Friday, June 10, 2011


Where in the world is BETSY????? We are searching high and low for her.  Do you have any idea where she is???

Is she out dancing????

OR  sunbathing????

OR eating?????

OR  sleeping???

How 'bout water skiing???????  (yipes)

OR----maybe she has joined the OPERA.... Ya think???

Finally,  some real help in finding her!!!  We had a visit from the one, the only Inspector Blog-a-rusky!!!!!   He spent days ---I mean minutes  (or could it have been seconds???) searching for Betsy.   He finally found the following picture hidden right in plain view:

Message to all friends:  BEHAVE and don't do anything I wouldn't do for these next 3 weeks.. I'll miss all of you!!!  Please don't forget me!!!


ALL pictures and illustrations (including the last one) came from the internet!


  1. Hee hee hee! What a cheeky post! Have loads of fun Betsy and I will behave till you return! Happy weekend!

  2. funny post, i really enjoyed it!

    have a great time Betsy! Enjoy.

    we'll be here when you get back.


    missed you already!

  3. Betsy, Have a wonderful and safe vacation. Cute post and I love the new header.

  4. Every blessing for your trip. We shall be away on and off now for the Summer (in England and Italy) without internet, so will catch up with you in a month or two. Lots of love.

  5. You will be missed.Have a great time.

  6. Nope, can't forget you two! It's wonderful that you two will be so busy together. Have fun.

  7. We all need a break sometimes. How on earth could we ever forget you, Betsy???? ♥ ♥ ♥

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "Don't do anything you wouldn't do?" .... Well that doesn't restrict me much, if any, at all. :)

  10. Really cute post! Have a great time. We'll be here when you get back.

  11. You will be missed dearly, have a great time.

  12. You guys go and have fun and let the cares of the world roll off your backs.

    The pics of roses are spectaculasr.

    God Bless, MB

  13. It's good to take a blog break! Fun post! Enjoy your garden and what summer has to offer!

  14. Hi Betsy...

    A cute and funny post to start my Friday...I love it!

    Hope you both enjoy a wonderful and safe vacation...Can't wait to take the tour with you when you return..
    I know you will take some terrific photos to show us...

    Be safe and ENJOY....
    Prayers going with you my friend!

  15. Enjoy the trip and keep safe, Betsy (and George)! *hugs*

  16. Gee, 3 weeks blog break, wow, what is a fella to do? No Betsy blog to look and read,read,read,lol.
    Really gonna miss you friend.
    Betcha get some good falls pics.

  17. Have a wonderful vacaton. We'll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back...God bless!

  18. Hope you two have loads of fun. Take lots of pics to share.

  19. I will look forward to the photos from your blogging break! I KNOW they'll be spectacular.

    Have fun!

  20. Where ever you are - hope you are having F U N !

  21. Hi Betsy, I loved this cute post! I bet I know where you are least I think I do. Hope you have lots of fun and take lots of photos to share with us. We're headed out that way ourselves in September, can't wait. Have a safe and wonderful trip!

  22. Your pictures are a scream! I especially like the elephant on water skis!!!! I hope you have a good break and come back full of new blog ideas. I will miss you!!!!!

  23. No way would we ever forget you & George!!! =)

    Be careful & GOD BLESS!!! =)

  24. HA! Cute post, Betsy! Have a great break! We'll look for you when you get back. :)

  25. Enjoy your break, they are necessary in all our lives. Enjoy your time off--we will be waiting.

  26. Yeppers, we all need a break sometime. I think I will take one now. Have fun 'breaking.'

  27. How could you be forgotten?? ever???

  28. Have a fun blog break and we will be waiting for your return!

  29. I know her and George are having a good time wherever she is!! :)
    xo Catherine

  30. Enjoy your break. It helps to get the cob webs out of your mind and help you continue your wonderful posts and photos. Cute way to say you are taking a break. Peace

  31. Hope you have fun, how could we forget you?

  32. Have fun .. and love it all.
    Hugs and Many.
    Your blog made me smile. What a fab. idea.

  33. Oh how cute, I love the search for Betsy!
    Have a great blogging break!

  34. Take care, Betsy, and have a wonderful vacation and be safe. Thank you so much for being a friend. I will miss you for three weeks, and then hope to see you here again all rested and refreshed.
    love, Rosalie

  35. We just re-read returns, have fun !!!!!!!!!!

  36. Very cute Betsy! Have a great blog break.
    Love the picture of the elephant on water skis--I wonder how that worked out!

  37. What a great and funny post Betsy! You will be soo missed ...Enjoy your blog Break!

    Love and Hugs!

  38. lol, and you 2, don't do anything we won't do, you have the moose and the bears wondering why that caravan is rocking and there is no earthquake.

    hehehehhehe, a have great time.

  39. 30 years ago, we did try to sleep in our little toyota corolla when we went on my husband's research trip to save some money., it was so small that we could not sleep, needless to say .... according to ABBA. Now, we have a big 7 seater, and the husband says we can save some money and sleep in the car. But it is no longer safe to "freedom camping."

  40. oh that was so cute. Enjoy your blog break and no way could I forget you.

  41. I think I need to do like you and just determine to take a real break from blogging...but I go along a few days and then do a post...but still not getting everyone visited. Enjoy your break.

  42. Hope you're having fun, wherever you're hiding. Have a great break!
    (Love the elephant on skis. That's hilarious.)

  43. I"m taking a break myself.
    Enjoy yours.

  44. Be back Betsy ! The suspense created in the post was terrific!
    The Blogging Test
    What kind of blogger are you?

  45. Gee thanks, Blogger has got me by the throat and I can't let go. Now you all tell me you are taking a break. What happens to me now. I'm laft to fight this battle by myself.

  46. Betsy,
    I love this cute posting. The picture are funny. I sure hope you two have a wonderful time and enjoy your vacation. We'll miss you, but look forward to hearing from you when you get back. Until then, stay safe, have a fun-filled time.

  47. Have a wonderful and refreshing break, Betsy...I'll miss you and look forward to your return!

  48. Have a great "blog break" I'm sure you are under a waterfall somewhere LOL

  49. That was a good post for announcing a sabbatical. Have fun, and I can't wait for July 1st!

  50. Girl we will never forget you....enjoy your sure deserve one.
    I think I take one every week. One post then 6 day off/ha There seems to be so much to do these days and no time for computer.

  51. I refuse to behave but do wish you a wonderful respite.

  52. What a cute post! Enjoy. See you in July.

  53. Enjoy your break!

  54. Hi Betsy,
    Enjoy your break and awaiting more interesting posts from July :)

  55. Hi Betsy, I am slowly (as usual!) getting back around to my favorite blogs and find you are on a break! I hope it is a fun-filled, joyous time for you. I will be back around again to find out what you have been up to!

  56. I was actualluy thinking what happened..! Hope you are enjoying your vacation. Come soon...

  57. Three weeks has to be up by now. :)
    Sure have missed you Betsy. It is time to return now. :/ Your upbeat posts and colorful pictures are always interesting. Can't wait to see your next post. Hope you have a good time out and about.

  58. Well the 1st is fast approaching and I'm happy for you. Enjoy every moment. By the way I also loved your rose 2011 post. You have a greatselection!

  59. Enjoy your vacation. Everyone deserves some time off.


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