Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Conservatory Beauty

From our trip to the Biltmore House and Gardens on Dec.2, 2013,  I have shared photos of the beautiful wreaths and of the Poinsettias and Amaryllis blooms in previous posts. Click HERE for other Biltmore posts.

Today I'll show you some of the 'overall' beauty in the Conservatory.  Hope you enjoy seeing the photos.  Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.

Isn't this place just magical?  I love it during other times of the year,  but at Christmastime,  when so much of the outside around us is bare and brown,  this greenery and color just puts new life inside of me... Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. The Conservatory looks warm, inviting and almost tropical and that's a pleasant change for this time of year!

  2. Gorgeous images of the Conseratory. The Poinsettias are lovely. Have a happy day!

  3. It is clever how they can control the environment so that plants from any where can be grown in any season. It is certainly a beautiful conservatory.

  4. it is beautiful. It looks so peaceful there too. I supposed with all the guests milling around it probably isn't all that quiet

  5. What a pretty area. Just walking in there would be sufficient for me...but in all honesty, I'd wanna take it home with me all wrapped up for the holidays!

  6. Wouldn't it be wonderful to visit it now - I am tired of all our white snow!
    Happy Wednesday Betsy!
    xo Catherine

  7. Beautiful photos Betsy! Pretty neat compositions... the red leaves make impression on each pictures. Hope you enjoyed visit the garden alive :)

    I am so happy to be back here!

  8. Thanks for the trip to the Conservatory. A visit to a nice warm building is just what I need on this very cold morning. The beauty there is amazing, and your photographs seem like I can just reach out and smell the flowers.

  9. Hi Betsy!
    It's a perfect conservatory, and I love the seating areas too, these are beautiful pictures x x x

  10. Wonderful pictures!! I would like to be there at Christmas time.

  11. bob needs a smaller one of these in our yard, he could fill it with all his seedlings. it is beautiful

  12. Lovely to be in this mini jungle, it was nice to enjoy.

  13. They completely outdid themselves in the conservatory this past Christmas. I had never seen so many poinsettias in one place before, and there were so many varieties that were quite unusual.

  14. It is magical and your photos are gorgeous! Wow! It is cold out your way. It snowed all day in my part of Virginia, but we woke up to sunny skies today. 6 deg F when we checked a few minutes ago .

  15. Oh how I'd love to go in there and pretend it was summer. I struggle this time of year - I am just not a fan of winter. But it looks so warm and tropical in there.

  16. Betsy, Beautiful photos of a beautiful place! I just wish that visiting Biltmore was a little less expensive. Even so, its a great place to explore... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  17. I love the reds and green colors found there. One thing I noticed is that the place is very clean. No soil or unused rock at places where they don't belong.

    Over here is 1am . Both boys are down with fever and flu. Gonna skip school in the morning.

  18. Gorgeous! All that greenery almost warms me up today.

  19. What a gorgeous place! Thanks for sharing your photos.

  20. What a lovely splash of color on a drab day. Thank you. I could spend some quiet time there quite nicely.

  21. All that bright red brightens up a cold winter's day. So pretty!

  22. Wow! This is so gorgeous! What a great place to go to in the winter.

  23. Beautiful. You are so lucky to live where you live!

  24. Hi Betsy, Beautiful conservatory garden. Some of those plants are growing in yards around here but not wild - those are much more to the South in FL. We are a cross between sub-tropical and S.E. mixed forest here in the Marion County area where I now live. Have a great day and stay warm.

  25. I truly enjoyed it and would like seeing in person again. I doubt that will happen. I will just visit through your lens.

  26. Sure is pretty. I remember it was Christmas when we visited there too.

  27. Yes these are magical pics! Love the biltmore

  28. Sure is a beautiful place. I especially like the red in the pictures.

  29. Just gorgeous. I love that place anytime of the year but it is more beautiful at Christmas. I especially love the beauty of that Poinisetta Tree. Hugs

  30. So lovely. I can really use this boost on our cold, cold day!

  31. Everything is so beautiful, it does look almost magical. One thing that really caught my eye is the way they used the old doors in your second photo, I love that.

    Hope your area warms up soon. We are hovering around freezing with lots of fog and overcast skies. We haven't seen the sun in over a week and it looks like it might be another week before we do.

  32. Biltmore is truly beautiful at any season! Hugs, Nellie

  33. So lush and green and inviting... a lovely place to visit for sure!

  34. love all the pops of red. so pretty. ( :

  35. It's easy to see why you and George love this place. The conservatory seems to have such a variety of beautiful plants, all arranged so artfully. Great photos.

  36. I could sure use a visit there now...all that color! I get so tired of the drab colors of winter...

  37. Beautiful are the plants photos, Betsy!

  38. It's a real treat to see all that lush greenery this time of year! I love the poinsettia "tree". Everything is just beautiful.

  39. Overwhelming beauty......You know I love that old wood door that sets the scene in that one photo. My kind of style. Thankful for my sweet friend who shares such beauty with us....
    Y'all keep warm today!!

  40. Gorgeous shots indeed!

  41. Wow, those are beautiful, especially today with the cold weather.

  42. Very pretty! Makes you forget the cold.

  43. Wow - so peaceful to be in a place with such beauty isn't it! I sure would like a green house. My plants haven't fared too well this winter. Today I have to go out and cover them back up and bring some of them in!

  44. I think I have told you this before - but when we went I did not see all that you saw - how far was this from the Mansion? That was gorgeous!

  45. What a nice treat to see all of the flowers especially since it is so COLD HERE. Peace

  46. Dear Betsy, I am a person who becomes befuddled by too much stimuli. And so shopping is a chore for me because there's so much "stuff" everywhere. Antique shops are especially hard. And photographs that show many flowers and other flora as these photographs today do are hard for me. I don't know where to settle my gaze. And so I simply looked at one flower or leaf or frond in each of your photograph today and I found it always beautiful. Thank you. Peace.

  47. That looks so inviting, I love all the red flowers.

  48. I love all the beautiful flowers. They must be snug and warm in their cozy home.

  49. I like the sitting area you showed in one of the pics. I would want to just sit there for a long time and just thank God for all HE created and the people who care for it. So very, very gorgeous.


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