Monday, July 16, 2012


Lilies and Daylilies blooming in our side flowerbed
Our Lilies have really been showing off this summer.  We've had 19 different varieties ---and the good news is that most of them have bloomed and bloomed and bloomed...   You can see other Lilies which I have posted so far by going to my sidebar and scrolling down to Lilies 2012.  Click there --and you can see more (if you missed them the first time)...

One of my favorite Lilies this year (which bloomed earlier and is long gone now) was Pink Perfection...  See it by clicking HERE.  I didn't know that other upcoming ones would be as pretty or prettier... But they have been!!  It has been a great year, although it is almost all over now....  Luckily,  we still have lots of beautiful Roses--which will bloom until late Fall.

Today I'll share more pictures of our Lilies... Hope you enjoy them.  I just wish you could have been here to enjoy them in person!!!!!   Above is a photo showing you all of the color we have had in our side flowerbed...  Our Lilies are mostly in this bed and in the roadside bed in the front.  Below are more.  Be sure to click on the photos to see them larger.

Treffer Lily

Buena Vista Lily
Regale Lily
Tinos Lily  (photo taken by George)
We had many beautiful Lilies in our Lamppost Flowerbed
Touching Lily
And finally,  here is another favorite of mine... This beauty (called Touching) really bloomed and bloomed for us this summer.... Isn't it awesome???

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our Lilies in our yard...  Which one(s) do you like???   I have at least one more post showing our Lilies, along with more Rose posts and more Daylily posts..

Have a wonderful day.



  1. Oooooo, Treffer is a bright one, like it has it's own internal lighting!

  2. Lovely blossom of lilies... I adore these flower captures in pretty colors! The flowers of lamppost flowerbed are so fair. Glad you wish for us being there :)


  3. How gorgeous Betsy, the colors and vibrant blooms are all so eye-catching, your yard must look like a box of crayons, hard to choose a favorite :)
    A very rewarding plant !

  4. Wow..very beautiful lilies... i can see that u're enjoying the summer season now...;)

  5. Betsy, peach and soft orange are two of my favourite "reds" so I love the first one and the Tinos. Your garden looks so lush and cool in the first photo.Congratulations on a beautiful paradise around you! Hugs Jo xxx

  6. They're beautiful!! I couldn't possibly pick favorite.

  7. Still more beauties. I love the first one ,so strong and vibrant in colour.

  8. I love them all and enjoyed your photo tour very much!

  9. Betsy, those lilies are so beautiful. Which one of you has the 'green thumb'? That thumb is pretty doggone green the way I see it.

  10. The song Lily of Laguna comes to mind,lol.

    Fab shots Betsy and what a showing of your lily post.

  11. Beautiful, Betsy! Your lily photos are all gorgeous, so it's hard to pick a favorite, but I do love the photo of the lamp post lilies best. The colors are so vibrant and lovely together. Thank you for sharing your yard and flowers with us.

  12. i really love the "Regale Lily" ... what great views there. wow! (:

  13. What real beauties and you obviously tended them well during the hot dry spell.
    Mine have contacted their lawyer and are planning to sue me.
    Thankfully the recent rains have saved their lives but they are still ticked at my abuse.
    I had spent most of my water efforts on the food plants.

  14. question...where do you two get your energy and gumption to create such a garden of eden? I so admire your beautiful yard.

  15. These are gorgeous Betsy! I have a few Buena Vistas, but they didn't do well this year. I did manage to get a photo of them when in bloom. This has been a bad year for all of my flowers, I'm hoping its just because of the dry weather we have had.

  16. wow...they are so pretty...all of mine burned up with the heat...Have a beautiful day!!!

  17. My favorites are either the Touching Lily or the Buena Vista Lily. But then again I love them all.

  18. I can't pick a favorite flower, but my favorite photograph in this round is the one of the Lamppost Flowerbed. Such an eye-pleasing array of colors in that one.

  19. Gorgeous flowers from your yard! I hope u feel so glad having them beside often, more than alike us watch here. Thanks for sharing Betsy :)

    Have a nice week

  20. They're all very beautiful, love all the colors! =)

  21. They are all lovely, but I think the Regale Lily is my favourite. You have made me want to grow lilies and plan for next year.

  22. So many different colored lilies ~ pretty!
    xo C

  23. i like the bunch by the lamppost!

  24. They are beautiful. They all look so "tropical".

  25. I do love your gorgeous, colorful lilies, Betsy!! And such beautiful captures for the day! Such a wonderful start for my day with so much beauty!! Hope you have a great week!

  26. I love beautiful flowers such as these. WOW.

  27. I can't pick a favourite except to say I love them all. Yes,I wish I could see them in person.

  28. Hello Betsey, I love the lampost photos with the array of different colors. I think my favorite so far is the Pink soft and beautiful. I wish I could see these in person. Must be wonderful to awake to these beautiful flowers every morning. I am looking forward to new photos soon.

  29. Oh, my, Betsy, they are all so beautiful! I don't think I could ever pick a favorite.

  30. I love them all. I don't have many types of lillies in my garden, so I love looking at yours. Keep posting Betsy:)

  31. Hi Betsy, Likely to get some more rain today but I really am happy to have it. I sure like the light apricot and dark coral of the Touching Lily you have shown. Have a great coming week!

  32. This is a gorgeous way for me to enjoy your lilies! I'd probably be sneezing the whole time - they have such a powerful fragrance. Yours stand so tall - wow! Can't decide on a favorite myself - each has its own unique beauty!

  33. Your lilies are all perfect. I love the different varieties and names that you have shared. Just beautiful! Have a great week Betsy.

  34. They are all beautiful, Betsy! You and George have done a wonderful job keeping your flowers going in this incredible heat we've had this year.
    I think we may be a bit hotter and I know drier here in mid-MO. It did cool down to the low 90's for a few days. Big break, huh? :)

  35. Such lovely shots.

  36. Very nice images as always Betsy and a nice way to start the week. Richard

  37. I do not think I ever met a Lily I did not like. My favorite would have to be Touching lily. Did any of these have fragrances? Peace

  38. Those are gorgeous... I can't pick a favorite even though I looked at them about 3 times. :)

  39. Your lilies inspire me to create my own lily beds. I have never really grown lilies except some day lilies that are quite common. You don't actually see many lilies in my neck of the woods. I don't know how they would do here. I want to get some planted and see what happens. I'm not sure which are my favorites because I love them all!

    I feel so betwixt and between. We still don't have an offer on our house. We keep showing it, but no bites have come in so far. This makes gardening tough. I have transplanted a few things and planted some annuals. The annuals have not done well because of the heat. I try to keep up with the weeds, but that is all I really do. I am itching to get a new garden going in Colorado Springs.

  40. Beautiful! I like Regale or Touching. The Touching reminds me of the lilies our daughter had at her wedding.

  41. It's a lily explosion. What a feast for the eyes. Those Touching ones are gorgeous and I think my favorite of all of them

  42. Lilies are the flowers that gardeners plant for the enjoyment of the whole neighborhood. In Louisville several gardeners have huge beds of many colored lilies growning on suburban lots. Everyone can enjoy.

    How do you all choose new varieties? Visit daylily farms in the area? Shows? As for choosing a favorite--why it's the one I'm looking at that moment! :-)

  43. Simply beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  44. Amazing colors, very beautiful.I have a good shot of my grandaughter with lily pollen all over her face.The beauty in these flowers is what helped me choose a flower name for my pooch.

  45. Love all of your lillies Betsy - I have only ONE in my whole garden, and I (believe) its called a 'Tiger'?

  46. That Touching lily is gorgeous! Oh, I so love lilies. All lilies. And you have some beautiful ones. How nice that they bloom and bloom for you. Mine seem to fade in our heat.

  47. They sure are beautiful. I hae a few left blooming the rest have all stopped blooming. I need to plant more next reay for a good variety like you have.

  48. You all got way more rain than we did. It is hot again her as well almost 90 today.
    Your lilies are really pretty.
    I've been pruning back bushes and vines all afternoon ,they have gone wild after the rain we got.

  49. Wonderful Betsy! I like your combos here. Such a beautiful flower. Last night my other half brought me a bouquet of flowers....and there were lilies in it!! Everything smells so good. I have to keep the cats away from them:) Love the orange on that one lily. Beautiful. Hope you are have a good night. Chris:)

  50. Hi Betsy,

    Indeed I enjoyed myself seeing all the lovely lilies, thank you for sharing with us here.

    And I love the Ronald Reagan Rose at the top too!

    Have a wonderful day


  51. Do you have sections of your yard set for certain things - like a group of roses and a group of lilies or are they mixed? I do like the lamppost lilies and the different colors.


  52. Absolutely spectacular, Betsy. What a showplace your yard must be.

  53. It's really hard to pick a favorite out of these beauties but I keep looking at the Buena Vista.

    The more I see of your lilies Betsy the more I think I need more lilies in my yard. Now I just need to find a place to put them.

  54. Betsy, I love all your lilies. They are so pretty and colorful. Lovely photos. Have a great day.

  55. The beauty of their colors and detail amazes me.
    Your yard is like a Wonder-land, Betsy.

  56. Your lilies are beautiful! How do you keep the names straight? ;-)

  57. Gorgeous blooms, Betsy! I don't know how you and George keep up with all these beautiful flowers!

  58. Lovely! My favorite is the Regal!!!


  59. Que lindo esse jardim, esses lírios são maravilhosas.
    Gostei muito do seu jardim. Essa beleza chamada tocar é mesmo encantadora, cores lindas.

    Beijos e ótima semana!

  60. Such glorious beauties, Betsy . . . it's difficult to choose a favorite! Hope you are having a great week in your little piece of heaven!

  61. They are all so lovely, Betsy. The lilies here are all gone and have been for a while now. I don't know how to pick a favorite.

  62. Touching is so beautiful, as are the other lilies. You have so much variety and color in your garden! Lovely, Betsy.

  63. The weather where you are must be perfect thsi summer for your lilies as they all look spectacular! The Touching lilies were my favorite of this bunch.

  64. Beautiful, Betsy. Mine are almost done blooming. I plan to plant the reblooming ones for next year. The side of the house would be a good spot for them. Your gorgeous garden always encourages me to do more in mine.:>)

  65. Betsy---AMAZING color. Thanks--

  66. Like trumpets heralding the day! They are all so beautiful! I just love them all! Lilies are my daughter's favorite flower. I wish she had a yard full of them to enjoy!

    How neat that the little Sempervivum is similar to the agave in that it finally blooms once and then dies!

  67. Yes!! Thank you for sharing the lilies, Betsy, they're just beautiful!

  68. Yes!! Thank you for sharing the lilies, Betsy, they're just beautiful!

  69. Lovely lilies. On our registration day, my other half gv me a big bunch of lilies :).


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