Monday, October 7, 2013

Wildflowers along Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway

There were SO many highlights of our latest trip to Virginia/West Virginia and Maryland.  It's hard to pick a favorite highlight  although going sailing on the Schooner Alliance in Yorktown was probably the most favorite. (I'll blog about that this week.)

Anyhow---seeing SO many wildflowers  was also a highlight.  George and I have traveled on Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway several times --during several seasons,  but have never been there when so many wildflowers were blooming.  Today,  I'll share a few of the photos I took along the way.  The photos don't really show the true beauty all around us those three days  when we traveled on Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway (Sept.  26-28, 2013),  but hopefully,  you will still enjoy them.

I'm sorry that I don't know the names of wildflowers like some of you do.  I do know that some of them are  Goldenrod  (saw more of that than anything) --and some are Queen Anne's Lace.  And of course, we all know what Thistle looks like.  But--you will have to give us the names of the others, if you know them...  Just sit back and enjoy the beauty!!!!!

The photo above is a cute photo I took of George while he was getting some photos of the Goldenrod.... Be sure and click on the photos for enlargements.

I'll close with a photo of George and me standing in front of the lake at the Peaks of Otter on Sept. 28, 2013.   Can you tell that this girl is LOVED?  She IS,  thanks be to God.  That is Sharp Top Mountain in the background.  AND---can you see the Goldenrod in the background also?????

Hope you enjoyed seeing the wildflowers today.  September is a GREAT time to travel since there's not as much summer traffic --and it's not as hot.  Our weather was fabulous the entire trip!

On another note, I keep trying to remember to remind you to take a few minutes and check out my sidebar.  I love quotes --and change many of them each month... SO--each month,  you are invited to check out all of my quotes on the sidebar!  Some are ones I love so much --so I leave them up.  But --there are others I change each month.   Hope you enjoy them too! Maybe one of them will 'touch' you!!



  1. These flowers are gorgeous, Betsy!! And many of them even look cultivated! Picture 9 is a big mystery to me, it is so beautiful and I have never seen a plant like it. But I think my favorite is you and George in the last picture, stupendous and joy filled!!!

  2. Hi Betsy,
    As usual, your photos always stunt me... Beautiful as always...:)

  3. Beautiful are the photos!
    Nice picture of you both.
    Greetings, RW & SK

  4. Goodness gracious, everything looks so beautiful and your photo of the single thistle is FANTASTIC!

  5. I don't know the names of most of them either but I do know they sure are pretty. I always love seeing a field full of golden rod

  6. Thanks for the reminder Betsy, I usually always check side-bars, some lovely surprised can lay in wait!

    The wildflower trip was gorgeous and well, wild!!

    NOthing like wonderful weather as an accompaniment.

    Have a wonderful week.


  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. What wonderful photos of a great trip you two took. The flowers are pretty and the distance views spectacular. Love that photo of you and George too. :-) Sweet!

    I think those purple daisy looking flowers are some sort of Aster.

    Thanks for sharing all of your excursions, it's how a lot of us get to take mini vacations without leaving home.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  9. Hi Betsy!, great photography of beautiful flowers and I love the picture of you and George, you are most definitely loved!! x x

  10. Those are some great pictures of some amazing wildflowers. Can't remember the last time I saw that many different ones.

  11. I love road side floors. Little surprises of color to help you along your journey.

    Have a happy week Betsy!
    xo Catherine

  12. Awesome photos and brilliant in colors! Great seeing those untamed flowers... Liked the quotes esp. “be yourself and don't carry your mistakes” :)

    Have a great week ahead

  13. Hello Betsy, I always love visiting your blog and seeing your wonderful travel photos. The wildflowers are gorgeous. And YES I can tell you are loved... Truly the most glorious thing is to be loved.. Hugs Judy

  14. Very nice, you have some white asters also.I am headed out to the farm and then off to fish and camp.

  15. Lovely Autumn photos! We've been sick with allergy for a week now - goldenrod seems especially healthy this year!!!!!!!!

  16. Very beautiful pictures, Betsy! Yes, it's hard to capture all that beauty in a picture!!! But we like to keep trying :)

  17. these are awesome and i can't pick a favorite, they are all gorgeous.. I love wild flowers and weeds.

  18. Beautiful wild flower pics Betsy. I wish I could help with the names but the only one I really know is the thistle, which is a great picture. Have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing your great pics from your trip!

  19. I really enjoyed seeing all these wildflowers. You two really know how to "stop and smell the roses." :)

    I think my favorites are #4 (the macro of the thistle), #7 (the tall thistle with the mountains in the background), and #11 (flowers in the foreground with mountains and sky).

    The picture of you and George is a favorite, too. Isn't it a wonder to be loved so?

  20. The wildflowers such put on a great display for all to enjoy! Glad that you had a wonderful trip. I agree about traveling in September too. It's one of our favorites.

  21. Hi Amazing photos of scenery, wild flowers and of course hubby.

  22. I loved your flowers and I don't know the names of them - but I do appreciate their beauty.

  23. A wonderful, happy pair in a gorgeous, colorful place!! Doesn't get any better than that!! Thanks for sharing the fun and the beauty and the love!

  24. Gorgeous scenery, even if I don't know all the names of the flowers! Thanks for sharing your wonderful vacation with us!

  25. dear betsy,

    what a spectacular! thank you for sharing another delightful post full of stunning floral photos.
    i love wildflowers, they just make me happy.

    have a great week ahead!

    big hugs!

  26. How nice to see so many wildflowers blooming this close to the end of summer. It looked like a great trip.

  27. Your photos are breathtaking! Wild flowers are so pretty. Love them.

  28. This is definitely one of the most beautiful areas I know!


  29. I just look and be amazed of these amazing creations of God and the love between you and hubby:)

  30. As always your photos shows such beauty. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great week.


  31. What a wonderful walk that must have been. Wildflowers are a joy to behold.

  32. These scenes are spectacular.It is like one huge flower garden,where no one has to pull the weeds.Oh,wait,many of these are considered weeds.Gorgeous images.

  33. Beautiful flowers. I'm not good with wild flower names.

  34. Lovely wildflowers, Betsy! You got some great shots.

  35. Hi Betsy, Those shots of the flowers are gorgeous. I really like mountain wildflowers. Have a great day tomorrow!

  36. I don't know the flowers but the bottom photo is a pair of lovebirds :)

  37. Wildflowers make me smile!
    Lovely finds Betsy!

  38. So, so, so long since I've commented (it was a difficult summer as my mom passed away in May), yet I read and thoroughly enjoy every day that you post! What a wonderful trip this was and such a pallet of colorful flowers all along the roadside...could you stow me in your suitcase sometime?! Actually, that's OK, I love being part of what you share on the 'net and I can sit in my own comfy rocking chair...ha!

    Thanks for saying about the sidebar...your picks are awesome, as if you read my mind sometimes!! One of my faves is the lady surfing on her ironing board!! If you don't mind sharing, how are you finding these pictures?

    big hugs,
    elizabeth in mississippi

  39. So many beautiful wild flowers. I can see that you are loved very deeply. Its awesome to see such wonderful devotion between husband and wife. I hope you have a great week.

  40. Love all the pics especially the ones of the flowers with the magnificent views behind them. Great photography!!
    Our weather is cooling down so maybe we will get some leaf color soon.

  41. such beauty :)

    Not many would have stopped and enjoyed the view.

    Over place also have a lot of wild flowers but only some would stop and snap photo of these common flowers

  42. Pretty colorful flowers! you got beautiful photographs, Indeed..

  43. Some beautiful pictures there Betsy! I love if I could change it so springs follows that would be perfect. :)

  44. Hello Betsy!
    You are great in the photos, even with a screen background of these! This season in the U.S. must be really beautiful, with all this nature around. Green grows greener and the flowers begin to appear, showing all its magnitude, fantastic!

    Have a wonderful time there!
    Hugs from the south


  45. Absolutely gorgeous wildflowers. We been on the Blueridge in the spring but never in the fall. I need to rethink that....:)

  46. I love the wildflowers whether I know the names or not. beautiful pictures and cute couple---tee hee!! MB

  47. It must be wonderful to see Golden Rod growing in the wild. Also what looks like Michaelmas daisies and some type of Cosmos. They are garden plants over here in the UK.

    osmos. Those flowers are ones cultivated to grow in our gardens over here.

  48. The wildflowers are gorgeous. Sure can tell you're loved! :)

  49. Every picture is so cool, but that header would knock your socks off!

    I love, love, love the daisy like flowers at the bottom of the post. What are those?


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