Monday, January 3, 2011

Stepping into 2011

On Friday,  I showed a sunset on my blog ---representing the ending of the year... SO--what better way to begin a new year than by sharing a SUNRISE for you today.  I told you that,  when we go to the beach in May,  we cannot see either the sunset nor the sunrise.  In December,  we saw them BOTH... How marvelous is that!!!!

SO--to honor the beginning of 2011,  I will share with you a beautiful SUNRISE which we saw on December 23, 2010 at Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina (taken from our balcony).  Above is first glance of the sunrise.  The sky's color over the water was incredible...  I may have even liked it more than the sunset...  Awe Shucks--I love them both!!!!!

You can see a little evidence of the sun beginning to pop up in the distance.

See it??????   It was a very clear morning ---and there is one man walking on the beach.

Hello Sunshine!!!!!!  Welcome to a beautiful morning!

The man on the beach stopped and took pictures --just like we were doing from our balcony.  I love the reflection in the water in this picture.

Isn't this just awesome?   Doesn't a picture like this just make you glad to be alive???  LOVE it.

Here's one last picture of our sunrise.  I included this sun-burst picture for my good friend, RUTH.  Isn't this a great picture????  Makes me want to live at the beach year-round... NAH---I'd miss my mountains!!!!! ha

I wish all of you HAPPINESS,  HOPE and LOVE --and especially good HEALTH all during 2011.



  1. Happy New Year to you also Betsy. These sunrise photos are stunning. So happy that you and George were able to visit the beach during Christmas and I appreciate you sharing the beauty with us. Enjoy your Monday.

  2. Such incredible beauty and it happens everyday !
    You have captured it perfectly.
    Look forward to reading more of your travels, and birdies, and of course those awesome views.

  3. Fantastic sunrise photos!

    Excellent post to start off the new year!

    Wish you a fab new year ahead!!

  4. You're right---it does make you just glad to be alive! :)
    Stunningly beautiful. What a blessing you both had to see this.
    Like I said before--God is an awesome artist--the original and the best!
    Thanks for beginning our new year so wonderfully!
    Happy first week of the new year!

  5. Ah - yes - I am also a lover of the Dawn (my middle name actually!) Beautiful captures and excellent symbolism.

    Larry and I honeymooned in Maine back in 1987 and got up early one morning to capture the sunrise over the Atlantic. He had his camera and I had mine (before I really got into photography). We ended up posting the photos side by side in the album - both so different even though we were standing next to each other clicking away!

    UGH! It IS back to school for me today - and no break until MLK Day. January's are so hard. A new unit begins for each of my 6 grade levels- as well as final rehearsals this week for our concert on the 12th AND report cards for 300 students with individual comments due the week after that!! Now do you know why I said UGH! I'd much rather go for a quiet walk with my H and enjoy another beautiful sunrise!!

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. That's one of the best way to begin the new year. Love your photos of the sun rise. I loved the reflection caused by the sun on the sea water very much.Spectacular photos. You must have needed a lot of patience for those photos. Love them.

  7. Gorgeous series, Betsy! Here comes the sun!

  8. Betsy,
    I love the pictures of the sunrise they bring a promise of new day - a good day. I've often wondered what kind of camera you use and how you take such spectacular pictures! They are the best I ever see on the blogs. You are good.

  9. Absolutely beautiful shots of the sun rising on 2011. It sure does make you happy to be alive.

  10. Just spectactular pictures. I am amazed that you can see both sunsets and sunrises over the water. Such a blessing.
    The storyteller in me is wondering about the lone beach walker. He is alone but I don't sense lonely.

  11. Fantastic ~ a very good way to start a New Year to be sure!

    Have a terrific day Betsy!
    xo Catherine

  12. Good Morning to you Betsy. Those are beautiful. I have to say though I love that last one the best. Sometimes a person would love to freeze time at just that very instant.

  13. Love the sunrise pictures ... especially the ones with reflections in the water! Wonderful!!! And I love your new header of the cardinal in the snow. That's OUTSTANDINGLY good photography.

  14. and a beautiful start to the New Year! Mountains over the beach anyday for me too!

  15. Hello!
    Thank You very much!
    I wish to You the same!
    Happy New Year!
    Beautiful beginning for the New Year!
    Wonderful photos!
    I liked all of these photos!

  16. Thank You very much for Your beautiful comments in my blog!

  17. WOW ! Hello Sunshine ! These are all stunning, especially the last one!

    Happy and healthy New Year to you and your family, Betsy.

    That snowy photo/banner with red cardinal is a "priceless" shot of winter. Love it! ~Sunny Nelson

  18. Your sunrise pictures are lovely, Betsy. I do appreciate so much that you share your travels with us---I enjoy my armchair vacations! :-) I especially like the ones with the lone man on the beach. He looks so, so small. What a vast and beautiful world we live in!

    A joyful and blessed New Year to you and George!

  19. such wonderful pictures to see this morning! From the new snowy picture to the beach, all make you want to go and greet the day!

  20. Hi Betsy, I love your sunrise at the beach pictures. The reflections and colors are gorgeous. Great way to start the new year! :D

  21. Beautiful!!!
    And I just LOVE your header picture! How beautiful is that???
    So glad your New Year is off to a great start!
    Have a fabulous day!

  22. so you find something good about the shorter days...being able to see both sunrise and sunset!

  23. Your sunrise pictures are beautiful, Betsy. Great way to start off the new year! :)

  24. love love love the heaader. brilliant red in all that snow and ice, bob and i were talking about the fact of the sun rise and sun set at different times of the year. here we have to know where the sun comes up at the time of year to get one. these are magnificent and to think they were from your balcony. awesome vacation

  25. You have combined two of my most favorite things....the beach and a gorgeous sunrise! Beautiful pictures. I really do need a vacation to a beach!!

  26. Beautiful pictures, Betsy! so serene...

  27. What a gorgeous sunrise! I was wondering why you can't see either the sunrise or sunset when you are at the beach in May?

  28. I love the way male cardinals stand out in the snow. I had a similar view the other day, but don't have the camera to get the shot.

  29. Betsy, beautiful photos! and I'm sure a most enjoyable time.

    Happy New Year to you and George. May it be a year of good health and many blessings dear friend.

  30. Wow, wow, wow....these are so incredible...and your is gorgeous...Betsy you have taken such incredible photos...applause!!!

  31. Your header photo of the cardinal in the snow reminded me of something another blogger friend (Grizz at said. He thinks cardinals were put here to make photographers look good. :)

    Beautiful photos, all. My favorite is the first of the fishing bridge/man on beach images. I'm with you on the choice between the ocean and the mountains, though.

  32. Breathtaking!
    Happy New Year!
    ☼ Sunny

  33. I like your new hearder and I liked the one of the front of your house in the snow.
    Lovely sunrise shots.
    God knows doesn't He! MB

  34. To RITA: Since you don't have a blog and I don't have your email address, I have to leave a message here-hoping you will get it. I have a Canon Rebel XSI.... A good camera really does HELP...

  35. Beautiful pictures! Gorgeous sunrise!
    Perfect, as usual!

  36. love the photos! Makes me want to hop in the car and head to the beach. I miss taking walks along the water and seeing the beautiful ocean. Have a very very blessed year Betsy!

  37. This is usually the first blog I look at and today I am so glad I did.This is a perfect way to start the day.The sunburst is unusually pretty.Wish I could have been there myself. :)
    I think the man on the beach just adds to the beauty of the pictures,so perfect.Have a fabulous day.

  38. I just wish sunrises happened later in the day;)

  39. That new look is marvelous. I love the sunrise and check it first thing in the morning. I don't get much from my home ,but always try.I really like it on the beach,except do you notice seeing spots afterwards.?

  40. Thank you for having the cardinal on his perch greet us this morning!! He is gorgeous! What a super photo! Love the sunrise sequence - stunningly beautiful! It's been so dark up here and the sun doesn't light the day until after 8 a.m. Looking forward to having it rise earlier each day as we head towards spring. January is always too long a month for me! Back to routine and work tomorrow - sigh!

  41. Okay. Many simple..very simple..things fascinate me muchly. Which isn't a word but it works for me. And one of them is watching the sun come up on the east coast. I'm sitting there watching it .. and I just know my fellow westerner's won't see that crack of shine until three hours later. And for some reason heaven above only knows, I find that incredible.

    Beautiful photos!!

  42. These are georgous! Similar to the one George has posted, which I told him was my favorite he's ever posted. And something else. Seeing that lone man down on the beach. That is the final touch, it brings up the aloneness of man in the universe, and how mininscule we really are compared to God's awesome huge creation.

  43. So joyful to be able to experience these beauties -- even through photos.

    Tell me again why you can't experience the sunrise and sunset in May?

  44. Great way to start the new year! Beautiful pictures!
    Happy New Year!

  45. What a great way to start the dawning of a new year! Beautiful pics!

  46. Oh so wondrous and beautiful, the sunrise over the sea! What timing, catching the unknown man taking his morning constitutional and also seeing him take a photo.

    Thanks, Betsy, for your and George always grin so well in a picture, and it makes me smile, too!

    I wish right back to you: HAPPINESS, HOPE and LOVE --and especially good HEALTH all during 2011.


  47. Beautiful photos!
    My granny got up everyday to see the sunrise. Even as an older lady she was filled with excitement about it. Everyday...
    Thanks Betsy!

  48. Awesome, awesome photos. Happy New Year!

  49. We made it, Betsy! 2011! Who would have ever thought that so long, long, ago in the first grade in school!

    Happy New Year!


  50. Hi Betsy, Sunrises are such energy infusers! I get a big kick from getting up early and seeing the sunrise! Especially so at the beach! Glad you had so much fun! Have a wonderful sunny day!

  51. Hi Betsy, beautiful sunrise photos! And I really love your header. The red cardinals are such a pretty spot of color in the dreary wintertime or especially when we have snow. Seeing them always makes me smile! Have a great day! ~Cheryl

  52. Nice photos to start off the new year.

  53. Oh, thank you Betsy! Lovely! Almost as good as seeing it for myself. I'm with you--love my mountains and the beach. So, where am I? In the flat midwest. We do have some gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. I've also found great beauty in green corn fields against a bright blue sky filled with puffy white clouds. Where else can you see that and, then, a few miles ahead the skyscrapers of Chicago?

    Happy year ahead!


  54. 1at of all - I L♥VE YOUR HEADER!!!

    And Ohh La La, the sunrise! Mr Man had the same idea, too! heheheee
    The beach would be nice to live, but yeah, I'd miss the mountains, too!
    Have a wonderful year & here's to many more posts & look forward to seeing them all!!! =)

  55. You're right, these pics do make me glad to be alive but I'd be even more glad if I was there myself!!
    Happy New Year To you and yours Betsy!! xxx

  56. Gorgeous captures Betsy!!!
    Happy New year to you too.

  57. Betsy,
    I love those sunrise photos. What a wonderful way to begin a new year. Also, your header photo is fabulous.
    I hope you have a wonderful new year with good health, much joy, and many blessings.

  58. so beautiful Betsy, a perfect beginning. Wishing you a year that feels wonderful to you and George!

  59. I love, love, LOVE your cardinal header...just gorgeous..and the sunrise was too.

  60. Happy New Year my dear friend, those are great photos, I love the sunrises and sunsets, thanks.

  61. What an amazing view of the sunrise. Gorgeous shots. I love your new header. That cardinal against the snow is breathtaking. Diane

  62. Happy New Year dear Betsy and George. I loved your photos, how glorious! What a beautiful place to be to welcome in the new year. And I LOVE the snowy header photo with the beautiful Cardinal in it! How lucky you are.

  63. What a wonderful way to start the new year Betsy, that is a gorgeous sunrise. I love that sunburst too.

    And speaking of wonderful, your header shot with that cute little cardinal is just that....wonderful.

    Happy New Year!

  64. That is such a spectacular sunrise. Sunsets are lovely but there's something special about a sunrise, the start of a new day. Love your photos, and love that header photo too. Happy New Year to you and George Betsy. May it be full of joy.

  65. Oh Betsy those pics make me want to be at the beach so bad. We were discussing our family beach vacation this coming fall just yesterday and I already can't wait.
    Hope you are enjoying these 40 + temperatures ,sounds like they aren't going to last long.
    Have a Blessed evening

  66. I got it! Thank you Besty. Just want you to know I check for your blog on a daily basis. I know it will always bring a smile. :)

  67. Betsy,
    Declan is from England and his grandfather is Scottish...I agree, the Boys Choirs are some of my favorite and his voice is remarkable.
    As I have always said, sunsets AND sunrises are most spectacular on the beaches of NC.. thanks for posting those and letting me live vicariously through those right now :)

  68. Pictures and post very well done. I am not sure I would have stayed with the sun rising that long.

  69. Awww, Betsy - that was the most beautiful beginning to a brand-new year, ever! Thank you so much for posting those lovely sunrise pics. They are gorgeous!
    Hope 2011 brings you happiness and even more joy.

  70. Beautiful! I am going to try and get us to the beach for spring break! You inspired me~!

  71. It's as gorgeous as your sunset but maybe more so because it is getting lighter rather than darker!

  72. Beautiful sunset, but your header is amazing! Cardinals are my favorites!!

  73. Gorgeous, gorgeous!!! I have only seen the sunrise over the ocean a couple of times in my life, and it is beautiful and awe-inspiring. Love the sun-burst photo; great capture!

  74. What a wonderful way to start a new year than see a beautiful sunrise like that
    Thanks Betsy.

  75. How fabulous Betsy!
    Happy New year and best wishes,

  76. Does George wake you up or you wake him up?

    I sleep like a sleep on the morning and I hardly ever greet the sun.

    So it is so mice to see your photos.

    Re: Yellow box I THINK this is a power box for people to plug their power tools when they repair their boat. There were quite a few of them at different intervals.

  77. it's AWESOME Betsy! love all of your pictures!

  78. I hope to be a better blog friend in 2011. I've been slacking the last couple of months.
    the sunrise pictures are breathtaking. God is so good. His mercies our new every morning.
    ♥ Joy

  79. I remember to scoll down to find this post and wow. Just Wow. Loved each and everyone of them.
    Were going on vacation soon. Not sure where but I hope it a beach with many sunsets.
    I may be surpised. My hubby said to leave it to him.
    Loved these all Betsy.
    Stay warm. I m trying to and have my fireplace going daily.


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