Friday, July 20, 2012

Gaylord Opryland Hotel, Nashville, TN

Our Anniversary Weekend (June 23-24, 2012) was spent in Nashville, Tennessee re-living many of the  memories we made when we were dating and/or first married in 2001...  First,  we visited  Centennial Park (click HERE to see that blog post).   Then,  we enjoyed a wonderful evening on the General Andrew Jackson Showboat (click HERE for this post).    The third and final portion of our special weekend was a morning at the glorious OPRYLAND HOTEL.

If you have never been to a fancy-dancy hotel (quite expensive --unless you get a good deal, or come with a convention group),  you need to see this one.   The first time I walked in this hotel,  my mouth was hanging open the entire time we were there... What an awesome place!

The best thing is that one can walk through the NINE ACRES and enjoy it without spending a dime (unless you opt to stay, eat or shop there).   This hotel is a photographers dream!!!!  First of all,  since there are nine acres (all indoor) ---you must realize that this place is HUGE.   There are 3 large hotels (following different themes),  many restaurants/shops,  a large lobby area,  and a big  convention center area.

Our favorite area is the DELTA --but we also enjoyed seeing both the GARDEN CONSERVATORY and the CASCADES.... If you can dream of being in a HUGE tropical garden containing a river, cascades and waterfalls---you won't believe you are inside of a 'hotel'....

A couple of years ago,  Nashville had a horrible flood ---and the Opryland Hotel was flooded... The hotel was closed for awhile ---but after renovations,  it has come back even BETTER...

You may ask if George and I have ever 'stayed' in that hotel... The answer is YES.... I surprised George with a night at the Opryland Hotel for his birthday in March of 2002.   We stayed in the DELTA area --with a room overlooking the 'delta'...  It was phenomenal!!!!!   (That was when we were both working fulltime and not living on a retiree's budget!!!! ha)

Today I will share just a few of the MANY pictures which we took on the 24th while there.  IF you want more info about the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center,  click  HERE.

Above is a picture taken inside the DELTA.... (Again,  I say that all of this hotel is INSIDE. You can see a little of the glass roof area.)  Be sure and take a boat ride while you are in the Delta.  We've done it and it is wonderful...

Hope you enjoy my little tour.  Be sure to enlarge the photos for bigger prints.

If you are lucky,  you can stay in a room similar to one of these.  We got to stay in one near here (on the 2nd floor) in 2002.... See those purple flowers.  They are orchids ---and are all over the gardens...

Here's a close-up of some of the orchids.   Since I love orchids,  you can imagine how much I enjoyed seeing them.

Here's a picture of George on one of the paths...  This is a great place for walking... You can walk on the lower paths (like this one) where you are next to the gardens... OR --you can walk above the gardens with a different view of the area...

Here's one of the MANY waterfalls in the hotel... Since we are waterfall-lovers,  you can imagine how many photos we took of ALL of the waterfalls and cascades.  If you enjoy hearing the sound of water,  this is the place to be!!!!

George took this picture of me in front of one of the fountains... Sometimes,  they will offer programs where they synchronize music with the 'dancing waters'.... So pretty!!!

Here is only one of the MANY restaurants in the hotel....  Are you hungry?????  It was mid-morning when we were there --so people were eating breakfast.

Finally,  a nice man volunteered to take a picture of George and me together at one of the waterfalls... We were in the CASCADES area now.  We could actually walk behind this waterfall.  Pretty, huh?

Hope you have enjoyed seeing just a few of our pictures from that weekend.. We had a TERRIFIC 11th wedding anniversary,  and didn't have to go far from home for this one!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on Monday.




  1. This place looks fantastic!!! Since the only time we would be able to make the trip would be after retirement, I doubt we could afford to stay there.

  2. my in-laws have been there before the floods, they were completely amazed!! i would love to see it ... looks so gorgeous. (:

  3. The doctor I work for took us all on a trip to Nashville a few year ago. We stayed at the hotel for three nights. You are is incredible! Saddest thing was I forgot my camera! We bought a disposable one, but the pictures were crummy. Yours are beautiful!

  4. I have never been there. It's fantastic. Love all the pics.

  5. WOW!!! I would love to visit this spot. I checked on their events and on New Year's Eve my favourite southern gospel group is hosting a show there. That would be the way to ring in the new year.

  6. That is one fancy hotel ~ it looks like you two had a terrific time!

    Happy weekend Betsy!
    xo Catherine

  7. Wonderful Betsy. Of course that goes without saying....your posts area always filled with beauty and love of life. I can't help but say tho, that the very first image, the tiled flooring looks like you're walking in a pool of water. Excellent...all around.

  8. Like you, I'm awe stuck walking thru the place. Good to see they've recovered from the flood.

  9. I love the Opry Hotel. It is a wonderful place to visit whether you are staying or not. Have you been during Christmas time?

  10. Wow! It looks gorgeous there, Betsy!

  11. 9 acres under one roof. That's big. It looks like a tropical paradise. I'm glad you returned to relive the memories. You are wasting away to a shadow.

  12. I was privileged to stay at Opreyland twice in the past for conventions, and thankfully the company my husband worked for was paying the bill. It was back when it was still part of Opreyland USA. My husband and I enjoyed it so much the first time that when the second opportunity came along we took along our children and my parents. We had such a great time.

    I know the Opreyland park with all it's wonderful musicals is no longer there (at least I don't think it is), but it looks like they have really expanded the hotel.

    Your post brings back lots of good memories.

    Have a happy weekend.

  13. How incredible! I can just imagine the fragrance of being in the midst of all those plants..Happy Anniversary..

  14. It is such a beautiful place! I'm so glad they have recovered after the flood.

    One Christmas, Vol Fan surprised me with tickets to see the Rockettes at the Grand Ole Opry. Then we strolled around the hotel all decorated for Christmas. It is a wonderland! We ended our romantic evening at Jillian's playing hunting video games - haha!

  15. oh my oh much greenery. Must have been very relaxing sort of hotel. I dont think we have that much greenery in our hotels here.

    I could stay there for a month! but the that would depend on $$. Guess, the hotel would be pretty pricey.

  16. Okay, did you count that as one of your waterfalls? :) I've never been there but would like to go sometimes. It looks beautiful.

  17. I can't even imagine such a place. Thanks for this tour. It's probably the only way I'll ever see it. :)

  18. If I ever get a chance to visit Nashville I know where I need to visit. Not sure if I could afford to stay there but as you say - a walk round costs nothing. Thanks for the tour.

  19. Betsy it's all so lush and beautiful. Thanks for sharing your anniversary with us. As you said on my blog today, why are people angry and aggressive when there is so much around us to be thankful for instead! Have a great weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo

  20. Oh I wish I could see this place in person and stay there. Anyway, looking forward for more amazing pictures from both you and George:)

  21. What a fun place and you don't even have to leave the hotel grounds! Wowsa.

  22. We make an effort to visit a couple of times a year - once ALWAYS at Christmas. Their decorations are phenomenal. We surprised Bill's parents with a Christmas weekend there several years ago and it it a favorite memory.

  23. I was able to stay at the Gaylord while attending a convention for my job a few years before the flood. It was a great experience and I would love to go back. We probably spent more time taking pictures than anything!

  24. That is a GORGEOUS hotel! How fun to stay there! I love your captures for the day, Betsy, as always! You and George have some wonderful times together and I think that is terrific!! Enjoy your weekend!

  25. Beautiful hotel and surroundings.
    Enjoy your weekend!


  26. Seems so exotic and gorgeous! Fantastic photos Betsy and I love the waterfall a lot. You both are a lovely couple... hope u enjoyed the visit and taking pictures.

    Hugs nd Kiss

  27. Thank you for the tour. I love your photos. It makes me want to take our vacation there.

  28. What a perfect place -- with all those waterfalls! Your pictures are just beautiful! I had never heard of it before. Now it's on my "Must Visit" list!

  29. Okay Betsy - now I have been here and I agree 100% it is very pretty. We met my son and his wife there. Everything was so wonderful and they had it decorated to the hilt with Christmas. It's HUGE too! Great memories with your shots. sandie

  30. Ben and I had always planned on visiting The Grand Ole Opry once we were both retired. Sadly we never were able to do so.

  31. Great photos! I got to stay there for 3 or 4 days about 15 years ago. Our staff had a retreat of sorts. I didn't enjoy the work retreat part, but I sure enjoyed this magnificent hotel! And you're right about the walking. The place gives you a great workout and there is a LOT of eye candy!

  32. I hope you post some more photos of this
    hotel. I have never seen anything like it. I wonder if the waterfalls are lit up in the evenings? Dancing waters are fun too!
    Hope you have a good weekend.

  33. Oh my goodness, Betsy, what a gorgeous place! So nice that they let folks that aren't hotel guests wander about. I would really like to see it someday. Are the restaurants more affordable than the hotel rooms? Maybe we could afford a hot dog or something, haha. :-)

    By the way, to answer your question about our elevation---we're at 2300-2400 feet above sea level. In Boone, we were at 3500 feet, and it was quite a bit cooler there.

  34. Another cool trip...thanks for sharing with us Betsy!


  35. Holy smokes, that place is amazing. And 9 acres indoors is incredible. I would love to walk around there with my camera

  36. Holy smokes, that place is amazing. And 9 acres indoors is incredible. I would love to walk around there with my camera

  37. I can't imagine a hotel that is 9 acres big! It looks beautiful in the pictures. I'm glad that you guys went back there to celebrate your anniversary!


  38. Years ago hubbie and I went to Opryland in Nashville. I think it was were this hotel you're talking about is now.
    Is there still a theme park any where around there ?

  39. What a beautiful place! And yet another place to add to my bucket list. I'm glad you and George got to go and had such a wonderful time. Your photos are wonderful!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Now this is a real treat!!! Nice work Betsy. I can only imagine George's face to this little gem. Very nice anniversary gift. I like places like these. Sometimes I imagine hanging up my teaching cap just so that I could work in gardens like these. The benefits aren't that great so I stick to my day job:) Really looks like a fantastic time. I've been to several of these places in Las Vegas....I love how each hotel is different and has different themed gardens. I love that one shot with the of my favorite tropical plants to grow. Beautiful. Have a good weekend!

  42. What a beautiful place. My husband was at a convention at Gaylord Palms Orlando last week. Same company perhaps? It looks like what he decribed. He said you could spend your entire vacation there without ever leaving the resort.

  43. I've heard lots of great things about this hotel- hope to see it one day. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Wow! Looks like a grand palace… and hard to believe it is a hotel! The photos showcase the nature regain inside the luxury hotel. Lovely shot Betsy and hope u had a memorable time spent there.

    Have a nice weekend!

  45. What an amazing place. First time all my lotto numbers come in, I will make that a must see. I do like that you don't have to stay there to enjoy the lovely gardens and water falls. That I might be able to afford.

  46. I had no idea it was this big and beautiful. Its worth a trip just to see these amazing gardens.
    You and George look happy and fit as a fiddle, Betsy.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  47. What an amazing place, I would enjoy visiting here

  48. This one looks even more amazing and gorgeous than our HUGE West Edmonton Mall! I'd love to visit there! Glad you had a wonderful time and took a lot of photos!

  49. I'm happy that you two got to see this fabulous hotel.Thanks for sharing your photos and joy.

  50. Hi Betsy, So lovely! What a wonderful visit for your anniversary. I have not been to this hotel yet but likely will at some point during a visit to Nashville. I have only been to Nashville a couple of times outside of going to the airport. Have a great rest of the weekend!

  51. I think your post is so endearing. What a lovely couple. I like the new look of your blog too but had a bit of trouble getting to it.

  52. What a wonderful place for you and George to celebrate your 11th wedding anniversary, Betsy! Such beautiful photos of both of you!

  53. Happy Anniversary!

    What a lovely place.

  54. Thanks. Betsy. Tell me how to remove the word verification. I hate it too. I didnt know I had it.

  55. Great photos. I haven't been to the hotel in many years. When I was in high school, I worked at Opryland (theme park), and I remember when they built the hotel. Of course, it has expanded quite a lot since then (late 1970s).

  56. I always love looking at your photos Betsy, and what a great place to spend your anniversary weekend.

  57. Great photos and a beautiful place to be..

  58. It is a spectacular place. I stayed there with my first husband. We were on a business trip for his family company and our expenses were paid for. Beyond wonderful. One evening we got to see a sychonized water show--gorgeous. We loved our little balcony and well--everything about it. I'm glad you two were able to enjoy its wonders even if you didn't stay overnight. Terrific photo of the two of you, Betsy!

  59. Wonderful looking place, wish I could go there too. :-)

  60. Hi Betsy,
    Oh, this is a gorgeous paradise on earth!!
    I would love to visit this place one day.
    I truly enjoy visiting your blog and seeing your awesome photos.
    I've heard many great things about this place before, especially when it comes about the music world...
    Of course, I read about the flood in Nashville a couple of years ago.
    I was thinking about buying a home there, but the flood news made me changed my mind about that.
    It is indeed, a spectacular place that one should not miss in a lifetime. If hubby and I travel to the States, we'll be visiting Nashville, TN for sure.
    Thank you, Betsy sweetheart for sharing your beautiful world with us, your followers!!
    Thank you for stopping over my blog and saying nice things!!
    We love you dearly!!
    Poet Starry.

  61. congratulations you two, and beautiful photographs, what a splendid place to visit

  62. This hotel is beautiful like a 5-Star resort!!! The orchids are pretty and they are not easy to grow. I love all the water features and water falls too. I knew that it was a perfect stay for both of you! Congratulations again to you both!

  63. That is one gorgeous hotel. I love all the gardens and water features.

    I haven't decided for sure if I'm going or not but there is an animal care (Humane Society, ASPCA, etc) convention being held their next spring. Seeing all your photos is making me thing a little harder about it.

  64. I bet you guys had a great time there...looks like a fun place just to visit even.


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