Monday, April 13, 2015


For about 2 1/2 weeks between February 15 and  March 5,  2015,   our area had SIX winter storms... The worst one by far was the horrible Ice Storm on Feb. 21st.  I have blogged about all of them except the last one (March 5th)....    Luckily,  this 6th storm was not nearly as wicked as most of the others.. We did get some ICE and SLEET and a tiny bit of snow,  but luckily,  it didn't last long...   And the good news for us (and hopefully for you) is that this was a pretty storm with no damage, and we got some great pictures to share..

SO--today I'll end my Winter 2015 posts with one I think will make you smile.  George and I both went outside off and on during the day getting pictures of the sun (at different angles) as it was shining on those icy trees --making them look as if there were jewels all over the branches.... Hope you enjoy!!!   Click on them for enlargements.

Now---how's that for the END of a Wicked Winter?????  As I said,  we took these photos at different times of the day when the sun was in a different location... I love the ones that have a goldish tint.. Those were taken in the late afternoon...

Hope you enjoyed my LAST (thank goodness) WINTER post from 2015.... It was a hard winter --but nature is AWESOME....  Giving us these beautiful glistening trees --and then bringing us a marvelous spring is just tremendous... At one time during all of those storms,  I was not sure what --if anything---we would have living and blooming this spring.  BUT--things came back!  Thanks be to God.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Good day Betsy

    Those ices on the trees looks like diamonds . Yes. Goodbye winter and hello spring :) Lovely time to have

  2. Wow! Fantastic light and glittering... although winter storms are worst, what left back was quite impressive. Well utilized the ice sleet and the light to create memorable images, Betsy. Hope it was pretty colourful spring for you... waiting to see lovely flowers from your yards.

  3. You certainly captured nature's jewels, Betsy and George. Enjoy your spring! Blessings Jo

  4. Hello Betsy, pretty shots of the icy trees. I hope they were not damaged..Have a happy new week!

  5. Lovely shots, but I'm relieved winter is over, although I'm dreading the heat that will be coming. The extremes in temperature are kicking my butt!

  6. winter wonderland came to me. Nice to have it gone, maybe around here.

  7. as scary and dangerous as ice storms can be, they sure do make for some pretty scenery. These look like the trees are covered in crystals. Really pretty

  8. Great photos of the glistening ice.

    Happy Spring to you and George.


  9. Your trees had diamonds all over them. Those are some awesome photos. Glad there wasn't as much damage as there could have been. Happy Spring.

  10. The ice does make things look pretty. I think you had a much worse winter than we did this year. Hopefully it's over until next time, but now we have to worry about tornado season. But, spring flowers are blooming, the grass is green, the trees are leafing out and it's all so beautiful! I love it!
    Happy spring to you, Betsy!

  11. These are all beautiful photos. It's fascinating how the different positions of the sun changes the look of the trees.

  12. Betsy, I'm sure you are quite happy to be photographing signs of Spring!

  13. I know ice storms can be dangerous and do a lot of harm but the trees are beautiful with the ice covering everything. Every little twig gets its share. Aren't we glad that winter is behind us?

  14. Beautiful sparkling trees Betsy! Isn't it amazing how spring returns every year. :)

  15. Those icy chandeliers are fabulous!

  16. However dangerous and destructive ice storms are, they are Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  17. Great shots Betsy. I have tried to capture those bejeweled trees but never quite got what I saw. Think you got it.

  18. Hello Betsy!
    What a blessing that winter so over!
    Then life and nature go back to normal... I love the photos of your full flower garden!
    Have a nice week and take care!

    <°))))< Bia

  19. It is like a fairyland! It also looks like the branches have been coated with silver!!

  20. The icy trees are lovely! We didn't have much winter, but I'm still glad to see the longer, warmer days.
    Love your tulip header!

  21. It does look like diamonds on the trees. I can't remember being so happy to see Spring here.

  22. I know you guys are glad winter is over.

  23. Nature can give us some incredible beauty in all seasons. And now for the warmer weather, yay!

  24. Betsy, Yeah! Winter be gone... Even though the ice and snow can be pretty, spring is much prettier! The problem is that one has to have winter in order to have a meaningful spring... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  25. Jewels in the sunshine! You capture such wonderful photos!

  26. looks like your trees are all lit up with Christmas lights. These are some awesome pictures, with the sun glowing on the branches... We have storms predicted for this evening! yikes!
    Enjoy your week and I hope you all have lots of sunshine...

  27. Wouldn't you love to see them like this at Christmas time one year! Just so gorgeous.

    I am really glad to see the winter end, too.

  28. Hi Betsy, Glad the Glade's weather has improved although I bet you got a bunch of rain in the past few days. We were there a week getting our rental house ready for sale. That is the last of our TN properties. I enjoyed the Glade but did notice all those broken trees (our little house also had three small broken tree limbs). Have a pleasant Thurs.

  29. A 'gentle' ice storm does give you some pretty pictures.

  30. What amazes me - is the sun shining with the ice there - very pretty!

  31. The trees in some of these pictures look like they tiny lights all over them. Thank goodness these days are now,but a memory.

  32. I love tulips!!! the sparkle is beautiful!

  33. yes! there is beauty in every season:)

  34. I love your photos and I'm so glad to see spring get here. It was touch and go for awhile but like I said before, nothing like ya'll had. Happy Spring dear friend. Hugs, xo

  35. Lovely images! I'm glad that winter finally left.

  36. Beautiful! However, I'm glad for you that Spring has now arrived where you live.

  37. How great that must have looked in real life, those beautiful glistening trees. I bet you are glad that winter is done,

  38. Pretty Betsy.

    Hey, I'm not trying to ignore you, I read your heartfelt comment weeks ago, but I just don't stay at the computer long enough to do much visiting other bloggers these days.

    Thank you, kindly, for your well wishes after my heart attack! Much appreciated.

  39. Hello there! Glad the storm didn't cause any damage. The ice can really create havoc and weigh down tree branches. Glad this one wasn't so devastating. And hopefully there weren't any blooms or buds on some of those trees. That breaks my heart when I see ice damage on a favorite plant. Enjoy the rest of your week. Chris


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