Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Beauty from BILTMORE--5/7/11

As I mentioned in a recent blog (click HERE),  we had a wonderful vacation to Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina.  On the way home from that little trip,  we stopped to see more beauty from the Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville, North Carolina. We saw beautiful roses in bloom while we were there that day,  but we also saw other beauty at Biltmore... Here are some pictures taken while we were at Biltmore that day.  Above were some of the Azaleas still blooming.

On this trip,  we walked to the Spring Garden (which we had not seen before).  On this little walk,  we came to a place where we could look down and see some of the Walled Garden.   I would have loved to have been in this location when the Tulips were all blooming in that garden.   Maybe next year,  we'll do that!!!

This beauty  (Hydrangea I think)  was found inside the Conservatory.  We didn't spend much time inside this time--but I couldn't resist getting a few pictures while there.

One more Hydragea blossom;  I absolutely LOVE this color...Isn't it gorgeous?

I have no idea what these are (someone please give me a name) --but they were so pretty.   I took several pictures of them.  UPDATE:  They are called Alliums.

You have to be there in order to visualize the heights of some of the trees at Biltmore...The little hike (you can see some of the path) at Biltmore, called the Spring Garden Walk is a nice little hike through some of the more woodsy areas of Biltmore.  We recommend it --if you ever get there.

Finally, here's a pretty picture showing the gorgeous blue sky and a beautiful bush filled with white blooms.  There were several of these blooming bushes around --and they looked as if they had snow on them.

I have many more Biltmore pictures to share --but that will be in future posts!!!!  I am so glad that we bought season's passes since every month shows new and different beauty from that gorgeous place.

Biltmore offers much more than just a beautiful home and gardens.  There are so many things to do there (picnicking, walking paths,  biking, horseback riding,  fine and casual dining,  shopping, and a huge winery--Antler Hill Village)--many of which we haven't done yet.  AND--if you can afford it,  stay in the famous and gorgeous Inn on Biltmore Estate.

(You think they should pay me for all of this free advertisement????? ha ha)

Have a wonderful day.


  1. The walled garden is so pretty. I think the tall purple flowers are Allium. I am so happy you are able to visit several times a year and I appreciate you sharing the seasons with us. Have a good day Betsy.

  2. Such a beautiful place. Even if I never get to visit I've at least had the pleasure of of your guided tour.
    I love the hydrangea, I have one in my front yard that my dad had planted for me when I first moved in to my house.

  3. good Morning Betsy, your unknown flowers are allium...aren't they pretty?
    I love your new header...reminds me of where we'll be in 4 days :) Just going for a long weekend trip to rejuvenate and connect.
    Perhaps the Biltmore is in our future now that track out is well, upon us after Wed.
    hugs my friend!

  4. Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers. I want to plant some here, since I left my others in Cinci.
    Beautiful photos, Betsy, --a balm to our souls.
    Loved the roses too. Mine are already being eaten by something--I'm afraid I may lose some.

  5. Hi Betsy, The Biltmore is a beautiful place to visit and I thank you for sharing it with us. The flowers are gorgeous and I love the hydrangea.

  6. Yeah, they should pay you! Those are beautiful pictures from a beautiful place.

  7. Yes,you should get paid for this.the pictures shoo a place of beauty.I do believe that some of the credit goes to the photographer.Thanks for once again,sharing these images.

  8. More beautiful photos! I think I need to put this on my list of places to visit someday.

  9. You should definitely get a free annual pass. Hope they are reading.
    I adore all the flowers but would have had to take that woodland trail. If I am ever in the area, I will take a visit. Thanks.

  10. Beautiful! I love hydrangeas and have three bushes (all white) in my yard. Those tall purple flowers are alliums.


  11. Yes you should get free passes next year for all the plugs that you give them. It sounds a super place for a visit every month. That was a good idea to get the pass. You should take a photo from the same spot each time you go so we can see the change month by month.

  12. Such lovely plants and bushes! Too bad my dogs are awful on my yard, I would so love to plant some of these.

  13. Hi Besty
    I love the photos. I'm going to try and sit down soon and send you an email and catch you up on what is happening in my life. In the mean time come by the blog I will be posting again soon


  14. Every time I see you pictures, I think about when we drove by the Biltmore a few years ago and I let my husband talk me out of going there. Of course, he had no idea what we were missing. I hope we have the opportunity to go back.

  15. WOW, Betsy and George, Have you ever got a gorgeous place to visit whenever you please. The Allium look like the same ones I got from Bill's Uncle Bob...love them. The Biltmore ones look like they are underplanted with Hysop? not sure. The Hydrangea are always so gorgeous. Ours are Annabelle and do not open in our area until early fall. They open white, turning pink and green.
    BlessYourHeart and ThanksForLettingMeTagAlong

  16. Thanks for the tour, the info, and the pictures. It sure has changed from when we went there. Season tickets and hotel on site? I don't remember that.

    I love the Hydrangeas myself. I didn't know that you could walk the gardens either - oh yeah I had my two kids there - they probably didn't want too - years ago.

    It sure is beautiful - think it's one of the few estates left in the USA. They even had a bowling alley if I remember correctly and a couple of kitchens.

    I would have loved to live there for a week or two years ago. Can you imagine?


  17. I love these beautiful Biltmore pics. They do have gorgeous gardens! Sure you should get $$ :)

  18. My mom always had alliums in her garden. Once again thanks for the eye-candy pops of color. It just hasn't been that pretty up this way this spring. I think I need to start planning my landscaping for next year. We have some work to do around the house this summer, so everything is a bit naked and exposed right now! Patience right?

  19. Beautiful! If we ever make it to Biltmore, I'll feel as if I've been there before. :)

  20. I love them all!The walled garden is ral nice, but I like the hiking loop ,it sounds fun.

  21. Hi Betsy... you guys have the best life and I can tell you really appreciate it to the fullest... great photos... Larry

  22. Beautiful flora! love all the pictures.

  23. first I love the TALL trees.. i love trees more than flowers. those round balls are fantastic and i know you put the name there but forgot. the blue hydrangea brings back meomories of my mother, she had half a dozen of then around the back of the house. the gardens are wonderful. you mentioned free advertising. when we go in to Jungle Gardens with our camera, they tell us if we use the photos on the web to put the name of the gardens, that is why i have it on my header.

  24. That is one place that I really, really need to go!

  25. That is a beautiful place and you are right I need to go there. I will. Just put it on my bucket list.

  26. ...you're so lucky you live within an easy drive to the Biltmore! I hope to visit this summer some time. Beautiful flowers!

  27. It is so beautiful there, have you ever been inside? I never have but would love to, their garden is breath taking for sure, thanks for sharing. Lots of Hugs

  28. It's looks so beautiful there, I can't wait to visit. But it will be a year or so at least. We're planning a trip this fall but it'll be out west. I dare not ask for two trips in a year now. But once he's retired...look out! Thanks to my blogger friends, I'm filling a notebook of places I'd like to visit! Have a great day.

  29. Hi Betsy, I had the blue blooming Hydrangea bush in my backyard in So. CA at my former home. I'm glad you had such a nice trip to the beach and to Biltmore. Have a super nice day in spite of this breezy colder Spring weather.

  30. Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes!

  31. Hi Betsy, those photos are terrific!

    looks like you had a great time, and i'm so happy for that.

    it seems such a fascinating place to visit.

    betty xx

  32. Gorgeous pictures Betsy! I had to laugh when I read your sentence about Biltmore paying you for free advertisement. I thought the same, after blogging so many days about Walt Disney World! How far of a drive is it for you to go to Biltmore?

  33. It amazing how many different beautiful flowers there are for us to enjoy.
    Beautiful photos.

  34. All of your photos are just wonderful. I love being able to see the trees and flowers that grow in that part of the country. They are so different from the types that grow here.

    We just have to make a trip down that way.

  35. That seems like a gorgeous place to travel to..Your have given us a glimpse of its beauty.

  36. I love to visit places like this, its so rewarding for the camera.

  37. Beautiful photos. Biltmore is on my bucket list. Peace

  38. I do think they should pay you for the fine advertising...it is a gorgeous place. LOVE the flowers...I saw one of those Aliums for the first time a few years ago...the bloom was huge! I think they are strange but so beautiful.

  39. Oh my heavens! Such beauty! I think I could just stay forever at the Biltmore...I am sure you could too :)
    I planted some Hydrangea's this year. I just learned that you can change the pink to blue(purple) or vice versa. I will have to let you know how it works out :)

    Thank you soo much for sharing your lovely and amazing photos! Just takes my breath away every single time!

  40. I love the hydrangeas Betsy. Gorgeous colors. Lovely pictures of your visit to Biltmore. Diane

  41. Oh my....the Hydrangeas have stolen my heart...GORGEOUS!!!!
    These are some of my favorites...
    I just am not very good at growing them...
    I look forward to your lovely pictures every day..

  42. They are all so pretty, Betsy! It must be a wonderful place to visit. :)

  43. Yes, Betsy, they SHOULD pay you ... but I really don't think that's gonna happen! Do you? I absolutely love that perfectly formed Hydrangea. ☺

  44. So pretty! They should pay you for all the advertising. It's better than any commercial! I am loving the hydrangea--especially the pink one.

  45. Beautiful photos.. Look like a great photo opp place in the spring..

  46. You are a wondeful ambassador for the Biltmore, Betsy, and I agree that they should give you a perk or two :) I love all your photos! It must be beautiful there year round.

  47. The photos are beautiful, Betsy. Love the walled garden and the hydrangeas.

  48. Hey Betsy
    I made a trip to the Biltmore House today,but only the gate house to get some more Wassail mix. Did you ever try some of it?
    Another lady was buying several packs also, she uses it in her sweet potato casseroles. I bet that would be good.
    It has rained year all day and we have a fire in our wood stove tonight.
    Blessings to you

  49. Oh Betsy!!! Breath takingly beautiful! And allium are a springtime favorite of mine and those look so healthy. Did you know that they are of the garlic family??


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