Thursday, April 9, 2015

Winter Bird Photos of my Backyard Birds --Part I

A very cold and ICY Mockingbird;  See the ice on his tail?   (Photo taken on 2/16/15)
Off and on the past few months,  I have been taking pictures of my Backyard Birds...AND--I haven't taken time to blog about these birdies yet.   SO---today I will share 10 of my favorite pictures of my sweet little Backyard Birds who visited the Bird Kitchen...

Hope you enjoy the pictures... I have one more bird post to share soon..Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements...

A Northern Flicker Woodpecker at the suet feeder on one of our rare sunny days;  (Photo taken 3/06/15)

Lots of ICE around ---and MANY BIRDS;  I always feel so sorry for the birds in weather conditions such as this.  (Photo taken on 2/18/15)

Our 'resident' Robin ---who was at the feeders most all winter,  and is still around in spring (even though he can now dig for worms);  I'll bet he thinks he OWNS the Bird Kitchen!!! ha  (Photo taken on 2/18/15);   Our big Rhododendron was damaged by the ICE STORMS.

The male Eastern Bluebird sitting on an icy branch --waiting to get his turn at the mealworm feeder;   (Photo taken on 2/19/15)

I love this little Downy Woodpecker... But---doesn't he look COLD?  (Photo taken on 2/17/15)

Another picture of a PUFFED UP Robin  sitting in the plate feeder;  I think he was there to keep the other birds away!!!!!!  Like I said,  he thinks he is in CHARGE... ha  (Photo taken on 2/17/15)

Another picture of the beautiful  Northern Flicker Woodpecker at the Suet Feeder;  (Photo taken on 2/16/15)

A beautiful male Northern Cardinal sitting on an icy branch;  (Photo taken on 2/1915)

George took this picture of a Sharp-Shinned Hawk --which visited the Bird Kitchen on 1/10/15.  Hawks are beautiful birds --but I am thankful that we don't have many around here.  Most of the time,  our crows chase the hawks away --and warn the little birds when a hawk is nearby.  BUT--I just had to share this picture since he is sitting on the top of our arbor.   Isn't he beautiful?

That is all for today.  I will show you more soon.  I am still so glad that I am able to feed the birds ---especially during the winter.  As you know,  we had a wicked winter this year,  so those little darlings were eating and eating ---trying to keep up their energy I'm sure...

Have a wonderful week/weekend.



  1. WOW! A lovely selectiont of birds in your garden.I look forward seeing more.

  2. They are sure having a feast. I loove the hawk. so sharp

  3. Gosh, only a couple of those look like they aren't freezing cold and that hawk is GORGEOUS! We never really saw hawks around our yard until we put out feeders. When hubby sees them he always tries to scare them off, but we frequently see piles of feathers. *sigh I know they have to eat, but prefer they not get their meals from my yard.

  4. Good Morning, Betsy! What a great variety of birds.. I love the hawk shot, awesome bird.. have a happy day!

  5. Those pretty birds must have thought they'd landed at the North Pole!! We had a huge hail storm around midnight and our lawn looked like the N.P.. I don't ever remember having one anywhere we've lived. I thought someone was throwing multiple baseballs at the house!!


  6. Amazing photos, and that hawk has such piercing eyes. Awesome catch!

  7. Your birds were so lucky you were feeding them. They sure looked cold. Wonder if they would have survived without you feeding them. Love the picture of the hawk.

  8. Cool shots.I like the hawk , but hate when they feed on pretties. I had one clear out a flock of sparrows in a spruce all winter.

  9. Wonderful photos. I am especially taken with the northern flicker woodpecker.

  10. What great photos! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. The poor birds look so cold, especially with the ice on the tail feathers :-( That's a great shot of the hawk, he looks rather fierce, doesn't he?

  11. Your Bird Kitchen is popular year-around, but especially in the winter. You got some wonderful photos.

  12. You live in a lovely area to have such a selection of beautiful birds! Enjoy!

  13. You get a lot of birds, like the Robin and Flicker, that are only returning here now.

  14. What pretty bird shots.

  15. A lovely selection of very neat birds. We have a lot of birds at our "Bird Kitchen" too. The Flickers just love the suet don't they. Right now the Pine Siskins are busy at all the feeders.

  16. Betsy, You have some great bird photos, that's for sure. We both love Flickers but we don't see them too often down here in the valley. Other varieties of woodpeckers do regularly visit our feeder. Terrific photo of that hawk. You can always tell when a hawk is around as all the little birds just disappear! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  17. Rhey love to be there with you:)

  18. I'm guessing your birds didn't know what "hit" them this year. Your winters aren't normally that bad...are they?
    Great photos and I'm sure they were all very grateful for the food that you provided for them.

  19. Wonderful photos!! My favorite is the Robin.

  20. Betsy, the Sharp Shinned Hawk is stunning. I love your yard birds, especially the Robin. In the third photo, there's quite an illusion behind the bird on the feeder - as if you captured a bird in fast flight or ice flicking from the bird itself. Have a great day. Jo

  21. Gosh, ya'll have such beautiful birds. We have quite a few coming in but none as beautiful as these. Hugs and much love, xo

  22. YES, finally! I have never seen birds as puffed up as these, especially that Flicker, which I have never seen puffed up at all. What a catch, LOVE the poor mocker with the icy tail! Gorgeous robin on the rhododendron. More favorites are the bluebird (YEAH!) and the hawk, he looks truly FIERCE!

  23. Betsy, I think the hawk is actually my favorite, the way he is sort of twisted out to take a look at you!

  24. Great pics and they all look brrrrr cold!

  25. Those birdies must love you,especially during that cold and icy season.I agree,the Hawks are beautiful and I know they only kill other birds so they can live,but I sure wish they would not do it on my yard. :)

  26. I feel so sorry for that mockingbird with his iced up tail.

  27. Beautiful bird shots. That robin is looking pretty chubby. I think he's had more than his share of

  28. Beautiful pictures of your winter birds! Love the Hawk picture and the Northern Flicker because I don't see them often.

  29. Oh, Betsy, I love all of these...and that is a fabulous picture George got of the hawk.

  30. You have some amazing captures here! I can't believe you can actually see the ice on that poor little fellas tail. Amazing!

  31. Hi dear Betsy!
    You have so many different kinds of birds in your back yard! Even with a little snow falling...
    Have a nice weekend and take care!

    <°))))< Bia

  32. Winter is hard on those little guys - yet they stay around don't they. I know they will be feasting now.

  33. We enjoy the birds too. Nice pictures.

  34. Those birds look like they have to be so very cold! I do think winter is gone for us now, though. They will be happier, undoubtedly. xo Nellie

  35. Such beautiful, beautiful little creatures! And, so lucky to have you and George tending them! It was a tough winter for sure. blessings ~ tanna

  36. Poor birds dealing with all that ice!!! Great shot of the hawk! Enjoyed all the photos so much! Maybe it will be much warmer for them now.

  37. They're all lovely. Especially the puffed out Robin. :D

  38. Superb capture with the birds at feeder... I wonder how these birds survive ice-storms and snow without great protective houses like us. The hawk seems to be an unusual visitor to your bird kitchen. Hope the hawk didn't harm any little birds and thanks to the crows to keep them away.

  39. I always enjoy seeing all the birds at your feeders. Thanks for the recipe. I have made a similar one, but with blueberry pie filling instead of pineapple

  40. Incredible bird shots Betsy. I bet those birdies are happy Spring is here.

  41. Your feathered friends really seem to be enjoying themselves....I would too, if I had a wonderful feast before me. Our little birds need us, don't they? We feed them and they bring us so much joy!!
    Have a FUN weekend...

  42. Such a gracious hostess you are to provide that elegant feeder for the birds. They always seem to know who pust out the good lunches. Who said there are no free lunches any more.

  43. Nice birds. I love the Robin ! By the way, thanks for the comment on my work !

  44. Haven't heard a mocking bird since I left Alabama. I miss their beautiful songs.

  45. I didn't get many shots of the birds this winter. My camera has been acting up and it just doesn't focus with the lens extended as well as I'd like. Maybe it is just me. Ha! You really had the ice this winter. We didn't get much, thankfully.
    Great bird shots. I love that hawk...he's a beauty. Have a nice weekend!

  46. I didn't get many shots of the birds this winter. My camera has been acting up and it just doesn't focus with the lens extended as well as I'd like. Maybe it is just me. Ha! You really had the ice this winter. We didn't get much, thankfully.
    Great bird shots. I love that hawk...he's a beauty. Have a nice weekend!

  47. Your robin has a look of determination- that is definitely a "I'm the boss" glare. I don't like to see the poor little ones all puffed up- I can't hardly stand the freezing weather, and I am tons heavier than they are. I guess their feathers keep them warm, but their toes have to be frosty!

  48. Beautiful photos of your bird visitors, Betsy. Poor fellows sure look cold!

  49. I too love my winter birds. Many of the same kind as yours....:)

  50. I love cardinals and bluebirds but the photo of the puffed up robin is so adorable! I know all those birds appreciated your feeding them all winter!

  51. That hawk with the blue, blue sky is a stunning picture.


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