Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rainbow Falls, Smokies in Tennessee

In May of 2007, George and I went to Gatlinburg to hike to Rainbow Falls. We had been in that area (Roaring Fork area above Gatlinburg) twice before to hike to Grotto Falls and to Baskins Creek Falls. This time we took a MUCH LONGER hike up the mountain. I finished the day with 7.1 miles on my pedometer. That may not be much for you--but it is for ME.

The trail, even though long, was one of the prettiest hikes we have ever taken. We followed the creek up the mountain--and there were so many beautiful small waterfalls and cascades near our trail, along with Rhododendron and Mountain Laurel. It was truly breath-taking.

The hike to Rainbow Falls was truly UP... Even though the temperature was only in the 70's, the hike up that mountain made me sweat--bigtime. Thank goodness I had my sweatband and my 'special' towel with me!!!! We also had plenty of water. All the way up that mountain, I kept telling myself that it was going to be so much easier going back down!!!!

Once we got to Rainbow Falls, we were blown-away at the beauty of that waterfall. That made the long hike worthwhile for sure!!!! I sat and rested (of course) while George climbed around to get some more pictures.

Finally, we decided that it was time to head back down the mountain. Little did I realize that it wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be. My legs were really aching now---and for some reason, these old legs didn't want to walk anymore---even DOWN... Needless to say, we did make it down --but even George admitted that he had some aches and pains also. It was a LONG hike for us OLD FOLKS (even though we don't like to admit this)!!!!

Here are some pictures along the trail and also the falls. The picture above is George standing at Rainbow Falls. Below are more.

We followed LeConte Creek up the mountain. There were many cascades and small waterfall along our way.

These beautiful views were along our trail UP the mountain. Don't you love the moss?

Here's another picture of the creek and its cascades.

Even though we were hiking UP, the scenery was beautiful.

There were three foot-bridges we crossed along our way.

Here it is---gorgeous Rainbow Falls.

A closer picture of Rainbow Falls; This waterfall is 75 feet tall. Beautiful, isn't it?

Pew-eeeeeee....That woman is SWEATY...Notice though that I'm still smiling!!!! BUT--I was sitting awhile before we headed down the mountain.

We are on our way back downhill. I thought it would be easier--but by now, my knees and hips were screaming at me. Even George (who is in better shape than I am) said it was HARD.

With all of the hiking we do, I finally learned how to 'do' water crossing in order to get across streams/creeks. I now use TWO hiking sticks (which are much better than one). Note the beautiful Rhododendrons. They and the Laurels were all along the creek. So pretty!

Here's one more picture of Rainbow Falls. This one is George's favorite one. Even though the hike was long, it was one of our BEST. We recommend it to you!!!!



Dorothy said...

I'll just have to enjoy your hike through your pictures and writing! I would never make it that far! Beautiful!!!

Jayne said...

You are such a brave girl Betsy! Wow. That looked like a hard trek! You go girl!

Beth said...

Betsy, that is a truly stunning picture of the falls. What a lovely hike that was---well worth the aches, pains, and sweat, I'd say! I think you must be in pretty good shape to have successfully completed that trail. Thanks for sharing your trip. I enjoyed it, as always!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What gorgeous scenery Betsy!
I would love to do this too, but with my bad feet and even worse legs, not sure if I could even stand for the 7 miles!!! Kudos to you both for accomplishing this.

Peggy said...

I will have to tell my daughter about those falls. Her family would love the hike!

Snap said...

Wow! Another beautiful waterfall and hike. The moss is pretty, but slippery! :D

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Thanks so much for taking this hike for me.LOL I am tired just reading about it.The scenes are beautiful.I am sure glad you made it down safely.Have a wonderful day.

Susie said...

Oh girl you knew I would enjoy this pics. I relived my hike right along with your pictures.

I think that creek crossing picture of you is the place where I slipped and fell on my backside. Those rocks can be quite slippery.

Cherry said...

Betsy, I can't wait till we retire and do the same thing as you and George are enjoying now. ;)

Roses and Lilacs said...

Beautiful scenery but very rugged. I can imagine it was a difficult climb. Even the bridge looks primitive.

I'm surprised to see you wearing shorts. Don't you get insect bites, scratches and poison ivy? I never go out without my jeans;)

Arkansas Patti said...

This is my favorite falls so far. I am so impressed with your hike. Up hill makes even a mile brutal.
I might need to make it an over nighter.
That cool little foot bridge would have given me a bit of pause but the railing helps.
Lovely trip, thanks so much.

I Am Woody said...

That is a beautiful hike. And you are right - it takes a LOT out of you!!

Lisa said...

I love the cascades and the waterfall is stunning. It is a clean and clear fall, good for a good shower :)

I also noticed your Myrtle Beach T-shirt. I think very soon it would be revealed that I am really "GRITS' - "girl raised in the south" at heart :)

NCmountainwoman said...

Great photographs of your hike, Betsy. Like you, I sometimes have knee problems coming DOWN but at least I don't sweat as much as when I was going up. Going up, my face turns red and my hairline gets wet and it looks as if it's my first time on a hike.

Diane AZ said...

That would be a long hike for me too. Really glad to enjoy Rainbow Falls through your pictures. I love those moss covered rocks!

PCovi said...

Awwww my home away from home! I so want to be there when the rhododendrons are all in bloom!

I read down...about your brother *huggggs!* it sounds like he was a goodun! Your doll Lulu :) do you still have her?
And that church on the island! How cute and those big old trees around it...I'd love to attend there.

Small City Scenes said...

I am impressed betsy. Seven miles, that os great. Lovely falls and so many. I am on my way. I wish!!! MB

Becca's Dirt said...

That's a long trek up those mountains. Are you and George superwoman and superman in disguise. Don't think I could do it. What a beautiful place to see.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Cetainly looks like a beautiful falls but a long way through tough terrain.

storyteller said...

Kudos to BOTH of you for making it all the way up that mountain and thanks for sharing your experience with the rest of us here. Lovely views ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

LV said...

I had the pleasure of visiting Gatlinburg several times in the past. I loved it there. Such a pretty place with lots of things to do and enjoy. Thanks for taking me on a another trip. Happy you are okay and left me a nice comment.

Janie said...

You and George find so many beautiful waterfalls! 7 miles is a lot, especially if half of it is uphill. And going down a steep grade is pretty hard on the knees. You did good!

EG CameraGirl said...

Seven miles sounds long to me if half of them were up. ;-) The waterfall would be worth it though!

Odessa said...

Those are wonderful pictures of nature in its most awesome form! Thank you for bringing me with you in your hiking adventure (through your pics and blog, it was as though I was with you-- without the hard work! *wink*)

By the way, I appreciate your emailing me for your comment in my blog. I took care of the 'technical' deficiency (i think... lol). I took the liberty of placing your emailed comment in the comments section.

I look forward to more journeys with you! =)

Odessa from California

Sunny said...

I'm feeling a little under the weather today, so I really enjoyed your lovely hike. I don't think I could make such a hard climb, in fact, I'm exhausted just reading about it!
Wonderful pictures.
Sunny :)

Salitype said...

oh! the moss covered rock are a beauty, and the waterfalls really is amazing!

there's always something beautiful at the end of a long walk...

Cheryl said...

Wow Betsy I am blown away by your hike! I couldn't manage that I am sure. It looks so beautiful and how I would love to hike that trail, just awesome. Thank you so much for taking me along on your hike.

Betty said...

That is a wonderful waterfall and a lovely name.I think I would like to hike there and take in all of that beautiful scenery.

Rose said...

What a beautiful hike that must have been! The falls are so pretty.

Tammie Lee said...

how wonderful that you hike to these beautiful places even though it is quite hard to do so! Gorgeous photos!

Laura@SouthernPirates said...

Been a long time since I hiked those trails....I went college in Tn...but they are still just as beautiful.

Laura@SouthernPirates said...

Been a long time since I hiked those trails....I went college in Tn...but they are still just as beautiful.

Laura@SouthernPirates said...

Been a long time since I hiked those trails....I went college in Tn...but they are still just as beautiful.

SquirrelQueen said...

It's been a long time for me as well but I have hiked those beautiful trails. Great photos Betsy, the falls are gorgeous.

I should go out a get a photo of Palouse Falls for you, it's about an hour from here.


Becky said...

Thank you so much for being my tour guide on all of these trails that you take me on :-)
If it weren't for your hard work I would NEVER get to see the pretty falls.
I don't think I could make it up those trails.

Lola said...

Beautiful falls Betsy. I'm sure it was worth every step. I couldn't make it even before breaking my let/hip.
I enjoyed going along with you & George.

Joy said...

Oh Betsy, you did look worn out.
But what a beautiful hidden treasure, I know it was worth the climb. What satifaction you have in accomplishing that challenge.

What a beautiful beautiful waterfall.

Thanks for sharing it with us.


Jen said...

That last pictures is frame worthy! Hooray for you getting to the finish line after that hike.

cherie said...

loving your trek posts, as always, ms. betsy.~~do you and sir george pray in the mountains?

Cicero Sings said...

When you are sweating, just remember that all that sweat is carrying toxins out of your body making that wonderful walk even more beneficial.

Mary said...

I just love watching the water run over the rocks...so pretty. Looks like good healthy exercise out there!

Unknown said...

Wow -- What an adventure! And wonderful photographs too. Are there any notable waterfalls you can walk behind?

Loran said...

I surely would love to go hiking with you and George to Rainbow Falls. It looks so beautiful and I love the picture of you all hot and sweaty, that's how you are supposed to look!

Cookie said...

75 is a tall waterfall!
I used to wear a pedometer. I think 9 miles was my record. 10 was my goal but never got that high. Maybe I'll try again sometime. Ya know, when I'm done with erasers...

marmee said...

you two are quite the inspiration. i am proud of you and how your pushed yourself...i know that feeling. this does look like a beautiful place to hike. it always feels great when you actually finished and know what you have done.
happy autumn.

RA said...

Wow, those were quite some miles you walked! Very impressive. I love your beautiful nature shots. Have a wonderful week, Betsy. Hugs and love :)

amelia said...

What some beautiful pictures! You are very brave attempting that climb.
I have driven through the Smoky Mountains years ago and would love to go back to see them again but probably never will at my time of life!!

Sunny said...

Just beauteeeeful pictures!! Thanks for taking me on a virtual hike! ( lol, it's the only kind I can go on now!!!)

Hugs, Sunny