Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I met another Blogger Friend... WOW!!!

This past Sunday, George and I had some visitors at our house... Blogger friend, KELLY , hubby Rick, and his mom, Mary, stopped by to see our Roses and Lilies---and hopefully to see US too!!!! ha

Kelly and I have been bloggy friends for a short time ---and realized while emailing that her inlaws have just moved to Fairfield Glade, not far from where we live. SO---on their way home from vacation near Hilton Head, Kelly and Rick stopped by to see his parents. I invited all of them to come over to see us---and luckily, they DID (except for Rick's father who had taken their son fishing).

Kelly is a fairly new blogger ---and is looking for more bloggy friends, especially birders. She and Rick and their son live in Cincinnati. Here's what Kelly says about herself on her profile:

"Every Day the Bird Lover’s Way" became my mantra when I decided to take my love of birds and my desire to protect their habitat to the next level. This blog helps me unite my birdy friends and family with the wonderful world of birds…and helps me connect with other bird and nature lovers so I can learn more about the field and conservation. Thanks for stopping by!
Some of Kelly's interests besides Birding are: Yoga, Painting, Low-salt and Healthy Cooking/Eating, her hubby's and son's hockey and tennis involvement, Cornish Rex Cats, Nature, Hiking, Reading, Pottery, Conservation, Recycling, Biking, and Cello

You can see that this is one smart, well-rounded gal. I just love her to pieces!!!! The very first thing I noticed was that huge, fabulous, marvelous camera that all good birders have. Amazing!!!! (Guess my little 'point and shoot' doesn't make me a good birder, huh???? ha )

Kelly posted her visit to our house HERE if you'd like to read it. She got some great photos of our roses and lilies... She and Rick have just returned from Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge in SC. She saw some amazing birds---and said that she'll be posting them for the next few weeks. Yesterday, she posted a Painted Bunting. Wow--what a gorgeous bird. Hope you'll check out her blog.

Above is a picture of Kelly and me ---and below are a few more.

Here's Kelly and her sweetie, Rick, who also is a blogger

Above is Rick, Kelly and Rick's mom, Mary. As I said, Mary and hubby, Ron, just moved to our area. Hope they love it as much as we do.

I love this photo of Kelly and Rick with our roses and lilies in the background!!!!! (Look at her camera!!!! Wow!!!)

As I said, after meeting Leedra and Shelley this past week, it is such a JOY to meet blogger friends in person. Since Kelly and Rick have family here, I hope they will visit often. In the meantime, check out Kelly's blog.



Grammy said...

That is so wonderful. Blog friends are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, fun pictures of your visit.

RA said...

To meet in personal is so lovely! Have a wonderful day, Betsy. Hugs and love from Indonesia. Now I'm of to Kelly's blog :)

Kim said...

Love the pictures. So happy you cuold meet Kelly. I love both your blogs so it's nice to see you both together. I bet you had a great time.

Jayne said...

And suddenly, this big ole world seems really so small... :c) How great that you all got to meet and spend some time together Betsy!

Beth said...

I'm so glad that you and Kelly got to meet each other in person, Betsy. Looks like a fun visit. Kelly's photos of your flowers are really lovely.

By the way, I've just got a "point-and-shoot" camera, too. So my pictures of birds may not be as good as others, but I take great pleasure in taking them. I love the pictures you've taken--you do a great job, Betsy.

Beth said...

P.S. Thanks for sending so many nice readers my way yesterday. I've enjoyed visiting their blogs very much.

Carol Murdock said...

I would love to find a central location and have a big get together ! I'm hoping to do that this fall?

Connie said...

This has certainly been your week for meeting bloggers. I can't wait to visit Kelly's site.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: You have been blessed with a good location to meet your blogging friends, how lucky.

Naturegirl said...

Betsy: It is always wonderful to put a face to a name especially a blogger
buddie! Our community becomes smaller when we meet each other in person!
I experienced that several times but my most exciting was going to Europe last summer and meeting a gal in Paris and another Germany!!
So happy for you!

Arkansas Patti said...

How nice that you are meeting so many bloggers in person. In that first picture with similar smiles, you all could be kin.
That is one honkin big gun she uses for bird pictures. She is obviously a serious birder. Can't wait to check out her blog.
Thanks for all your links.

penny said...

What a delightful post' Betsy. You are so gracious and have an amazing heart...

NCmountainwoman said...

Amazing that you have met so many blogger buddies in such a short while. What fun.

Judy said...

Great photos and what a great visit you had. I think it would be such fun to meet other bloggers in person. Your flowers are always so beautiful, too.

Susie said...

How lucky you are to have met more bloggy friends. How nice! I'll have to go and check out her blog. Sounds great!

Adrienne Zwart said...

Betsy, I just recently started following Kelly's blog. I love her writing style and her photos are amazing. How fun that you've met these fascinating people in person!

Mary said...

Your house is becoming the "in place" for bloggers :-) I think it must be your friendly character as well as your lovely flowers. I love Kelly's blog as well as yours.

Kelly said...

Holy Moly! What a nice surprise! You are such a sweetheart, and as I said in my post about our visit, you and George are two of the warmest, friendliest, and most welcoming people I've ever met. I'm so glad I got to meet you!!!

Shelley said...

So neat you got to meet Kelly!!! It sounds like I missed her by a day!! She does have a great blog - glad you two were able to meet!!

Kelly said...

p.s. I think Pam's comment totally sums up Betsy: "You are so gracious and have an amazing heart..."

Also...the camera does not make the birder. I love all the photos you take. For 20 years I birded without taking photos. I stole my hubby's camera and really started to get into photography about a year ago. Birding with a camera changes the way you bird. I used to write in a field journal and draw my birds, now I snap photos right and left. Both ways are good....but I sort of miss my little sketches in my field journal. :-)
Thank you again for your kindness.

Dorothy said...

That's just great!! So neat to meet another bloggy friend! Great pictures. I can tell by your blog that you and George are just like Kelly described, warm and friendly!

Rose said...

You really are getting to meet a lot of your blog buddies....looks like you had a great time from the smiles on their faces.

Craig Glenn said...


Thanks for the link to a new and exciting blog. I am glad y'all had a great time!

Craig Glenn

Unknown said...

How cool is this??????!!

Anonymous said...

Wowzer! I need a better camera. :-)

Looks like you're having a lot of fun meeting your blogger friends. Are Mary and Ron bloggers?

Neal said...

Betsy, here is the camera you need along with this lens. :)

Betty said...

It is so nice to meet blogger friends. I have met two of mine. I love your blog and your roses are beatuiful. I will check out Kelly's blog. I put some roses on my blog for you.
~~Hugs Betty~~

Jen said...

Very cool! I'll go say hi to Kelly, she's just up the road from me.
Very nice post you did about the visit. :)

Rosa said...

How fun! Always fun meeting new friends and fellow bloggers!

Janie said...

That sounds like a fun visit. I went and checked out Kelly's blog, too. She takes great photos with her mega-camera!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

What a fun visit. The pictures are wonderful...m.

EG CameraGirl said...

What fun, Betsy!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Betsy,

How fun, you are on a roll with meeting blogger friends! I'll go visit Kelly's blog for sure.

Have a great day,

The Birdlady said...

FUN! I'll be sure to check Kelly's blog.

Unseen India Tours said...

Wonderful moments !! Even i know Kelly through Blog...This is fantastic..Really loved it..Unseen Rajasthan

Deborah Godin said...

That's so cool that you are expanding your blogisphere! And I'm in awe of that camera!!

marmee said...

great to meet your friend kelley and family. i guess i am kind shy when it comes to all that but goody for you.
congrats to beth. i will have to go visit their blogs when i get some time.

Anonymous said...

That's really awesome that you're getting to meet so many blog friends! If I ever get over that way, I'm gonna holler at ya & stop by - Maybe we can all go out for dinner! hehehe

Cicero Sings said...

What cuties Kelly and her husband are! Glad you got to meet up. Ah yes, the birder's camera. Sometimes I contemplate those but I haven't bit the bullet ... yet. Maybe one day. I have enough points to get a Canon XSI and would only have to buy the telephoto lens for it.

Rambling Woods said...

You really have carved out a rich and full network of blogger friends.. Meeting them in person is a real treat...
Michelle From Rambling Woods

Busy Bee Suz said...

So nice that you all could meet...you are really spreading the LOVE Betsy. I love that about you and George!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I am so happy for you.You have been showered with the blessing of friends.How special!

I Am Woody said...

How awesome to meet a cyber-friend!! It is amazing the connection that we develop over the internet.

I saw a Painted Bunting once when we lived in NE Florida. I searched and searched bird books until I finally found out what it was. They are stunning!

Diane said...

I'm glad you got to meet them, Betsy. It really is a small world, isn't it.

SmilingSally said...

It's amazing how Blogging brings us together.

BTW: I will not miss a day; I'll be posting each day, but I will have to wait to return visits as my computer will be down.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Betsy, how lovely that you are able to visit with your blogger friends in person !
It's a reflection of your personality that people are attracted to both you and George as one sweet and genuine couple, who share the love of God's creations flowers, birds, and people.

Connie said...

What fun! I love that first picture, Betsy. Such big pretty smiles you both have. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, lovely blog you have and thank you for your comment.

Unknown said...

Bloggers are wired the same way. For the longest while I was trying to talk to people in my profession about my blog, but it wasn't until I connected with other bloggers that I could finally relate with a like minded perspective.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Hi Betsy,

You've been so blessed with meeting bloggers lately! I just went back and read your post about meeting Shelley and Leedra too! All of these were great pics and it looks like you were having a great time!

I met my first blogger a couple of weeks ago and it was lots of fun!

Have a great rest of the week, Betsy!


SquirrelQueen said...

It is so cool that you are getting to meet some of your blogging buddies. There are some of the greatest folks in the world on these pages. I have made so many friends here and hopefully some day I will get to meet some of them in person.
Have a wonderful day,

NatureStop said...

Hey Betsy,
You've been very lucky indeed to meet all these blogger friends.Glad that that you have been having a great time and am sure you will meet many more(hopefully we will meet too:))

NatureStop said...

Hey Betsy,
You've been very lucky indeed to meet all these blogger friends.Glad that that you have been having a great time and am sure you will meet many more(hopefully we will meet too:))

Kelly said...

...gosh Betsy....you sure did send a lot of new friends over to my blog! Thank you, again. I enjoyed going out and reading everyone's blogs.