Thursday, June 1, 2023

More Beauties from Biltmore (5/17/23)

Hello Blog Friends,   Hope you are not tired of seeing our Biltmore pictures!!!!!  If you are,  then I'm sorry since I am showing you more today... What is interesting for me is looking up the names for some of these gorgeous flowers....   Sit back and enjoy!!!!!! See how many names you knew!!!!

Wax Begonias of all colors 

The one on the left is called a Rex Begonia (I had no idea this was in the Begonia family), and the on the right is called a Blushing Bromeliad.

Biltmore Conservatory is known for its many Orchids.  Here are only three:  Left--Moon Orchid;  Middle--Renanthera Orchid;  Right--Crimson Cattleya

White-spotted Calla Lily


Bigleaf Hydrangea

Peace Lily  (Don't you love this name?)

China Rose Hibiscus

How many did you know????  I'll admit that I have no idea the names of ANY of the Orchids... To me,  an Orchid is an Orchid.... ha ha


I'll close with one of my favorite photos taken of Bert (about a month before he died).  This was his last trip with his two brothers/wives ---taken on March 26, 2023 (he died on April 21)... They enjoyed a weekend together in Folly Beach, South Carolina.  Son Jeff took this picture of Bert---early in the morning while waiting for the sunrise... I see this picture and it brings tears to my eyes.  I wonder what he was thinking that morning??????  Bert knew he was going to die,  and maybe he was asking God to take him to that beautiful place called Heaven... He was READY --even though the rest of us didn't want to lose him so quickly...   I AM glad that he didn't suffer and that he is in a better place...  BUT??????? 

Oh---how I miss him!


  1. Beautiful flowers. I did know most of the flowers, but the Orchids have to go unnamed for me. That is a lovely picture of Bert.

  2. My favorites are the China Hibiscus and your header.

  3. I've never been good with names of flowers or plants. Those are all very pretty though.
    That's a wonderful picture of Bert.

  4. Gorgeous flowers Betsy! I love the shot of your son Bert, a beautiful memory.
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  5. Beautiful flowers, although I only knew the names of three. :-)
    I can't imagine the pain in your Mama's heart. But, you know the hope of seeing him again and I imagine that is comforting. You're in my prayers.
    Blessings and love,

  6. It's nice to know the names of some of the beautiful blossoms we enjoyed at Biltmore.

  7. The flowers are all so beautiful.
    That is such a wonderful photograph of Bert, I can see why you like it.

    My good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  8. I have been absent in my blogging world for some time. I am so sorry for your loss! Bless you, sweet lady! I know some of these flowers. Orchids are always lovely, but the hydrangeas are my favorite. I have never liked begonias, and I don't know the reason. I guess because they look fake to me in their waxy perfectness. I have missed your posts.

  9. I do hope my comment comes through okay as sometimes I seem to have problems leaving comments.

    Such wonderful flowers you've shared.
    I do like the photograph of Bert, a wonderful memory to hold dear.

    All the best Jan


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