Monday, December 12, 2022

Christmas Letter 2022

 Merry Christmas 2022

Dear Friends,   This is my first Christmas letter in many years…  When George and I first got married,  I wrote Christmas letters  for several years…  I don’t know why I stopped —but in lieu of Christmas cards this year,  I decided to send our Christmas Greetings to you via Facebook and my Blog.   

Overall,  2022 has been good to us.   Healthwise we both struggle (not because we are old or anything!!!! Ha ha)—but I’m happy to say that we have had no MAJOR problems.  George still has his Degenerative Disc Disease and suffers with pain in his back and right leg..  My heart has been behaving nicely this year (which is a good thing).  BUT—my neuropathy problems in my legs and back keep me in pain a lot these days making it hard for me to walk…. Right now,  both George and I are ‘enduring’ that pain —and keep putting one foot in front of the other each day.  We neither one are willing to ‘give up’….  SO—overall we feel blessed, even if we both use canes continuously now!!!! 

The highlight for both of us this year was celebrating our 80th birthdays!!!!  George turned 80 in March and we took a trip to Florida to visit his son and family.  What a marvelous visit!!!!   Then for my 80th Birthday in August,  George took me to one of my very favorite places:  Cass Railroad in West Virginia  where we rode the old steam engine train to the top of the mountain and back… I was in 7th Heaven!!!!!  (My Dad worked for the railroad —so I have always loved trains.)

Our kids are all doing well—and both George and I are so proud of all of them.. George’s son/family lives in Florida;  His daughter lives in Nashville, Tennessee   and recently took a fantastic trip to Ireland;  My eldest son lives in Knoxville, Tennessee;  My middle son and his wife live in Maryville, Tennessee  (and are hosting the family on Christmas Day);  and my youngest son and his wife live in Dalton, GA (and they hosted the family at their home on Thanksgiving Day).  Between George and me, there are 7 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren… Two of these Great Grands were born in 2022 —so our family continues to grow. 

We had two sad events this year.  One was the death of my daughter-in-law’s father in Georgia,  and the other was the death of my son’s father (my ex-husband) in North Carolina.  Two births and Two deaths in 2022!!!  That is LIFE!!!

George and I have taken several short trips this year (family trips/events, to Biltmore, Fall Creek Falls, etc.)..  We took three longer trips (but not as long as the trips we used to take).  Our three major trips taken annually are:  Mt. Nebo State Park in Arkansas in February,   Pisgah Inn in North Carolina in June (to celebrate our Anniversary),  and Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina in December.  

One more highlight of 2022 was another tradition that George and I celebrate.  That is attending “Christmas at Biltmore” in December.  This event  ‘makes’ Christmas so very special for us each year.

Merry Christmas to ALL and God’s Blessings on each of you for an awesome 2023!

Betsy and George   


  1. Hello Betsy,
    Merry Christmas to you, George and your family. It is great your are doing well, taking your trips and enjoying the family time. True, you must never give up, maybe just walk a little slower. But, keep moving! Wishing you all the best in the New Year! Take care, have a happy new week!

  2. Thanks for the recap Betsy and wishing you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful 2023.

  3. Great idea to do your Christmas letter on FB and the blog.
    I wish you and George all the best for the coming new year.

  4. I love your Christmas letter! Thank you for sharing it. December 2022 is definitely something to celebrate. We are all enjoying it more especially after the last two years e have experienced.

  5. Thanks for posting this nice Christmas letter for all our friends.

  6. I know lots of folks that do Christmas letters. I always enjoy reading them.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Merry Christmas. ♥

  7. Merry Christmas Betsy! I can sympathize, I have multi lever degenerative disc disease, and something else. Having an M.R.I. later this week. And Phil has back arthritis. It is hard for him to stand more then a fw minutes. You guys are strong, and it is so good that you stay on the go! Your house header is gorgeous!

  8. Merry Christmas Betsy! Always look forward to your posts.

  9. Hello Betsy,
    Many thanks for sharing your 2022 news.
    Merry Christmas to you, George and your family.

    All the best Jan

  10. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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