Friday, December 31, 2010

Sunset at the Beach

First of all,  HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE....  Can you believe that 2010 is almost OVER???? Where do the months and days go????  The older I get,  the faster time flies by!!!!!

As you know, if you are a regular follower of my blog,  we took a short trip to Ocean Isle Beach during Christmas week.   I published a blog post yesterday showing some pictures of the beach around Islander Inn where we stayed.

Today,  I'll post another set from our balcony at Ocean Isle Beach.   When we visit this area each May,  we cannot see either the sunrises or the sunsets from our room... SO--this was a JOY for us to see both while we were there...

The pictures today were taken late in the FIRST afternoon we were there... Seeing this sunset just took my breath away.  I knew at that moment exactly WHY we were there... It was awesome.   Here are some pictures of our beautiful sunset as taken from our balcony on December 20.

Not only were we enjoying the sunset over the ocean,  we also were enjoying the beautiful sky.

Can you believe seeing this beauty???? Made me chill all over---not because I was cold,  but because I was 'tingly' with excitement!!!

No words are needed to explain this picture!!!


Going  ---  Going...

GONE!!!!!  BUT--look at that sky!!!!!   AWESOME!!!

Hope you enjoyed our gorgeous sunset....   NOW---have a Happy New Year and stay SAFE... What will you do tomorrow, and do you have a meal planned?   We'll watch football most of the day I'm sure (with some naps included)---and I'll make my 'famous' (??)   HOPPIN' JOHN for dinner.  Hoppin' John consists of black-eyed peas, rice, kielbasa and ham.  It's delicious --and will hopefully bring us GOOD LUCK for 2011.  See you on Monday!



  1. Happy New Year's Eve Betsy! Thank you for sharing these stunning photos from the beach. They are just breathtaking! May God richly bless you and George in the new year.

  2. That is a wonderful set of photographs. The sunset looks more beautiful in your photographs rather than the real one I see everyday.The vibrant colours of the sunset is sure to please any eye.I think you must have taken quite sometime to capture those photos. They look spectacular.

    Wishing you a very happy and blessed new year!

  3. Wow..Excellent post to mark the end of the year 2010. Most beautiful sunset I have ever seen...!

    Wish you and George a very happy new year 2011!

  4. Beautiful photos Betsy!

    We never get too crazy at New Years. It's a lot of movie watching and snoozing. I am hoping hubby takes me on a country drive photo shoot this weekend. That will be as exciting as we get! :)

    All the best to you in 2011 dear friend!
    xo Catherine

  5. What a wonderful post to end the year with. Those shots of the sunset a beautiful. As far as what I have planned is I gotta work. LOL not complaining though. Hope you and George have a wonderful New Year.

  6. Great shots as always Betsy. It's pretty unusual to get these on the East coast. Hope you and George have a terrific New Year.

  7. Beautiful pics again Betsy!! You are one lucky lady to see all these places!!

    We will go to bad at our usual 8.00 o'clock, we haven't stayed up in years and I don't think we could if we wanted to!!

    Happy New Year to you and George!

    BE HAPPY!!!

  9. Happy New Year, Betsy and George!
    What a gorgeous sunset. God sure paints a glorious sky. It must be like that every day in Heaven.
    Have a most memorable New Year full of adventure, sunsets and waterfalls.

  10. Gorgeous sunset/beach pictures, Betsy! We will get up and spend our usual time with the computer and Jeep will talk on the HAM radio half of the morning. Then we will watch a little Rose Bowl Parade befor lunch. Lunch will be Black-eyed peas, hog jowl (baked in the oven like thick bacon), Cornbread, onion, fresh turnip greens, and maybe some fresh fruit salad. Then we will watch the football games till bedtime:)
    Wishing you and George the blessings of Peace, Grace, Joy and Love in the New Year!

  11. Really wonderful shots, that first one is suitable for framing.
    Don't plan to see the old year out but will welcome the new one in the morning.
    Hooray for a solid day of football.
    Happy New Year Betsy and George.

  12. Your photos are just beautiful. I really enjoyed them all. Yes, I will make hoppin john, too, on New Years and cabbage. It is a tradition here as well. It is in the 50s here this morning after being in the teens. I can handle it. Love your header. Have a great, healthy and happy New Year.

  13. How fitting to post sunset pictures on the eve of the year.These are stunning.I loved the star burst on the first shot.

  14. Wonderful shots Betsy! I love taking sunsets and sunrises because the picture is constantly changing.

  15. wow is right! wow again for all of these, the first one the x marks the spot and i wish i had been there to see this. nothing is like sun rising or disapearing into the ocean. happy new year

  16. That sunset is absolutely gorgeous; a gift from God himself.
    I have never made a new years day meal, but my Mom does the beans for luck each year. (she says I don't need the good luck anyway!)
    Wishing you and George a beautiful 2011!!! You both have been a blessing to my 2010!

  17. My friends in Carolina Beach reported the dolphin are coming in.I have gone to Myrtle Beach over the holiday a lot, and enjoy the lack of people.It did get warm here yesterday, 58, and melted most of the snow. Your Hoppin John sounds good.We used to always eat snack stuff and fix ribs tomorrow.Think I will make Schnitzel tonight.Happy New Year!

  18. Wow! I'm amazed at your sun-set from the East Coast. It's really attractive. No, stunning! Glad you had the opportunity to get away for a few days and that you and George both enjoy it so much. Happy New Year!

  19. There is nothing like an ocean sunset, really breathtaking!
    A very Happy New Year to you and George :)
    ☼ Sunny

  20. Beautiful pictures!
    Tonight we will have some Portugeuse Chicken Piri Piri and then watch the fireworks that are set from the bridge between Ferragudo and Portimao.
    My best to you and George for a very Happy New Year!

  21. Betsy, there is no sunset like the ocean sunset; absolutely gorgeous! and isn't God's artwork amazing? He's so talented!
    Have a beautiful evening...Happy New Year!

  22. Happy New Year to you Betsy and George!

    A gorgeous sunset in deed - thatxwas worth the trip alone.

  23. Perfect sunset!!! Have a very blessed and happy new year Betsy. We will be staying in with the grandson and enjoying the Rose Bowl parade and a football game or two. I will be cooking collard greens, blackeye peas, and ham.

  24. Lovely sunset! I liked to watch the sunset, but on the other coast, LOL!

    I have decided not to cook the "Good Luck" meal this year - it hasn't helped, so will try normal stuff and see what happens!

    Happy New Year!

  25. Happy New Year Betsy!! the pictures are so AWESOME!!! =)

  26. STUNNING pics! I love all of them but like in the last one how the clouds are reflecting on the water.
    Happy New Year to you, too. We will have blackeyes and cabbage (separately) but am trying a new recipe...... hope to post about it tomorrow.

  27. Happy New Year to both of you. Diane

  28. What a beautiful sunset. And a perfect way to end the year. Happy New Year to you and George. Hope you and I both get in some good hiking next year.


  29. Wow! This is so beautiful!! You know how much I love sunsets, I snap them whenever I can! And this post is so befitting New Year's eve, because the sun is really setting on an old year! Even the water looks different in those pictures. They say there is nothing like watching the sun set on the ocean. We are getting together with our family this evening, going out for dinner, then will come back here and play games and such.

  30. Lovely photos Betsy. And we call that recipe Hoppin Jack but then, we leave out the meat. Happy New Year.

  31. Hi Betsy, I can think of only one word, no...I take that back. I can think of several after viewing your, stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful. These are a few that come to mind! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy New Year to you and George!

  32. The colors in that sunset and beautiful beyond words! I always think it's so interesting that this group of islands (Brunswicks) is actually oriented south rather than east.

  33. I love a gorgeous sunset! So pretty reflecting in the water. It is obvious that you had a lovely view this trip!

  34. So very beautiful! And I love your 2011 header, it's so BETSY! Happy new year to you too. And, really, wow. Where does all the time go?

  35. Happy New Year and thanks for the sunsets.

  36. Hi Betsy, We are watching college football on TV - Notre Dame versus Miami. My husband has one of his former high school math students playing on the Notre Dame squad in the Sun Bowl. Have a super fine evening and day tomorrow. Lots of ducks on the now-thawed lake today. I like your sunset pictures!

  37. A fabulous series of sunset photos!! It's the reason I love a camera, because after you've seen it happen in person, there it is again, right on the computer screen! Awesome. Look at the surf gently coming into the shore. And the way the sun color touches the cloud and follows it like a streamer across the sky. Altho they were taken a few weeks ago, I think they show a beautiful, fitting end to 2010!
    Have a great weekend, and 'see you next year'...oh, gee, somebody had to say it~~HA!

  38. Glorious photos! Sunrises and sunsets remind me of God's faithfulness - new everyday and always right on time!

    Happy New Year to you and George! We'll eat cabbage and black-eyed peas and wait for the rest of our family to get here to celebrate Christmas.

  39. Happy New Year to you too!
    No big plans for the day, hubby has to work, Scott leaves to go back to Alaska so maybe I'll get around to taking down Christmas...

  40. Aw Betsy, first my BIL called and said he was at one of our favorite southern Oregon beaches and now your gorgeous beach photos. I miss the ocean so much!! Those are gorgeous sunsets.

    I love Hoppin' John and will probably make some for tomorrow but I've never added kielbasa before, just ham. That sounds good.

    Wishing you and George the very best for the new year, see you in 2011!

    Happy New Year!

  41. Gorgeous sunset pictures! Are you watching Dick Clark's rockin Eve 11 on ABC? Bob and I are :-) Happy New Year to you and George!

  42. There is something so special about the sun setting into the water that you don't see when it sets over land. Gorgeous photos Betsy!

    Happy 2011 to you and George!

  43. That sunset was so lovely, Betsy! Thank you for sharing it. Happy New Year to you and George. :)

  44. What a view from your balcony. Super sunset. Happy New Year

  45. Happy New Year From Southern California.

    Don't forget to watch the 122nd Rose Parade on New Year's Day coming from Pasadena, California...only 30 miles from The Old Geezer's home :-)

    No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it. ~Henry Ward Beecher

    May God Bless and Protect You in the Year to Come. ~Ron

  46. Beautiful sunset!
    Happy New Year!
    We'll be watching football and parades--I love the Rose Bowl parade. I should fix some Hoppin' John and collard greens...but I didn't get any black-eyed peas! Shame on me!

  47. I enjoyed your gorgeous photo show of the sun setting over the sea. What a wonderful way to bring in the New Year.

    I wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2011, Betsy.


  48. Beautiful sunset! The ocean always makes a sunset extra special. Enjoy your Hoppin John and Happy New Year.

  49. Happy New Year Betsy! Here's to another beautiful year full of sunsets and sunrises to oogle over. lol

  50. Happy New Year, Betsy & George ... THANK YOU for all the beauty of this world that you share with us, through your eyes. You capture scenes so beautifully, making us feel as tho we are there with you ...

    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

  51. WOW!!! Is the word alright, Betsy.

    Happy New Year to you and George--happiness always.

    I am so frustrated by this blogger-picasa thing but I will be back on my smallcityscenes blog soon.

  52. Wish I was there to see it with you! Looks heavenly!

  53. I adore watching the sunsets! This one is spectacular.

    I'm wishing you a year filled with bliss and fun trips!

    Stephanie ♥

  54. all breath~taking captures. i love beach sunsets...there is nothing else like them in the world.
    merry new year dear betsy.

  55. Happy New Year! I hope you had a fabulous trip!!

  56. Wow, those pictures took my breath away too!! Amazing & Beautiful!!!

    Thank you for more sweet comments and advice on my blog today. I appreciate you so very, very much!!! Happy New Year, Betsy!!!!!
    Hugs & Lots of Love,

  57. Those pictures really are beautiful. Make me kind of hate the view from my window: 4 feet of snow.

  58. You asked about boxing day.

    There seems to be many theories and this is closest to what my Dad told me,.

    I grew up first in British Sarawak, and we always had Boxing Day off. When my friends went to USA, they were surprised it was not observed there.

    Boxing Day is a day when people present gifts, bonuses, donations or items to others, often those less fortunate.

  59. Happy New Year to you and George! Your beach sunset was gorgeous -- worth the trip just to see that.

  60. Hey I'm back!!!

    Love the new header. Another WOW! MB

  61. Love your header AND these pictures!

    Happy New Year to you!

  62. Betsy I am so happy I found your blog last year. That is a beautiful sunset and you know how I love them! :)

    Wishing the most wonderful year ever to you and George, with lots of special sunsets included.

  63. I liked these photos very much...
    I follow Your blog...

  64. there are very cool sunset pixes, also very romantic... lovely.

  65. Love your pictures! My Bahamas trip was the first I'd ever been on a beach, seen the ocean, left the states or flown. Each was a fantastic adventure but I'll never forget the beautiful beach and color of the water.......So amazing! We hope to go back.

    Happy New Year, Betsy and George.

    I've missed you!

  66. Thanks so much for sharing these!
    Here's to a happy and healthy 2011 for us all!

  67. Beautiful sunset, Betsy! The beach looks like a great place to spend your Christmas week.


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