful for that!

Wishing You & George A Happy Safe & Bountiful Thanksgiving! GOD Bless You Both

Snap said...

Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: That was a beautiful Thanksgiving wish.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Betsy,Jake and I wish for you and George a wonderful Thanksgiving day and a year ahead filled with lots more things to be thankful for.

Jen said...

Happy Thanksgiving Betsy- I hope you and George have a fun and safe getaway. You are a good blog friend and I am thankful for your blog friendship even if you do talk Mac. HA HA! :)
I hope you enjoy George's giveaway prize too.

Jen said...
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LV said...

I am glad your two are able to get out, hike and enjoy life. You are blessed in that regard too. Be careful and look forward to seeing your trip on the blog. I am so pleased that I have a blog. I feel I have made so many good friends, that I will never see. I appreciate each one of you.

Deborah Godin said...

Have a great time!

Becca's Dirt said...

Wishing you and George a fabulous time (hope it doesn't snow or freeze). Happy Thanksgiving.

T said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

Darla said...

Love and laughter forever after!

imac said...

Happy Day - Month.
Love the poem too Betsy.

Janie said...

Happy Thanksgiving! hope your trip is lots of fun.

Lola said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you & all your family.
Have a wonderful safe trip. Will be waiting to see the pics that you take.
Have fun.

Cheryl said...

So glad to have made your acquaintance this year as well Betsy. Blogger friends are the best! I hope you and George have a wonderful holiday and happy times hiking and viewing waterfalls. Will look forward to your photos.

Betty said...

That is a lovely poem. I like your Thanksgiving list for November.
I hope you and all of your family have a wonderful Thanks giving.
~~Love.Huga and Good Thoughts~~

Sunny said...

May you and George have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving.
Happy hiking!
Sunny :)

Connie said...

Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving, Betsy! :)

Diane said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Betsy. Stay warm.

Kelly said...

......have a wonderful day and weekend.....I wish you the same. Happy Thanksgiving!

Rose said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I sure have enjoyed getting to know you and George! Have a great weekend!

diane b said...

Happy Holiday and keep warm. Looking forward to photos and stories when you return.

penny said...

What a beautiful sentiment for Thanksgiving, Betsy. Thanks!
I wish you and George many blessing, not just for today but everyday.

Happy Thanksgiving (:>

storyteller said...

I've enjoyed catching up with the posts I've missed here and really enjoyed the gratitude list in your sidebar. I've enjoyed keeping one all year long ... and to keep a running record, I've transferred those monthly lists to my Happily Retired Gal blog. Today' I've shared 13 Things I'm Grateful for at Sacred Ruminations ... just because. Here's wishing you and George a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. You're lucky to have found one another and we're fortunate to know you through blogging ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Mary said...

We all have so much to feel blessed for even when the times are tough. Happy Thanksgiving and a warm hug to both you and George.

SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Betsy, I hope you and George have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Have fun in the mountains but stay dry and warm.


Wendy said...

Enjoy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Loved this post. It's so beautiful.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Have a great time in the mountains! Hope you brought your sled!! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving Betsy! (I can't believe it fell on a Thursday again this year?!) Have fun water falling, too.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy!

I ahve been doing a "thankfull" list on my blog sidebar also ..it was very gratifying.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I was very busy with many family functions going on pre and post Thanksgiving that kept me away from my computer ... hope to catch up soon. Enjoy your little blog break and travels!

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful Poem !! Happy Thanks Giving day to you also !! Great..Unseen Rajasthan

SmilingSally said...

Betsy, I sure hope that you and George had a good Thanksgiving. I sure did.

Cookie said...

Hope you had a good thanksgiving.
Is it bad that I'm thankful for vanilla vodka??? :)

Cherry said...

i am blessed and thankful for having met you too, Betsy! i'm late but Happy Thanksgiving anyway! thanks for sharing the beautiful poem. :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Sorry I'm not in touch faithfully...there's always so much going on!
I enjoy your blog.