Monday, April 16, 2012

Fall Branch Falls, near Blue Ridge, GA

On our Valentine's Trip to North Georgia,  we visited a neat waterfall on 2/13/12 near Blue Ridge, GA.   FALL BRANCH FALLS  is a two (or three)-tiered falls which is about 50' high...  There was a short hike ---and one thing which was interesting was that on one side of the creek was private land with some mountain cabins... And on the other side was the Chattahoochie National Forest...  I kept thinking how much I'd love to have one of those cabins near that waterfall!!!!

Once we got to the waterfall,  there was a viewing platform where we could see the entire falls...  We had never seen this waterfall before --and were thrilled to find it..  IF you love waterfalls and are in the Blue Ridge area,   check this one out...

Hope you enjoy our photos from this waterfall... Above is a picture of the waterfall taken below the observation deck.  Be sure to click on all pictures in order to see them larger.

George took this picture of me as I wandered around the creek below the observation deck..  Even though it wasn't raining,  it was a damp, cold day!  I decided to wear my rain jacket --but George didn't want to wear his.

Here is a picture showing some of the ICE still around the waterfall.  Remember,  this was February 13th and we had had some cold weather.  Do you see the upside down heart in that ice???  Think that was there since Valentine's Day was the next day?????

I took this picture of George from the observation deck --while he was getting more pictures from the creek level.

Here's another photo of my 'creative' water ---from up close and personal.   Do you see those TEETH --smiling at me?????  Actually,  you can almost make out a distorted face.....  My My!!!!!!  How 'bout that?

I love this picture of George that I took while we were on the observation deck.

Here is another picture of FALL BRANCH FALLS ---using my zoom lens.

Finally,  here is a picture of George and me taken at the observation deck at Fall Branch Falls with our tripod... We had this entire area to ourselves ---so you can imagine how much we enjoyed being there.

Hope you had a great weekend.  We had a wonderful time with family and friends,  and luckily (as opposed to other areas of the country),  we had a beautiful weekend weather-wise also.    Prayers for those in the path of all of those storms.



  1. Hi Betsy, your photos are beautiful. February 13th was my birthday, glad you could photograph icy waterfalls on that day! You are looking so slim, Betsy! Thanks for sharing. Blessings Jo

  2. Beautiful falls, Betsy and wonderful photos of it and you and George. Happiness just emanates from you two!:>)

    I felt like I was reading Highlight magazine (I think that's the name) and trying to decipher the Hidden Picture--rather fun this morning. I found the heart and the teeth and could see a distorted face. Cool.

    We had a wonderfully sunny and warm day yesterday although Sat. was cool and drissly. But we had none of the storms that hit other places.

    So glad you had a great time this weekend. May you have a blessed week. ♥

  3. Beautiful photos Betsy, and I saw the heart in the ice. I bet the air was fresh and cold..What a wonderful earth and creation, so much beauty.
    You and George look a picture of bliss...glad you are so happy.

  4. Beautiful... but most of all your joyful smiles!!

  5. Ah yes, this one I know well and you found it as a beautiful time! BTW, I saw the heart and the teeth before you mentioned it. Great minds and all that....MAYBE! Have a great week - can't wait to see where you and George are off to next!

  6. I always love seeing moss growing on rocks and trees. It's always so pretty. It looks like you and George had another terrific weekend Betsy! Good for you two!
    xo Catherine

  7. Thanks for pointing out the teeth and the heart, Good eye and I would have missed them otherwise.
    I'd like the idea of owning a cabin with the National Forest and a waterfalls in my back yard.
    Best of all worlds.

  8. Beautiful,I like waterfalls, where planning to go in Georgia this summer Betty.Thanks for sharing.Hope to include this in our escapades.

  9. Bring on the waterfalls ... have you and George written your Guide to Waterfalls book yet? !!!! :D :D

  10. Wonderful waterfall pictures, Betsy. I bet it was lovely to have those all to yourself with no one else around. :)

  11. Fantastic pictures Betsy- I love touring along with you and George!

  12. that first waterfall pic might just be my most favorite one of all. it is so beautiful. i found the heart and the teeth and that is a great pic of George.

  13. Betsy, beautiful photos of you and George and the waterfalls of course!Have a great monday.


  14. Hi Betsy, your photos are beautiful. I love the waterfalls (like you) and the scenery.

    I am shocked that you are just about an hour from where I live and there is ice. We didn't have one cold day where I live! That blows my mind.

    Love, sandie

  15. Another great waterfall and one can see how excited you are to find this one. Great shots and I can see the smiling teeth and face.

  16. Nice place, I'll have to check it out next time I visit my son in GA.

  17. Very nice area,I love your"face" you found

  18. Love those rocks and waterfall. Interesting to see those hidden things - my daughter loves seeing hearts in nature! This area is probably quite green now 2 months later!

    While folks around here start complaining about our blizzards, I'm so grateful for not being where all those tornadoes are happening. My heart goes out to those dear folks who have lost so much!

  19. I always look forward to your photos of waterfalls! And there are so many gorgeous falls in your area! Wonderful captures. I love the smiles on your faces, too! Delightful! Hope you have a great week, Betsy! Enjoy!


  20. Beautiful pictures Betsy, you and George always look like you are having such a great time out wandering through the woods in search of your beautiful waterfalls.

  21. i do like the grin in that fall!

  22. Wonderful shots as usual Betsy, 1st time Ive seen you without matching jumpers,lol.

  23. I saw a sideways heart in the rocks and the grinning teeth in the water! Thanks for mentioning them, Betsy. You and George are fortunate that you don't have arthritis and can still hike at your age.

  24. The heart and smile were just for you, Betsy! (Not sure about the distorted face, I noticed that before I read your words!)
    Love the falls and you are so fortunate to be able to hike the way you do to get to them. I'm not sure I could do that. Our walking around SDC in Branson wore me out! We had a great trip and the weather was good there, but now I have a lot of catching up to do in blogland!
    Have a great day!

  25. I think I see the big smile! But I love the smiles of you and George together even more! Is that a big fallen tree in front of the falls in the first picture? At first glance I thought "what an awful observation deck", ha ha!!!

  26. Beautiful photos and YES I did see the heart!

  27. Hi Betsy,

    Apart from flowers, seeing photos of water have the calming effect for me, so I don't mind being your neighbour near the waterfall or at least be your guest, hehe.

    Yes, I could visualise a face on the left and teeth on the right of that pic :-D

  28. Lovely pictures and love is in the air? I can see that both of you had a good time:)

  29. That's a beautiful place Betsy. Great pics of you and George.

  30. I DO see the heart AND the teeth!

  31. I like all the shapes in the water. Is George a wizard? Maybe he's not telling you everything. Perhaps he has some magic up those sleeves of him:) It was a fantastic and fun weekend. Glad you had the same:)

  32. Your photos are wonderful, Betsy. That part of God's country is AWESOME! I noticed the heart made of ice (just for a very special couple for Valentine's Day!) and if you hadn't pointed it out I would have missed the "teeth" smiling at you. I think it's GA's Nessie!! I could see it so clear. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!
    Happy trails to you and George!

  33. I am so glad to see these...I am from that area and have not heard of them...beautiful falls

  34. Wow, Betsy! You captured the essence of being outoors in the photos. I loved the smiling teeth and distorted face - plus - the heart was VERY special for Valentine's day. What fun you two have! Thanks for sharing these adventures with your readers!

  35. Beautiful photos. You and George find the most beautiful places to visit. I love finding pictures inside of pictures!

  36. Just lovely, Betsy. By the way, the older I get, the more I appreciate those zoom lenses. :)

  37. Your pictures are amazing. I love the addition of the icy lace on the edge.Thanks again for sharing these lovely images.

  38. Such a pretty spot. You two sure know how to find them

  39. That is a beautiful place to go! I have always liked waterfalls, but have never started searching for them.

  40. Hi Betsy, I would love to see this falls someday. This is something that we want to consider thanks for sharing this photos. BTW we just move in to Oak Ridge,TN 2 weeks ago from New York we love it here :)

  41. Awww, you were almost in my neck of the woods..I live just over the Line In N.C. If I'd a known you were so close would have had Tea or Coffee Falls, I love these pics..

  42. I just want to jump into these streams of sparkling clear water..Looks so good! We have had some pretty warm temps lately, and having one of these beautiful Falls to splash in could be a great thing...

  43. Just gorgeous hot as it was here today that water looks very refreshing even though it was chilly when you went :) hugs my friend!

  44. I see those teeth in that waterfall, that is a great shot. I love it when I take a pic and then find something like that in it.
    We are expecting storms and rain for the next couple days and we sure need the rain, hopefully the storms won't be too bad.

  45. More adventures of Betsy and George. You two are amazing.

  46. Love how this one meanders down the hillside - lovely!
    The ice heart and the teeth/face popped right out at me. The heart was a Valentine Day gift just for use and George.
    Glad to hear you had a good weekend. We've had 80 degree temps usually reserved for June!

  47. Hi Betsy, you are so full and radiating with love to even see an inverted heart in that lake. I didn't see it. But i have a secret with you, pls dont tell George, haha, your first photo is lovelier than his!

  48. For February the weather looks really nice but chilly. You and George always find the most beautiful waterfalls. I do see the little heart and the smiling teeth, too cute!

  49. Hello dear! Those photos are stunning! What beauty!
    And the last photo of you both is awesome.
    Glad to came here! God bless you both!


  50. Hi Betsy,
    Beautiful waterfall, I love it! You sure get to see many interesting places out in the nature.
    Have a lovely day!

  51. Good Morning, Betsy! Another beautiful waterfalls. And I love the shots of you and George. Lovely photos, have a great day!

  52. This is such a pretty waterfall with those colorful rock stepping down and down.
    You two look so happy together, Betsy.
    Thanks for taking us along.

  53. Beautiful pictures. So glad you had a great time!

    And congrats on 500 followers! :-)

  54. Some really fantastic images you've shared Betsy!!! That ice formation above and surrounding the running falls is awesome. But mostly, I enjoyed the smiling faces of your and your dear man....those are priceless.

    A FASHION STATEMENT -bird style

  55. I always, always love your waterfall shots......

  56. Thanks for sharing your journey! Wonderful blog and this post is no exception! Your photos are excellent. You know how to have a good time. My daughter is wanting to visit an orchard in Blue Ridge, GA and this would round the trip out nicely!

  57. Another set of lovely photographs of beautiful falls which make up your Valentine Day trip. Thanks for these.

  58. What a beautiful and fun outing you two had! This place looks wonderful!

  59. You guys get lots of good healthy exercise tramping around these beautiful falls! Great photos of the falls and also of both of you.

  60. Love these pictures. Yes, see the upside down heart! Love it, of course and the timing was perfect. Also do see the large grining teeth too. So funny the things we can see when we really look. The heart still takes my breath away! Just for you two lovebirds! Want to hear all about your lovely weekend and the wedding plans. Blessings.

  61. Marvelous photos Betsy, what a great place to visit.

  62. These photos of Fall Branch Falls at Blue Ridge are amazing. You take super photos. I would love to visit these falls in BLue Ridge. I enjoyed this posting very much.

  63. You always find the prettest waterfalls where ever you go, Besty! It is nic ehtat this one had a safe observation platform with which to view them and take photos.

    Our weather has been wonderful but we b=need rain -- it is so dry! I want all the rain to fall before the middle of May ..then I want sunshine for the wedding! lol

  64. Oh, Betsy, I always enjoy yours and George's waterfalls pictures so much! This is lovely, just sliding gently down the hill! I like that there are rental cabins nearby too! You two love-birds look wonderful posing together! What a sweet place to spend the day!

    I see the upside down heart, and also noticed a hummingbird head just to the upper right of it. :-) And the smiling goblin face made me think of the Irish river gods...I bought one for my daughter when I was in Ireland, just a face molded from a stone-like material. It's really neat.

    Thanks as always for your sweet comments on my posts! I'm getting a little behind. Need to catch up!

  65. I found the heart and the teeth!
    Nice hike. You two are soooo cute.


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