Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year Brings Surgery for Me

Happy New Year from George and me to YOU and YOURS.  I hope that 2015 will be a fantastic year for all of us...  I don't make New Year's Resolutions -but if I did,  mine for 2015 would be to have a better year health-wise... I try SO hard to eat right,  watch my weight, get lots of exercise, and stay healthy.  YET in 2014 --I had Gallbladder Surgery,  and on November 21st,  I twisted my left knee,  which ultimately is leading to another Meniscus-Tear Surgery on JANUARY 8, 2015...

I already had meniscus-tear surgery on that same knee in 2010,  so I know what I'm getting into....  AND---I'm 'okay' with this surgery.  It's out-patient and the recovery time is not too bad...  As you know,  I've had LOTS of pain with the knee this past month and a half---so I'm ready for ANYTHING to give me some relief.   AND---since I'm an active person,  I am ready to get out there and do some HIKING again!!!!!

Again,  Happy 2015 to you!  Check out my new January Quotes on my right sidebar.  And---there's a new post on my other blog,  Betsy's Photo Blog,  if you have time to look at it... Thanks!!!!

Thanks for all of your prayers for me during this time of my knee problem... God Bless ALL of You.



  1. Still thinking of you and wishing you the speediest of recoveries after your surgery Betsy. May you and George have the happiest and healthiest New Year.

  2. So sorry you are going to have to undergo another surgery. Wishing you a quick recovery and a Happy New Year to you and George!

  3. All the best, Betsy for the surgery. With your positive attitude you will bounce back and be hiking soon again and with George looking after you, you will be fine. Happy new year to you both.

  4. Happy New Year to you and George. You are very positive and determined, so I am sure you will recover and start hiking again.

  5. Happy new year to you and George.
    I'm thinking of you and praying for a quick recovery after your knee surgery. Linda x

  6. Happy New Year and I will be praying for you. I hope you get better. Just keep a positive attitude because it helps a lot! May God bless you and your family!

  7. I hope the op is a success and that you have a better , healthier year in 2015.

  8. Betsy, Happy New Year to you and George! I all goes well with the surgery and you have a quick recovery!

  9. Happy 2015 Betsy & George!

    Betsy ~ may your surgery go smoothly and your recovery be swift.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  10. Dearest Betsy and George,
    A wonderful new year sentiments from you and thank you!
    I can only imagine how frustrating the knee has been for you, and prayers and thought be with you for surgery on the 8th, and then you can hit the trails and waterfalls again before too long!
    New Year Blessings to you both dear girl!

  11. Hoping the best for both of you in 2015.

  12. Happy New Year Betsy... I wish you joy, health and peace.... I hope the surgery goes well and that you heal quickly ♡

  13. Wishing you and George all the very best 2015 has to offer and an especially quick and successful surgery and recovery for you, Betsy!! blessings ~ tanna

  14. Here's sending good wishes and prayers your way on January 8th.

  15. You'll be good as new real soon!! Happy new year to you, George, and your beautiful family! May there be many hiking days ahead for you!

  16. Bummer on the surgery, but grateful you have the courage to "git er done" so you can move forward with life! I know you and sitting around with a bum knee is most definitely NOT you!

  17. Dear Betsy, hope your surgery goes well. Based on the positive attitude that is so apparent in your blog, I'm sure that it will! Hope you have a wonderful 2015. You're one of those inspiring bloggers I always look forward to reading; don't ever forget the big positive impact you have on your readers!

  18. So grateful that such amazing surgeries are available! I keep wondering what they did in the 'olden days'. Betsy I trust your surgery will go just as it should and your body will respond quickly to healing. God give you daily strength and patience to endure the healing process! You do have George at your beck and call and that's a God send! Be well in 2015!

  19. Hoping this surgery goes smoothly and recovery is even better than the first time. I know you would rather be out hiking the hills looking for waterfalls. Soon my friend.
    Please keep us updated on the surgery.
    May 2015 be pain free and adventurous.

  20. Getting old is the pits sometimes. Hopefully the surgery will go well, but you might want to consider some sort of knee protection when you hike.

  21. Praying that your surgery goes well and that you have a quick recovery so that you can get back to hiking. Love all the new sidebar quotes. Happy New Year.

  22. Betsy, Wishing you and George a Happy & Healthy New Year! I hope that your recovery from your upcoming knee surgery is speedy and complete. Laurie and I are starting out 2015 with bad colds, aches, pains and a bit of fever. Our family visited from Omaha and they brought the "plague" with them... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  23. With your optimistic and fun attitude you will heal so fast and be back taking your hikes to falls in no time. Have a Happy New Year and a fast recuperation.

  24. I'm sure 2015 will be our best year yet. I love the quotes on your sidebar (and I love YOU!).

  25. Happy 2015!! wow, that sounds like a different kind of new year. i hope you will get to travel lots once the knee is back into working order. keep us posted. ( :

  26. At least you get to start out the new year with a fix for the knee! That is a gift unto itself!

    Happy New Year, Betsy!


  27. Betsy, I hope and pray that all goes well with your surgery and that you and George will soon be hiking to see those wonderful waterfalls!

  28. Hope all goes well with the surgery!! I'll be holding good thoughts! And I hope you and George have a wonderful and very Happy New Year!!

  29. Hi Betsy! I wish you and George the very best year ever! You know I will be thinking of you and praying that your surgery and recovery goes well. Before you know it, you will be on the trails hiking again! Take care.
    Happy New Year!!

  30. God's blessings are with you, Joy:)
    You will be alright :)
    Happy new year !

  31. Wishing you both happy new year amd of course a better health for you so you can do the hikinh again.

  32. sorry to hear you have to have surgery but at least you do know what to expect from it. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from that.
    Happy New Year to both of you

  33. A most Happy and Joyous New Year to you and George. I will definitely be keeping in you my prayers for your surgery. You are such an inspiration to me, all that you do with exercising and leading a very active lifestyle. I know that as soon as you recover you'll be back out there finding waterfalls and out of the way hikes.
    Many Blessings,

  34. Happy New Year you two! I have you in my prayers for your surgery- hope all goes well and you heal quickly so you can get back to hiking and taking wonderful pictures to share with us. Blessings!

  35. I sure hope your 2015 is much smoother. Happy New Year!!!

  36. I am so glad the surgery is coming up soon, and then you will be on your way to healing!As you know, I had meniscus surgery. Not long after that, I got two more tears, one in each knee. I have been living with those for many years. But they are not near as painful as your tear, which must be pretty big. Your header is truly stunning and gorgeous!

  37. Prayers coming your way for your surgery. Hopefully you will be pain free and back to hiking by the time the weather gets warmer.
    Good Luck and Happy New year to you and George

  38. Thinking of you, Betsy, as 2015 holds some little "bends" in the road for you. Hope you are staying warm there! It is cold here! Lots of frost around this morning.


  39. I hope that you both have a healthy and happy 2015! I'm so sorry about your knee injury and upcoming surgery but it sounds like you know what to expect. Just alleviating the pain will be a huge plus (been there, done that.) Take care.

  40. Happy New Year, Betsy! I'm so sorry that 2015 is starting with surgery but hope it gives your knee a whole new life for lots of hiking, exploring and discovering more waterfalls! You'll be in my thoughts! Hope you have a speedy recovery!

  41. Love the photograph in your header! Wishes to you and George for good health and much happiness in 2015. So appreciate your friendship!

  42. Best of luck on your knee repair! I know George will be looking out for you.

  43. My sweet friend, I hate that you're having to go through this AGAIN. I do hope it's the last time and I know that your Dr's and George will take good care of you. Praying for a speedy recovery....those waterfalls aren't going to photograph themselves!
    Love to you.

  44. Happy New Year to you and George! I hope you feel better very soon, Betsy. I will be saying prayers for you!

  45. It is hard sometimes to understand the ways of life. Back and knee issues are very painful and hard to treat. My brother-in-law is dealing with his knees and feet. Suffers so much. I do hope this last surgery eliminates your pain. You and George are the best and trust the New Year will be even better for you.

  46. Sorry to read you are having another knee surgery Betsy, but anything is better than the daily pain. Sending you and George wishes for a Happy New Year, and speedy healing to put you back on the hiking trails.

  47. I hope your surgery goes well, Betsy, and that your knee feels much better soon. Happy New Year to you and George!

  48. sorry about the surgery, but you will probably be glad you followed through. Happy 2015!!! Hope you got my Christmas card. :)

  49. I hope everything goes well, and You will be better soon ! I like Your new header !

  50. Happy New Year to you and George.
    I pray all goes well with your surgery and wish you the best of health in 2015.

  51. Got you on my prayer list.... I know you are ready to be out of pain. I also know that you have a lot of spark and a surgery like this is not going to keep you down for very long. There are several positives here. You already have a Great Nurse available to help you through the healing part....It's Winter and you really can't be out hiking right now anyways...You have a warm comfy home and a good chair and you have lots of good friends that are praying for you.. You have it Made!!!!

  52. Betsy I have it written down on my calendar and I will be SURE to pray.

  53. I certainly hope the surgery goes well and gives you a lot of pain relief!

  54. Here is to total and quick healing for you my dear. Some things just happen no matter how careful we are - part of life but YOU have the best attitude ever and so much better to have something happen from being TOO active than from sitting around doing nothing! Hugs!

  55. I've been following your knee troubles on Facebook. I will be saying prayers for you.

  56. I hope the surgery goes well and that you are back on those hiking trials in no time. I may be facing some foot surgery later in the year, so I totally understand. Have a happy and healthy 2015!

  57. I could understand what you are going though and the knee is a troublesome until it becomes right... I was in the same mindset when I went through femur fracture a year back; I wanted to get relief from pain as soon possible in anyway, as it took time to go through cast.

    Hope all your pain and struggle get over very soon and this year gonna be a most happy, healthy and content for you both. Cheers Betsy

  58. Sending you lots of warm hugs and well wishes. I'm with you and hoping for a better year healthwise. Lots of prayers going up for ur surgery and healing. Hugs across the miles, xo

  59. Hi Betsy, Happy New Year to you as well. You are in my prayers. Have a extra-nice coming week! Stay warm.

  60. Happy New Year Betsy and George - I'll be thinking and will say a little prayer for you on the 8th, of course I hope it all runs smoothly and you'll be out and about in no time (of course you will, you are a determined and strong lady after all!) the quotes are beautiful, love them! x x x

  61. Happy New Year to you too!! I'm glad you're getting your surgery over with soon so you can get back to your hiking! I'll be praying for you.

  62. Praying for swift healing! :>) ♥b

  63. Happy New Year to you two--too.
    Having the surgery now with mean by summer you will be hiking for sure. YAY!!

    PS: Word Verification is GONE---for now anyway.

  64. Happy New Year!!!! I'm so bad. I follow everything on FB and forget to read the blogs!! Anyhow, I wish you both a wonderful new year. Fix it all now and then when spring and summer come, you can enjoy the gorgeous weather. But until then, keep an eye on those bird feeders:) Much love! Chris

  65. Hope all goes well with the surgery Betsy, I've been there done that three times.

  66. I'm thinking of you and pray you will have a speedy recovery after surgery.
    This is a great photo of you and George. I also love your header photo.
    I wish you and George a very blessed and wonderful New Year.

  67. Oh my gosh, Betsy! You have both had a very challenging year. I'm wishing you both a healthier, happier 2015. No more surgeries please.

  68. I am thinking of your knee!! I wish you health!! and send you greetings!
    Embrace Jarka

  69. Just checking in to let you know you are being thought of and that I am hoping the surgery went smoothly and you are on the road to recovery. Be well my friend.

  70. May everything be fine after today's ordeal. Prayers and good wishes are sent your way.

  71. Happy New Year to the both of you!
    I'm betting that 2015 is going to be better for you, when it comes to health.

  72. I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you, hoping that your surgery went well, and that you'll have a speedy recovery so that you can be back to doing what you love.

  73. Betsy,
    I just wanted to stop by and let you know I'm thinking of you and hope you are recovering well after surgery.

  74. Happy New Year Betsy. How's your knee today. Hope it's much better now.

  75. Good morning Betsy.

    How are you? Glad you are home again.

    Weekend is just a day away. Speedy recovery to you and have a restful weekend Betsy :)

  76. Hi Betsy. I hope you're feeling better. Have a wonderful 2015. :)


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