Friday, August 12, 2011

Cedar Breaks National Monument, Utah

Cute Little Visitor Center--surrounded by Snow
Cedar Breaks National Monument (north of Zion) is not far from Cedar City, Utah.  This park had only been opened for a few days before we visited there on June 20,  due to the heavy snow this past winter.  We took Scenic Road 14 in order to get there.  It was a beautiful day --and we (me especially since I LOVE snow) were thrilled to get there to find LOTS of snow still on the ground.

The Amphitheater
The ranger told us that there was so much snow up there this past winter that they quit counting it after about 400 inches.... Mercy Me!!!!!!  We went UP UP UP to over 10,000 feet above sea level in order to get there.  Just GORGEOUS---and quite cool up there for June!  (Wish I were there NOW! ha)

At Point Supreme,  10,350'
Cedar Breaks is a natural amphitheater canyon,  stretching across 3 miles, with a depth of over 2,000 feet.  The eroded rock of the canyon is similar to formations at Bryce Canyon, but has its own distinct look.  Because of its elevation,  vehicles cannot get there between October through May, due to the snow accumulations.

We were lucky to be there on a cool, crisp day!
The national monument area is the headwaters of Mammoth Creek,  a tributary of the Sevier River.  The amphitheater,   located near the west end of the Colorado Plateau,  covers the west side of the Markagunt Plateau,  the same plateau that forms parts of Zion National Park.

I love this picture showing the snow, that blue sky and the beautiful trees.
Uplift and erosion formed the canyon over millions of years,  raising and then wearing away the shale, limestone, and sandstone that was deposited at the bottom of an ancient 70 by 250 mile lake,  known as Lake Claron about 60 million years ago.   It continues to erode at a pace of about 2 inches every 5 years.  On top of the plateau,  volcanic rock covers much of the area, formed during cataclysmic eruptions around 28 million years ago.

Notice all of the snow along the cliffs
The rocks of the eroded canyon contain iron and manganese in various combinations,  providing brilliant colors that led Indians to call it the "Circle of Painted Cliffs".  Iron oxides provide the reds, oranges and yellows,  while manganese oxides provide shades of purple.

Chessman Ridge Overlook, 10, 460'
The area is another form of badlands--canyons, spires, walls and cliffs so steep that the land,   while of great aesthetic value, is of little utilitarian worth.  Early settlers called them badlands  (breaks) and created its current name by combining breaks with cedar for the many juniper trees (often incorrectly called cedars) that grow in the area.

Taken at Sunset View;  Wouldn't it be marvelous to be there to see the sunset?  Wow!!!
Cedar Breaks National Monument was established in 1933.  If you ever get to the Bryce and Zion area,  take time to visit Cedar Breaks.  You will truly enjoy it!!!!

Hugs and if you haven't done so,  if you are on Facebook,  I would love to be your 'friend'....  Go to my sidebar and click on my site!!!!! Thanks!


  1. It is just as gorgeous as I remember it being when I was there. I would love to be there when there was snow on the ground (not the 400 inches however. :) ).

  2. The Amphitheater: It looks like you used a chisel and scraped the soil away.

    I see you on face book, I rather prefer blogging.

  3. Now that was a perfect way to start the day! Thank you for the snow pics. Will carry those in my mind all day and dream of my own snow one day. :) Have a blessed weekend my friend.

  4. painted cliffs, indeed! and the snow against the blue sky... ahhh....

  5. I think it's o.k. to stop measuring snow after 400"!! Somehow I don't think those beautiful vistas will ever be marred by skyscrapers!! Beautiful photos.


  6. Beautiful scenes here Betsy, BIG open spaces, its amazing what Nature did to our planet to get such beauty, but sadness of the loss of life in the time before.

  7. WOW! This place is stunning.The one picture with the trees,sky and snow looks wintery.God has created such a beautiful world for us to enjoy.Thanks for sharing your vacation with me in this way.

  8. We are thinking about a western trip next summer. This would be a must see place.. Thanks Betsy

  9. That's a lot of snow for the end of June! Guess that was weird to be short sleeves and shorts and be in snow!

  10. What breathtaking scenery and so high. Your photos are fabulous. WE were close to there but sadly we didn't see it. All of that area is so scenic especially with a peppering of your beloved snow.

  11. I could live in that cabin but would have to think about 400 inches of snow even as much as I love it.
    Just a beautiful place, you timed it right.

  12. so much beauty, it boggles the mind. i love that visitor center. that is a ton of snow. wow. what a trip you had

  13. Such a gorgeous almost looks fake!!!
    Amazing how much snow they have....I doubt it will all melt before winter begins again.
    Have a great weekend!

  14. So sad that we haven't made it there yet! First time in the area was middle of winter so it was closed. And the second time was missed due to having to spend a day with the truck in the repair shop. One day. One day.

  15. Love that contradiction - summer and snow! Great photos again of all that your eyes feasted upon! Thanks for sharing it with us! Have a great week-end!

  16. Beautiful pictures, Betsy! 400 inches of snow and counting .. hard to imagine! Have a great weekend!

  17. This is another one of those beautiful places I have not seen. Thanks for sharing the great pictures and stories of your travels.

  18. Did you stand there and yell "Hello!Hello!" and wait for your echo?

  19. With the exceptional snowfall we had in this part of the country (remember all the flooding?) I'm sure that was probably completely covered. Beautiful country. Diane

  20. Your photos are just stunning, Betsy! Such a beautiful area. Thanks for my Utah fix until I can get there next spring. Although it sounds like some areas will be closed due to snow when we go. I'm sure there will be plenty to see anyway!

  21. Fabulous photos - all of them.
    I can't even imagine getting 400 inches of snow.
    Certainly not the place for me to be!! : )

  22. So lovely, Betsy. Looks like an amazing place to visit.

  23. These are just stunning images. I'm so enjoying "our" trip out west. :)

  24. Wonderful photos!! My favorites are the amphitheater, the one after it, and the next to last. What make something qualify as being called an amphitheater?

  25. so much beauty, so glad you had such a marvelous trip!

  26. This is one place we haven't been, it is now on the agenda. You both truly capture the beauty of God's earth. And I always aprpeciate seeing your shares.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  27. Wow what a beautiful place. There is so much beauty to be found in the world. You had an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing..Susie

  28. Utah is so full of natural beauty! I wou;d love to explore the entire state from head to toe one day. The colors of this canyon are magnificent. Thanks for including all the fabulous information about it -- very interesting!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  29. What I find amazing is this - it looks so hot - yet there is still snow on the ground.

    Beautiful place and pictures.

  30. so gorgeous....I would love to go there. But I need to rest up first/ha I'm still tired from last trip. I have discovered my body doesn't rebound as fast as it use to.......

  31. These are beautiful, Betsy! Looks like a place I would enjoy!

  32. Gorgeous pics! I remember when we visited how much I wished I lived there - it was just so stunningly beautiful.

  33. Hi Betsy, Lovely pictures. I have never been there before and it is not likely that I will visit at that altitude. I get altitude sickness pretty easily at 10,000 ft. and above in elevation. So I will enjoy your fine pictures. Have a great Saturday tomorrow and a pleasant evening tonight!

  34. So many beautiful photos.

    I am still on virtual vacation – a sabbatical of sorts but love to pop in on people. To me it is something like opening the door on the outhouse...

    You are always in for a big surprise!

  35. I knew they had had a lot of snow out that way but did not realize it had been that much. These photos are fantastic Betsy, what a very beautiful part of the United States.

  36. Oh wow, all of the views are gorgeous. I would love to see the sunset from that last one, can you imagine?

    You would think as close as we are to Utah we would have seen that area but we just haven't got there yet. After seeing your photos it definitely rising to the top of the list.

    Happy Weekend!

  37. Oh, I love these shots, Betsy! I fell in love with Utah last year when we took a road trip through the national parks...the scenery is just stunning. And of course, your Grand Canyon header is gorgeous...another one of my favourite places in the world!

  38. I've never been but I'm thinking about making a real effort to go to one National Park each year:)

  39. It's gorgeous. You visit the most beautiful places. It's always nice to travel through your blog :)

  40. haha ok, ok i will friend up! haha

    and i loved the shots! i can't say i love the snow as much as you do! it makes farming a lot harder in the winter!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  41. Betsy
    The badlands are so amazing.
    My favorite photos are the log building and the snow. I guess that is why I live where I do!
    You have a great weekend!

  42. It's so hard to imagine snow, with the heat we've been having.

  43. I love the colors in those rocks Betsy ~ so beautiful!

    Wishing you and George a happy weekend!
    xo Catherine

  44. I'm cooler just seeing your photos, Betsy.

  45. Wow that was a nice side trip with lots of good photo ops,

  46. Beautiful photos, Betsy! I just love the color of these canyons. And the photos with the snow are gorgeous. It does remind me of Bryce. Great photos, have a wonderful weekend!

  47. I love seeing these beautiful canyons! Since I have lived in the south my whole life, these are beautifully different.

  48. Great shots Betsy of a beautiful place.

  49. Your pictures are phenomenal, Betsy!!! What a beautiful spot. You sure have a lovely place to explore. I went to Arizona about 10 years ago with a girlfriend. Those rocks remind me of Arizona.

  50. Beautiful pictures again, this time the colors are much different than I've seen in person. Thanks for 'taking us along' on your adventures, Betsy! Truly enjoy each one!!
    Coreen XOXO

  51. Beautiful pictures again, this time the colors are much different than I've seen in person. Thanks for 'taking us along' on your adventures, Betsy! Truly enjoy each one!!
    Coreen XOXO

  52. This is really a beautiful place...

  53. Oh my goodness! Soooo beautiful! It is so awesome to see the Lord's amazing works of art in every part of the world!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Also went to check if I am following. I thought I had already done so! Now #417, you are now on my sidebar to help me keep up better :o)

  54. The photos are s gorgeous. I am glad I stopped by.

  55. So much beauty, and snow in that heat !
    It's like being on another planet,the colors are spectacular.
    What a wonderful trip you and George were fortunate to enjoy...
    When we lived in Colorado Springs, the Garden of the Gods had rock similiar to this,breathtaking.

  56. What a treat to find snow in the summer. Love seeing those canyons. Looking forward to seeing some in person. Thanks for sharing. I'm not on facebook btw. :-)

  57. So beautiful! I can't believe the snow. WOW!! You guys had such a wonderful trip.

  58. Gorgeous area. I love the snow pictures. I got excited when I saw them...


  59. Wow! Snow still on the ground in June! I just can't imagine! It looks so beautiful there. I would have never thought about it being cooler there in the Summer. That's what I like is cooler weather. Years ago we were in Utah for my husband's work but it was kind of an over night stay and part of the day the next day. After he finished work we drove around and seen a few sites. We also went in the Mormon Temple and did a little family research. That was neat to see and do. Wish digital cameras were out then! lol


    ps Thanks for taking us on vacation with you! Great pictures!

  60. Spectacular! is the word that poped into my mind the minute I saw what you saw, Betsy. It must have been breathtaking wherever you looked.. the contrast in colors is amazing.
    Thanks for sharing the beauty!!


  61. What a stunning view. Magnificent!

  62. Such stunning pictures...if you didnt share them here, I wouldnt know for sure..

  63. The canyons look so different and pretty in its own unique way. I am comparing with the ones in Grand Canyon, Arizona. I often asked God whether I will ever get to see all the lovely places that Betsy and George went.

    I heard a thunder!


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