Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Some of our 2011 IRISES

Today I am featuring some of the gorgeous IRISES in our yard this spring.  Above is one named CLARENCE.  Below are more.






I wrote this post BEFORE we went on vacation --but held it until this week to publish.  Most of the Irises shown above are now gone --and we have an entire new group.  SO---I'll have at least one more set of Irises to share soon.  They are pretty this year --both in the 'road' flowerbed and also in the big side bed.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Betsy, your irises are all gorgeous. The Blatant and Honey Glazed are two of my favorites. My yard is a little slower here wiht the blooms.

  2. O my goodness, Betsy! I thought when I saw the first pic that this was a Biltmore post, but then realized you have these gorgeous beauties in your own yard! Triple wow!
    Love the colors.

  3. The gorgeous Iris! I like their regal look,holding their heads high.Each picture is just so pretty.

  4. WOW.....those are gorgeous Betsy!

  5. Just gorgeous! My sister loves the iris! (I think I told you that before). HArd to imagine, those are all gone already and a new crop is replacing it. I don't even have buds on mine yet!! But ... my lilacs are getting close! Have a great day Betsy!

  6. Your irises are beautiful!

  7. What a gorgeous show of Irises!! Love each and everyone of them.

  8. Looking very pretty Betsy!

    But it makes me realize how much yard work I have to do!! :(

    xo Catherine

  9. I love Irises just because they remind me so much of my mother and her garden.

  10. I didn't realise there were so many different colours. I love the purple ones. It is a shame that they don't last longer.

  11. I do love Hell's Fire. Fierce name for a beautiful Iris.
    To think they put on their best show while you were getting sand in your shoes. Smart to have taken pictures. Your neighbors must really enjoy being your neighbors.

  12. So pretty! I decided I need to plant some irises. I think we have mowed what we had :/
    My favorite color is peach and I see a neighbor has some ....hehe :)
    Hers is next to dark purple clematis and it is so striking!

  13. Betsy, the irises are absolutely beautiful!!!!

  14. Your irises look gorgeous and I really like them. For some reason, we have difficulty growing them and I always considered them and indistructable weed type plant.

  15. are really very beautiful, my irises have not yet blossomed while the tulips are beautiful with their bright colors !!!!!!!!!

  16. Oh what beauties you and George have in your yard! Lovely. Very lovely.

  17. I love iris and can't grow the bearded ones here. So sad! Yours are gorgeous. Looking forward to more pix.

  18. until i found you and George, i thought all iris were purple, now I know they come in beautiful colors, these are all gorgeous. also learned there are thousands of waterfalls and almost that many different roses. living and learning in blogland

  19. What magical shots of your beautiful irises! Hope you enjoy your holiday.

  20. We only have wild iris so looking at these with all their colours are really lovely!!

  21. Your iris are lovely Betsy! You are so far ahead of us... I've never seen a spring like this one... temps seldom above mid-60's and yet no frost... blossoms hang on for seemingly ever! Big garden tour for Master Gardeners this evening and so much prep to do... best get at it! Take care, Larry

  22. They are all so beautiful....it would be hard to choose a favorite. I have a new iris blooming today...I took pictures but don't know when I will publish it. I sure love them all.

  23. A favorite flower of my father, passed down to me.There is a purple one that is grape scented and a yellow that has a lemon scent that both make me smell them to see if they are the one.

  24. Irises have always been a favorite of mine. Too bad they don't last longer. That Autumn Bugler image is a beauty.

  25. Gorgeous...gorgeous...gorgeous!!! Hope you enjoyed your vacation!!!

  26. Once again I am amazed at how talented some people are. Flowers and photography!

    My favorite is the AUTUMN BUGLER - probably because I love purple.

    Can't wait to see the next eye candy!

  27. Your iris's are so beautiful Betsy. Diane

  28. Betsy, those are beautiful. Iris' are so old fashioned and I love them!

  29. They are so gorgeous Betsy, I had some of the purple ones mixed with Tulips sent from my son for Mother's Day, just so beautiful, thanks for sharing yours, I would love to plant some. Can you save seeds from the cut ones?

  30. Awesome Betsy. My fav is the Blatant. Love the two tone. Those are so pretty. My intentions are to do a bed of iris.

  31. On my quick trip to TN, I just missed our iris bloom:( Thankfully my good friend that checks on the house for me sent me a pic! Apparently my iris like their new home:)

  32. my word, fantastic shots of a lovely flower!

    simply gorgeous!! so lovely vibrant colours!
    that is one of my favourite flowers.

    hope you're having a great day!


    betty xx

  33. Oh, Betsy, your iris photos are splendid. What beautiful flowers. I love iris and their gorgeous colors. You sure have a fantastic flower garden. I enjoyed these photos very much.

  34. I think my favorite is the honey glazed. We have them blooming here now, but they are all either light or dark purple, I never see any other colors in town! I guess those are people's favorites.

  35. Hi Betsy, your yard looks gorgeous with all those irises! Always a treat to see what's blooming in your garden. :)

  36. They are all so beautiful....I'd hate to have to pick a favorite!

  37. How my mom loved the iris'. It's one of the first spring flowers that says it all.

  38. All are really beautiful Betsy!
    My Dad used to plant irises.
    I think my favorite one here is the Blatant. Such lovely contrasting colors, so soft and demure. :)

  39. Betsy, your iris are quite lovely. It is neat to see so many different varieties. Hope your day is going well. :)

  40. Beautiful!!! Blatant is my favorite, but they are all prize winners!!

  41. they're gorgeous. I have some that look like the ones in your first picture and some white ones. Love that hell's fire one. it so pretty. I've never seen one that color before.

  42. They are absolutely beautiful. I've never seen a red iris like the one you have. I don't grow iris; perhaps, I should start. They are so stately and lovely.

  43. Hi Betsy and thanks for sharing your pretty irises. Each color is stunning. Hope you have enjoyed your day.

  44. Stunning Irises, Betsy..one of my favorite flowers and I so enjoyed seeing your collection last year, too!

  45. DITTO everyone's comments! And to think that the Lord just has them bloom for such a short time! They fulfill His purpose, to glorify HIM, and then they're gone for another year! Awesome!


  46. My FIL was always so busy puttering around with his irises. Your post reminds me of his yard; they've moved on to a retirement home, but some young couple will have a beautiful back yard in which to let their little one roams. :)

  47. I love how you keep track of all their names, Betsy! To me they would just be called "Irisis"! They were all beautiful!

  48. SO beautiful. IT is my dream that one day I live in a climate that I can grow these in my own yard!!!!

  49. What beautiful Iris' !!! My favorite is the blatant!! WOW! I haven't ever seen any like that before!

    Thank you Betsy for your prayers today for the Henrie family!

    Love you!

  50. Gorgeous! A beautiful iris will dress up any bouquet..This has always been one of my favorite flowers...
    thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures..

  51. I like "blatant" best. They're all lovely, though.

  52. It looks like summer is in full swing at your place!!! I know your neighbors are very glad you're their neighbor...because they always have something beautiful to look at!! :-)

  53. Oh Betsy how love those lilies are, magnified by your superb shots and the new blue background. I just realized when i opened your link in your comment that you have many blogs more. You are so busy! haha. regards.

  54. Betsy,
    Your irises are gorgeous! I love spring flowers--maybe because we don't really have much of a spring here as far as flowers such as these go. But we do have wonderful migrating birds.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your next iris pictures.

  55. What a nice surprise. Your Iris just popped out at me. I am also amused at some of the names they have...Hell's Fire and Blatant. They are quite a bit bolder than most aren't they? I had a neighbor who had a garden of just white ones. I loved it. They looked like a wedding dress when they bloomed.

  56. AUTUMN BUGLER: That's my favourite. When I was young purple was my favourite colour. Now I know why.

    We watch the Mississippi flooding. Are you away from the river?

  57. All of your irises are beautiful but I love Honey Glazed, what a gorgeous color. Mine started blooming last week but I only have a few varieties.

  58. Gorgeous! While I'm a committed day lily lover, I'm growing more and more fond of Iris. Love the color of Hell Fire (what a name for something so beautiful.)

  59. These are beautiful!! I think Hell's Fire and Blatant are my faves. My Dutch irises are about a week from blooming. The dwarf Siberian irises have come and gone, but may bloom again later.


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