Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh those Gorgeous ELK

SO --this is my big surprise...  When we left Biltmore on Oct. 4,   we decided to drive to Cataloochie Valley to see the ELK.... (You know how much I loved that!!!!)  Since it was late afternoon,  we thought we'd see some ---and hopefully hear them BUGLE....  It is rutting season ---so we got lucky!!!!!!!   Not only did we see some elk --but we also heard them bugling...  That was SO awesome... Today,  I share some pictures with you from Cataloochie.  Be sure to enlarge them for larger shots.

This  looks like a fairly young one...  Looks like she is taking a nap!

Can you see the one on the right looking at me?????  Being at Cataloochie at sunset was neat... The sun was going down behind the mountains---causing shadows in some spots.

This male looks like he is getting ready to bugle!!!!!  I'm sure he's saying:  "I want me a woman... Anyone out there for me?????" ha..  I love the sun's rays in this photo.

The last time we were in Cataloochie (October of 2010),  we saw most all of the elk in one place.  This time,  they were spread out all over the valley..  This guy is looking at me also!!!!!!

All of the elk are tagged...  The people in charge keep track of them here in Cataloochie.   On the link I provide below,  they even have an update as to the ones who have died --and the new births this year.  Elk were brought into Cataloochie several years ago---and what a great home for them...

We saw quite a few males ---and they had some BIG racks!!!!!!

If you ever get to North Carolina this time of year,  check out the elk at Cataloochie.   BUT--either go early in the morning or late in the afternoon...   To read more about the elk in Cataloochie,  click HERE.    AND to see my photos from last year's trip to Cataloochie,  click HERE.  Besides this post,  there are six more posts.

This was the end of a marvelous trip ---both Biltmore and Cataloochie in the same day!!!!  Nothing but AWESOME!!!!



  1. Wow! Fantastic captures.
    I love elk, thanks for sharing these wonderful images.

  2. Hope you took these photos from the car!

  3. Cataloochie is one of my favorite places ever! It's been 3 years since I've been, have the roads improved any? Great shots Bets! Are you coming to see me in Townsend? XO

  4. Didn't know that there were elk in this section of America, but then you mention the tags and it all makes sense now. Beautiful photos!

  5. I didn't know there were elk in NC. They are gorgeous. I think I can almost hear them bugling!

  6. Such magnificent these photos Betsy...I don't think I've ever seen one of these in person...

  7. Oh, Betsy! You are making me want to come back to Cataloochee Valley!
    How is the foliage color there now?

  8. Hi, I'm glad to be back. Wow ! Great shots of elk. I see the autumn colours are with you now. They have appeared while I was away,

  9. so beautiful, i have never seen one, the first photo looks like an expensive painting. i would really love to hear the bugle call. wow on this post. love it

  10. They're so beautiful Betsy! I got to see them up-close this past March when I was there.

  11. I really enjoyed those - those racks weight a lot and I believe they loose them in February. What does bugling mean? Sandie

  12. We've seen Elk in the Canadian Rockies! That bugling sound/call can be so eerie when it echoes throughout the town! Beautiful photos of these incredible animals! The second one looks like it is wearing a collar and not just a tag!

  13. I will do a Forrest Gump statement "You lucky dog. That's all I got to say about that." Peace

  14. Gorgeous animals.

    My husband goes to Colorado (not this year) to hunt elk. He says when he is sitting on a mountain and hears a bugle near him, his hair stands on

  15. They are so that they are protected!!!

  16. Great photos, Betsy! What racks those guys have!! I hope we don't find elk have made their way into mid-Missouri like the mountain lion supposedly has. They could do some real damage to a car! They are beautiful animals but I'd only want to see them from afar. :D
    Have a great day!

  17. They are big and Awesome! How neat to see them.

  18. I have never seen elk in person much less heard them bugle. One of these days...

  19. I hope that was a telephoto lens and you were not actually that close to them...especially in season! If you've ever seen what an elk can do to cars or sides of buildings (never mind a human) if they get mad.... look out........ they are amazingly quick and agile ... can charge and lash out on a whim ..... please be careful..... they are very definitely still wild animals.

    We see then in Banff all the time... and every time we drive through the Rockies from Alberta to British Columbia. Absolutely beautiful...but, quite honestly, people take some foolish chances and I've seen some very bad scenes......

  20. Magnificent creatures to watch. I have a elk farm nearby and always enjoy watching them. A local locker processes them so I enjoy them in another way also.

  21. i am so glad the herds are doing well in their new location! how cool!

  22. Ah - was it Rutting season??.
    Great shots Betsy.

  23. Magnificent animals! I notice that many of them are tagged and the baby has a collar. Nice to know that someone is keeping track of them

  24. How majestic and stately they are! It must be such a pleasure to share the autumn air with these fine animals. Great pics, Betsy.

  25. I love the elk! They're the most incredibly beautiful creatures. Now and then we spot one in the mountains in the wilds and they're in the city park two blocks away from me. I never get tired of looking at them or hearing their haunting bugle. Beautiful pictures Betsy. I know you really enjoyed them. Diane

  26. I love the elk! They're the most incredibly beautiful creatures. Now and then we spot one in the mountains in the wilds and they're in the city park two blocks away from me. I never get tired of looking at them or hearing their haunting bugle. Beautiful pictures Betsy. I know you really enjoyed them. Diane

  27. Elk are such majestic animals. In the Smokies, we've even seen them at the Oconaluftee Visitor Center, although the majority are in the Cataloochie Valley area. You've captured some really lovely photos of them here.

  28. I'd love to see an elk up close like you did! Meanwhile, your photography and description will be my excitement for the day.

  29. I want to go!!! Loved seeing the photos of such beautiful elk. I can only imagine the fun you two had. Have to tell Megan to take the kids one day. Think Melody and Maggie have already gone.

  30. Yes you are so lucky. I've never seen Elk, I hate to admit.. Good closeups too, loved them. Hugs

  31. So cool, the one even looks like he is bugling!! But you are just going to have to get a tiny video camera!! Maybe a point and shoot camera with a video on it? We could see the elk bugle, and we could see and hear the rushing waterfalls!!

  32. Next time take a video so we can also hear them.

  33. I sure want to go there the next time we are home if that is got some really wonderful pictures.

  34. Wow, the elk is amazing. Such majestic creatures.

  35. I didn't know about Cataloochie. Thanks for the information, and the wonderful pics!

  36. Lucky you to both see, hear them AND get photos of them to prove it!

  37. Such beautiful pictures and magnificent creatures!

  38. I've got to show these pics to the hubby...He will love them! So very pretty...I love seeing the wild life and you all really took some great shots.
    So happy that you and George are getting to really enjoy retirement and to be able to travel and see so much of God's creation..
    Blessings Betsy

  39. Wow, that one male is a fat one! We got to see them at Land Between the Lakes 4 years ago and heard they bugle. We even saw some mating! Oh my, we have elk porno pics, LOL, but I don't dare put them on my blog!!!

  40. Awesome photos and what a fabulous experience that must have been. I'm with Harriet, a video so we could hear them would be very cool.

  41. How awesome is that! We have seen elk but we have never been lucky enough to be in the right spot at the right time to hear them bugle. It is definitely something on our life list!!

  42. They are grand creatures. Are they safely guarded from nearby roads? Colliding with one could be awful for both parties. I love the one with the streaks of sunlight :))

  43. How exciting to get to see them and get photos of them, Betsy. Really neat to see!

  44. What a wonderful post! Those pics of the bucks look like paintings---absolutely beautiful shots, Betsy.

  45. The Elk in Cataloochie Cove are so nice to see. I want to go back someday (when Jimmy is able to retire--so we can do more than just maintain home on weekends). Have they improved that gravel road in yet? I heard they were going to pave it.

  46. Gorgeous pictures!
    You are so lucky!!!

  47. You really got some great pictures of the elk.
    They are so beautiful,I'm glad they brought them back to the valley.

  48. Woweee Betsy!! What awesome shots you got!!! I just LOVE the JOY you share in these posts! The Lord knows EXACTLY what will BLESS the Socks off you! & in return you bless us with your pics and teaching us about all you are blessed to see :)

    Love & hugs!!

  49. We have a similar specie up in the mountains -

  50. I'm a few days behind due to no internet. I love going to Cataloochee to see the elk. The first time we only saw one, but the last time we went we saw a whole herd of them. A male was in the field with his "harem" and another male got a little too close and a chase ensued.
    You should have seen all the people with their camera equipment trying to get out of the way!! It was funny to watch but fortunately everyone got away safely. Heard them bugle too! It was awesome!!

  51. That is some pretty awesome information to learn. I did not know about the elk. You did get some excellent pics - - - especially the one with the big rack. I went to the link and learned more. Hopefully they will catch the person who illegally killed the large male - - for its head and rack.

  52. They were just laying there when we went over there this time. There were also some at the Smoky Mountain visitor center.

  53. How thrilling for you! I know how excited you must have me when I see the moose, right? Fabulous photos, loved these!


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