Monday, July 4, 2016

Red, White and Blue FLOWERS for the 4th of July

Happy 4th of July to all of my Blog Friends in the Good Ole USA today!!!!!  Hope you are having and have had a fantastic weekend --filled with lots of fun, family, friends, fellowship,  and food.

Today---in celebration of our colors,  I will share some red, white and blue flowers that have bloomed or are blooming in our yard this Spring/Summer.  Hope you enjoy seeing the 'patriotic' flowers today!

Here's a 'combo' for you which reminds me a little of fireworks.  This is LOLLYPOP LILY (taken on 6/2/16)

 A RED  Tulip  (taken on 4/13/16)

An 'almost' white Rose with a hint of pink;  This one is named SWEET AFTON ROSE (taken on 5/26/16)

A gorgeous IRIS named CLARENCE ---with some blueish/purple colors (taken on 4/25/16)

A pretty RED Day Lily --appropriately named Christmas Wishes  (taken on 7/3/16)

A white DAFFODIL named MOUNT HOOD  (taken on 3/25/16)

Some gorgeous BLUE PANSIES (taken on 3/11/16)

A gorgeous RED ROSE --which just keeps on blooming;  This one is also appropriately named  ALWAYS AND FOREVER.  (taken on 6/21/16)

My favorite WHITE ROSE named SWEET FREEDOM;  (taken on 6/1/16)

Our beautiful ground cover all around our yard;  The name is VINCA MINOR (but it's also known as PERIWINKLE).    (taken on 3/15/16)

Beautiful TULIP (taken on 4/13/16)
I love this last picture when thinking about the 4th of July.  This sweet little tulip reminds me of FIREWORKS....

Hope you enjoyed my red/white/blue post today!!!!!  To be honest,  we have LOTS of reds and whites blooming most all spring and summer ---but we don't have too many BLUES... Blue flowers are not easy to find ---and as you can tell from my pictures,  the blue tends to become more purple than blue... BUT---I love purple and have lots of purple flowers....

Have an awesome day today ---and Happy Birthday AMERICA.



  1. You've got a very patriotic yard with all the red white and blue beauties. They're all so pretty.
    Have a very happy 4th

  2. I hope you and George have a great 4th!

  3. Your flowers are always amazing Betsy

  4. That final tulip is simply gorgeous. Looks like flames on its petals. Have a great day of celebration on this Independence Day. We plan to take Doug's brother to an air show in his town.

  5. Happy 4th July Betsy. Beautiful colorful post commemorating the day and I too, love the last bloom. Have a wonderful celebration.

  6. Beautiful flowers. The last picture of the Tulip is my favorite. Happy Fourth of July to you.

  7. You two are so fortunate to live where you can have so much beauty to enjoy year round.Enjoy the day in a safe way.

  8. What a perfectly beautiful and appropriate post for the Fourth of July. Very well done!

  9. Good morning Betsy...and George. Happy 4th of July to the two of you. It's raining here...but we are rejoicing as we needed the rain. Hope your day is filled with lots of celebrations and happiness. We all have so very much to be thankful for. Blessings and big hugs to you both...

  10. Betsy, Nice patriotic posting! Love the red, white and blue theme... Great sunrise photo too! It's something that we would never see if you didn't post an 8 AM wake up is early for us. Have a great 4th! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  11. Clever you for finding those blue flowers. Happy 4th July.

  12. Hope you have a great 4th of July too!

  13. Your phoros ofr your own garden of flowers never fail to impress me. Super selection.

  14. Wow! Variety of flowers and colors… seems spring has a rich bloom this year and I admired all the flowers and the way u connected with USA’s Birthday is beautiful in concept! The white and red tulip and the Christmas wishes stunned me

    Happy July 4th to you and George :)

  15. This is a beautiful post Betsy. I agree,that blue often tends to look more purple in a picture.

  16. Happy July 4th to you and George.

  17. The pansies and blue iris are my favorites today! PLUS the peppermint tulip and white rose. They are ALL extraordinary!! I just bet you and George have something fun planned for today, and I hope we get to see it!

  18. I was wondering how you were going to get a blue in there but you pulled it off nicely. Love those red day lilies.
    Have a great and safe 4th.

  19. Beautiful red, white, and blue flowers, Betsy! Wishing you and George a Happy 4th of July!

  20. Gorgeous way to celebrate the 4th with your explosion of beauty! You have such an amazing garden, Betsy!

  21. Love the pictures of your flowers, Betty, and on the previous blog of the Iris. Oh, my goodness, they are all beautiful. I love to make flower arrangements and give them to people and if I had all yours growing in my yard I could be making an arrangement every day. I have a knee that is bone on bone so I don't do the amount of flower gardening that I have enjoyed in years past but I still can enjoy a few pots of flowers on our porches.

  22. i'm a bit late on commenting butI loved your patriotic post Betsy.

  23. Oh my!---what beautiful beautiful flowers!! I love the Clarence the best! And that sunrise capture there! Hope our holiday was just wonderful...ours was!

  24. You and George must work so hard to have all these gorgeous flowers. The rewards are just awesome! Happy 4th to both of you.

  25. You have a great selection of red white and blue!

  26. I sure do love your Patriotic Yard and your flowers are so gorgeous. Hope you had an enjoyable 4th. Hugs and Blessings, xo

  27. Great way to celebrate the day I must say. :)
    Happy 4th!

  28. Congratulations for such a special day for you in the US! A celebration wich coincides with such a beautiful season as the summer in North America!
    Big hug Betsy!!!


  29. Lovely flowers! I really like that tulip!

  30. I just saw this today since we were camping over the weekend and I had no internet. Your post is so beautiful and patriotic. Thank you for sharing wth us Betsy.

  31. Hi Betsy, What a grand blog today! Love your patriotic flower pictures. Hope you and your hubby enjoyed the Fourth. We had a quiet day at home here. Have a super nice Thursday tomorrow and enjoy the golf course and those deer!

  32. Lovely Fourth of July pictures :) I hope you had a great holiday!

  33. I am a week late but hope you had a great 4th! Your flowers are so gorgeous and appropriate!

  34. I'm a bit late but I hope you had a fun day on the 4th. I was in Melbourne at the time and my time was taken up with two little boys. Your flowers are so beautiful. Send George over here and I will put his magic to work in my garden. You can come too of course.


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