Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Seligman, Arizona--on Route 66

We followed Route 66 several times while on or near I-40 on this past trip out west.  Today I will feature the neatest little town on Route 66.  SELIGMAN,  Arizona retains all the flavor of the old road. A trip down Route 66 in Seligman was a trip back in time for us --to the days when Route 66 was the Main Street of America.

Prescott Junction officially became Seligman and was an important railroad stop along the line.  Seligman embraced Route 66 wholeheartedly upon its arrival in the late 1920's.  The railroad and tourist traffic from Route 66 became Seligman's main source of economic security.  In the late 1970's,  Seligman was bypassed by the interstate and the Sante Fe Railroad ceased its operations in the town in 1985.  Many old towns with similar histories would have faded once they were bypassed,  but not Seligman.

Driving through Seligman showed us so much evidence of the glory days of old Route 66.   I will share with you today--some of the pictures I took as we drove through Seligman...  NEAT little town!!!!!  Above is a picture of the Seligman Sundries.  Note the airplane!

This is the Rusty Bolt... There were mannequins of many of the old 50's characters including Elvis.  However in this picture,  there are 2 'real' people standing there... Can you find them???? One is a lady standing there on the left,  and the other is a man with a long beard... YES---he was REAL!!!! You thought he was a mannequin,  didn't you????? ha

This is an old gas station --turned into a gift shop now.  If you are old like me,  you will remember when they were called "Filling Stations".... Look at that old car out front!!!!

This is the Roadkill Cafe.... They are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Their speciality is Buffalo Burgers!!!!!

Here is a row of typical old 50's stores ---found on Main Street. Remember what a "livery"was?????

Finally,  on the outskirts of town,  we passed Mike's Outpost Saloon.... On a hot summer day,  it looked like a great place to stop for a cold one!!!!!  The sign says that we can 'get our kicks at the Outpost"....

Everyone probably remembers the popular song about "Getting our Kicks on Route 66".... WELL---we certainly enjoyed our little back-road trip off of I-40 to visit Seligman, Arizona.  Hope you enjoyed seeing it also.



  1. Wow! Your postcard photos are lovely and deja vue. I remember passing that town around Prescott as we got lost on the way to the canyons at night! Sure I didn't see such spectacular shops and filling stations like you did. I chose to study in US after watching the movie "Grease" and fell in love with the 50s dressing of tight jeans men in greased hair-do and ladies in polka dotted skirts chewing gums! Oh My Gawd, your photos make good props!

  2. I'm going to follow every mile you did. I always knew about Seligman, but I have never been there. It was never "on my way" anywhere I was going. Another little town up in those parts I want to see is Oatman. I put a video of it on my sidebar the other day. Just for the donkeys.

  3. Very interesting. I've always wanted to drive Route 66 or at least some of it.

  4. Hi Betsy, These are fun photos and the weather and views in the background are just great!

  5. Seligman, Arizona was well worth seeing.. Route 66 has a long and wonderful history. Traveling the back roads is a great way to learn about the locales and their history.
    Thanks for sharing, Betsy


  6. did you go up to Elvis and get his autographs? LOL

    I guess the dry weather in Arizona makes everything new and not rusty.

  7. Wonderful photos, Betsy! I am so looking forward to experiencing your western journey through your posts. It's a dream of ours to do that someday---until then, thank you for my vicarious trip. :-)

    Seligman is a fascinating place---it's great that they kept the spirit of Route 66 alive. What I really want to know is if you and George ate at the Roadkill Cafe?

  8. Looks like you and your sweetie saw and did some fun things! Good stuff!
    xo Catherine

  9. I'd love to see and drive Route 66 but then I'd like to do all the things you do!
    My dad always called gas stations 'filling stations' when I was growing up.

  10. Love your pictures. I remember Seligman from when I lived in AZ - great town. I also remember "filling stations". Speaking of the Roadkill Cafe, my husband used to bring home burritos that he had purchased from the Navajo women where he worked and we would always joke about the "mystery meat" or "roadkill meat" the girls would fill the burritos with. When you drive the backroads of AZ there is always roadkill everywhere. Why let it go to waste they used to say! lol

  11. Your trip has captured me. Fun place for my future, perhaps. I did find the two people, but it was difficult.

  12. well, i just got my "kicks" just visiting through your photos. i do remember route 66 and this brings back memories. i saw the woman, but missed the bearded man, did not even see him until i read the post. hope a strong wind does not come along with all those mannequins on the roof top. i like the sundries store and would love to wander through it.

  13. I've never been out West before. Thanks for the mini trip!

  14. Too much fun! Life like it was (and I remember!!!)!!!!!!

  15. This was a fun post, Betsy. It's always fun to do a little wandering off the beaten path when taking a trip like that. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your other highlights from your trip West.

  16. I just loved this - brought back so many old and wonderful memories. I just loved it and would love to go see it sometime myself.

    We just went and saw Cars 2.

    Great pictures too.

  17. Looks very country like.. reminds me of those cowboy movies! lol...

  18. Haven't been to Seligman, looks most interesting. I remember the Route 66 very well and wasn't there a TV show by that name? We still sometimes refer to the gas station as filling station...ha!...guess I'm showing my age with that. Great photos, Betsy!

  19. I remember well traveling Route 66 back in 1956 as we headed for California. Your pictures bring back fond memories.

    When we visit our daughter in St. Louis we often go to a Drive-In place that was on the original Route 66 called Ted Drews. They still serve the best frozen custard around. Yum!

  20. Wow,that was like stepping back in time.The Roadkill Cafe sounds like a unique place to eat.I just hope they used real meat and not true roadkill. :)

  21. Funny -- "Roadkill" and "Cafe" don't exactly sound appetizing, do they? :)

    Always wanted to drive Route 66!

  22. One of the nice things about road trips is all the these little places along the way.
    Wonderful photos.

  23. I for sure remember the Route 66 song!!! I love the sundries store!! So much to look at!! But I just love those blues and yellows too, and the plane is WILD!!! The Roadkill Cafe, do not know if i would actually eat there!! Do they have roadkill kind of animals to eat, or is it all a joke?

  24. Betsy: Have you read "Blue Highways" by William Least Heat-Moon? The author took a trip using only the back roads or "blue highways" and wrote about the places he visited and the people he met. I read it many years ago and have always wanted to take such a trip. I'm enjoying yours!


  25. Never had a chance to travel that route but love the stops you took along the way have me wishing. They seem so novel.

  26. Thanks for sharing your trip. I have never been out west either but that town is surely a blast from the past . Love it...Susie

  27. Your great photography and commentary would make a nice piece in a travel magazine!!

  28. Such an interesting glimpse into the culture of America. I love reminiscing about the old days!

  29. This so reminds me of Cars 2! We took the girls to see it a week ago. HOW fun! Did you stand on a corner in Windslow, Arizona? I did, and since that is a line from one of my favorite Eagles songs, Take It Easy, it's locked in my memories forever! Great stop! Hope you got your fix on Route 66! ;-)

  30. LOVE the pics. The funny thing about the old car - - - we had one similar to it in the late fifties. It might have been just a bit more updated though.

  31. Wonderful pics. The scenes look like the good old Wild West.
    xoxo Birgit

  32. OMG! What a FUN place! Love the Roadkill Cafe. LOL

    Hugs and Blessings,

  33. wow! looks like a wonderful trip!
    so much fun!
    those photos are so delightful!
    you brightened up my day, dear Betsy.
    thanks so much for sharing!

    hope you have a great rest of your day!

    betty x

  34. Thanks for sharing your experience of visiting Seligman. So interesting. I watched Cars 2 with our grandson recently and must show him your colourful photos. Did you stop and talk to the locals?

  35. What fun in a retro town. I would love to cruise on Rt 66. Glad you're back home safe now. Looking forward to visiting the trip with you.

  36. I Loved looking at your professional looking pictures of Prescott/Seligman. Those were the, I mean THE, days! That may have been my neighbors old '54 Chevy parked at the Filling Station. Thanks for the memories!

  37. Livery was where I bedded my horse when I passed through. Well maybe not.
    I was a huge fan of that TV series.
    So glad the town survived an capitalized on their uniqueness.

  38. Great Betsy, just like the old wild west, Shoot out at Noon.

  39. Neat pictures, Betsy! That was like a little trip back in time. :)

  40. Hi Betsy, Brings back fond memories. Though the last time I was in Seligman was just over two years ago. The last time I stayed overnight was about 21 years back. Fun little burg. Great pictures! Have a super nice day. We got a touch of rain this afternoon here on the lake, by the way and had power out for an hour very early this AM.

  41. I DO remember that song!!! This looks like such a fun and quirky spot to visit....love all the silliness!!!
    So glad you were able to visit and then share with US!

  42. That looks like a really fun little town. I love places like that.
    Hope you and your husband had a good 4th.
    Taking the day off from the computer yesterday sure put me behind today

  43. How fun is that??? I love driving along Route 66. It can be hot in Arizona, but you can see some real characters and some wild places.

  44. This town looks like fun Betsy. Route 66 would be great to drive because of places like this. Diane

  45. This would definitely be the kind of town I would love to visit. How interesting. I felt like I had been along after seeing your great pictures.

  46. The bearded guy really did look like one of the mannequins. I had to look to see him...after you mentioned that two were real.

  47. What a wonderful trip, it is one cool place for sure, would love to look in each building there, hugs

  48. What a wonderful place to see!

  49. Guess where my hubby now wants to go? You've got it right.....Seligman...I see a trip in the future for both Sam and I to travel to this place...
    He loved the pictures...Thanks for sharing

  50. My husband and I would like to do a cross country trip along the old Route 66 from its staert in Chicago. (As much as possible as i know it doesn't go straight through all the way anymore) Fabulous photos, betsy! Roadkill cafe ..lol...hope those buffalo burgers were for real! We've eaten buffalo in Wyoming and found it to be delicious.

  51. Wow, the colors are a photographer's dream location!!! Loved all of them.
    The guy with the beard looks like a guy from here in UC...he rides a motorcycle...just imagine that...it is hilarious!!! The beard flows in the air behind him.
    Hope you are resting up!!!

  52. What a cool place to visit! So happy to hear / read about small tonws that survive after time and so many changes with our rails and road.

    I'm moved, unpacked and catching up slowing with my blogging friends. So I'm off to see more of your vacation pictures. So love it that you and George share your adventures with us all! :-) Thank you!!
    Coreen XOXO

  53. Love this old town, I want to travel route 66 sometime.
    Update on son's leg- he is doing so well we are almost reluctant to say anything. He goes back to the doc tomorrow and is going to ask if he can start putting weight on it. Thanks for your prayers.
    Blessings to you

  54. I've actually been to Seligman and went into a few of those places

  55. You really saw some wild things. I cant. Road Kill had me just laughing. Too cute.
    Glad you had so much fun Betsy.

  56. Betsy: Looks like you got your kicks on RT 66. I do love your header.

  57. Too much fun!! I've eaten @ a roadkill Cafe before. Pretty yummy place! It was in Branson I think.

  58. What a fabulous place! I think we just blew thru Seligman so now I HAVE to return:) We ate at a Roadkill Cafe, somewhere near the Everglades on a tiny dead end road. Probably couldn't find it again if I had to!

  59. What fabulous pictures, it looks like a fun town, one I should like to visit, but after all the dust storms have settled down.
    I'm smiling at the name of that cafe :)

  60. Great pictures AND commentary! Did you stop in this town and walk around, or take pictures as you drove through?

  61. Loved this Betsy! Roadkill Cafe!!! Great sense of humor those folks have!

  62. Great photos from this interesting little town. They've made the most of their historic glory days on Rt. 66!

  63. Scenic in a very different but fun sort of way :-)


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