Friday, June 22, 2012

Life just keeps Gettin' Better!!!

Once upon a time in the southwestern corner of Virginia (Big Stone Gap to be exact),   a little girl was born on August 5, 1942....  Her name:  Elizabeth Bruce Banks (called Betsy by her parents). 

And,  in another corner of the country in Crown Point, Indiana,  a little boy was born on March 9, 1942.  His name:  George Emery Adams.

The little girl grew up and graduated from high school in May of 1960,  in her hometown in Virginia.  Her interests:  MUSIC  (piano, clarinet and singing).

The little boy also grew up and graduated from high school in 1960,  in his hometown in Indiana.  His interests:  READING and STUDYING (he was the Valedictorian of his class).

She attended college at Tennessee Wesleyan College in Athens, TN and graduated with a BA degree in Music (vocal) and Education in May of 1964.   (By this time,  she was married and already had one son.  However, she did go back to school for her Master's degree later.)

He attended college at Manchester College   in North Manchester, Indiana,  and graduated with a BA degree in Mathematics in  1963...  (The 'smart one' graduated in 3 yrs. before getting his master's degree,  and later working on his doctorate.)

Both the girl and the boy went on to have great lives from the middle '60's until they met in January of 2001.  The boy married and had 2 children (a boy and a girl),  and the girl married and had 3 sons.

Then in October of 2000,   the boy interviewed for a new job near Hendersonville,  TN.  AND--the girl interviewed for a new job in Hendersonville, TN.   (Little did they know that God was working hard at getting them together)...  He took his job and began working in December.  She also took her job and began working the end of December.

They met on January 7,   had their first date on March 29-----and look what happened on JUNE 23, 2001.........

May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. George Emery Adams.  Married outdoors beside the Tennessee River in Knoxville, TN,  at a ceremony only attended by family,  the boy and girl exchanged vows that each of them had written themselves.  The two became ONE!

Here is that happy couple on their wedding day.  Tomorrow will mark their 11th wedding anniversary ----and even though they both had happy lives before they met,  they say that these eleven years together have been absolutely fabulous for both of them.

Here's one example of 'life with Betsy and George' now!!!  This picture was taken at Cedar Falls Park on May 11, 2012 at Simpsonville, SC.    This is only one of WAY OVER 500 different waterfalls they have visited during these 11 years together.  As you can tell,  both the boy and the girl definitely have a PASSION for waterfalls---along with a passion for each other.

Last year at this time,  they were on a 3 week trip out west... BUT--after evaluating that SUMMER trip,  they decided to make their 'long' trips during another season.  It's too darn hot and there are too many people around during the summer...  SO---they will be celebrating this Anniversary here in Tennessee ---and hope to take a longer trip in September this year.

This is the story about two people who met when both of them were 59 years old... SO--anyone looking for love should never give up.  It CAN happen and it DID for us.  With God at the center of our lives and with lots of love for each other,  this boy and this girl hope to have many, many more wonderful years together...  But--since life doesn't give any guarantees,  they always try to make the most out of every minute they have...

Happy 11th Anniversary to a Virginia girl and an Indiana boy who became ONE on June 23, 2001....

Have a wonderful weekend ----and you know that  we will!!!!!  I'll see you on Monday.




    Love the photos!

  2. CUTE Story, Betsy! Happy Anniversary George&Betsy! I wish you many more happy years together.

  3. Wow! Beautiful post Betsy :) I enjoyed reading as well get knowing about your lives from childhood to late younger days now. You both were adorable kids and very cute photos here :)

    Those are excellent portrait and sense so familiarly gone through. Remarkable and Beautiful!

    Have a nice weekend and celebrate your anniversary.
    All the best

  4. reading your life history, I can feel that God has indeed had a hand in getting both of you together.

    happy anniversary, Betsy and George.


  5. Happy Anniversary, Betsy and George!
    (Glad to know we celebrate such a special occasion in the same month)!
    As you say, the key to this special relationship is - making the most of every day together with God at the centre.
    Bless you both and have a lovely weekend!

  6. There is absolutely nothing to say about this post except Happy Anniversary and my prayer is for many, many, MANY more.

  7. Let me add my wishes and prayers for a most wonderful Anniversary to George and Betsy. You deserve only the very best. Hugs to you .

  8. Enjoy your anniversary weekend!

  9. Happy anniversary to you both! I love all the pics and the history. You were destined to find one another, from the sound of it!

  10. Happy Anniversary! What an uplifting and thoroughly delightful post! I love the photos!

  11. Happy Anniversary to you Betsy Boo and to George...the love of your life...You two are so blessed to have each other...two wonderful people that I adore....God Bless you two ...

  12. I love your story! And, I hope it has many, many more happy chapters.


  13. What a lovely post Betsy, I really enjoyed reading it and it brought a smile to me. Happy Anniversary you two!

    Big hugs,

  14. HAppy Happy Anniversary!! So happy you found one another!

  15. What a beautiful tribute to each other and the power of God to bring two people together for the a second "go" at life! Even though I knew most of this, the presentation is charming. Happy Anniversary to you both. Terry and I wish you both many, many more years of happiness and waterfalls and hiking! (Didn't mention love cause anyone can see there will be no end to that)

  16. I love this little history of the both of you. Amazing how the years pass us by. congratulations on your happiness.

  17. Oh, Betsy, what a sweet, wonderful love story. You two were meant to be together and God just pushed you in the right direction. Happy, happy anniversary.

  18. Happy Anniversary.

    Keep enjoying those waterfalls and each other.

    Thanks for sharing your life and adventures.


  19. Happy Anniversary to the sweetest couple I know!! And September is WAY better for travel :)

  20. Awwwwwwwwwwwww! So sweet! Happy Anniversary you guys!

  21. You both are gorgeous! Liked your story and you both are so matured to get together at this age and happy to see you sharing yours lives at core. Lovely photos Betsy... George is very smart and handsome ;) and you look like an angel :)

    Happy anniversary!

  22. What a great time you have had together. I still get inklings this will happen to me again some day.

  23. You two are gorgeous! Happy Anniversary to you two! May the Lord bless you and keep you in His wonderful love and give you many, many more years of joy in the love you share!! Hugs!

  24. a true happily ever after fairy tale, only this one came true. enjoy your anniversary, where ever you are.

  25. Well, Elizabeth Bruce Banks, that is quite a fairy tale!!! Happy Anniversary to you and George. You both make a lovely couple and I am so thankful you both are happy, in love, and enjoying every minute with each other. I so enjoyed seeing the lovely pictures of you both, watching you grow up and finding each other, getting married. Has anyone told George that he looked a lot like Buddy Holly? Thanks for sharing your beautiful story.
    Happy Trails!!

  26. What a sweet story and I wish you both many more healthy years together, and traveling across America. Richard

  27. What a beautiful story! I am so very happy for you and George. Happy Anniversary with many more to follow!!!!!

  28. Happy Anniversary to a wonderful couple!

  29. Happy Anniversary Betsy and George! May you have many, many more happy years together!!! Yours is a sweet, sweet love story and it reminds me of another couple I know;-)

  30. Betsy thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us. You and George make a splendid couple and the smiles on your faces always make me believe in Fairy Tale endings! Happy Anniversary dear friends and many blessings on your special day!

  31. Happy Anniversary to Betsy and George!!!

  32. Happy Anniversary Betsy and George! Wonderful story, wishing you both many more years of happiness!

  33. Happy Anniversary! I was wondering about your full story and I am happy to see that you spelled it all out here on this post. God sure does work in mysterious ways, huh?! May you have dozens of years more of togetherness!

  34. Happy Anniversary to the sweetest couple I know!!! Just goes to show that there are no coincidences: you two were meant to be together!!

  35. That was beautiful! Hope you have a fun weekend and another wonderful year together.

    God bless you both! Happy Anniversary!

  36. I like this is so romantic! Neat to see the pics of yall. Happy 11th!!!

  37. congratulations, betsy and george! God has blessed you both!

  38. Wishing you and George a very, very happy anniversary, Betsy! This is a wonderful post. I love all these great pictures. The two of you are so cute together--a perfect match. :)

  39. Happy Anniversary to a sweet and cute couple!! I wish you many, many more years of happiness!
    God bless you!

  40. Happy Anniversary Betsy & George!!! I love the way you told you sweet stories that made me cry....

  41. Happy anniversary, Betsy and George. May the Lord grant you many more waterfalls. :)

  42. You were simply made for each other !
    I wish you many more years of wedded bliss together, you are indeed a most special couple :)
    Happy Anniversary Betsy and George !

  43. A very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both, Betsy! What a great post for the day and I hope you have a fantastic day/evening, as I'm sure you will!! Oh, and by the way, my birthday is August 4! Of course, I've got over ten years on you, but hey, I'm still moving!!

    Enjoy your special day, my thoughts are with you both!!


  44. Happy anniversary to two special people. This post is sweet.. This story is wonderful! Hugs to you both and I pray many more blessed years for the two of you...

  45. Happy Anniversary to you and George. That is such a beautiful wedding dress. Hope you have a great weekend.

  46. I need a Kleenex!!
    I had forgotten George and I share a birthday!
    Y'all are just too sweet :)
    Serenity Falls this year?

  47. Awww, I am really in tears now, Betsy! I hope you have the best anniversary EVER! Not only does George share my birthday, but you have my mothers! Tell me, do you have a piano, and do you ever play? We do, and the next time you come over, I want you and Phil to play a duet!!! And then several songs from you!! Blessings to you both, my friends.

  48. OMG I needed a great story today and YOU gave it! The photos and the story are just heart warming and you two are still one of the cutest couples ever!

  49. What a beautiful post. I loved reading about how you two got together. Happy anniversary and may you have many more happy hunting waterfall years ahead of you.

  50. What a lovely story, Betsy! Sending happy anniversary wishes to you and George!

    xo Nellie

  51. Congrats to you both!!! What a wonderful story! I love the shots of you both growing up. Isn't amazing how the universe can come together:)? And it's amazing how fast time can and does fly! Hope you have a fabulous weekend and congrats!!!

  52. What a beautiful love story, Betsy! Happy Happy Anniversary to you and George! May you have many more years to enjoy together. You are truly blessed.

  53. Congratulations on your 11th wedding anniversary Betsy and George. Love stories are alive and well after all. You are both such an inspiration on how to live life to the full and to love and to enjoy every precious moment.
    Thank you for sharing this heart warming post. Your love for each other really does shine through.

  54. Betsy, I loved reading this incredible story of your lives! God is GOOD. I'm now OFF the chemo and go back for CT Scan in one month.

  55. Oh, Betsy, And George--Happy Anniversary! I love the telling of this every time.

  56. A very Happy Anniversary to you and George. I love the story and the way you told it. The best part is that there are still chapters left to write and I'm sure you both will fill them with many happy memories and adventures

  57. What a lovely post!
    Happy Anniversary Betsy and George!
    Have a wonderful celebration!

  58. Happy anniversary to you -
    Happy anniversary to you -
    Happy anniversary to you and George -
    Happy Anniversary to you!
    And many more.

    I love your story and your pictures. How cute.

    Thank God for 11 years.


  59. You tell a good story that is illustrated by great pictures. I liked learning more background information about you both. It was fun! I have not known you long but am impressed with how you both live each day to the fullest, side-by-side in love! It's a beautiful testimony to God!

  60. Oh Betsy! I loved seeing all of your pictures and your story! You and George were meant to be at this time. God knew what he was doing!

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!


  61. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY betsy and george!!

    you two make the best married couple ever!

    i absolutely loved seeing all of your pictures and your story.
    how adorable!

    big hugs!

  62. Happy Anniversary Betsy and George. This s indeed true love and you both are indeed made for each other and wish you happiness always!!!What a lovely story:)Betsy, you look very beautiful in all the pics.Have a great weekend!


  63. Happy anniversary Betsy and George.
    And may you have many more. God Bless.

  64. Happy Anniversary Betsy, big hugs for George. :)

  65. You guys are one continuing love story - happy anniversary and I hope there are many more. I used to read your blog just for the photos, now I think it's more for the great mood you always seem to be in and the positive impact it has on me.

  66. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to two very fortunate people. Raising a glass to many more.

  67. Oh Betsy, what a wonderful story. Bob and I feel we found each other with God pushing us along too. I had to show Bob your story and tell him that is how we are also. Thanks. MB

  68. Crown Point?~?!?!?! That's like in my back yard, kind of. Close enough anyway! I always thought George just had that kind of a love to know ya face! :-) Congrats! :-)

  69. Happy Anniversary, Betsy and George! I love your parallel life stories and the coming together 11 years ago! Best wishes for many more wonderful years together!

    What a wonderful post !!!
    Hope you 2 have many many more happy anniversaries !!

  71. A gorgeous couple...and a beautiful love story.
    I've said this before and I'll say it again, your love story is inspirational! Love all the photos.
    Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples ever!

  72. That's awesome Betsy and George!! Wishing you many more happy years together and I hope you find 500 more waterfalls to visit!!!

  73. What a wonderfully uplifting story!

    Wishing you both much love and joy in the years to come.

  74. Happy Anniversary Betsy & George!
    You two are the cutest couple I know.

    Isn't is amazing how events, or maybe the alignment of the stars, work to bring two soul mates together?

    Enjoy your weekend. I can't wait to see how you two celebrated.


  75. Happy Anniversary and blessings to the both of you!!

  76. I love the old photos Betsy! What a wonderful story. And I am thinking you and your George have many many more chapters to write. :)

    xo Catherine

  77. This post had me smiling for you. I bet that the celebration will have some sort of water nearby:)

  78. ...congratulations, Betsy! ...and Happy Anniversary! Really fun does seem that God wanted you two together! :-)

  79. That is such a nice story. I love seeing the old photos. You sure were a pretty young lady...I'll bet the boys were really chasing you. :) George was also a handsome boy...I'll bet the girls were after him. :)

  80. I'm sure my comment will get lost among all you have received, but want to wish you and your Indiana boy a very happy anniversary with prayers for many-many more.
    From your new genealogy friend, Bev Banks Hammer

  81. It is wonderful to hear how you found such happiness and love later in life. I'm sure you have enjoyed every moment of the last eleven years and I hope you enjoy many more years together. Happy Anniversary sorry i'm late...been busy.

  82. I'm sure glad I didn't miss this post! I love reading about your love story. I especially loved seeing the pictures of the two of you through the years.

    Isn't God just awesome??? He truly did do some pretty amazing maneuvering to get you two together, and thank goodness He did. We are all blessed by you both as individuals and as a couple. God Bless you Betsy and George. May God grant you many more years together.

  83. Betsy! God Bless you both! This is late (due to my surgery) but I loved having the link available to it as I start catching up with people. Your story is so sweet and wonderful! God is truly Good!!!! You and George are two of my favorite blogger friends, and I love seeing these sweet pictures of you both, and knowing that you were truly meant for each other!

    Thanks for your prayers about my eye...all is going well with the recovery!

  84. What a touching love story. I love it and happy 11th anniversary and god shower both of you with more blessings. Both of you are gifted and I am glad that I can take part in your lives through your post:)

  85. Betsy, you do not put out a bad post, but this one definitely wins the prize. What a wonderful presentation of the lives of two people they were destined to love. May you both have may more happy, healthy years together.


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