Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Late Summer Color in our Yard--2011

Thanks be to God for bringing us some much-needed rain this week.  Tropical Storm Lee came our way!!!!  Yeah Rah!!!!  We have had a very very dry couple of months (with no rain since the end of June),  but believe it or not,  we still have a few things blooming in our yard.

However,  if you could see the yard,  you would think that it's the middle of October --with one exception:  the extreme heat we had recently.  Because of the drought,  the leaves on the big shade trees have turned brown and are falling.. Our ground is covered with them!!!!  Crazy ---since it is only September. BUT---lucky for us---that extreme heat has now gone (as of this week) --and I hope it stays away until next Summer.  I am ready for some Fall temperatures....

Today I'll share some of the blooms in our yard now  (with the exception of our gorgeous Roses which I talked about last week).  We have REBLOOMING IRISES ---and have enjoyed them so much, especially this time of year. 

This Iris and the one above is named CANTINA.

This little beauty is one of our CLEMATIS blooms.   They are mostly gone now--but we enjoyed quite a few of them this summer.

I absolutely love our SEMPERVIVUM (Semps---called Hens and Chicks), and we have them in various places all over the yard.  George got a good macro of this bloom.

Here's an even closer shot of one of the Semp blooms.  Isn't it just gorgeous?

This gorgeous Iris is named CLARENCE.   It's so much fun to see these blooming this time of year.

I love the colors in this Iris... Her name is BLATANT.   Thanks to George for working hard to keep all of these little beauties alive in this summer heat.  We both keep things watered --as much as possible!

Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!  AND---thanks be to God for the rain and milder temperatures...  We have had 5+ inches of rain so far with more to come!!!!  But--some areas around us are having much flooding...We are grateful for the rain --but I hate to hear about the flooding.

The other good news is that it is MUCH cooler here now.  It was so damp and cool last night (in the 50's) that we had a fire in the fireplace... I LOVED it!!!!!



  1. The flowers are lovely and I'm sure they enjoyed some rain. We've had a reprieve from the heat, but only got a small sprinkle. We're still dangerously dry and the fires are becoming a huge threat.

  2. Hello Betsy, how are you? I enjoyed your colors. They are not just beautiful but I got to learn their names too.

  3. I must plant Irises for next year! They are gorgeous! The cantina one is my favorite.
    I've not ever grown semps although I've seen seed packets for them--may try some--they are lovely.

    I'm glad you got some relief from the heat and dryness. Our Labor Day Sunday and Monday part of the holiday weekend was solid wet and yesterday the temps dipped down into the 60s during the day and lower in the evening! That was a bit drastic of a change (from 90), but the rain was welcome and a break from severe heat was nice.

    Our first day of school today is beginning rainy and in the 60s. At least my room won't be like an oven all day.:>)
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  4. Good Morning, Beautiful pictures and I'm grateful that you received much needed rain. I remember how you love a fire in the fireplace. Have a great day.

  5. We have over 3 inches from Lee here. Love the reblooming Iris and always love to see a Clematis! So you are getting all revved up about having those romantic cozy fires I see!

  6. After the hot weather in Italy
    I'm enjoying the cooler temperatures in the UK, although it's quite wet and windy at the moment. We went down south at the weekend and the beech woods were just changing colour and it was lovely to be driving through them
    and visiting my home county.
    Your irises are lovely. We planted a lot in the Italian garden, but we usually miss the blooms of early Summer as we are not usually there then. Thank you for showing your beauties.

  7. The irises are beautiful especially Blatant. You sound like you have been having our weather and we have had yours. We usually have a very dry winter but this year it was very wet. I'm glad your drought has broken and it is cooling down. Change of seasons is unpredictable weather. We had a few beautiful warm spring days and then wham we got a cold one again. However it is back to warm today but not hot...just right.

  8. I am amazed that you still have so much colour on the yard.It must be the love you add to the water each day.LOLGlad to hear that it has cooled down.

  9. A fabulous selection of colourful blooms. I'm glad to hear you have some relief from the intense heat at long last.

  10. I just love looking at your flowers! As for weather here we are getting rain but because of Lee pushing a front that was bringing us cooler weather back to the west we are still hot and humid. Dang it.

  11. ...you still have lots of color in your yard! Glad you got some rain. We had a cool front move in....61 degrees yesterday (compared to 100 degrees on Friday!)--what a difference.
    hugs, Kelly

  12. It's hard to pick a favorite out of those but the first one or last one would probably get my vote.

    I see that you make George go out and take the pictures and then you use them in your blog. :)

  13. I had a bit of rain, but not enough. Lovely blooms, I need to add some rebloomers.

  14. I love those "prissy" irises all dressed up in ruffles. We've had a downturn in temperatures around here. I just checked and it is exactly 50 degrees this morning. A log on the fire would feel good right now. I'm glad the rain is a boon to you rather than a danger. Enjoy!


  15. How unusual to have irises blooming or reblooming at this time of year. Are they a special variety.

    That last yellow and brown one reminds me of my parent's farm. We had a lot of them colored like that there.

  16. I don't think we have Irises growing in our tropical climate here. Your blooms looked nice with its unique colors. They look like orchids to me in some ways.
    You could publish a book with all your beautiful flowers. I am sure they would be hot selling and your proceeds could go to local charities! Have a nice day Betsy and George!

  17. congrats to you on much-welcomed rain and cooler temps! we've finally got some cooler weather but are still waiting for rain.

  18. So happy for you and that there are cooler temps and the rain you needed! What a gorgeous parade of beauties! I'm sure its the TLC they receive on a daily basis! Have a great week - it's off to work I go!

  19. Your flowers are beautiful. Glad you got some rain and the cooler temperatures. I still am praying that the drought stricken parts of our Country get some much needed rain soon. My daughter-in-law, whose lives just outside of Athens, GA, hasn't seen any rain in months. Their pastures are all dried up with no grass left alive to feed the animals. Everyone please pray for rain for all those that need it.

  20. I'm glad you got some much needed rain Betsy! Hope the weather this week is perfect for you!
    xo Catherine

  21. I am so glad to have rain!!! but I know some pray that the rain would go away in the New England....Beautiful color in your yard!

  22. When I saw the irises, I thought you must be posting some pictures taken earlier in the year. I didn't realize that irises would continue to bloom this late. I especially loved that last image. So beautiful.

  23. Betsy, your Irises are as beautiful as they get. I love seeing all of them. Now - that fire in the fireplace sounds so cozy. It's still misting here this morning but the heavy rain has stopped. Waters that overflowed the banks of Mouse Creek have also receded. A great day to be alive!

  24. i actually said OH WOW out loud when i saw the first shot, simply gorgeous. they are all wonderful but the first and last really jump out of the blog. the colors are amazing in both of them.

  25. They all quite lovely! I love the iris the best. We're actually having 71 degree temps right now! It was a nice 66 when I got up this morning. Don't know how long it will last so I'm enjoying every minute of it.

  26. I doubt if my iris will EVER bloom in the fall. Yours are beautiful! Diane

  27. hmmm. I wonder if irises would bloom in Hawaii. Hubby planted some Vincas in a patch surrounding the mailbox. They are thriving, but are being threatened by weeds and grass. Must get to them on Sunday. Hope it's dry so we can work outside. Cheers!

  28. Cantina for me, that is WAY my favorite today!!! It is raining here all week, flood watch in effect.

  29. Beautiful iris's Betsy. George is good with the macro - beautiful. I don't think I can even see that close even with my glasses on. Glad you got some of the rain. I was happy to have it and enjoyed the indoors this weekend. Love rainy days.

  30. Just gorgeous! Love the Biltmore orchid too!
    Yes, Thank you God for the much needed rain! But, sadly it is getting humid here. Oy!
    Have a wonderful day!
    xo, misha

  31. I have always thought of Irises as Spring Flowers but you have some nice looking Summer ones. It is 55 degrees on the hill today and the wind is howling. Turned over my fruit trees in the pots on the porch. (I have a lemon and orange tree I grew from twigs. Also the far tomato plant has bit the dust. I had to put a jacket on the take Maggie out but I am loving this weather. If it had been a gradual change it would not feel so cold. But a forty degree drop is a radical change for the old body temp gauge. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Remember show your America pride and put out a flag on 911 and if you already have one put up a second one for good measure. Peace

  32. I've never had my Iris to rebloom, and didn't know they did that !
    How beautiful yours are, I love the crinkly edges...
    Isn't the cooler temps wonderful, we have had rain for two days non-stop, the grass has come to life again, or so it seems :)
    The trees are changing color already, and lots on the ground, I wonder what will happen to the Fall showing in the mountains with early leaf turning ?
    I thought of you and George last night when it showed the temps and rain on the plateau....

  33. All these are just beautiful. I'm glad you got a little relief from the heat and got some rain also.

  34. I am so glad Lee went somewhere he was needed. Too often they just drown those all ready treading water.
    We are in a delightful cool down also for about a week. Lets enjoy while we can.
    Wonderful shots of some beautiful Iris.

  35. I am envious of your beautiful blooms and cooler....but not of your recent drought!
    The purple iris are just perfection!

  36. Oh I could not agree with you more - thanks be to God - yet those poor people in Texas still need rain.

    I think I liked Clarence the best.

    Love ya girl. sandie

  37. How Blessed you are to have such beautiful flowers blooming..Here in Texas, we are just hoping to keep the (already turned brown) grass alive. There are very few flowers blooming in most of the yards.

    Love the pictures...Enjoy!

  38. Hi Betsy, I'm so glad you got some rain and cooler temperatures. Your reblooming irises and other flowers are delightful! :D

  39. We have gotten some much needed rain too and your flowers are lovely!!

  40. It is strange but wonderful to see Irises blooming in the fall...they are among the prettiest of flowers.

    We have to cooler temps, but no rain to speak of. Oh, we had a little shower a few nights ago, but not much to it.

  41. It sure was nice to get rain although I'm not sure we needed the 10 1/2" I caught in our rain gauge.

  42. Such gorgeous beauty . . . ALL of them! We're having cooler temps, too, but no fire in the fireplace yet! I'm looking forward to that!

    Enjoy your week!!

  43. What beauty. Mine is really showing the late summer colors, but not as pretty as yours. I'm so happy we got the rain, really needed it. I feel so sorry for the ones in Texas though..Susie

  44. The Iris are beautiful.You won't fine them out here in the summer weather. And it's fun to see the Semps. Even though Mama raised those, I don't remember ever seeing them bloom, so there you go. I learned something today from you, as usual. Enjoy the good weather.

  45. All your flowers are gorgeous. I love those irises. Ours only bloom in the spring around here.

  46. It's a lot cooler and damper here too! I wish it would warm up a bit, and it probably will.
    Glad you guys got rain.
    Love your iris, especially Clarence, with those water droplets running down his petals!

    Sending hugs,

  47. Gorgeous flowers! I love George's macro shots. It has been raining all day and is supposed to rain for two more days! I am so glad I don't live near a river or lake thta could overflow with all this water. The cooler temperatures feel good!

  48. Beautiful flowers in your garden Betsy. They must love all this rain. We're having our fair share here in Virginia also. I know our gardens are loving it.

  49. Your rains moved our way and we've been drenched for two days.
    I love the reblooming iris. Really must see about getting some of those. They must really be a joy this time of year. The color of the Cantina is lovely!
    A fire in your fireplace - I'm envious of that!!!!
    Hope you had a wonderful day Betsy!

  50. Those irises are so pretty, I love the colors of Cantina and Blantant. Great macros of the Semp blooms, George got some wonderful shots.

    I'm glad to hear you are getting some rain over your way. Now if Mother Nature would send a little bit of it to Texas and SE Washington that would be fantastic.

  51. A fire ???!!! and I thought it was great that I had to put a long sleeved shirt on this evening before going outside !!!!
    We only got a couple inches of rain,but it was great to get the rain and the cooler temps,just hope they last.

  52. They are all so pretty, Betsy, but I love the one called Clarence. It looks so delicate. I'm so glad to hear you finally got some relief from the heat!

  53. Your Iris are gorgeous. We are FINALLY enjoying some summer. Hight 70s--pretty warm for here.

    We are heading for Mt. Baker again in the morning. Maybe we will find a waterfall!!! MB


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