Monday, January 27, 2014

Birds at the Bird Kitchen on my Deck

"Please let me come inside and get warm"  Mr. BLUEBIRD says --while sitting at our door and looking inside.  Ahh--isn't he adorable?
This past Friday (my last blog post),  I posted about our pretty little snow on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2014.  Besides taking snow photos,  I also got some pictures of our sweet little Backyard Birds at the feeders on a COLD, SNOWY day!!!

Hope you enjoy seeing these little beauties!  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

I had a hard time keeping the snow off of the feeders that day!

FINCHES at one of the four feeders near the sliding door;  These feeders have some protection from the weather --so the birds love them.

The birds are smart enough to go to the non-snowy side of the feeders.  This is a sweet little CHICKADEE.

Birds have to have water to live --and it's hard for them to find it in winter.  That's what is important about having a Heated Birdbath.  A BLUEBIRD enjoys a drink here.

There are two FINCHES in this photo.  Can you find them???? 

Gorgeous little Goldfinch

This is a BLUEBIRD in the Mealworm Feeder.  The dome is so neat to have since we can move it up and down as needed.  We are protecting their food in the plate --yet they can still get into it.

I couldn't get this CARDINAL to look my direction.  But --Cardinals are some of the prettiest birds to look at when it's snowing... That red color stands out in the snow (hence, my header)!!!

I keep a path on the deck cleaned off during a snowstorm so that I can fill and re-fill and re-fill the feeders.  This little BLUEBIRD showed off its beauty for me!
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Backyard Birds in the Snow!!!!  They are so much fun to watch --and I am thankful to be able to feed them...

Stay WARM wherever you are.  We have had frigid weather over and over the past 2-3 weeks... This is SO rare for this area of the country.  I haven't experienced temperatures this low for many, many years --if EVER.  I understand now why George is ready for SPRING... As much as I love snow,  I don't like this frigid weather... SO--it's okay if Mother Nature would bring Spring to us SOON....

Have a great day


  1. I'm loving all your little birds! I'm not loving the cold weather, which we are expecting more of. I'm with George, I'm ready for Spring!

  2. Looks like you were pretty popular with the birds. To them it was probably a blessing to be able to find food, water and a safe place to rest

  3. A heated bird bath - the height of luxury!

  4. Cute birds, they are enjoying their time in your yard. Betsy, have a happy day!

  5. I am not missing your lovely snow while I am on travel...but I do miss the lovely winter birds.

  6. I especially love seeing the blue birds. South of us may get ice/snow mix today!

  7. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!! These are super Betsy! I'm visiting today from my birding photo blog which I have posted up close and personal images of a Great Kiskadee...The one I like best of yours today?--------the bluebird in the mealworm feeder. That is so precious.

  8. i saw a sign on FB that was in front of a church and it said, whomever is praying for snow, please stop... i thought of you... my favorite today is the mealworm dome shot

  9. Man I wish we had some of that moisture!!! 80 degrees this time of the year and even in Arizona is totally ridiculous. But the nights and mornings are wonderfully cool.

  10. Neat pictures! I really enjoy the birds in the winter, because it's then that I get to see them up close!

  11. Love your birds! My bluebirds were MIA this winter until last week they finally showed up. I was really missing them. Now I need to try to get some pictures of them.

  12. I love all your birds. Can't wait until we thaw out and I can put up my bird feeders again. The temperatures here are well below zero again with terrible wind chills. I am so ready for Spring.

  13. Your birds sure do love you for all the wonderful things you do for them. They know they are loved at your house. That's why they pose so prettily for you.

  14. I don't believe you get bluebirds in the winter!

  15. You are so blessed to have those Blue Birds....

    It is so cold up here right now. We are to have sub-zero windchills till sometime Wednesday. The snow seems to fall an inch or so more everyday and then the wind picks up. I guess we are close to having more snow than we did the year of the big blizzard. The kids have hardly gone to school since Christmas vacation. So glad to be retired and just able to watch it all from the inside.

    Have a great day!

  16. I love all the birds who live at your house. I too am ready for spring,but will have to be patient for at least two more months.

  17. I saw a bluebird last week, they don't stay here much over the winter.I counted 6 cardinals this morning at one feeder.

  18. All very good pics but the first one of the feeder is great! Very distinct and good color contrasts. I am glad we have not had your weather - - - just the very cold temps. I like spring but not too much because it means the hot, hot summer is around the corner. I can handle the cold better than the heat.

  19. Hi, my long lost friend. I'm sorry to have been lax in my reading...forgive me?
    You sure do take some gorgeous bird photos. I love the cardinal and the bluebirds of your winter. The bluebirds leave our icy region each fall and we don't get to see them until around May. It's been a miserable long and cold winter here too, the worse I ever remember. The next 2 days again, it's reaching minus-50 with the windchills. Brrrrrr
    Stay warm., cuddle and hi to George too.

  20. Betsy, My wife is really into the bird watching... She has 2 suet cake feeders and a heated birdbath. Lots of activity...heavy on the woodpeckers, wrens (feeding underneath), jays, mockingbirds, cardinals, finches, song sparrows, etc. You've done a really nice job with your bird photos. We haven't managed much success so far... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  21. Your little colorful birds are sure a blessing on a snowing winter day. I'm ready for spring.


  22. Hi Betsy!
    These are beautiful pics and it is so lovely you have provided these wonderful birds their breakfast, lunch and dinner and with a heated bird bath too! I bet you are very popular with them! I hope the weather starts to warm up for you too x x x

  23. Your cute little birdies are looking so cold! We had a nice warm day yesterday, but it's turned cold today. Yuck. I'm so ready for spring!

  24. You're really coping it Betsy! But gosh it's so pretty! The (group) birdfeeder photo would make a wonderful postcard/notecard.
    I've oft wondered just how little birdies body temps work. Poor little guys!

  25. The bluebird under the dome has the right idea.

  26. Hi Betsy, Hope you and your hubby stay warm in next few days - likely to get cold again. Your pictures are just beautiful! Have a pleasant day tomorrow!

  27. Cute pictures of the birds in the snow.

  28. You run a really nice fly thru with a good variety. I like that bluebird feeder. I may look for one with a dome like that.
    We had a day in the 70's yesterday. I didn't put feed out and my yard was full of working birds. I do make them earn their keep on nice days.

  29. I love your dome bird feeder. Its great for bad weather. I can hardly wait for spring.

  30. It was fun seeing all of these pretty photos and having the snow dots coming across you blog....I felt like I was right there in the middle of the snow...minus the cold! Fun!!

  31. Pretty birdies! And I love the "snow" falling..nice touch!

  32. Lucky you! You do have the prettiest selection of birds in Tennessee. The first time I saw a bluebird was a couple of years ago at Yellowstone. I never saw them in Illinois.

  33. That feeder with the mealworms is very interesting. You sure do have a lot of babies!

  34. Your beautiful birds are blessed to have someone like you who cares for them during these hard months. It's supposed to get down to minus 18 degrees here tonight. And the wind chill is off the charts! Crazy.

  35. Lovely snowy shots of the birds! Keep warm.

  36. The feeders look so neat with the snow on them. The birds sure know a good thing with you guys around. We get tons of birds at our feeders too. Only we have no snow. A little frost overnight but sunny days with the temps in the low to mid 40s. Not too bad for January. MB

  37. Hi Betsy. Oh how I love these snow shots and all your lovely garden birds that you look after very well. love your feeders and I have never heard of a headed bird bath. that is a wonderful thing esp. In your country as water is so important for birds.

  38. It looks like your birds are having some 'good eats' at your house Betsy! With the weather here, I have been making sure that my birds get extra food. They need a little fat on them to warm up!!
    xo Catherine

  39. gorgeous shots, betsy!
    your yard is a bird for them bird paradise. i too am ready for spring.
    have a great day and stay warm!
    big hugs, my dearest!!

  40. I love your backyard birds:) you take good care of them:)

  41. You are providing so much love and comfort for the birdies!!!! I love seeing your "kitchen" photos. Stay warm!

  42. Another wonderful backyard, bird presentation. You are the best when it comes to capturing the lovely birds doing their thing. Keep the snow up there.

  43. Beautiful bird photos.
    You're so blessed to have them visiting there!

  44. wow, that looks like a nice snow fall ... i'm jealous!! you guys enjoy! wishing for snow but i am afraid it will never show. love the bluebirds & cardinals. ( :

  45. I just love your bird kitchen. Not only is it cold here, but it's snowing. I was very worried about the bus making it home - they let out early but the snow started fast and furious. I thanked the driver for getting Pierce home safe!

  46. Love your beautiful birds and glad you are feeding them so well. Hey we are in the middle of a really messy storm right now. Love, sandie

  47. Love your beautiful birds and glad you are feeding them so well. Hey we are in the middle of a really messy storm right now. Love, sandie

  48. Great photos of birds in the snow Betsy.

  49. I know that the birds are sure appreciating the food and water you put out for them! We have a beautiful blanket of snow here today - and it's still snowing! So glad that we have a warm house and don't have to get out in it and risk driving on the roads. And you and George should get your wish for warmer weather. We should see temperatures in the 50s this weekend!

  50. Your birds are so lucky to have such good care during the snow! They are just beautiful! We've had very cold weather here in Southeast Texas with sleet and freezing rain two times within a week. Looking forward to the warmup tomorrow!

  51. Pretty pictures Betsy, a lovely combination your birds and snow but yes I am still down in Florida and enjoying its warmth. Nice to get out of the cold for a while :)

  52. I am so ready for spring too, Betsy. I enjoyed your pretty bird in the snow photos. I'm sure they appreciate you keeping the feeders filled.

  53. This has been such an unusally cold winter for most parts of the country. I hope it doesn't mean there will be tornadoes and then hurricanes in Spring and Summer and extreme heat and drought in other parts of the country in Summer.

    I love all your bird photos, Betsy! You are fortunate to have so many different bright visitors every day!

  54. I feel like I need a jacket now, looking at your photos! :-) Got icicles crawling up my spine! :-) Lovely photos...I know how hard it is to keep the feeders filled and the snow off them during a snowstorm like you had! The birds appreciate it I know. My favorite was the bluebird on your porch. Very sweet!

  55. It's always lovely to see these little birds, and it's great that you have the feeders for them. It's hard for them to find food in the snow otherwise. Enjoy your weekend!



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